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02x07 - Time Fugitives: Part 1

Posted: 08/24/22 09:17
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

MAN: You rebels have
a working time portal?

We rebels have a theory.

If the assassination
of the '90s never occurred...

Then none of this misery
would have happened?

None of the Sentinels,

none of the terminations?

Halt, mutants!

Go in peace.


Mr. Terminator here claims

that an assassination's
gonna take place

that's gonna ruin the world.

It starts with
a single death,
in Washington, D.C.

All mutants get blamed.

If you prevent this

will the future
you describe be averted?


(g*ns FIRING)

Apocalypse's forces are too
strong. We're being overrun.

Then counterattack.
We're not retreating.

It's victory or death!

Come on!
Follow Cable.


delay the inevitable.

I, who am eternal,
can never be defeated.

Exterminate the vermin.

What's this?
A temporal storm?


Cable! Help me!


What's happening?
What's Apocalypse

is not Apocalypse.
Time is changing.

Somehow, the past
is being changed and the
time stream is realigning.

Our present
is altering itself in
response to a new past.

What can I do?

There is nothing
you can do.

As soon as the time
stream has realigned,

you and your world
will cease to exist.

Computer, what do
I have to fix in the past
to preserve this future time?

COMPUTER: The past
as you know it
is being replaced.

The disruption has started
the creation of a new past.

Show me
this disruption.
What was changed?

COMPUTER: It begins
with a time traveler
from the 21st century.

We did it, Forge!

FORGE: What do you mean?

Nothing has changed.

But I didn't fail, Forge.
I stopped the assassination.

Then something else
must have happened

something that has made
the future still turn
out like this.

The plague still rages.

What plague? There was
no plague when I left.

Have you forgotten this?
Sickness everywhere.
Millions dying.

Senator Kelly survived
the assassination attempt,

he became president and
dedicated his efforts
to mutant rights.

That was what
I went back for!
Don't you remember?

If what you say is true,
my memories would have

to adjust to
the new timeline.

Unlike you, I have
not been outside time.

I only know what
the record shows

a backlash of hatred,

a plague
virus genetically
engineered and released.

At first, people sickened,
but they lived,

and then
the first mutant
victims appeared.

Then it's all our fault.
I never should've gone back.

FORGE: Inside
mutant victims,
the plague mutated,

turning deadly.

Mutants were blamed,
but they were innocent.

Couldn't the X-Men
find a way to stop it?

What are the X-Men?

Get me back there!

The temporal
coordinates are set

to the time of the
outbreak of the plague.

BISHOP: I'll stop it, Forge.

There are many
possible futures,

and we never know to
which our actions
will lead.


Oh. Here we go again.

It's started.

Here, pops.

What kind of
money is this?

Hey, mister!
You owe me three bucks.

They're just
blaming mutants
'cause they're afraid.

The X-Men, they've
gotta be told the

I need to get my
CD player fixed

you will learn to
fully control your powers.

I shall wait for
you in the bookstore.


Not again.

Can it be fixed?

I'll have to check
it out in the back.

Ah! What's with that girl?



Your player
can't be fixed.

-Are you okay?

I... I'm just not
feeling very well.

you're one of those
plague-carrying mutants.

I didn't do anything.

MAN: The girl's a mutant.
Get her!


JUBILEE: It's not my fault!

Plague carrier!

Bring forth a mist
to blind their hatred.

It's another mutant trick!

We must
leave before
the fog dissipates.

THE BEAST: I've run every test,
but there's no sign
of infection.

Other than the fact that
you need to eat more

you're perfectly healthy.

Then why did that
store clerk get sick?

And why did
everybody blame me?

The plague has
people frightened.

They're looking
for someone to blame.

We're an easy target.

Only scientific inquiry
can overcome the hysteria
that's gripping the country.

I wonder...

science needs
a little assistance.

The file on
the store clerk.


But this is fascinating.


What's up?

I thought you
all should see this.

City officials have begun
the quarantine of mutants

in an effort to control
the mysterious illness

which is
sweeping the country.

can't do that.

They got no proof mutants
have anything to do with it.

The mayor has asked
all citizens to cooperate...

Get rid of the mutants!
It's the only way to
stop the plague!

REPORTER: the quarantine
can be conducted in an orderly

MAN: Send them back
to where they came from!

I've seen that man before.

He was at the mall
where Jubilee was

Come on. Let's go.



MAN: Plague carriers!

You won't
infect anybody else!

Don't try it, fool!

Go home!
The plague isn't
caused by mutants.

He's one of them.
He's a mutant.

Don't make me hurt you.

What the...


I do not believe it.
It is Bishop.

that man is
attacking Bishop.


What's that
doing back?

We read you, Storm.
We're almost there.

WOMAN: Do something
about them!


We've got to
calm that mob down
before somebody gets hurt.

I'll take care
of old scar face.

You won't listen
till somebody
makes you.

They're both mutants.
Don't let them get away!

Storm! We gotta
disperse that mob.

Rain, quench their
thirst for v*olence.

Don't run from
these mutant freaks!


Are you all right,

Disarm him before
someone's injured.


I'm getting
tired of putting up
with garbage like you.

You really did it
this time, Bishop.

You turned this
situation into
a riot.

I was trying
to save lives.

and millions
in my future.


In my future now,
it's like
you never existed.

You all must have
died in the plague.

Mutants will
get the blame,

but someone else cooked up
this virus in a laboratory.

We've gotta stop
whoever's behind it
before it's too late.

Bishop is correct.

The virus was
genetically engineered.

It doesn't appear
to be lethal now,

but it is
dangerously unstable.

But once the virus spreads
to the mutant population

and combines with mutant DNA,

it theoretically could become
incredibly deadly for

It's no theory.

We'll find
who's responsible,

but until then, we need
to calm the plague hysteria.

President Kelly
can help with that.


TV ANNOUNCER: A spokesman
for President Kelly has

that noted mutant scientist
Henry McCoy will take part

in the Senate Committee
hearings on this public
health emergency

for tomorrow
in Washington.

This fits our
plans perfectly.

Your plague scheme
has worked well.

I only hope
to serve the cause,
but we must act quickly.

In a few months, those
humans we've infected
will begin to recover.

Yes, it's time for stage two,
to begin the infection of

When they
see this McCoy freak
infected on television,

everyone will be convinced
mutants are responsible
for the disease.

Prepare the vials for
shipment to our agents.

How fitting.


A disease to cleanse the
Earth of the plague of
mutants and humans.

Mutant rights are
a threat to humanity

and to the survival
of this great republic.

There is indisputable
evidence that mutants are
the cause of this plague.

I have here
the names of
5,000 people

who have been infected
through contact with

Mr. Creed.

According to
information I received
today from the President,

there have been
no reported cases
of infected mutants.

That ought to put
that peckerwood
in his place.

Somebody should.

It's a government cover-up!

Everybody knows
Kelly's a mutant lover.

He even pardoned
that hairy freak,

their so-called
scientific expert.


Order! Order!

We've heard enough
from this witness.

The chair now calls
Dr. Henry McCoy.

Thank you, Senator Goode
and members of the committee.

MAN: Beast! Look out!

Order! Order!


Don't you
rednecks know
how to treat a lady?

Order! Order!

clear the chamber.

You've caused enough
trouble for one day.

Ah! See what they've done?

Let the world see that
mutants carry the plague.

But you don't understand!

Get him to the Blackbird
before he starts another


If you can't keep your head,
then you're no good to the

What did you think you were
doing, attacking Creed on
national television?

Saving Beast's life.

Creed had some
kind of a w*apon.

I heard it go off
when we were fighting,

and then he got sick.

A viral w*apon could
be easily concealed.

I set the computer
to record the broadcast
from the committee hearing.

Computer, image scan mode.

Closer. Stop.
Scan left. Closer.

Diabolically clever.

An ingenious
delivery system
for an airborne virus.

Thanks to Bishop,
he infected himself
trying to get to you.

They'll take
Creed for treatment.

Let's follow them.

Show me everything.
I gotta know what to do.

Who is Creed?

named Bishop remains the key.

Jean, see if you can
locate Creed in the

JEAN: Not in the mansion.
Beneath it.

A secret laboratory.
And something else
is in there,

something with
incredible power.


Jean! What is it?

Hurry, Scott,
before it's
too late.

Don't worry,
we'll stop them.

Let's stop all the
yapping and get to it!




How do we get
down to the lab?

Leave that to me.

I'm sick.

I need help.

Your game's up, Creed.

We're here to put
an end to your plague.

You led the X-Men here.

You deserve to
suffer for your mistake.

You can't talk
to me that way.

I am your leader.




You dare to claim
dominion over me?

A mutant.

I am
as far beyond mutants
as they are beyond you.

I am eternal.

Your powers are
useless against me.

JEAN: Scott!

Annoying insects!

Nothing can
stop the Apocalypse.

I cannot be harmed.


Watch me and tremble,

for I bring the purity

of oblivion to your world.

BISHOP: Look out!

We'll stop this
plague or die trying!

CYCLOPS: Get out of here
before the whole thing blows!

CREED: Put me down.

Remember, Mr. Creed,
a mutant saved your life.

My beautiful virus!

The mutant filth
have destroyed




Not Apocalypse!

Because of Bishop,

the plague never
infected mutants.

Millions were spared.

As a result,
antibodies key to
the future stabilization

of the
mutant genetic code
were never created.

Over time, uncontrolled
mutations developed,

destroying the mutant race,
radically changing our time.

If our future is to survive,
the mutant plague must occur.

What do I do?

To save my world,

I have to
help Apocalypse
destroy a past one.