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02x12 - Reunion: Part 1

Posted: 08/24/22 09:20
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...


XAVIER: What is this place?
A rain forest in Antarctica?

Its splendor
seems boundless.

MAGNETO: It's called
the Savage Land.








Are you sure
this is wise, Charles?

If you know another way
to get to my plane,

I'm open
to suggestions.


Careful, Magneto!

My apologies,

I'm used to
surmounting cliffs
with far more ease.

How much further?

Trust me,
you'd rather not know.

There's so much I don't know
about this Savage Land.


We're under attack!




Nicely played, Charles.



We made it.

I knew
it had survived.

as we did.


BARBARUS: Not for long!

My Mutates!


Please do not
abandon us again,

former master.

Foolish Amphibius.

Don't you know
you cannot challenge
your creator?

No longer!



Look away, Charles!
Do not look
directly into her eyes!

You speak as if
he had a choice.

Surrender your will
to me, outlanders.

Succumb to
the power of Vertigo.


They will give you
no further trouble.



Now we take them
to the Master!

It is for him to decide
whether they live
as his slaves,

or perish like
the dogs they are.

Play that message again,
Jean. I want to be sure.

MORPH: I want to come back.

No! Get out of here!

Hurry! Branston Theatre.
I need you now! Wolverine!

If that ain't Morph,
I'll eat the Blackbird.

You're coming home, pal.

Does true evil exist
in this sorry world?

When I drink this potion
of my own devising,

the secret
shall at last be mine.

WOLVERINE: It is him.
Let's grab him.

Let him finish.

No! The pain!
The terrible torment!

Henry Jekyll
cannot endure
such utter agony,

but it matters not
to Edward Hyde!


Come on, we don't want
to lose him.


Nice performance, friend.


Who are you?

You can cut the act, Morph.
We got your invitation.

Morph? Never heard
of him, stranger.

My name's Murphy.

what's wrong?

Get away from here! Now!
I know he's watching.

He wants you and Jean.
He has the professor. He...


The professor?

Don't worry,

We won't leave you.

Come on, batface!
Show yourself!


Gotcha, shorty.

Careful with Summers
and Miss Grey.




Quiet, Zabu.
Now is not the time.

While the Mutates
fight against

perhaps we can
use their struggle
against them.

Come, my brother,
there is much we must do.

Then, when the moment
is right, Ka-Zar
will have his revenge.

There, Zabu!
The three-horns
we saw before.

Come, brother,
I will need your strength.


Run, three-horns!
Flee for your lives!


What is that sound?

Like thunder,
coming closer!

But I see no clouds.

By the Master... No!



This way!
Follow me!


No time to
explain, Charles.

Pigs, you let them
get away!

The Master will not
be pleased.

XAVIER: Thank you.

You saved our...

Keep your gratitude!

Who are you,
and why have you

the devil Magneto
back to our land?

If he had not created
those cursed Mutates,

our people would
not be enslaved,

and my wife would
not be a prisoner!


That's enough.

Whatever his past crimes,

Magneto is not to blame
for your current troubles.

The Mutate called Amphibius
told us he was
obeying the orders

of someone
he called Master.

Perhaps he means Sauron.

He and your Mutates
have enslaved
the people of this land,

taking many to your citadel,
including my beloved Shanna.

Then she must be
the one we saw
carried off by Sauron.

What can we do
to help you?

I should
trust him?

You don't have
much choice.

If Magneto
betrays me again,

you, Xavier,
shall suffer
my vengeance.

Tonight we raid the citadel
and free my c*ptive people,

or perish trying.

What have you done
with Xavier?

Scott. Jean.

How good to
see you again.

Kindly go collect
our guests.

I shall go to great lengths
to be of service.


Two X-Men,
gift wrapped.

Very thoughtful,
George. Now, let's...



Wolverine. Scott!

Get down.
I want Sinister!


Come on, Sinister.
You want me?

Here I am.



The trouble with
this crowd is

you have to shout
to make yourself heard.

Well done, Ruckus.
I'm proud of you.

Hey, it's what
I live for.

You escaped me once, X-Men.

You will not be
so fortunate again.

Quickly, my children,
make our guests comfortable
aboard the aircraft,

and we'll be
on our way.

Not too comfortable.

Wouldn't want to be a burden.


Stop him!

get Jean Grey
to the plane!

Keep your distance,
little man.



You grabbed
the wrong girl,
fat boy!


No, he didn't.


Warned you
I couldn't be trusted.

Let's go, boys.




Easy, pal. We'll find her
no matter what it takes.

Your citadel, Magneto,
a sickness in
the heart of our land.

not meant to be.

When I built it,
I had great ambitions
for this world.

Unfortunately, Magneto,
the ambitions
of powerful men

usually bring strife
and misery to those
they would improve.



Thank you.

There seems to be
a chill wind tonight.

The one that
has been blowing
since the day

Magneto first came
to the Savage Land.

Times change,
jungle lord.

People do not.

MAGNETO: This passage
will bring us up directly
behind the laboratory.

Zabu is wary of this,
Magneto. As am I.

you should be, fool!

But how...

The Master long ago
your secret passage.

Now, where were we?

Come! We will find
another way
to free my beloved.

Quickly, we can
still get them!

Let the animals go for now!

We have the two
we really wanted.

You are the Master?

You are not worthy
to speak his name!

No, I am merely the keeper
of these devices

while the Master
is away.

You may call me

Now, quickly,
chain them to the wall.

There is work
to be done.

What are
you doing?

that's enough.


At last you've returned to us.

Mr. Sinister?

I've heard the name.

Frankly, I'm
not impressed.


Thank heaven you're alive.
We've been so worried,
so frightened!

I'm sorry to have
caused you concern, Jean.

As you've undoubtedly
noticed, Magneto,
I've made a few changes

since inheriting
this rather
primitive installation.

A tissue sample from Sauron
into this device

enables it to draw energy
from any mutants
in the Savage Land,

rendering their powers

The Mutates
seem unaffected.

They have taken

I hadn't realized

a side effect would be
your renewed ability
to walk, Professor.

I do hope
you enjoyed it.

What do you want
from us, Sinister?

Your very essence.

Boys, Morph's about
to do something
we might all regret.


You still
fight my control?

I'm free of it!

Exquisitely poor timing,
I'm afraid.

Now you'll have to share
your professor's fate.

Proudly! Better to die
an X-Man than
to live as your sl*ve!

I should have let you die.

All I need now
is for you to contact
your students, Professor,

and bring them here.

You know
I won't do it.

SAURON: You speak
as if you have a choice.


Look at me, Xavier,
and obey!

Resistance is futile.
Obey me.


No, never.

No, Professor,
don't listen to him!

Stop! You could
destroy him!

You are a fool, Sinister.

The most powerful mutants
on Earth
shall hunt you down

to see Charles Xavier

He resists
like no other!

But in vain.

Won't listen.
Can't listen.

Too many people
who depend on me.

Can't allow you
to control my mind.

Won't allow you to...


What have
you done to him?


Oh, Charles.

Wakey, wakey.

What do you want
from me, Master?


ROGUE: What's going on?

Cerebro confirms
it's the
Professor's code.

You found him?

Hello, my friends.

It is good
to see you again.


You're alive!

If you will rendezvous
with me

at the following coordinates...



This is all
very odd.

The Professor
was not at all
like himself.

Gambit, check the origin
of that transmission.

GAMBIT: In a minute.
The Blackbirdjust come in.


GAMBIT: Guess who
we found?

Hey, wait up!

-We have to talk!
-We have to talk!

CYCLOPS: Morph said something
about Sinister
having the Professor.

So, we're flying
into a trap.


Suits me.

The Professor's
unnatural lack of emotion

suggests coercion.

If the old man
was forced to call us
against his will,

it mean
he need our help bad,
trap or no trap.

If somebody is holding Xavier,

I'm gonna enjoy
making them let go.

We're nearing
the Professor's

How could anyone
survive down there?

I honestly don't know.

Brace yourselves, people,
we're going in!