03x12 - State of the County

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x12 - State of the County

Post by bunniefuu »

With %, you also
get my protection.

I don't scare easy.

Boss won't pay protection.

Daisy's in love.

The Dukes are on the spot.

And if that weren't enough,
here come the Oak Ridge Boys.

It's hard to say whether Bo
and Luke were in a hurry or not.

They always drive like that.

Take it easy. Uncle Jesse
didn't say nothing about...

delivering that
tax return air-mail.

If we don't make that
last mail pickup today...

it's gonna have
to wait till Monday.

I can never figure
out why Uncle Jesse...

always wants us
to get it out so early.

Well, you see, the last time
Jesse paid his taxes late...

he had to pay an
interest charge of $ .

Old Jesse took a
personal exception to that.

Hey, look who we caught up with.

You gonna get out of our way
or we gonna run you off the road?

No way, Cousin!

If I let you by, you'd be
getting mud all over Dixie.

Well, somebody's gotta
look after them boys.


Those friends of yours
I just see fly by, ma'am?

Bo and Luke? No,
they're just my cousins...

and they do that
all the time for fun.

Excuse me, Daisy,
remember us? Bo and Luke?

- Two fellows you almost k*lled?
- My fault, fellers.

Never thought this
little thing here...

would cause this much trouble.

- Looking for a ride to Hazzard.
- Let's go. Here, I'll help you.

- Here, let me help you.
- You travel heavy, huh?

- I really appreciate this.
- It's my pleasure.

Keep between the ditches.

You get the feeling Daisy's
running kind of a high...

fever over that fellow?

She has the same look you get...

every time you see
something in skirts.

Come on.

What brings a Texas
boy to Hazzard County?

Financially, Hazzard is
the end of the line for me.

What line of work are you in?

I'm pretty handy around cars.

I know a job that might
be arranged for you.

- You do?
- Yeah.

You hear that, thumb? You
hitched us into one lucky day.

- Name's Earl Becket.
- Daisy Duke. Hi.

Now, J.W...

why don't you just stick to your
being boss of Claridge County...

and I'll just stick to my being
boss of Hazzard County.

Let me just explain
my proposition to y'all.

Come on, there's no
need to explain nothing.

I already know it by heart.

Every year, it's always the
same proposition from you...

and always every year I
give you the same answer: No.

Now, why don't you just stop
wasting your time and mine?

- And mine.
- Your time don't count.

Cool it, Flash. He didn't
mean to yell at your daddy.

J. D., how about
% for everything?

Now, that includes
your hijack operation...

shine operation, chop
shop, Boars Nest, etc...

and etc.

Why should I take %, when
I'm already making %?

'Cause with %...

you also get my protection.

I'm offering you the chance
to retire. One way or another.

Well, not me.

If you don't believe me, you
can just show up here Saturday.

And take a listen to my
State of the County address.

'Cause it's gonna be all about
my plans for Hazzard County...

for the next , ,
years or more.

I'm real sorry you feel that
way about my offer, J.D...

'cause I don't think
I'm gonna be inclined...

to be making it again.

You will, J. W. You
most certainly will.

Shall we say, "same
time next year"?


Got that big
fat-jawed old what...

You know what I think?

I think we should show Boss Hogg
just how much he does need me.

And give it a little
persuasion if you will?

- Hey, Cooter.
- Hey, Daisy.

- How you doing, gal?
- Good.

Cooter Davenport, I'd like
you to meet Earl Becket.

He's from Texas.

- My pleasure.
- It's good to see you.

Look here, now.

Sounds like the
General got a case of...

the Rockin' Pneumonia
and the Boogie Woogie Flu.

- What's the trouble?
- We don't rightly know yet.

He was running fine till this
waitress from the Boars Nest...

ran us off the road in her jeep.

What y'all doing uptown?

We brought Jesse's
tax money in to mail.

Is Uncle Jesse paying Uncle
Sammy in cash again this year?

Yes, Uncle Cootie.

I got an intimate

of every nut and
bolt in that car...

I need a second expert opinion.

I'd get right on
it, but right now...

I'm up to my gizzard
in crankshafts.

Cooter, Earl can help
you. He's looking for a job.

I told him you
were looking to hire.

I ain't taking
anybody on right now.

You said you got
more sick cars here...

than you know what to do with.

- Yeah, but Daisy...
- Come on, Cooter.

- Would you look at this?
- What you got?

Looks like all that's wrong
here is your ballast resistor...

is cracked and shorted out.

You know, I reckon I could
use some part-time help.

Part-time's fine, Cooter.

You'd better get that tax
form over to the post office.

No. I thought you had it.

Any cheap rooming
houses around here?

Sure, Cooter's got a
room right over his garage.

It goes with the job.

Maybe we left it
on the kitchen table.

If it ain't there, you and me is
gonna owe Uncle Jesse $ . .

Plus, we'd better get
another form, over at City Hall.

- We'll see y'all later.
- Take it easy.

- I'll grab my suitcase.
- Listen, I'll help you unpack.

Okay, it's this way.

Much obliged, Cooter.

One of these days, I'm
gonna learn how to say "no."

Okay, it's right up here.
I think you might like it.

Would you look at that?

Who do you suppose
belongs to this thing?

Well, if I was to hazard a
guess, I'd say somebody rich.

And I'd say that's
a mighty fine guess.

Bless my soul.

Boss Hickman, ain't it?

What'd they do, run you
out of Claridge County?

What did you say?

Hey, Boss, come here.

Why do you always
keep interrupting me...

just as I'm starting
my coffee break?

I want you to look at something.

You see those Duke boys
talking to that Boss Hickman?

Yeah, so what?

Will you just forget all
about it? And you, too. Listen.

What I want you and
Cletus to concentrate on...

is getting Hazzard
Square all prettied up...

for my annual State
of the County address...

which is gonna be next Saturday.

I wanna have plenty of flags
and banners and streamers...

and lots of posters with the
name "J. D. Hogg" on them...

in big red letters.

Don't worry about a thing,
Boss, we'll spare no expense.

Yes, you will. On account of...

you're gonna use the
same banners and posters...

from my State of the County
speech last year. Here!

Now, move it!

We'll just take a
little piece, right...

Say, this is a mighty
good appetizer.

I wonder what I should
have for my main course.

Thank you, Daisy.

Don't worry about him,
Daisy, Earl will be here.

Who's worried?

This Earl fellow, is he
worth spilling beer over?

If you're asking if he's the
responsible sort, I'd say yes.

Next time I got an income
tax return to mail in...

I'll give it to him
to mail for me.

$ . just gone with the wind!

I gotta go back through all
them forms and figure out...

how I arrived at $ . .

Uncle Jesse, I know we
had it when we left the farm.

- Cooter!
- Hi, Daisy.

- Where's Earl?
- He's...

Didn't he come with you?
He said he was gonna.

You got him working
overtime, ain't you?

Just hang on Daisy,
he's right behind me.

Well, he was right behind me.


- Earl.
- Hey, how you doing?

- How's the job?
- It's going just fine.

Good. I'm so glad.
So everything's good?

Yeah, hanging in there.

You've met my cousins. Now I
want you to meet my uncle Jesse.

- This is Earl.
- Earl, glad to meet you.

- Draw up a chair.
- Thank you.

Hey, Earl.

- This beer is on the house.
- Thank you.

Daisy, you let Boss
hear you saying that...

you're gonna be asking
Cooter for a job yourself.

You better slow it down,
Flash, or I'll get you for speeding.

Earl, you better
drink that beer fast.

Man there can smell a
non-paying customer a mile away.

Jesse Duke...

I think you'd better have a
very serious talk with your boys.


On account of they've been
keeping very bad company lately.

You boys been hanging
out with J.D. Hogg?

Listen, we ain't talking
about Boss Hogg...

we're talking about Boss
Hickman over in Claridge County.

Yeah, that's who.

We saw Bo and Luke
Duke talking to him...

real friendly-like
just this morning.

It wasn't that way
at all, Uncle Jesse.

It sure as heck wasn't friendly.
Not with that old polecat.

Birds of a feather, et cetera,
et cetera, I always say...

It's "birds of a
feather flock together."

I know what it is.
We all know what it is.

How about a dance?

- And who are you?
- This is Earl, Boss.

Don't you know we
got a rule around here?

The employees never
dance with a customer.

We also got a rule that says
the customer is always right.

He ain't a customer
till he pays for that beer.

What'd I tell you?

The man's got a nose
like a Bluetick hound.

What happened there?

You alright?

I wonder what in the world
could cause that to happen.

A b*mb could cause that
to happen. Turtle-brain!

The "who" that made it happen
is J.W. Hickman. That's who.

It's his way of showing
me I need protection.

You definitely need
protection. What's this?

- What is it?
- Yeah. It says:

"From Jesse Duke to the
Internal Revenue Service Centre...

"Washington D.C."

It's the tax return we had
to mail for Uncle Jesse.

I thought we lost it.

You sure did lose
it! You know when?

When you were setting
up that b*mb in there.

- We never did that.
- You gotta be kidding.

Rosco and me seen you
conspiring with J.W. Hickman.

And now we know what you
were conspiring about, don't we?

That's right. Alright, now
we've got the evidence.

You boys are under
arrest. Just freeze!

Why don't you tell Rosco to
put that pea-sh**t away?

You know these boys don't
go around setting off bombs.

This letter is the evidence
that says they did.

Or maybe you did it.

Click like a timer.

Hell, I don't care
what Duke I put in jail.

- Hold on, y'all. Listen.
- What?

It's another b*mb! Hit the deck!

- Rosco, do you hear anything?
- No.

And I don't think we're
gonna hear anything, either.

- Do you?
- No.

In other words, them Duke
boys hornswoggled you again.

You might say that. But
I... I hear something ticking.

- Ticking? Where? What?
- The b*mb's in your watch.

No, don't do that!

Get after them Duke boys!
Will you go after them?

- What happened here?
- Have you seen the Duke boys?

Sure, they just waved
to me. What happened...

Cletus, you dipstick!
Will you go after them?

You dipstick, come with me!

Come on out here.
We're in hot pursuit.

Get in your vehicle. Let's go.

Alright, cut through Sand Creek
Road around the next bend there.

This just ain't our day.

Hazzard County
is the only county...

where the ditch
diggers get combat pay.


Anything they can do, we can do.

We can?

Let's get out of here.

Flash, are you alright?

That smarts.

Sneaking a snooze?

Boss Hogg's sure a smart man.

But I think he needs
still more persuading.

You know what to do next.

Not a soul in town suspects
me. So consider it done.

You're a good man, Earl.

As near as I can figure...

tax form must've blown
out of the General...

while we was
chasing Daisy around.

Whoever found it
used it to frame us...

for bombing Boss' office.

That don't make no sense.
Who would do it? What for?

Shepherd to Lost Sheep!
Do you read me? Come back.

We're here, Shepherd.
What you got?

How, you boys doing? You
holding together out there?

Yeah, we're fine.

You boys didn't have nothing
to do with that bombing...

and we can prove it.

How're you gonna
do that, Shepherd?

Daisy and me, and
Cooter, and that fellow Earl...

we was all sitting
right there...

and you fellows didn't
go near Boss' office.

And we'll tell him so
right to his fat little face.

Now listen, Daisy's over at
Cooter's with that fellow Earl.

You collect them and meet
me at the City Hall. I'm gone.

The last time old Boss
Hogg ever listened to reason

was when the IRS
officer did his books.

I'd think your daddy
was a jackrabbit.

Don't get mad. Don't snap.

Daddy's got to go to work
now. Lay your head down.

Now that I like!

Yes siree Bob.

A whole load of
electric typewriters?

- Should bring a pretty penny.
- Or even more.

Good work on your
part. Now, then.

You better change them
license plates on that van...

before you drop the stuff off at
the usual place. You hear me?

Not this time, Boss. You
shortchanged me too many times.

This time I want cents
on the dollar upfront...

or I will not deliver.

cents upfront? Now, wait a
minute. That's highway robbery

Sure it is, but that's what
I do for a living, ain't it?

I'll be in front of City
Hall in five minutes.

You'd better be there
with the money ready...

or I will dump these typewriters
right out on the pavement.

In broad daylight?
You just can't...


I just don't believe it. My
own man doesn't trust me.

That makes me mad. You know...

there ought to be
honor among thieves.

- What's that?
- Friends

There ought to be
honor among friends.

- I hope you meant that.
- Yeah.

Alright, I'm gonna pay him.

Then you're just gonna
have to get me a new hijacker.

I can't advertise
in the newspaper.

They don't run ads
in those yellow pages.

Would you turn around, please?

And get that mutt of
yours to avert her eyes, too.

And stuff up her ears so she
can't hear these little clicks.

Flash, do what Boss
Hogg tells you to.

Look at that. That's cruel...

Alright. I gotta go now
and give him the money...

before anybody finds
out what's inside that truck.

Or else I'm gonna have
me a pack of trouble.

Yeah, they're a
lot of trouble, they...

Flash, stay.

There you go.

Daisy, how do you expect
a feller to do his work...

with a pretty girl like you
standing over him smiling?

I tell you. Any word
from Bo and Luke?

Uncle Jesse's back at the
farm trying to reach them.

- Shouldn't you be with him?
- No.

How come you're not at work?

Are you trying to get rid of me?

I suppose it can't be easy
being the only girl working a farm.

One day, my prince
will come along...

and take me away from all this.

Except for one thing.

We don't get too many
princes going through Hazzard.

Hey, you wouldn't happen
to be one, would you?

Don't know. I'll have
to ask my daddy...

if he's been a king
without telling me.

I'll bet you a week's pay he is.

He could be, princess.

But even love's gotta
give way to family.

Bo and Luke
explained Jesse's idea...

to get them off the
hook with old Boss.

And you know what schemes
Luke can come up with.

This ain't cents
on the dollar, it's !

- Will you hush up?
- Yeah, It's more than I get.


- I don't care!
- Listen.

Ain't you heard time's a bear?

The whole country's
in a recession.

That means nothing to me.

I ain't moving these
electric typewriters...

till I get what I got coming!

Will you hush? You
want my sheriff on you?

Yeah, I'll cuff
you and stuff you.

Well, if that
don't just take all!

- Hey, Boss.
- It's the Duke boys.

- Rosco, arrest them.
- Alright, freeze, you two.

It's very smart for
you to turn yourself in.

Rosco, we ain't
turning ourselves in.

Put that thing away.

Now, listen. Rosco,
just take it easy.

We're only here to show
you and J.D. what the truth is.

- That's all.
- That's right, Boss.

There is no way Bo and
Luke planted that b*mb.

We were sitting at that
table the whole time.

I'm willing to testify.

It'll be a waste of
time to take us to court.

Speaking of time, I ain't got
all day to graze this pasture.

Are you gonna come
up off another $ ...

to see this truck roll or what?

I told you to hush.

$ ?

What you got in here
that's so precious to haul?

Move it! Don't you all mess
with this truck, you hear me?

There's nothing in here
but a load of fertilizer.

Let's just see what
kind of fertilizer...

Wait a minute! You go home.

Just move along and
I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll drop all charges
against them boys.

All charges?

- That's right.
- Let's look at the decorations.

You do that. Move
along. Goodbye now!

Just move it!

Alright, then.
Hey, you, come on.

You knew what the deal
was on the telephone.

Rosco, it's those boys.
They did it to me again!

- Go on after them.
- I'll get them.

I don't think he'll listen
to any excuses this time.

We'll see you later.

Get them, Rosco.
Go on, get them!

I saw you. You didn't
fool me. Come back here.

Cletus, this is your superior
officer, Rosco P. Coltrane.

Listen, I'm in hot pursuit
of them Duke boys...

and I'm gonna be on Route .

You cut them off at the
Jackson Bridge cut-off.

Yes, sir. On my way.

There ain't many
places no more...

that the boys can play hide
and seek with old Rosco.

Even he knows they ain't
dumb to try the old silver mine...

on Pine Ridge Road.

Where we going anyway?

We're gonna head up to that old
silver mine on Pine Ridge Road.

Well, I swear, they're
going right to it.

Dang it, the road's blocked!

What are we gonna do now?

That's why I didn't want them
to take the Pine Ridge Road.


We got them!

- I've got you now.
- Close enough.

- Get right in to that vehicle.
- I'm going.

If you're thinking old Bo and
Luke got themselves a plan...

to get away from old Rosco
and Cletus, well, they ain't!

I bet Boss Hogg set
them explosions himself...

just so he could
collect on the insurance.

I don't think so.

- Why not? He's done it before.
- He's too surprised. Too scared.

What can I get you
guys for breakfast?

- I ain't hungry, Cletus.
- I don't want anything, either.

Uncle Jesse called
and made me promise...

to get some
nourishment down you.

So what's it gonna be?

- How about a glass of milk?
- You can make that a pitcher.

That's two orders of eggs
and sausage, home fries...

a side of waffles and bacon
and two pitchers of milk.

When old Cletus makes a
promise to Uncle Jesse or anybody...

he keeps it.

It's hard to believe that him
and old Boss are even kin.

Come on, give me
a hand with this sign.

Now just look what's happened.

Some clown's setting
off bombs in Hazzard.

And what's Boss doing?

Making speeches.

"Thanks to yours
truly, J.D. Hogg...

"you no longer have to
endure the pain and sorrow...

"of paying your annual
Hazzard County taxes.

"No, siree. From now on...

"I'm gonna make things
a lot easier for you...

"by withholding them taxes
right out of your paycheck...

"each and every week!"

- How do you like that, Rosco?
- It's good.

That should get me a big hand.

It will, if anybody shows up.

Last year, wasn't
too many showed up.

That's right. Well,
the less the better.

How do you figure that?

Divide and conquer.

- Well, look who's here.
- Who?

- J.W. Hickman again.
- In the flesh.

What do you want now?

I was just wondering if you were
reconsidering my proposition?

All things considered
that need reconsidering.

Yeah? Like what?

Like them two
little accidents...

that happened to two
of your major enterprises.

Shame, J.D. Now, you see...

under my guidance, the accidents
never would have happened.

J.W., you can just
go suck a lemon.

You know what that
means, don't you?

You tell him, Boss. It
takes one to know one.

You hush. And you, too.

And you. Well, you
can just get off my back.

I have no intention of retiring.
And if you don't believe me...

you can just come out
this afternoon at : ...

and listen to my State
of the County address.

It's all about my plans
for Hazzard County...

for the next , ,
years or more.

You know all about it?

Then you also know
that I don't scare easy.

So you can just get out of here.

Yeah, and take
Roll Over with you.

That's Rollo.

Looks as if we're gonna have
to do business with Boss Hogg...

the hard way.

J.W. Hickman from Claridge
County? Are you sure?

Yes, sir, Uncle Jesse.

Me and Luke saw him coming
out of Boss's office, plain as day.

That old thief.

He's been trying to take
over J.D.'s operation for years.

The only difference
between him and J.D...

is that J.D. is a fatter thief.

And if I had my druthers,
I'd take J. D. Hogg...

because that Hickman,
he can be real mean.

If he's been trying to
take over for years...

this time he's making
a special effort.

He got somebody working
for him in Hazzard County...

with a handful of bombs.

That can't be, Luke. I mean...

I don't know anybody
in Hazzard County...

that particularly
likes J.D. Hogg.

But, I also don't know anybody
that wants to blow him up.

Maybe we don't know everybody
in Hazzard County all that well.

- Like who?
- Daisy's new boyfriend Earl.

We don't know him at all.


Daisy, you keep
abusing them brakes...

and you're gonna need new pads.

You can fix them even if
they don't need to be fixed.

- Hi, Earl.
- Hi.

Now there's a job
for a grown man.

I was on my way to visit Bo
and Luke in the jailhouse...

I thought you might
wanna go with me.

I would, but Cooter's off to
Atlanta city for some new parts.

And I can't leave
this place alone.

You say hi for me, though, hear?

Earl, they're really
in trouble this time.

We know they didn't
do anything wrong.

I know, Daisy.

It has to be some crazy going
around bombing things like that.

But things will
be fine, you'll see.

You run along, darling,
and see the boys.

And tell them I'm
sorry I couldn't.

- I will. I'll say hello for you.
- Bye.

Mobile , please.

- Hello?
- Hey, there. This is Earl.

Right on time, boy.
You done real good.

Trouble is, not good enough.

Boss Hogg's making a
speech this afternoon at : .

- I know.
- Well, stop him.

Now, that kinda work's gonna
cost you double the money.

Well, it's gonna be worth
every penny of it, boy.

And good luck.

And it better be good luck.

- Hey, Uncle Jesse. Hi, boys.
- Hey.

Can I bring you
something from home?

Cook you up something special?

No, thank you.

You didn't bring Earl with you?

He had to work. He wanted
me to tell you both "hey."

He likes you, boys. And, Uncle
Jesse, he likes you so much.

I hope you like him.

Daisy, we was...

The boys here was kind
of wondering about Earl.

Yeah? Wondering what?

Look, we don't want you to take
what we're gonna say wrong...

'Cause we ain't really
even sure of it ourselves yet.

You better be sure before
you say anything against Earl.

All we know about him
is what he's told you.

You gotta admit that them
bombs did start blowing up...

all over Hazzard
since he got here.

He was there each
time one went off.

So were you two. So was
Cooter. So was everybody!

I don't know if I can forgive
you for thinking like that.

- We're only trying to help.
- I don't wanna talk about it.

I don't wanna hear
one more bad thing...

or I swear I'll never
talk to you'll again.

Feisty, ain't she?

And while you are
worried about that...

keep your eyes on that
clock. And this one, too.


Earl, are you up there?

Hey, sugar, you up here?

Oh, no.

Y'all reckon that's Earl?


I cared for you.

I thought you
really cared for me.

But you were just using
me all along, weren't you?

Now just hush up!

This will all be over at
: , and I'll be on my way.

Bombs away again, Earl?

It's what I do best,
ain't it? Wait a minute!

- .

That's when Boss Hogg's
gonna give his speech...

at Hazzard Square.

- No, you can't do that, Earl.
- Now, just sit down.

Ten more minutes.

Alright. Ten minutes to go.

Now for the big moment.

My annual State of
the County speech.

Let me just see here.

You're getting ready
for your speech?

Yeah, I am.

I can't wait to hear
what you're gonna say.

- Alright. How do I look?
- You look good.

In fact, you remind me of
a little white bale of cotton.

Flash and I, we
brought you a present.

- That's mighty decent of you.
- I know.

Only, you shouldn't go spending
your hard-earned money...

on a present for me.

I didn't.

What I did was pick a flower,
out front of the courthouse.

You dodo! There's nothing
growing there but pepper weed!

Get that away from me.

- No, there's ragweed...
- Get that away from me.

I thought it was quite pretty.

Bless you!

You bless yourself if I don't
stop sneezing in the next...

eight minutes!

I know a guy who
got a hernia from that.

I feel so foolish, Luke.

We should've never
done that to Daisy.

You reckon she'll
ever forgive us?

I suppose if we
apologize real hard...

and promise to do the
dishes and laundry...

for a week or two,
she'll forgive us.

You'd think you and me would
be old enough to know better...

than to accuse somebody
without any proof.

We got all the proof we need.

Come and take a look Bo.

Up in Cooter's window,
above the garage!

He's got Daisy! We
gotta get out of here!

Cletus is on duty.
He's alone. Come on.

How're we gonna
fool him to get us out?

- I'll think of something.
- Alright.

You got it?

Boss, you alright?

If y'all are worried
about the time...

it's five minutes to : .

And ticking on.

What's all this ruckus
about down here?

We got an important
phone call to make.

Oh, no, you don't, Luke.

No, you've already had
your one phone call. No, siree.

You trying to get me to open
the door so you can escape.

I didn't fall off
the turnip truck.

We don't wanna
escape! We just wanna...

I remember the time you
said you wanted to confess...

and when Enos opened
the door, you took his g*n...

stuck him on the
wall in a chair.

That's not gonna
work. Nothing's is...

Okay, Cletus, you're too
smart for us. But listen up.

That guy Earl's got Daisy in a
room above Cooter's garage.

If you if don't believe
us look for yourself.

- He's got a g*n on her.
- A g*n on Daisy?

You guys should be ashamed,
saying something like that...

so I'd open the door.

Cletus, we ain't
lying to you now!

We swear to you
on Uncle Jesse's life!

Uncle Jesse's life?

Buzzards on a buzz
saw. Must be true.

Come on, hurry up.

- We'll give you a hand up.
- Look for yourself.

On top of the garage?

He is there. Son
of a... Hey, fellas!

Alright, everybody, get out of
the way of the commissioner.

I just love this sort
of thing, don't you?

Let me see here. Big hand is...

Well, it's two minutes to : .

Well, I'll be!

Looks like your cousins
got themselves out of jail...

and are coming calling on us.

Daisy, get away
from that window!

Don't let Boss make his speech.

There's a b*mb there. Don't
let him make his speech.

- There's a b*mb!
- Come on, let's go.

- I'll try and stop boss.
- Alright.

Come on, get in. You drive!

Move it!

"My friends and
fellow citizens..."

There's a b*mb!

Hey, Rosco, go get him.

- Earl took her in Cooter's car.
- Alright. Let's go.

Come on, will you? Hurry
after them. Get out of the way!

What's going on here?
That boy saved my life!

Let's go see what's going on.

Hey, Rosco, watch it. Watch it.

The way you're driving...

I'd rather take my
chances with another b*mb!

You want me to
catch them, don't you?

Yeah, but I wanna be
alive when we get there.

We were right, Uncle
Jesse. It's been Earl all along.

He's got Daisy with him.

We have to try and set up a
roadblock on Spruce Tree Lane.

Spruce Tree Lane. I got you.

You watch out for Daisy.

Come on, the boys are
gaining on us. Now, step on it.

Cut right through there.

That's not a road, that's
a deer-crossing, Earl.

So, make like a deer.

- Come on, Daisy, step on it.
- I am, Earl.

It's Uncle Jesse.

Just get around him, Daisy.

What good's a roadblock
when nobody stops?

I don't think you're trying
too hard to lose them, girl.

Earl, if you don't like
the way I drive, sh**t me!

Well, that ain't a bad idea.

Hello, this is Earl Becket.

Y'all got your
ears on, out there?

You listen and you listen hard.

I want y'all to
stop your vehicles.

Stop them, or I swear
by all that's mighty...

this little Hazzard girl's
gonna take a b*llet!


You got five seconds.



We ain't taking no
chances. Pull over.

- Three.
- Alright.

- Four!
- We're stopping. We're stopping.

Now, listen, don't you harm
a hair on that girl's head.

You hear me?

Alright. Let's stop, everybody.

See that, sugar You're worth
something to me, after all.

Oh, yeah?

Hold it right there.

I don't know about
y'all but if a pretty girl...

with a g*n was marching
me off to the woods...

I'd go.

You almost k*lled my friends,
and some of my enemies, too.

- Daisy, you alright?
- Yeah.

There he is! Cuff him, Rosco.

So you're the one? Trying
to blow up everything I got?

You can just go
grant yourself...

I'm okay.

'Cause you're gonna
be in jail forever.

Come on. Move along.

That old sorry clown
got his comeuppance.

And I am glad.

You know, people are
awful protective about Daisy.

About old Hickman and Rollo...

sorry Earl, to
save his own hide...

turned State's evidence
against Boss Hickman...

for attempted as*ault.

And old Rosco
finally let Cletus out.

He spends more time
in jail than Bo and Luke.

Come on, get out. Go on.

But the week wasn't
a complete loss.

'Cause that Friday, Boss' speed
trap snagged another big fish.

For the second time.

Hey, it sure is nice you guys
stopped by in Hazzard again.

No offense, but we
were just passing through.

Yeah, and he stopped us again.


Well, Daisy, they were doing
in a mile-an-hour zone.

- Now, that is the law.
- Now look here, boys.

I'm gonna tear up this here
speeding ticket of yours again.

On account of you boys
just sung so nice again.

Is there any safe way we can
get through Hazzard County?

Not as long as you
sing that good, honey.

You know, I bet if
old Hank Williams...

drove through Hazzard
they'd never let him go.
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