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03x05 - Phoenix Saga, Part 3: Cry of the Banshee

Posted: 08/25/22 09:38
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...



I am Phoenix!


Who are you?

That ain't Xavier.

I created the X-Men!

And what I created,

I can destroy!

Until I regain control
of my subconscious,

my orders
cannot be trusted.

My name is Lilandra.

Why have
you come here?

I am the sister of D'Ken,
the emperor of the Shi'ar.

I served
my brother loyally,

until I learned that
he sought to control

the greatest power
in the universe,

the ancient
Crystal of M'Kraan.

My brother hopes
to harness
the crystal's power

to use it
as a w*apon.

It is written that
if the crystal
is breached,

both of our galaxies
could be at risk.

The name's Juggernaut,
dear brother!

And you must be



BANSHEE: Does he not
still love you, Moira?

I dunnae think so,
but he needs me.

Charles has given
everything for
his students, his X-Men.

But friends, aye,
that's different.

Sometimes I think
I'm the only one
he has.


That's Charles!
He's having
another attack.

Wait, Moira!
I'll go with you.

No, Sean. His dark side
may have taken over again.

He might attack you
out of jealousy for what
you and I have together.

It's because I love you,
Moira McTaggart,

that I cannot let you
face trouble alone.

LILANDRA: Stop it!


This is more fun
than bumper cars.

Leave Charles

Or what, honeybunch?

You're gonna give me
a spanking?

I warned you!

Oh, please!
Don't warn me.

It's no use, Lilandra.
His body is invulnerable.

But not his mind.
Aim for the helmet.
Full power!


Don't make me mad,


It ain't healthy.

You see,
I crush insects
that bother me,

especially when
they know my brother.


I am in your mind.

Feel the ruin
and the pain
you have caused.

Get out of my head!


You are strong, Juggernaut,
but my mind is stronger.



Sure, and you should've
watched your back,
Charles Xavier.


You've wasted enough time
smashing around
like a great beast.

Now, get the woman,
and we can name our price.

Maybe you came here
for the money, Tom, but
I came here for one reason,

my do-gooder

There's something
I've wanted to say to you
for a long time,

so long, Chuck!

It's Charles!



It's all right
now, Charles.


Where's Lilandra?

What have they
done with her?

She came to me
from the depths of space.

Juggernaut was going
to hurt her.

I tried to stop him,
but someone ambushed me
from behind.

I've never seen him
like this.

There's no one
here, Charles.

No one
has been here.

You came to me
because you feared
you were losing control,

struggling against
an illusion created
by your dark side.

You must believe me!
I'm not going mad.

I know Lilandra is real.

How do you know?

Because I love her, Moira.



Phoenix, now we are one.


What's happening to you, Jean?
What's gonna happen to us?

Has there been any change
in Jean's condition?

No. Her strange new powers
are still surfacing.

She can't speak,
but Phoenix can.

It should have been me
trying to fly that shuttle.

With my powers,
I might have been
able to...

Chere,you can't
blame yourself.

You were out
on a mission.

You can't be
everywhere at once.

I should have
been there.

Everybody, listen up!

The Professor just called
from Muir Island.

He says an alien
transported down to him,

but was kidnapped
by Juggernaut.

He wants us
to go there to help.

Oh! He's worse off
than we thought.

I can't leave Jean.

You ain't the only one
worried about Jean.

Aliens and spaceships
running around,
messing with Xavier.

The whole blasted world's
turning upside down!

We gotta
do something!

Wolverine, this
is not the time.

I spoke to Moira McTaggart.

She believes the Professor
is suffering
from violent delusions

by his dark side.

I say we check it out.

But Professor Xavier
told us

it would be dangerous
to follow his orders.

Wolverine is right.

The Professor's story
has to be checked out.

I don't believe
my ears.

We've seen
more strange things

than Dr. McTaggart
can imagine.

We may need to help
Beast at the mansion

if he and Dr. Corbeau
locate the alien spacecraft

that came through
the vortex.

Storm and I
will wait here.

I don't know why,
but I believe
what's happening to Jean

may hold the answer
to all of
our questions.

Where is the man?

He said he'd pay
for quick results, but now
he doesn't show up!

I've come for
the Princess Lilandra.

If it's the lady you mean,
you'll see her
after I'm paid.


Here is your payment!



Now where
is Lilandra?

Speak, or you shall feel
my w*apon's full power.


I don't haggle
with runts like you.

Pay the man!

Or do I have to squeeze
the money out
through your ears?

No! Stop!

You shall get that
which you are due.

Oh! You wanna
play ball, huh?

Well, catch!

I'll mop the floor
with the whole bunch of you!

Juggernaut, stop!
Business before pleasure.

How about it,
Eric, me boy?
A sum was promised.

I shall pay.

You shouldn't
have come.

Your presence
will only reinforce
Charles' delusions.

Back off, lady.
Charles said
he needed us.

There's a lot about
this outer space mumbo jumbo

that nobody knows,

except maybe
the Professor.

Dr. McTaggart should know
what's best for her...

Hey! Someone needs to
teach you some manners.


Plenty have tried, pal.

Fighting won't help
cure Charles'

If he's seeing things.

I can tell you for sure
if the Professor's
crazy or not.

Ten million dollars.

It has such a lovely
round sound
with all those zeros.

Yes, yes, you have
your meaningless money,

now bring
Lilandra here.


That would be me partner
with the lady now.

She's still a bit
under the weather,

but you didn't specify
what condition
she had to be in,

long as
she was breathing.

She shall
answer to me.


A pleasure
to see you again,
Your Highness.

Shakari! One of
my brother's spies.

On this miserable planet,
I'm known as Eric the Red.

And you, Princess,
are my deliverance
from this wasteland.

Tell me where
the M'Kraan Crystal is,

if you wish to live!

Help me, Charles Xavier.
Help me!

Help me, Charles Xavier.



that lunatic
half-brother of his.

I'd know that stink

There were three of them.

Juggernaut and two
I never smelled before.

One ain't even human.

Then Charles
wasn't imagining things.
Someone was here!

Where are you?

I know you're close.

Why do you not
answer me?

You are attempting
to contact someone!



What is happening?

I saw a stag and a dragon.


It makes no sense.

Xavier's woman
is no illusion.
I know where she is.

What do you mean,
you know
where she is?

A stag fighting a dragon
is the Cassidy family crest.

My family.

It's carved in stone
above the hearth in the
Great Hall of Cassidy Keep.

She may have had time
to contact
Professor Xavier

and that mutant
rabble of his,
the X-Men.

She didn't contact nobody.

I took care of Xavier
back on Muir Island,



With a mouth
like yours,

we should have just tried
to sneak in here
with a marching band.

If you think that's bad,
you should hear me sing.

Remember, Wolverine,
we're no match
for Juggernaut.

Our job is
to find Lilandra
and get out fast.

Anybody know
what she looks like?

She's from
another galaxy.

You see a woman
you don't know,
rescue her.


It's the space station

We gotta take them out
without hurting them!

BANSHEE: Leave it to me!




What was that?

Sounds like
the lord of the castle
has come home

to be buried.

It'll be my pleasure.

You've disgraced
the Cassidy family for
the last time, Black Tom!

And you've stood
in my way too long,
big brother!

There's the woman!

Way to deal him
out of the game, Gambit!

Oh, no!


Hands off, fat boy!

You must be Lilandra.
Chuck sends
you his best.

Whatever you do,
don't move.


Nobody gets the lady
without paying for her!

Your powers never
could hurt me,
little brother.

Nor could yours hurt me.
Fists usually settle things.

Aye, my fists!

Leave Rogue alone!


That tickles!

Gambit teach you
some respect
for a lady!


Forget these freaks!
We must get
Lilandra to my ship.




(GRUNTING) We can't
let them get to the ship.


They won't!


Let Lilandra go.

The X-Men
should have learned
they can't stop me.


Those who stand against
the will of the Emperor
must be destroyed.


They're coming out
of the woodwork!


It is an honor to welcome

the leader of the
Emperor's Praetorian Guard.

You have no honor!

Your bungling
has displeased
the Emperor.

You were ordered to have
Lilandra and the crystal
in your possession

to greet the Emperor.

He comes soon.
Why aren't they ready?


I have Lilandra.

But where is
the M'Kraan Crystal?


You are a warrior
of honor!

Why do you serve
a madman
like my brother?

Princess, I serve
the imperial throne
of the Shi'ar

and D'Ken
sits on the throne.

Why are we listening
to Mr. Bad Hair Day?

Why don't you just
flit back where you...





I didn't think
anybody could do that
to Juggernaut.

Nobody from Earth.

You will come
with me, Princess.

Not without a fight,
she won't!
She's a friend of mine.



Take her
with my respects
to the Emperor.


I am sorry, Princess,

but you must give
your brother the crystal.

No! For the sake
of the universe, no!

Save her, my X-Men!
You must save Lilandra!

Lilandra! I must go
to Cassidy Keep.

The fate of the galaxy
hangs in the balance.

Jean, what are
you talking about?

You're in no condition
to go anywhere!

PHOENIX: Phoenix must go!

Jean! Jean!

Lilandra is under
my protection.


What? What is it?

There is no way
you can stop me.

Creature, no one defies
the will of the Emperor
of the Shi'ar and lives.

My powers are
his to command,
and they are invincible.

If you will serve
no worthy master,

then learn the power
of Phoenix.


You may survive
to tell your master

to abandon his evil quest
for the crystal.


Are you the child
of the crystal?


You are the Phoenix
the legends spoke of,

the guardian of
the M'Kraan Crystal.

You must help me
to keep the crystal

from falling into the hands
of my brother, the Emperor!

-He is here.


The crystal is here.
I can feel its power.