03x11 - Good Neighbors Duke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x11 - Good Neighbors Duke

Post by bunniefuu »


Now, friends, this meeting...

of the Hazzard County
Two-Part Harmony...

and Crawfish Chowder
Society would lead you to think...

that the Duke boys
have got the world...

by the tail on a downhill pull.

But it ain't so.

Hey, Flash, did you
see the Duke boys...

violate that little
baby bird sanctuary?

Now, listen here.

Don't you go fussing at me.

Anyway, I got them.

I love this.

Well, looks like we've
got one Rosco P. Coltrane.

And his faithful dog, Flash.

- Looks like he wants us.
- Why don't we find out how bad?

- And what for.
- Hang on.

Bye, Rosco!

Alright, looks like
we lost Rosco.

You never lose him, Cousin,
you just kind of misplace him.

When I get... I'm gonna...

Mangy tire here, it's got...

- Morning, neighbor.
- Good morning, brother.

Hey, how y'all doing?

Have you seen these folks
around these parts anywhere?

Let me see, here.

No, I can't say
that I really have.

What did you say their name was?

Benson, Josiah Benson.

No, sir. I ain't never
heard of them, neither.


- Much obliged.
- Sure thing.

Y'all take it easy, now.

Well, startin' to look
real good, Mr. Benson.

Excuse me, Mr. Venable.

- Maybe this time it's for keeps.
- Yeah.

It is, Daddy. I've got real
good feelings about Hazzard.

Yes, if you need anything,
just give me a call.

Thank y'all. Bye-bye.

You know, those
guys are pretty nice...

for federal agents, that is.

Yeah, I guess.

That man ain't all
smiles and sweetness.

And he's got reason.

Remember the Dixie
Davis kidnapping?

Well, Venable, his name
was Josiah Benson then...

worked for a private
security service.

He was hired by Davis
to deliver the ransom.

- Diamonds, $ million worth.
- $ million.

They blindfolded him, but
he got a gander at Mr. Big.


We picked up Zender

and Benson
testified against him.

Which is why Uncle Sammy
changed his name and relocated him.

And he's still ducking
shadows. Why?

The diamonds. They
were never recovered.

Hickey, ain't we been
chasing rumors long enough?

We'll just check out
a few more locals...

and if we come up empty...

we pull up stakes and
move on into Tennessee.

That ain't gonna make
the Company too happy.

We been tracking them Bensons
and the diamonds a long spell.

Leroy, nobody said the bounty
hunting business was easy.

Get in.

Let's cut through
the old Gaylord farm...

and double back
on Mill Creek Road.

- You got it.
- Alright.

Cut through here.

Look out!

I thought you said this
place was deserted...

nobody lived here no more.

Yeah, well, even a
Duke can be wrong.

Help! Help me!

- Hold on a second.
- Ooh! Help.

- Are you alright?
- I think so.

We're real sorry.

We didn't know folks were
living around here no more.

- Esther, what's going on?
- Oh, Papa, it's alright.

These here are...

Bo and Luke Duke, sir.
From down the road a piece.

We don't cotton
much to strangers.

Our Uncle Jesse always
taught us that a stranger is...

just a friend you
ain't met yet, sir.

I kind of like that.

Look, we'll clean up
the mess we made...

and we'll repair
whatever needs fixing.

You folks must've
just moved in, uh, Mr...

Venable. We've been
here close on a month.

I can't remember
seeing y'all in town.

Well, we ain't been
to town yet. You see...

- Our car is broke.
- Well, I'll tell you what.

Why don't you let us
give you a ride into town...

we'll show you around.

We'll pick up what we need
to fix the mess we made.

And when we get back,
maybe we can look at the car.

Thank you, son, but
we got things to do here.

- Papa! Excuse me.
- Sure.

Papa, if we're gonna settle
down here in Hazzard...

we're gonna have to get
to town sooner or later.

I mean, well, we're near
about out of everything.

Old man sure gives me
a strange feeling, Luke.

How about his daughter?

She gives me a feeling, too.
It just ain't quite so strange.

Alright, honey.

We accept your kind invite.

I'll just put some of
this laundry away.

It's alright. We'll clean
this up. You go ahead.

If Uncle Jesse had knowed
what grief the Venables...

was going to
bring to his family...

well, he might've
reconsidered about a stranger...

being a friend that
he'd never met.

You're gonna call
that Hogg Heights?

Yeah, Hogg Heights.
My new development.

Oh, hello, Cyrus. I'm ready
to buy the Gaylord farm today.

You sold it? To who?

Cyrus, didn't you remember
I told you to hold that farm...

off the market till
I was ready for it?

You forgot? Well, I ain't gonna
forget the first of the month...

when I raise the interest
rates on your loan!

Old Cyrus, that old coot...

he sold the Gaylord farm to
someone called Adam Venable.

Oh, that's a shame.

And now, all my plans and
visions for Hogg Heights...

all my dreams, and
all my aspirations...

have just gone up in smoke.

Here's to many happy
years in Hazzard County.

- Yes, sir.
- Here's to that.

Is everybody in
Hazzard as friendly...

and nice as your cousin Daisy?

Nearly about.

There are a few exceptions.

Alright, I got you.

Here's one of them.

I got you. Here you go.

- That's a summons.
- That's right.

For illegally entering
a bird sanctuary?

That's right, and here's
the hard evidence.

- Ha ha ha.
- Oh, come on.

- No laughing matter...
- Rosco!

What're you doing
with my fancy feathers...

from my duster? Shame on you!

What's Mr. Venable here gonna
think of our police department?

- Mr. Venable?
- Mr. Venable. That's right.

Mr. Venable!

- Mr. Venable, how do you do?
- How do you do?

- My name is Hogg. J.D. Hogg.
- I'm Adam Venable.

Are you related to that good
old Venable family in Gerald City?

- I'm from Harperville, Mr. Hogg.
- You are?

Anyhow, I understand
that you've just bought...

the Gaylord farm, didn't you?

- That's right.
- Yeah.

Oh, Sir, somebody
sure done you no favor.

That's a real harsh
scrap of a place.

You're gonna be miserable there.

There ain't even no
water on that property.

- No water?
- We're digging for it now.

Well, you ain't gonna find any!

Mr. Venable, I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do for you.

I'm gonna make you
a very generous offer.

I'm gonna take and
buy that useless farm...

right off your hands...

at a very generous
profit to you.

Thank you, Mr. Hogg...

but I think we're fixing to stay
on that farm. Come on, Esther.

Yeah, but, Mr... Mr... Mr-Mr...

I don't think he
liked your offer.

- Yeah, I know why.
- Why?

Because, he's greedy.

Them Duke boys was raised
to take being good neighbors...

very serious.

Old Bo even gives
it a personal touch.

There's the Hazzard
County bijou.

What do you think?

Well, let's take us
a closer look-see.

- We're all ready.
- Here's Uncle Jesse.

I want you to meet him.
You're gonna love him.

Uncle Jesse, hey!

Where in tarnation
you boys been?

Now, y'all don't let
this friendly little bit...

of Hazzard socializing fool you.

The wolves have found the spoor.

And they do know their business.

You know what, Hickey?

Take away his
beard and mustache...

add a couple of
years to the gal...

them could be the Bensons.

Yeah, could be.

More than that for sure.

They took over the
old Gaylord farm.

- Good.
- Tell you what.

Me and Bo will go
start with the fencing...

and you two can do
some shopping here.

- Alright.
- Sounds like fun.

Uncle Jesse'd be glad
to show you around town.

Glad to. And I could
take you home later.


But listen, let Uncle Jesse
do all the dickering for you.

Pretty slick horse trader.

Later on.

What is it that you needed most?

Let's follow them boys home.
Then we'll know for sure.

Now that ain't no good sign:

old Boss Hogg eating
while he's thinking.

I don't know why, but
something always happens...

and it's usually bad.

I got it! I got it!

My dream of condominiums
on Hogg Heights ain't dead yet.

I'll tell you one thing:

They sure don't know a
dang thing about farming.

- You know how to use that thing?
- Soon as we get this fixed...

clean up all the mess you
made, and take care of that car...

- We can help them dig for water.
- Yeah, you got it.


Looky here. This little
goose just did some honking.

"J.B." Josiah Benson.

But where are the diamonds?

And he ain't about to tell us.

Maybe he will,
Leroy. Maybe he will.

That there is a
listening device.

Some folks call it a bug.

And it don't eat crops.

But it's gonna cause
trouble for the Dukes.

- How does she look now, Luke?
- You don't wanna know.

No, it ain't too bad. Let's
take a look at the car now.

- Looks a little dirty.
- Sure, you got that right.

He dropped his license plate.

Hey, fellas!

Hey, fellas, you lost
your license plate!

Why don't you pick me up? We
can catch up and give it to them.

Alright, there they are.

Hey, blow the horn, Luke.

It's them hayseeds. They must've
seen us. Burn rubber, Leroy.

Luke, why aren't
they slowing down?

Put that away, Leroy.

We ought to be able to
get 'em on the next turn.

Now, Leroy!

Look out!

Y'all realize that
all this started...

with Bo and Luke helping
the neighbor build a fence?

Now I know how Cletus
feels when he's chasing us.

What I can't figure
out is why them guys...

is running away from you and me.

Ain't got no idea.

- I see you've fixed my fence.
- What's that thing?

It's a license plate. Fell off
a van going by the house.

We chased it down
but they lost us.

The way they took off, you'd
think they was Bonnie and Clyde.

- That van, where was it at?
- Over there, behind the house.

- Behind the house?
- Yes, sir.

It took off down Abernathy road.

There was a
couple of guys in it.

- You got no reason to suspect...
- Come on, sugar.

Everything is just the
way we left it, ain't it, Pa?

It seems so.

I'd hate to think there's a
thief in Hazzard County.

Leastwise, one we
don't know about.

I'd best bring in them supplies.

Why don't I give you a hand?

Them diamonds are there, Leroy.

I can tell it by the worry
in the old man's voice.

Nothing wrong with that.

Now, let's see.

If a man named Venable says
his car don't work and it does...

and you find out his name
ain't Venable, anyway...

even a good neighbor
might get suspicious.

That's enough of us. How
about you and your daddy...

what's your history?

Oh, well, there's not
much to tell, really.

Um, Papa, he used to be...

Well, I mean, when...

Excuse me, Bo.
I've got chores to do.

What was that all about?

I promise, all I did was
ask her about her family.

I believe you. Mighty strange.

If them boys don't calm down...

they'll have to
redo the laundry...

after they finish the fence.

Rosco, no, no, no.

Put that sign up a little
higher so folks can see it.

Cletus, just don't stand
there, give him a hand.

Ah! Ah! Ow! That
look like a nail to you?

Looks like a
thumbnail, you dipstick.

Quiet there, you
two. Let me think.

This here road...

is the only way in and
out of the Venables place.

So, every time they
want to come and go...

they're gonna have to pay.

They're gonna have to pay.

And likewise, anybody else
who wants to come through here...

just to bring 'em something,
or just to pay a visit...

How long do you
think it's gonna be...

before they're gonna be
begging me to buy their property?

Cousin Boss, I have just
one question: is this legal?

Of course it's
legal, you dipstick.

That answer your question?

Yeah, it does. I
have another one.

Cousin Boss, just for a
little drive-through, $ ?

You know something, Rosco?

For once in his
life, Cletus is right.

Well, we'll just do
something about that.

Go on, will ya?

Esther, honey,
we gotta talk some.

Papa, if you're thinking
about moving again...

well, I'm not gonna go with you.

You kind of cotton to Hazzard
and some of the local folk?

Yes, Papa, I do.

Well, you're practically
grown up, Esther, honey...

and you got a right to do
what you think you have to do.

The newspaper clipping
said his name was Benson.

I tell you, it sounds like our
friends are in some trouble.

The only question is, what kind?

I don't know.

Newspapers don't run
pictures without stories...

or at least captions.

Does your friend Polly Ann
still work over at the Gazette?


Why don't we take a
run over to Cedar City?

They keep back
issues on file there.

- The newspapers in the state?
- You got it.

Go to your left,
your right, your left.

Go to your left,
your right, your left.

Go to your left,
your right, your left.

Go to your left,
your right, your l...

Stop! Halt!


Cletus, what is that? It
wasn't there an hour ago.

I know, but it's there now.

- What's that?
- A license plate.


Came off a van down
by the Venable farm...

up the road a piece. Rosco
might find it interesting.

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

If you wanna get by here,
it's gonna cost you $ toll.

Boss Hogg sure wants
that farm bad, doesn't he?

Ain't much sense in
us paying that toll...

since that arm won't reach
high enough for clearance.

- It will, I'll bet you it will.
- You're on.

See that? Pay up.

I don't know. What
do you think, Luke?

- We better try it.
- We're gonna try it, Cletus.

Alright, but I'm telling
you, it's high enough.

See, I told you. I won.

Fellas? Fellas?

I lost.

Honey, if you wanna
stay in Hazzard...

we stay, come what may.

No, papa.

If anything ever
happened to you...

Why don't you call that
federal agent Mr. Dixon?

Baby, this is one move I think
we'd best make on our own.

I love you, Papa.

Okay, we got Harperville
and Henning here right now.

Yeah. Now what exactly
is it that I'm looking for?

Anything on either Adam
Venable or Josiah Benson.

May the best man win.

Calling Bo and Luke Duke.

This is Adam Venable here.

This is Jesse. The boys ain't
here just now. Can I help you?

Well, my Esther and me,
we're going away for a spell.

You ain't leaving, are you?

No, just visiting some kin.

Look here. I've got a
package that's real valuable.

I thought maybe you
could keep it for us.

I'll tell you what.

I'll have Daisy stop by on
her way home and pick it up.

- Will that be alright?
- Much obliged, Jesse.

Over and out.

He's gonna give
the girl a package.

I got a feeling she's
gonna give it to us.

Flash, there's the van that
Cletus was talking about.

They ain't got no license
plates. That is a violation.

You stay here and
guard this vehicle.

If I call you, you attack.

Show no mercy,
and take no prisoners.

Alright, I hear you in
there scurrying around.

Come on out here.

I'm serious. Get out here. I
mean right now. Get out here.

Got you, didn't I? See?
You thought you fooled me.

I saw the reflection of your
windshield up on the hill there.

You know what you
done wrong, don't ya?

You're driving without a
license plate on your vehicle.

That is serious here
in Hazzard County.

You suppose that's why
them boys were chasing us?

- Well, I think...
- Who was chasing who?

Nobody chases anybody in
Hazzard County except me.

And you know who
I am, don't you?

Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane
of Hazzard County.

And who are you, and
what are you doing here?

We are from the... the FBG.

Ooh, ooh. FBG?

The Federal Bureau of Geology.

That's why we got all
this equipment here.

We're checking on a
large uranium deposit.

Oh! Oh!

Uranium? Here in
Hazzard? That's...

- Don't raise your voice.
- Hush.

And you can't tell anybody
you even been talking to us.

Otherwise, we'd
both be in violation...

of the Natural Secrets Act.

Oh, that's serious.

A slip of the lip
can sink a ship.

Don't you worry about your
ship. I ain't gonna sink it.

No, sir. My lip is sealed as
tight as Boss Hogg's wallet.

- Hi, Miss Daisy.
- Hey, Cletus.

Are you guarding this
place all by your little self?

I sure am.

I got some bad news.
There's a $ toll charge.

Cletus, I don't have $ .

Can I borrow
$ just till Friday?

- I'll write you an IOU.
- Sure.

And how about another $
for the sheriff's welfare plan?

Sure, that'd be great, Daisy.

- Here you go. Thank you so much.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Wait a minute. I gave her $ ...

and she gave me an
IOU. She got my money.

- Uranium?
- Uranium.

Government geologists?

Government geologists.
Now you got it, Boss.

- Only I ain't got it yet.
- Ain't got it yet.

On account of you
didn't think fast enough...

to get me the exact
location of that uranium.


A slip of your lip
may sink your ship.

The license plate!

Where did Cletus tell you them
Duke boys found that thing?

- Over at the Venable farm.
- At the Venable farm.

- Well, ain't that interesting?
- Yeah, that is.

No wonder they turned down
my offer to buy that place.

- Why?
- Uranium!

Oh, Rosco, we got things to do.

Just as soon as I make
this telephone call...

and buy me the mineral
rights to the Gaylord farm.

- Hi, how y'all?
- Real fine.

Sorry to tell you,
the toll is $ .

Can you break $ ?

$ ? I ain't got
that kind of money.

You let us know when
you can. Hit it, Leroy.

They're pretty nice
guys. Change...

Ransom Messenger's Testimony
Convicts Underworld Boss

Listen to this:

"Harvey Lee Zender
convicted largely...

on eyewitness testimony
"of Josiah Benson."

It says right here, "The ransom,
$ million in uncut diamonds...

"has not been returned yet."

I bet them boys in that
van are Zender's boys.

Bet they've come to
square up the accounts.

I doubt it. If that was the
case, he'd be dead by now.

Wait a minute. Then they must
be looking for them diamonds.

- Let's go.
- Thanks a lot, Polly Ann.

See you later.

Thank you.

- Hi, Esther.
- Hi, Daisy, how are you?

- Good, thanks.
- Hey, Mr. Venable.

Uncle Jesse says you have...

something valuable
that needs looking after?

That's right, Daisy.

You'll hold on to it
till you hear from us...

- Sure thing.
- Take good care of it, you hear?

Mr. Venable, I'll
guard it with my life.

And I'll see you
when you get back...

from wherever you're going. Bye.

Papa, does she think
we're coming back?

That's what I told Jesse.
I think it's better that way.

When we get settled...

we'll have them send
the briefcase on to us.

Looks like we
put our faith into...

some pretty shifty
diamond thieves.

Uncle Jesse says there's
two sides to every story.

I know it. I can't wait to
hear their side of it, that's all.

Alright, Leroy. Make your move.

Step down, little lady.

You might give me a little hand.

Now, friends and
neighbors, be very careful...

how you approach a
girl in Hazzard County.

Don't let her get away,
she's got the diamonds.

Any Dukes out there
got their ears on?

- We got you, Daisy.
- Luke, I need your help, honey.

I don't know what's happening...

but two fellas just
tried to bushwhack me.

- They're behind me right now.
- In a van?

- Affirmative.
- Do you know why?

No. I think it's got something
to do with the briefcase...

Mr. Venable gave me.

Where are you?

Heading south from
the Venable farm.

Alright. We're
on our way. Hit it.

How did she get
mixed up in this?

How did we?

Left, right, left, right...

Slow down. Slow down! Slow down!

What are you trying to do?
And give me those $ , $ !

Hey, what is this?

Buzzards on a buzz saw!

Some fellas just won't
take "no" for an answer.

Friends, that's more
electric hardware...

than is in the entire
Hazzard Power Company.

Find anything in the van?

I'll tell you later.
Which way did they go?

Follow me.

- I think there's a way down...
- No. They're back up here.

We got you, Daisy.
Come on, let go, darling.

Fellas, that was great!

Come on. Let's get
out of here, move.

Are you alright?

Sure, they didn't
lay a hand on me.

How did you get that
briefcase, anyway?

Seems Mr. Venable
called Uncle Jesse...

and said he was going
out of town for a spell...

and wanted us to hold on to it.

I tell you, I think there
must be $ million in here.

You're about half right.

Don't open it up.
We ain't got the right.

Why don't we, find the
guy that's got the right

Hey, Boss...

how do we find the uranium now?

That's easy.

We use this here Geiger counter.

How many Geigers are we gonna
have to count before we find it?

All I know is, when
this little needle moves...

you've found the uranium.

Which you'd know, too, if
your cranium had a brainium.

- Ow! Ow! What is that?
- It's a pick.

- Come on.
- Sorry I poked your posterior.

Daddy, I think we ought
to tell the Dukes the truth.

You're right, honey.

I guess this is
yours, Mr. Benson.

Dang near cost Daisy her life.

I'm sorry, Daisy. Really, I am.

Sorry enough to
tell us the truth now?

I was gonna do that anyway.

You know our name is
Benson, what else do you know?

Just what we read in the papers.

Of course, that
was all back issues.

Then you know it all. Except
maybe about the US government...

putting us on their
relocation plan...

changing our name and all.
This is our third port of call.

Seems the people who know about
them diamonds keep popping up.

If you give them diamonds back,
people will stop bothering you.

- We ain't got the diamonds.
- Zender's got them stashed.

Then what is in there?
Sorghum and grits?

Show 'em, honey.

May not seem like much.

This is just some
family pictures.

It's all we've got left
of what we once was.

- And the birth certificates.
- It's our heritage.

I guess we know a little
something about that.

There ain't nothing as precious
in life as your family heritage.

I think we'd best be
going. For good, this time.

Wait, those men in
the van are probably...

still out there. Who
are they anyway?

They're bounty hunters. They're
from a Company out of Atlanta.

How did they know about
Daisy and what she was carrying?

Wait just a minute. They
must have been in the house.

With all that electronic
gear in that van...

Come on.

You sure we're looking
in the right place, Boss?

Huh? Sure, I'm sure.

This is the exact same spot
the Venables was looking, ain't it?

Yeah. But they weren't
looking for uranium...

they were looking for water.

And I'm the tooth fairy.

That's why I got

last time I put my
molar under the pillow.

Look! Look! Look! That needle.
It's jumping all over the place.

- Rosco, you're getting warm.
- Will you hold this?

- I'm getting hot.
- No! Not you!

I mean we are getting warm.

I'll take your jacket...

I mean, it's the Geiger counter.

- We're getting close.
- Yeah, we're getting...

- Go get the jackhammer.
- I'm going. I'm going.

You can bet them
two got their ears on.

What do you suppose would
happen if we told them...

bounty hunters what
was really in that suitcase?

They won't believe it. Even
if they did, there'd be others...

coming at us as long as we live.

Come on, fellas. There's
gotta be something we can do.

Nope, I'm afraid Pop's right.

We're gonna be running
for the rest of our lives.

Maybe you're both right.
That there could be the answer.

What do you think would
happen if them bounty hunters...

thought you were dead?

If they actually saw you
die, what would they do then?

Report it to their
company, I expect.

Then they'd have to give
the story to the papers.

Yup. Looks like we're gonna
have to k*ll you for your own good.

If y'all believe that...

I've got some Tennessee
beach property...

that I'm selling real cheap.

"Expect the unexpected."

And it sure does fit,
'cause we got a little...

shuck-and-jive cooking.

And friends and neighbors,
they got some kind of moves.

Cooter, this is Bo. You got
your ears on? Come back.

Read you long and strong,
good buddy. That's a big - .

Uncle Jesse, are you
there? You hearing me?

Alright now, Cooter and
Uncle Jesse, Luke's got a plan...

I'm not exactly sure what it
is but I'm gonna ride along.

Smile a lot, give a couple
of yee-haws, alright?

- Take care, y'all.
- I hear you.

- Alright, we're looking good.
- All set?

Alright, let's do it. Everybody
knows what's going on?

- Okay.
- Let's go.

Mr. Benson, we
ain't gonna be able...

to take them stolen diamonds
to the fence in Colonial City.

How come? I thought
we had us a deal.

You see, Sheriff Rosco
P. Coltrane has been...

bird-dogging us
something fierce lately...

so you'll just have to take
them there yourself, sir.

Once you get to the
bottom of Widow's Peak...

- Widow's Peak?
- Widow's Peak.

You're gonna be out
of Hazzard County.

From there on it
should be clear sailing.

Get out the map, Leroy.

Let's find us Widow's Peak.

Remember, everybody.
Timing is everything.

Wait a minute,
boys. You too, Daisy.

I just can't let you
do it. It's too risky.

If it weren't for us you'd
never have gone into town...

and gotten into this whole
mess in the first place.

Alright. Whatever happens,
you're good neighbors for sure.

We gotta say the same.

- It's gonna work, though.
- It will.

Luke's plan needed
a little tricky timing.

It needed Cooter...

a little help from Jesse,
and some dynamite.

Now that, friends, is a mixture.

You watch the place.

I'll be right back.

I think.

Alright, get your jackhammer
now. Come on, start digging.

Meanwhile, back at the farm...

old Boss was getting
more frustrated...

by pure old greed by the minute.

Give me this thing!

People don't have any respect
for law and order anymore.

Oh, no. Oh, no!

I just might as well stay here.

Good thing you put them
flares on them arrows.

Where do you suppose
them investigators are?

Well, if I heard what they
must've heard, I'd be waiting...

over by Widow's Peak, myself.

Alright. Let her rip.

Be careful.

It's like the brass ring.

Just like old Luke figured.

Them bad dudes was
waiting for the Venables...

at the top of Widow's Peak.

Now we're back to the
timing in Luke's plan.

It was up to Cooter to
run the van off the road...

making it look accidental.

And then to
take a little time...

before letting them
get back on the road.

Them cousins of yours are
plain crazy, God bless them.

There they are, Leroy.


Okay, you're on.

What happened, Daddy?

It's our brakes.
They're not holding!

Well, do something, Daddy!

I can't! I can't!

Come on, baby, come on,
fire up. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Okey-dokey. Keep her steady.

- Come on.
- Let's go this way.

- We're gonna crash!
- No! Oh, no!


Luke's plan worked
slicker than a greased pig.

When Hickey called the Company
and reported what he'd seen...

well, the Company closed
the books on the case.

And the bounty
hunters had gone...

to all that trouble for nothing.

Serves them right.

That was so good.

Instead of uranium,
Rosco struck water...

thus assuring the Venables a
normal life to live in Hazzard.

Well, the toll bridge had
taken its toll on Cletus.

And Boss didn't get any uranium.

But his speed trap
was still a gold mine.

And now, if you folks
would just quiet down...

J.D. Hogg now proudly
presents for your enjoyment...

Mr. Hoyt Axton.

Thank you, folks.
Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, folks.

A secret button?

One-tenth. I love it. I love it.

- Can I go now?
- Yeah, you can go.

Your fine singing has paid
for your speeding ticket.

You know something,
Boss, you're a real prince.

- Oh, I am?
- Maybe not a prince.

- Maybe more like a varlet.
- A var...

- Is that good?
- Oh, yeah, very good.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Rosco, did you
know I'm a varlet?

Oh, wonderful. Let me
take a picture of you, varmint.

In case y'all didn't know...

a varlet is a good
old boy gone bad.

And that's rare, even
in Hazzard County.
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