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03x02 - Out of the Past: Part 2

Posted: 08/25/22 09:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on X-Men...

Look! Leech has it.

No one steals
from Lady Deathstrike

and lives.


A spacecraft.


Perhaps what we need is
a human with a set of
adamantium claws.

Leech got message
for Wolverine.

Message is from Yuriko.



He's here.


Watch out!

Now, where is Yuriko?

Here, Logan, or
don't you recognize me?


The Yuriko
you knew no
longer exists.

I am Lady Deathstrike now,
a living w*apon of revenge.

I loved you once.




Don't open the ship!

Let her go!


What's happening?

I don't think
I want to know.


Something's inside!

And it don't
sound friendly.

I ain't waiting
to find out.

Okay, boys, let's give E.T.
a Reavers welcome!


Sounds like E.T.
wants to return
the favor.

-GAMBIT: What is it?

Whatever it is,
I think it's time
somebody shut it up!


Keep back!

You heard the kid, ugly!
Back off.

Up the power, Reavs!
It's still coming.


We must destroy it.

Let me go!

Whatever it is guarding
must be astounding.

Your shopping will
have to wait.
Let's book.

But the others.

Nothing you can do
for them now, petite.
You run.

I be right behind.


You don't
want my friends, bete.
Play with Gambit instead.

Gambit, don't!






Dear heaven,
what have we unleashed?

You're dead!


Let's move.

WOLVERINE: Ugly still
following us, Cajun?

Not yet, mon ami.
I think you hurt it.

can you hear me?

Come on, kid, talk to me.

Just hang in there, okay?
For me.

Have a good look, Yuriko.

Here's your revenge.
Are you happy now?

You are the one
who destroyed
my father.

This is on your head!

Gambit don't care
whose fault this is.

But if you wanna
live to settle it,
we best be moving!

This is not over
between us, Wolverine!


Frankly, I've never been able
to tell
Jackson Pollock's paintings

from his drop cloths.

But Picasso
holds a peculiar
fascination for me.

There's something so primal,
so organic in his work.

Don't you think?

Personally, I find
an eloquence
in his brushstroke,

equaled only by...

-XAVIER: Beast.

You are needed immediately.

Do forgive me, madam,

but it appears
I've neglected a most
important appointment.




I think we have
lost the creature.


Don't bet on it.

And what of your men?

Or do you care?

They knew the risks.

And what about the Morlocks?

What have they done
to deserve this?

They were thieves.
Now they are paying for it.

What is that thing?
Petite'sbody look

but there nobody home.

Worry about
your whelp later.

Right now,
we must get
out of here!

Nobody's going nowhere,

till we figure out what
to do about that thing.

Release me, Wolverine,
while you still can.

Forget it, sister.

If that monster
reaches the surface,

it'll have 8 million
victims to snack on.

We got to see
that don't happen!


To save normal humans?

They all hate you!

That ain't the point.



You give your life
for those who mock you?

Animal, mistake
of nature, mutant.

It's my life.

What's happening
to that thing?

Wolverine, Gambit, help me.

What is it?

Hang on, petite.
Gambit on the way!

Cajun, no...

Now what do we do?


You know, Jean,

there've been times lately
when I thought we'd never
be together again like this.

I know what you mean, Scott.
If Sinister had succeeded...

But he didn't.

And now, at last,
there's just the
two of us.

Cyclops, Jean,
you are needed immediately.

You were saying?

Sorry to do this to you,

but I think
you better pack our
dinner to go. Again.

Leave the child, Wolverine.
There is nothing more
you can do for her.

Never! X-Men don't
abandon their own!

Are you implying that...


Lady Deathstrike,
don't leave us.


Please, help us!

They are all inside!


Not so fast, chere.
Don't do something
you might regret.


What good will that do?
It burns through walls!

Oui, chere.
But this give us time
to figure out a plan.

I got a plan, Cajun.

Take the kid
and get out of here.

-Say what?
-You heard me!

Yuriko and I will keep that
thing busy while you get
Jubilee to safety.

And why you get to
play the hero, huh?

'Cause we've already seen
that adamantium can hurt it.

You want to play
cavalry, Gambit?

Come back when
the kid is safe!

I don't like this,
mon ami.

I ain't exactly
crazy about it

-Now, get going.
-I'll be back, Wolverine.

If we're still alive,
we'll welcome the company.

-It is coming, Logan!
-I'm ready.


Is it still there?

There's only
one way to find out.


Cute. Real cute.
He could be miles from here.

Or maybe not.


-We're trapped!
-I'm never trapped!


Get back!

Logan, we can hurt it!

We can...


No! Yuriko,
can you hear me?

Help me, Logan!


Help me, Logan!

Come on,
you piece of
alien gutter trash.

Just try
to suck me in!
I hope you gag.

Hey, look who I found
coming to join the party.

Gambit filled us
in on the details.

Why'd you bring her
back here?

She's as safe with
us here as anywhere.

And now she's got company.

And this is?

An old friend.
She wants me dead.

Why am I not surprised?

Is that it?


I hope it's not
his little brother.

Maybe I can read its mind.

-Get some idea...
-Jean, no!


Jean, you all right?


What are we up against?

(WEAKLY) I'm fine, Scott.

That creature's mind,
it's so repellent,

it was
almost more
than I could bear.

-You miserable
piece of slime!


Are you crazy?
Why didn't you let me
destroy it?

Because part of a lot of
people are in there,
including Jubilee.

We gotta be careful
how we attack it.

And where is
this grotesquery's
supposed space vehicle?

Down that way.

Do you believe it to
be an actual spacecraft?

Well, it's got
weird writing on it

and had
a life-sucking cloud
with an attitude inside.

-Check it out.
-I think perhaps I will.

Beast, wait for me.

If this is what
I've been sensing,

I am certain it is
both alien and

And what do
the rest of
us do?

We go hunting, chere.

That monster
make it topside and this
city gonna be his buffet.

That's not gonna happen.

Wolverine was quite
in earnest, Professor.

I've been sensing
something so alien

that I was beginning
to doubt my own mind.

It appears safe to enter.

Then, let's have a look.


XAVIER: There must
be something we can
use against the creature,

some bit of information.

This shattered
sphere appears to be some
sort of containment vessel.

Oh! And what's this?

More of
weird writing.

Ah, my kingdom
for a Rosetta Stone.

So strange,
and yet so familiar.

It's like...


are you all right?

-Speak to me!

I feel fine, Beast.

As if my eyes
had been truly opened
for the very first time.

That writing! I knew it!

It was a warning
about the creature.

Hurry and help
the others, Hank.

I must learn more.

What happened?


You sure that monster
come this way, Wolverine?

Believe me, Cajun.


I can smell it.

What, Professor?
Yes, I understand.

I'll warn
the others

Guys, I've got news.

That spacecraft was
an alien prison ship

designed to hold this
energy-absorbing creature,

called a Spirit Drinker,
c*ptive in deep space

So then what
it doing here?

JEAN: Who knows? Maybe
it was knocked off course.

How did
the Professor
learn all this?

That's the odd thing.
He doesn't know.


It's moving
toward the surface.



-CYCLOPS: Look, there it is!
-GAMBIT: But how we stop it?

don't affect it,
rocks don't crush it,

and Jubilee's inside.

Well, whatever we do,
we'd better do it quickly.

I sense that
the c*ptive spirits
inside the creature

have begun
to grow weaker.

If we don't find
a way to free
them soon,

I'm afraid it
may be too late.

How we gonna
beat this thing

when we can't
even get close to it?

That's the answer!

Wolverine, don't!

Look, Cyke.
My claws hurt this thing.

So did Yuriko's.

Keep those things off of me
and I think I got a chance.

What about Jubilee?

We've got to chance it.

If we don't get her back now,
there may not be anything
left to save.

Okay, bub.
Suppertime's over.

Okay, everybody. Get ready.

You want to
absorb something?


Suck on this!


Wolverine! No!

You will never
succeed, Logan.

We are all doomed.



You don't
know me very well,

do you?

Wolverine, look out!



CYCLOPS: Careful, people,
stay out of reach of its

Beast, get Wolverine!

-Consider it done.
-We'll hold it off!

Over there.

Do not try to move,
my friend.

No, look, a chunk of
it hit the third rail.

I understand.

That's the answer.


I don't believe it.

What about Jubilee?

What do you think?

Hey, kid.

Congratulations, Wolverine.

I was so worried about you!

We seem to be short
one Spirit Drinker.

Bad case of overeating.

So, where does
that leave us,

Still planning my funeral?

Today I owe you
my life, Logan.

But that changes
nothing between us.

When I am strong enough,
you will see me again.


All the Morlocks are
back to normal, Professor.

The Reavers escaped,

but I bet it'll be a while
before they can repair
their cybernetics.

I am deeply
thankful you're
all safe, my X-Men.

Then it's all over, right?

I only wish that
were true, child.

But when I touched
that alien craft,

I felt things, sensed things,
I have never known before,

saw terrible visions of
beings with ruthless
unimaginable power.

But I fear this was
only the beginning.