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02x15 - St Louis Blues

Posted: 08/24/22 18:24
by bunniefuu

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Face to face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hopin' to find
We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Makin' a go
Makin' it grow ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things
You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪

-♪ You and I ♪
-♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

-♪ You and I ♪
-♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I together ♪

DEREK: Hey, Rick!



-...what are you doing here?

I was hoping
I could spend the night.

Things are a little rough
at my house.

My parents are having
a slight disagreement.

Over what?

My mom says my dad's
a slimy glob of vermin.

Can I stay?

-Um, sure. I'll ask my dad.

But you have to promise
not to be

your usual obnoxious self.


I'm famous for being
the perfect guest.

Do you mind if l take the bed
and you take the floor?

Knock it off, Derek.

Now, as long as you're here,

you can help me out
with something.


With a Valentine's Day surprise
for my dad and Kate.

You see, we all like
to celebrate

special occasions together.

Wait a minute. Is there gonna be
a lot of huggy-kissy poo?



the giving of a valentine...
[GRUNTS] a way to say to somebody
that I love you.

You see, I'm explaining this
to you so you'll understand

why you never received one.


Special delivery.

-Happy Valentine's Day.

These are beautiful, Edward.


Happy Valentine's Day!

-Who is this?
-It's me, Freddy.

Don't you recognize me?


Oh, I mean, I am Cupid,
the god of love.

I am here to...

uh, here to...

Smite you.

Rick, who talks like that?

You do if you want
your five bucks.

I am here to smite you
with my arrows of love.


Just a moment.

-I've been smited.

Hey, it worked!

Boy, I'm good!

Listen, Fred. I, uh,

I really appreciate
you doing this for me, okay?

Oh, it's okay.

But remember, you promised me

you won't tell any of the guys,

Don't worry, Freddy.

No one will ever find out.


Hi, Fred.

Well, Happy Valentine's Day,



Time for a little
Valentine's Day speech.


[SIGHS] ...I never thought
I'd find anybody

as compassionate, and bright,

and beautiful as you are.

Six months ago I might have said
I don't know what you see in me,


you've given me a sense
of my own worth.

And that's one of the greatest
gift anybody can get.

I love you, honey.


EDWARD: And, Rick...

I love being a father.

Every time
you experience something,

it's fresh and new,
and important to me.

In a way you've given me
a chance to live

my whole life over again.

I love you very much, son.

Come here. [GRUNTS]


Uh, Dad, Derek's upstairs
and he wants to know

if he can spend the night,
is that okay?

-Sure. I don't see why not.
-[SIGHS] I'm gonna go tell him.




[EXHALES] It's kinda kinky,
but I'm getting into it.



-I saw you watching us.
-That was so sappy,

Norman Rockwell would refuse
to paint it.

Derek, you don't have
to get ashamed

about showing emotions.

Okay, maybe for a second,

a millisecond,
I wished that my family

will get along as well
as you guys do.

But I'm over that now.
Case of temporary insanity.

That argument
between your parents

is bothering you a lot more

than you let on, isn't it?

I don't want to talk about it.

All right.

My dad's been cheating
on my mom again.


I-- I thought
he was getting help

in group therapy?

He was. And then he met
another lady in the group

who had the same problem.

And they both just got back
from a weekend in Atlantic City.

Well, they probably had fun.

You know something, Rick.

My dad cheats on his
expense accounts,

he cheats on his taxes,
cheats on his golf score.

I mean, I really look up to him.

But cheating on my mom!

How could he do
something like that?

I was watching Phil Donahue
last week...

and there was a bunch of wives
on the show talking about...

"The Gray Itch."

The Gray Itch.

Is that anything like
the heartbreak of psoriasis?

No, no, you see, it--
you see, it's when a man

becomes middle-aged and his hair
starts turning gray.

He starts to worry whether women
will still think he's sexy.

It's an itch.

So he finds himself a woman


Did the wives in the show
forgive their husbands?

I don't know. I got bored

and switched to The Flintstones.

But Wilma did forgive Fred
for going to bowling

on their anniversary.

I'm sorry.

[SIGHS] Listen, Derek,

uh, your parents have had
this fight before.

Remember that time your mom
turned on the TV

and saw your dad
on the dating game.

She, uh, she took
all his pictures

and fed them to the Cuisinart.

Well, that eventually blew over
in a few days.

So will the argument
they're having now.


it won't.

Sure it will.

Not this time.

I know that for sure.

What do you mean?

My parents are getting
a divorce.




-Who is it?
-CORRIN: Corrin Taylor.

Hi, Corrin. Come on in.

Thank you.

Is, um, is Derek here?

Uh, yeah, he's upstairs
with Rick.

-Is anything wrong?

My whole day has been...

First of all, the, uh, gardener
and his gas powered

hedge trimmer woke me
at the uncivilized hour

at 11:00 in the a.m.

Then my hairdresser,

canceled my appointment
because he got beat up...


And worst of all,

my husband and I had
a terrible fight and...

and, uh...


We're getting a divorce.

It was an impulsive decision

made in the heat of battle,
but, uh,

I feel very good about it.

Oh, Corrin.

-Is your marriage really over?

I feel very good about it.

And-- and you're sure
that this is--

this is what you want?

I feel very good about it.

Well, Corrin, you're amazing.

Anybody else would crumble
under the emotional experience

of a divorce, and here you are.
Look at you, you're a rock!


Derek and I have
a 9:30 rendezvous with a 747.

We're flying
to St. Louis tonight.

Oh, your-- your family's there,
aren't they?

I feel like my whole life
is falling apart.

I want to be surrounded
by people who love me.

Of course, you do.


I'll go get Derek.

Can I get you anything?
A drink? Some hot soup?

Why does my husband sleep
with other women?

How about a nice apple?


Come in.

Rick, where's Derek?

Uh, he's in the bathroom,
brushing his teeth.

Dad, he told me his parents
are getting a divorce.

I know. His mom's downstairs.

Dad, why are so many people
getting a divorce?

When you get married
it's supposed to be

"till death do us part."

Well, sometimes it becomes worse
than death.

[SIGHS] Look, son,
people get divorced

for a lot of reasons.

Sometimes there's
a financial problem,


two people just grow
in different directions.

Sometimes, one of the other, um,

finds somebody else
they like better.

Why'd you and mom get a divorce?


when I met your mother,
I fell madly in love with her.

I loved everything about her.

Specially her perfect,
little mouth.

Then we got married.

Her little mouth...

got bigger...

and bigger...


Well, actually,
it was my fault too.

I don't know, we...

just couldn't seem to agree
on anything,

so we got a divorce.

Since then, there's something
we do agree on, though...

We have the best son
in the whole wide world.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks, Dad.

You know, Derek's been in there
an awfully long time.



Why isn't he answering?

I don't know.

He-- he was depressed
about his parent's divorce.


How depressed was he?

He was real depressed, Dad.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

[SIGHS] Son, we're jumping
to conclusions here.

He's probably just concentrating
on his flossing.


Derek, answer the door!

Derek, can you hear me?
Answer me!

Stand back, son. Let me try.


[SHOUTS] What's with your dad?

Derek, we thought...

Never mind what we thought.

Look, uh, son, your mother
is downstairs

and she wants to talk to you.

-She does?

Rick, you were right.
My parents must have made up!

She's here to tell me
that everything's okay,

right, Mr. Stratton?

She's waiting on the couch.


So they're still getting
a divorce, huh?

She's taking me to St. Louis,
isn't she?





Mr. Stratton, I don't want to go
to St. Louis.

-Could, uh...

could I stay here with you guys?


Listen, Derek, we would love
to have you,

wouldn't we, Rick?

[EXHALES] I would like that.

It's amazing.

Then I can stay.

[SIGHS] Well, think about it.

Your mother wants you with her.

And she loves you very much.

And she's going through
a very rough time.

She's gonna need your help.

Well, what about what I need?

I need my parents to still
be together, Mr. Stratton

I know that, Derek,
and that could still happen.

But, in the meantime,

you and your mother
are gonna need each other.

Before I go,
can I say goodbye to Rick?




this is so long.

Guess it is.



Man, we've had
some good times together,

haven't we?

We sure have.

Rick, uh, this is

my last chance to ask you
a question that's,

well, that's been on my mind
for a long time.

Since we've known each other,
there may have been one

or two instances when...

I may have been
a little hard to take.


Yeah, really.

And the thing is, is that...

no matter how many rotten,
dirty tricks

that I pull on you...

you always stayed my friend.

How come?

You know, I've asked myself
that question 1,000 times.

You ever come up with an answer?


'Cause, you see, no matter
how big a pain in the butt

you are...

life with Derek Taylor
is never boring.

-I try.

So long.

So long.

You know, I am a little nervous
about what's gonna happen to me

in St. Louis.


I'm more nervous
about what's gonna happen

to St. Louis.

Don't worry, Derek,
you'll make it.

You're a survivor.

-Rick, you are, without a doubt,

the most up-front, upright,

disgustingly straight-arrow
best friend a guy ever had.

Derek, you are, without a doubt,
the most underhanded,

unwholesome, untrustworthy,

outrageously scuzzy
best friend a guy ever had.


You're welcome.

-You know what?


I'm really gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.


I, uh...

I wanna give you this.

It's your Swiss Army knife,

that's one
of your most favorite things.

Yeah, well...

well, now you'll have something
to remember me by.

[SIGHS] Thanks!


I want you to have this.

This is my watch.

I loaned it to you a month ago.

Oh, yeah. Keep it.


♪ Together
Were gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together
Taking the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things
You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪