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03x07 - Phoenix Saga, Part 5: Child of Light

Posted: 08/25/22 09:40
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously

PHOENIX: In our hands
lies the fate
of a billion star systems,

of lives beyond measure.

XAVIER: Do not fear, Lilandra.
The X-Men will do all in our

to help you safeguard the

Get the crystal!

Fire, Raza!


Do you remember this?

The M'Kraan Crystal.
Name your price!

Show me the crystal!

I'm coming, Scott!

Start the ball, Cajun!


-Out of my way, woman.
-Get out of your own way!

-Thank you, Rogue.
-I enjoyed it.

Get ready to... D'Ken!

Unlock the power
of the M'Kraan...


...and make the galaxy mine!






You fools!
Your foolishness amuses me.

I do not understand.

What is happening?

D'Ken has been granted his
wish. He is one with
the crystal.

He is creating his own universe
inside the crystal,

where we all will soon be.

Ch'od, get the Starjammer
out of here. Now!

What is wrong, Captain?

We are ready to
board the Imperial cruiser
and retrieve you.

No! Full escape velocity
That's an order.

You must join them.

I need time to see if the
power of the Phoenix can
contain the crystal.

But if it cannot, then nothing
in the galaxy can
protect any of us.

What can we do?

Nothing. It is what I must do.

Corsair! What is happening?

We are being given
a short time to consider
our fate

while someone attempts
to change it.

I must learn.
The crystal must be healed.

Can you show us what's

Ch'od, full magnification.

That is all we can do.
Soon, we will be out of range.

I am the guardian,

teach me to... No!


Who slam on the brakes?

Phoenix has failed.

We shall soon join my brother
inside the crystal.

How are you so blamed sure?

-She might still...


I got a real bad feeling
we're next.

CORSAIR: Ch'od, open fire!

-What are you doing?
-Trying to live.

GLADIATOR: It has no effect.

Anybody else got any bright

What's that?


And Cerebro reports
environmental disturbances

everywhere around the world.
I will do what I can.

As we all shall.

Professor Xavier! Professor!
The sun, it's, well, kind of
fading away!

I know, Jubilee.

We have discovered
a phenomenon much
like a black hole,

an enormous gravitational force
near the sun.

We must assume
it is the M'Kraan Crystal.

It is slowly drawing everything
into it,
even the sun's light.

Soon, it will absorb the sun

the entire solar system
including the Earth.

The rest of the galaxy
may well follow,

though, by that time, we shall
have long since ceased to care.

There's gotta be some way
to stop it!

There is one hope, the X-Men.

Maintain full power!
Don't give up!

I regret, my Empress,

that my service to you must
begin under such circumstances.

All is lost, Empress!

Hang on, chere.If this be
our last ride, we take it



If this is death,
it's not so bad, huh?


Speak for yourself, Cajun.

BEAST: Fascinating.

The legends
of the crystal are true.

But what of D'Ken?

D'KEN: What of D'Ken? He lives!


Show yourself!

D'KEN: You wish to see me?

the power of a living galaxy!

Soon, the universe
will tremble!

If we're not gonna make it out
of here, let's at least
shut this guy

Logan, stop it!




Perhaps another approach...

Maybe he likes to play catch.



You fools! None of you


Look out!


It has no effect, Empress!

Your pathetic efforts
gain you nothing.
Your weapons feed me.

The crystal will gain you
nothing. You are trapped
within it, as we are.

Its power will destroy you!

Destroy me?
The crystal is life.
I am reborn!

I need only think
of your destruction
and it shall be!


D'Ken, brother,
unless the crystal is sealed,

it will destroy the galaxy,
including the entire Shi'ar

We must join forces to stop it.

Stop it?


I hunger for it.

He hears nothing, Empress.
We are on our own.

Prepare to be destroyed,


You? Fight me? You insect!


Gotcha, big guy.

You see how easily
I defeat your protectors.

I tire of you, sister.




I never thought I'd say it,
but there's nothing we can do.

Everybody evacuate
to the shelter!




The immediate threat
to New York City
has been averted.

-XAVIER: Well done, Storm!
-It is terrible, Professor.

It is as though
the Earth has gone mad.

Calm yourself, Storm.
You cannot be everywhere
at once.

Help where you can.

The disturbances will cease
if the X-Men are successful.






Fear what I have become,

Let the others watch
as I repay you for your
treachery in opposing me.

PHOENIX: Do not despair.

The Phoenix survives.

No! Begone!

Fear not, Empress.
You are safe now.

Leave my world. I command it!

PHOENIX: Lilandra's star
cruiser approaches.

I will teleport you all to the
ship, beyond the reach
of D'Ken's power.

No one is safe from my power!
I am one with the crystal.

The galaxy is mine to destroy.

PHOENIX: The power has
destroyed you, D'Ken.

The galaxy
shall not share your fate.

-You're alive!
-Yes, my darling.

What about the crystal?
Can you truly stop its power?

We have learned of one way...


...if my body can take it.

Jean was chosen
for her empathic abilities.

We have learned much
from the orb, the living
center of the crystal.

She felt its pain
where I could not.

I know now what must be done,
if I am strong enough.

We must try to join with
the matrix of the crystal's
energy field.

The power of Phoenix
may be able to restore
what D'Ken has broken.

You could be locked in here

Don't try to stop me, Scott.

I'm only doing
what must be done,
what any of the X-Men would do.

I'm coming with you.

You can't be a part
of where I'm going.

He knows, Jean. That
don't make it easy to take.

-Goodbye, my friends.
I love you all.

Goodbye, Scott!

Someone help me find a way.

Your wisdom. Your compassion.

Your gentleness.
Your innocence.

Your courage. Your love.

No! You cannot contain
the power of the crystal.

You cannot! No!

What does it mean, Professor?

The X-Men have succeeded.

The power of the crystal
has been contained.

But at what cost?

PHOENIX: The crystal is sealed,

but the only way to guarantee
that its power
will never be released again

is for me to take it
beyond the reach
of any living being.

The crystal cannot
be destroyed,
even in the heart of the sun,

but there it,
and I, will be safe.

For this, I am sorry, Cyclops.

Goodbye, my love.

The crystal
shall be buried forever.

The light!


Oh, Scott,
if only you could see it.

Goodbye, Charles.
I shall never forget you
and the X-Men.

-Stay with us, Lilandra.
-I am Shi'ar Empress now.

I must return to my world

and try to set right
all the wrong my brother did.

Come with me, Charles.

Until there is peace between
mutants and ordinary humans,
I cannot leave.

We both have our work to do.

I'm sorry I tried to use you
against the Emperor, Cyclops.

Since I lost my wife,
I've lived only for my revenge.

None of us know how we'll react
when we lose someone we love.

I'll have to find
a new reason for living now.

So will I.

I'm proud to have known you
and the X-Men. Farewell.

I've lost Jean,
and Corsair lost his wife.
I wish we had a chance to talk.

I believe Emily Dickinson
said it best,

"Parting is all we know
of heaven
And all we need of hell"

There are some bonds
that cannot be broken,
Charles Xavier.

We shall meet again.


XAVIER: Do you know
the legend of the Phoenix?

I'm not interested
in legends right now.

The Phoenix was a mythical bird
that was consumed by fire,

but always rose again
from the ashes.

Perhaps that's what
the Phoenix represents,

hope which never dies.

Please think about it, Cyclops.
