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02x09 - A Rogue's Tale

Posted: 08/24/22 09:18
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

ROGUE: I don't wanna
live my whole life

without knowing
what it's like to touch
another human being.

What's wrong, chere?

You know what happens
when I touch somebody!

You wanna end up
in the hospital?

Maybe it's worth it, no?

You're not going
to like this, but...


Don't worry,
I won't tell Jean.
I just hope...


I absorbed your power
when I touched you.

I mean, how do I turn
this darn thing off?

Maybe you just want me
to wake you up with a kiss.


Some mutants
might welcome the
chance to become normal.

Yeah. Who?

No deserters in this crowd.



Give me that umbrella, lady.



You said you had
a gift for me.

Yes. One day I will
ask for repayment.


Dr. Charles Xavier
is no longer with the X-Men.

I can't believe it!

Like sheep
without a shepherd,

they become lambs
to the slaughter.

Defeat them
and you can reclaim
your daughter.




Nice work, Avalanche,
old stick. Allow me.



Oh, boy! Tutti-frutti!


This job ain't half bad!

Storm, Rogue,
what do you see?

A fat boy and a pair
of juvenile delinquents.

Old buddies
from Muir Island.

We're moving in.

Ah-ha! Here come those
tedious teacher's pets.

Our job is done.
Let's go.

But I want a shot
at those X-Geeks.

Money ain't everything,
you know.


Suit yourself.

No! You can't have any!


And I just washed
this uniform.

Why is that gal
staring at me?


Rogue! What's the matter?


You! No!

(PANTING) Get away from me!


Who, chere?
Who'd you see?

-Guess I had one
of them flashes.

Last few weeks.

Since the Professor

Can you remember
what Professor Xavier

was working on with you?

Not exactly.

I know he blocked out
a whole bunch of memories.

Scott, I ran a computer search
on that woman Rogue saw.

She really gets around.

CYCLOPS: It's almost like
she wants us to see her.

You remember
anything about her?


I don't know.

Rogue! What is it?

(GROANING) I'm fine.

I just need some air.

WOMAN: Can't keep me
bottled up in there forever.

Leave me alone!



Wolverine! I'm sorry!

WOMAN: Way to go,

Get away!



Oh. Careful, chere.
Gambit just trying to help.

Just... Just stay away.
All of you!




I need to talk to...

Hey, girlfriend,
miss me?

Stop haunting me!

Where am I?

WOMAN: In the lower
depths of your mind,
where you put me.

I wanted you to see
what you had done!

Who are you?
Why are you
doing this to me?

You took away my life!

Get away from me!

Calm down, Rogue.
Jean's here.

Tell us what's going on.

What is this place?
Who are you people?

Everything's going to be
all right, Rogue.

No! Get away!

Rogue! Stop it!


What are you doing?

Get out of my head!

I'm probing her mind.

There's another
presence in there.


Jean, get Storm to follow her.

We have to be
prepared for anything.


Storm to Cyclops.
Rogue is moving toward
the Statue of Liberty.


(SOBBING) I'm...
I'm scared, Storm.

Let us help you.

Only Professor X
could have helped me.

And he's gone now,
maybe forever.

Trust us, Rogue.

We shall find a way
to help you.

Forget it, Rogue.
You're mine now!


Rogue, wait!

Storm to Cyclops.

I had her for a moment,
but she fled.

I am following her.

Come find me, Rogue,
I'm inside.

Inside where?

The hospital,
where you put me.

Then I'm gonna come down
and shut you up!

Finally, she is ready
to come back to me.

Rogue? Where are you?

Storm! I'm down here!

Thank goodness.
I was worried.

Maybe you ought to worry
about yourself.


I admire
your subtlety, Blob.

This is Storm. Code Red!

Report to Midtown Hospital

NURSE: This is our Jane Doe.

We call her Sleeping Beauty.

You see this brain
activity monitor?

No change since
she's been here.

CYCLOPS: What's up?


What the...

You missed us?

You stole something
very important from me.

And now you're going to pay!

Rock and roll,


Thanks for shutting
that jerk up.

We gotta find Storm.

Nice kitty cat.

Keep them busy!

BLOB: Don't gotta
ask me twice!



Looks like your gut
could use a trim!



Is that supposed to hurt?

Eat some sidewalk.

WOLVERINE: Needs salt.

BLOB: Hey,
who ordered the hurricane?

They were just
a mere distraction.

We must search the hospital.

A shape-shifter is after Rogue.

Why'd you bring me
to this hospital?

There ain't nothing
you can show me that... Hey!

Where are you?

Who are you?
What are you doing in my mind?

Now I got...

What's going on here?

I ought to knock you
three ways from Sunday!

Why have you been
doing this to me?

To get close to her.

To help you
remember the past

that Professor Xavier
purged from your memory.

Why do you care
what I know about my past?

Touch me and remember.


You ever been
kissed, girl?

I'm beginning to think
I never will be.

ROGUE: Cody!
My first boyfriend.

That's when I felt my...
My powers.

My own flesh and blood,
a mutant!

Daddy, please...

You're a disgrace!
I'm ashamed to be
seen with you!

You ain't my daughter.
Not anymore.



ROGUE: I had no choice.

I had to leave.

I had no one
to turn to until...

You look like
you could use a meal
and a hot bath.

You taught me everything
about my mutant powers.


How I could steal
people's memories.
And their powers.

You training me
for what you said would be

the most important
day of my life.

I'm lost.
Could you help me?


Initiating takeoff
procedure now!

It's Miss Marvel!

That's Ms. Marvel
to you, round boy!

You won't stop me
this time!

If my guess is right,
my daughter has a serious
surprise for you.



Grab her, Rogue!


What are you doing?

Momma, something's wrong!
I want to let go.

No! Hold on!
No matter what!

But something's
happening, Momma.

I'm scared!

Don't let go!


Why did I have to hold on,

It felt bad.

I wonder who she is.

How could you
do that to me, Momma?

Didn't I love you enough?

You knew what
would happen next.

I had Ms. Marvel's
super strength

and her ability to fly,

But that wasn't all.

I also had her mind
trapped inside me.

That's when
the spells started.

You stole my powers.
You stole my life!


Rogue, what's wrong?

Nothing, Momma.
I'll be all right.

ROGUE: But I wasn't.

For the second time,
I had to leave the place
I called home.

And that's when
he called out to me.

XAVIER: Mutant.


I feel your pain.
Let me help you.

In order for you to heal,
you must forget.

I can't!

What's gonna happen
to Ms. Marvel?

I'm sorry, Rogue,
but I cannot return her
to her real body.

For now I can only quiet her,
for both your sakes.

That is how I lost you
to Xavier.

I swore one day
I'd get you back.

Today is that day,
my daughter.

You used me!

I was just a w*apon for you
against Ms. Marvel!

What's happening to me?

You still have
my shape-shifting power.

It will fade soon,
but you can't control it.

I'm taking over
this mind and this body.

Ms. Marvel is reborn!

Where's Rogue?


Somebody make her stop!

No! Fight her!


They will not get away!

I cannot catch them!

Don't worry, Storm.

I am monitoring all of you
through Cerebro.

You can't catch up
with her body,

but, with Cerebro's help,
I can catch up with her mind.

Rogue, let me
inside your mind.

Rogue, where are you?

Go away!
You have no business here!

Let go of her!

MS. MARVEL: I've been waiting
a long time for this, sister!

This is only happening
in my mind.

That's exactly
why it's real.

When I defeat you here,
your mind and body
will be mine.

You don't understand.
If you destroy her,
you're both finished.

Better to have it
end like this!

You took away
everything I had,
everything I ever was!

ROGUE: I'm sorry!
I didn't mean to do it.

Sorry doesn't give me
back my life!

This ends now!




(SOBBING) I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

JEAN: She left you no choice.


Jean to Cyclops. It's over.

Rogue's OK.

What are you doing?

Sorry, Mystique.

Use your pitiful tricks
on somebody else.

I belong with the X-Men now.

Xavier's gone.
Only I can help you.

Only I could
ever help you.

You never loved me.

You only cared
about my powers.

You made me worse
than a k*ller!

How can you
do this to me?

I raised you like my own.

I ain't your daughter, Mystique.
Not anymore.


Well, look at this.
I hope you dress up for me.

I'd like to
sometime, Gambit.

But I'm spending today
with an old friend.

A visitor?
You know our Jane Doe?

Her name is Carol Danvers.
We were very close.