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03x09 - Savage Land, Strange Heart: Part 2

Posted: 08/25/22 09:41
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

Your plan is reaching
fruition, my lord.

Soon the Savage Land
will be cleansed of
all disbelievers,

and the Age of Garokk
will begin anew.

I know you must absorb
mutant life-energy

to retain your
powers as Sauron.

GAROKK: The time has come.


It's mutant energy. No!


Free again!

Look into my eyes,
wind rider.

Deep within
this weather witch
lies untold power.

GAROKK: Release
the weather witch.


Garokk's will be done!



STORM: Rage, winds,
your mistress craves more!

Storm's out of her mind!

It's Sauron's doing.

His hypnotic powers have
taken away her self-control.

Rain, lightning, thunder,
your power is mine!

Come to me.

How do we stop her?

If Jubilee of the jungle
can take down Sauron,

then Storm
should be a snap.

Jubilee, stop!
Where do you think
you're going?

Let the primal forces
of nature

continue to be unleashed!


Foolish child. Be gone!

Hey! Help!

Jubilee of the jungle.

By your command,
I have released
the weather witch.

GAROKK: I feel myself
growing stronger.

It is what I have
awaited for centuries.

Her elemental power surges
throughout the Savage Land,

feeding me.

No! No!


It has begun.


All right, Lykos.
What did you do to make
Storm wig out like this?

I did nothing.

Sauron took away
her control.

His powers of suggestion
are far beyond those
of normal hypnosis.

ROGUE: I can
vouch for that.

BEAST: Has Storm added
earthquakes to her
meteorological repertoire?

This ain't
no earthquake.


This way!


WOLVERINE: Boy, that
rush hour traffic's
m*rder, isn't it?

If your friend continues,
I fear for my people's lives
and ours as well.

We must discover
a way to calm her,

so we might have time
to undo Sauron's
ruinous influence.

You wanna ask her
to roll up her sleeve?

Y'all keep her distracted
while I absorb her powers.

That'll slow her
down long enough.

And have you messing up
the weather from here
to Barbados?

I don't think so.

It appears
we are caught between
Scylla and Charybdis,

the proverbial rock
and a hard place.

I can do it.
Fly me close enough

and I can
absorb her energy.

And become Sauron again?
No way!

Do you think
I want to?

He's a monster.
I hate all that he is.

I believe him.

Had he wished to regain
Sauron's form,

he could have used
any one of us.

Please, I beg you.

Allow me to set right
the evil Sauron has started.

Our fighting Sauron
is preferable to this.

I fear we have
no other choice.

Hail! Ice! Rage on!

We just wanna
get her attention.

With this wind,
it's a wonder we can
get them airborne.

Winds, do not
let them stop me!

Come on. Keep her busy
just a little longer.



They did it!

Lykos, release her before
you transform completely!

LYKOS: Never!
Must have more.

ROGUE: Got you.

Sauron lives once more!

Okay, bubba.

Are you gonna help us
fix up Storm or am I gonna
have to take you out?



I wouldn't touch me
if I were you.


This is not over,

What happened up there?

It was real weird.

I think our absorbing powers
canceled each other out.

KAZAR: Let us bring them
back to the village.


How's she doing?

I've given her
a mild sedative.

It should prevent her
from regaining
full consciousness

and creating another
maelstrom, for a time.

The Professor told me
how hard Storm works

to keep her powers
under control.

And I thought
my powers were a pain.

When you and Sauron
connected, were you able
to read his thoughts?

One word kept popping
in and out of my head,

She has proclaimed herself
the High Priestess of Garokk.

I wonder...



Don't worry, Storm,
we'll take care
of Sauron for you.

Not Sauron.
Something else.

Something very wrong.

I sense nature
out of balance.

An evil within the land
must be purged.

This evil
must be destroyed!

Stay back!

Come on, sugar.
Let's get you
back to bed.

I said stay back!

what are you doing?
Hold on.

Let me go!

Quit struggling.

Quickly. Constrain her.


Crisis contained.

Zaladane, rally my troops.

The invaders must pay
for their insolence.

Are you deaf, woman?
I order you.


You refuse me?

Lord Garokk has decreed
you have outlived
your usefulness.

Lord Garokk is nothing
but a lifeless stone.

Perhaps you need
some persuasion.


What sorcery is this?

GAROKK: This stone
is not as lifeless
as it appears, Sauron.

You do not exist.

GAROKK: Ah, but as you
can see, I do.

In a bygone era,
I alone ruled this land

until a powerful enemy
defeated me,

calming the raging elements
of the Savage Land,

leaving me powerless,
banished to this
rocky prison.

I lay dormant for
thousands of years,

remembered, worshiped,
yearned for.

Until one day...

MR. SINISTER: All I need
now is for you to contact
your students, Professor.


XAVIER: Won't listen.
Can't listen.

Can't allow you
to control my mind.

Won't allow you to...


If somebody
is holding Xavier,

I'm gonna enjoy
making them let go.

GAROKK: When a mutant
came to our valley

and released
her elemental energy,

I awoke,
weakened but alive.

But to fully imbue
my life force into the land,

I required Storm's power
at its total savage fury.

My priestess sent you,
Karl Lykos,

known as Sauron to her.

It was no accident that
you were drawn to her.

I gave you that yearning.

Beneath the range
of volcanoes that
ring our hidden valley

lies a source
of planetary power,

the surging force
of molten magma

that maintains
the Savage Land's
tropical climate.

I intend to fuse
with that energy.

Once I do,
no force on Earth

will be able to
imprison me again.

STORM: Restrain me,
I beg you!

Do not let me
recover my strength.

And I told you
to let loose
every now and again.

Shows what I know.

ROGUE: Now what?

KAZAR: The land changes.

GAROKK: Behold Garokk!

Behold Garokk!

Gaze upon my works
and tremble.

Let the Age of Garokk
begin anew.

If anyone's got a daring
last-minute rescue in mind,

now would be the time.

To put it in the vernacular,

What's with
the gray dirt?


All right, stone-face,

let's see how you stack up
to adamantium.

Wow! You got some
rough shrubbery
around here, pal.

Wolverine! Behind you!

He's free,
corrupting the land.

No! Get back!

Let me breathe!


Evil must be stopped!

Not a real good idea
to make her mad.

I summon the bitter
winter frost!

You dare challenge
the will of Garokk?


Garokk seems to be
directing himself toward
that mountain range.

KAZAR: Those are
the volcanoes that
heat the Savage Land.

-Oh, my!
-What is wrong?

This is just
a hypothesis,
mind you,

but based on what
I've observed,

if Garokk absorbs
the energy of those
geothermal pits,

he could become
supremely powerful.

And this entire land
would be frozen solid.

What are you talking about?
I'm sweating like a pig here.

I believe Storm
is responsible.

If cold will not
slow you, Garokk,

then perhaps
heat will.

Is this the limit
of your power,
weather witch?

Foolish creature!

Your pitiful efforts
merely empower me.

I summon the full force
of the elements!

BEAST: I believe
Storm's att*cks
of meteorologic energy

are actually
strengthening Garokk.

We gotta stop her
helping him.

Storm, this is Beast.
Cease and desist,
I implore you.

Your efforts only
exacerbate the situation.

Leave me alone!


Let me go!

Sorry, sugar.
You don't know
what you're...





Stay back!



Infidel, do not attempt
to thwart the will
of almighty Garokk.




I awaken.

Soon, the entire
Savage Land will know
the will of Garokk.

The power of the Earth
shall be mine!

Silence! Sauron,
and Sauron alone,

will rule the Savage Land.

I will absorb every ounce
of energy you possess.

I can feel it, building,
flowing through me.

No! It is too much!

What is happening to me?


No one challenges
Sauron and lives!

This evil must
be destroyed!

Storm! Get away
from there!



BEAST: Storm! Rogue!

JUBILEE: Where are you?


JUBILEE: Somebody
say something!

BEAST: Rogue!

Rogue! Storm!

I'm afraid we may be
too late, my friend.

Over here, boys.
Help me with Storm.

She is unconscious,
but alive.

We must get her to
the medical facilities
on the Blackbird.

GAROKK: I was so close.

You are safe now,
Karl Lykos.

The nightmare is over.
And with no mutant energy
to tempt you,

the presence of Sauron
will haunt you no more.

Thank you, my friend.

About my behavior
back there,

how can I ask you
to forgive me?

Hush, now.
You need to rest.

I am frightened, Rogue.

Listen, sugar,
that wasn't you out there.

Don't forget,

Sauron messed
with my head, too.

Thank you for
your understanding.

All these years of
caution and denial,

to finally unleash
my true feelings.

I liked letting go.

Never before
have I felt so free.