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02x06 - X-Ternally Yours

Posted: 08/24/22 09:16
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on

GAMBIT: Everyone can relax.

Gambit has returned.

You wanna play with Gambit?
Here! Take a card!

GYRICH: Look out!

Life don't get much better
than this.

You miss me, petite?


I reckon so.

Five-card stud.
Jacks or better to open.

-Quickly, chère!
-I knew you would rescue us.


Don't y'all leave now!
The fun just starting!

I think maybe you miss me, eh?

If you want to settle this,
mon ami,

then let's do it.

What we know about him?

Only a little more
than we know about you.

You've never been straight
with us, not completely.








Come on, Gambit. Can't you make
this program a little tougher?

What? You don't like Gambit
to be gentle?

Our enemies won't be.
Crank it up.


-Xavier's School.
-PIERRE: Remy?

Who is this?
How'd you find me?



Remy, it Pierre.
You got to come down quick.

-It Bobby. He's in trouble.
-Then let him get out of it.



But Remy, it's the tithe!
Bobby disappear!

And if he ain't there tonight
with the tithe,

you know what gonna happen.



Wait a second. Something's







What in tarnation are you doing?

Cyclops was alone in there!
You could have k*lled him!

I got to go home, chère.

They're gonna waste my brother.



Gambit... Stop... Stop...

Is he all right?

I don't know yet.
What happened?

Something spooked Gambit bad.
Something about a brother.

GAMBIT: That fool.

That thieving fool.

Best hope we make it in time.



Where Bernard with our tithe?
It's time!

They're coming!

They're right behind me!

But the Assassins already
placed their tithe! It's time!

PIERRE: The External!

Ten years have passed.

The time for the tithing has

Guild of Assassins,
send your Chosen One forward.

The Guild of Assassins
honor you with this tithe,
great External.

By our covenant,
your powers shall be increased.

Strength and protection
from the powers of mortal men.

Guild of Thieves,
send your Chosen One forward.

Offered no tithe at the chosen

of Thieves honors...

EXTERNAL: You broke
the covenant!

To betray the tithe
is dishonor!


Fly from this world,

to a darkness never-ending!

In 10 years, we tithe again,

as we have throughout the

Fail me, Assassin or Thief,

and all your kind shall join
the conspirator in oblivion.

you are now the Chosen One.

Thief, you are now
the Chosen One.

Be faithful to the tithe,

and unimaginable power
shall be your reward.

EXTERNAL: Chosen One.

Chosen One.

Chosen One.


Really, I feel better.

Whoa, partner! We'll round up
the stray X-Men while you heal.

Something was very wrong
with Gambit.

When he was running
to the plane,
I sensed his feelings.

I felt a deep sense of dread
that I have never felt
in him before.

I never knew old Gambit cared
so much about his family.

(SCOFFS) Heck, didn't even know
he had one.

I hear you need help tracking
a Cajun.

Well, well, looks like he got
his licks in before he left.

Can it, wild boy, if you don't
want a little of the same.

Gambit's gone off alone
against who knows what.

-Over here, Remy!


-Have you found Bobby?

We... We got word...

What's the matter? Tell me!

The Assassins have him
and our tithe.

They attack on the day
of the tithe!
No one has ever--

Who cares about
the stupid tithe!
When will it stop?

Assassins k*ll Thieves.
Thieves k*ll Assassins.

For 300 years!

No one knows why anymore.
This feud is crazy!

PIERRE: They don't want
to k*ll Bobby.

No? Then what?

They want an exchange.

Bobby and the tithe for you.

Look, there's his plane.

WOLVERINE: Leave it to Gambit
to grow up in a swamp!

Gambit never wanted
to come back to this place.

I don't want to find out why.


Dead end. They took a boat.

I wish he would have
asked us to help him.

After all this time,
he should trust us.

The Cajun don't trust nobody.

Careful, Remy.
You been gone a long time.

But to them,
you still a Thief.

Remy LeBeau. Here to see my

What you want now?

It me, Bobby.

Remy! So the big X-Man
finally come home for a visit.

You know why I come!
Thieves! Assassins!

I want nothing to do with you!
Any of you.

I thought you wouldn't come,

-I thought you'd let me die.
-I should have!

You got me in the Guild, Bobby.
You made me a Thief.

Why? I was your brother!

Pierre say the Assassins
will let you deliver
the tithe tonight.

-Where is it?
-She has it.

-BELLA DONNA: I do, Remy.

-GAMBIT: Belle?
-How nice! You remember.

You like the dress?

Belle, why you do this?

You never saw it, did you?

On the day we were
to be married!

We tried to bring
the guilds together.

You know it didn't work.
They wouldn't have let us live.

You could've taken me with you!

We were young. I was scared.

I still wear your ring.

I have one for you.

Wear it, and your no-count
brother is free to
deliver the tithe.

Sorry, brother. Goodbye.

What this mean, Belle?

You leave me once...


I been waiting 10 years
for this moment.

You not leave me again!

My powers!


The Cajun actually lived in
this dump?

That's what
the Professor's records say.

ROGUE: Let's just find him
and get out of here.

No wonder Gambit's
so messed up.

I've seen some of the rat traps
you've holed up in.

I sense people nearby.

Not Gambit. It's...

JACQUES: Don't move!

What you want here?

-Some answers, mush-mouth.
-And a little bit better

LAMAR: The Assassins sent them!

Where's Bobby? Where's our

I suggest putting the pop g*n

if you don't want me to feed it
to you.


I like a man
who'll open a door for a lady.


Jacques! Stop! Remy came.
He made the switch.

What switch?

For his brother. For the tithe.

You must be the X-Men.

(LAUGHS) Remy leave us for you?

Remy ain't a piece of meat
to trade for anybody.

Sometimes the claw slip.

Take us to Gambit and it won't.

She bring him to the tithe.


Bella Donna,
leader of the Assassins.

Their Chosen One.

His woman!

I saved it for you.
You will need it.

After the tithe, when we marry.

Why pretend, Belle?

You know the Thieves
won't let me stay with you.

After tonight, there be no


You think I give them the real

You were traded for a worthless
and an even more worthless box!

And when he give it to the
she destroy them all!

Where the Assassins?

The External come
in less than five minutes.

What do you care?

From what you say,
the Assassins don't show,

the boogie woman melts them,
and you take over.

I don't trust Bella Donna.

Until she arrive, and the tithe
is done,
anything could happen.

Looks like your squeeze
made the party after all.

The Assassins are prepared
for the tithe

and welcome our newest member,

Remy LeBeau!

(GASPS) I don't believe it.


-The tithe she gave you is a


Huh. I knew he didn't love
that swamp witch!

Get away from him!



Seducer! Get away from my


Belle! Stop it!

Give me that ring, Gumbo.
You ain't the marrying kind.


You Assassins betray us!

Your crazy woman break her word!
You Assassins got no honor!

You Thieves too stupid
to check the box.

We not gonna tell you.


Soon it make no difference.


I can't stop you from hating
each other,
but I can slow you down.





Hand over the box, swamp rat.

You can blast me away
1,000 times,

but I'll get you
sooner or later.

Gambit ain't gonna be your

The Thieves are not your people.
Remy was wise to leave them.

Remy kiss many women, chère,
but love only me.


Go now and I'll let you live.

It's no good fighting,

Unless we find the real tithe

every Thief here will be

I don't care about which spirit
do what to which Cajuns,

-I'm here to stop a wedding.
-What's that?


-The External!
-The time has come!

Ten years have passed.

The tithe is false!

Chosen Ones,
Assassin and Thief,
step forward!

The Guild of Assassins
honors you with this tithe,
great External.

Your tithe is true.

By our covenant,
your powers shall be increased.

-The Guild of Thieves...
-Dishonors the tithe!

-No, it was the Assassins...
-ROGUE: The boy's right.

It was that low-life
over there who...



We've got to stop her!

Just show me where to slash!

Interlopers! Defilers!



For your treachery,
fly from this world to a

No, wait! You must see the

-The tithe she gave you
is a fake!

Your crazy woman break her word!
You Assassins got no honor!

You Assassins betray us!

You Thieves too stupid
to check the box.

We not gonna tell you.


-What's going on?

Liar! Charlatan!


You dare endanger the sacred

You know the price! Thieves!

Your enemy has become mine.

Pronounce sentence!

Destroy her! Destroy them all!

Bobby, shut up!

We need no more k*lling to
honor you!

Take her powers,
but not her life.

It is done.


GAMBIT: It's over, Belle.

Remy, don't leave me again.

This is not my home.

I am not Thief or Assassin.

I am an X-Man.
And I'm never coming back.

CYCLOPS: I still don't

why he didn't tell us about the
in the first place.

There are parts of our pasts

that none of us want
our friends to know.

But being an X-Man
should mean something.

Gambit has to trust us.

JEAN: Trust takes time.

With the professor gone,

you and I will have to be the
to make sure he gets it.

MAGNETO: Will there never be
an end to this madness?

When I left, the Fall People
were living here peacefully.

Even at the ends of the Earth,

the horrors of w*r find their
into the human heart.

We have seen much suffering
in our lives, Magneto.

Each must find his own way
to fight against it.

Someone named Magneto
once taught us

that the fight goes
to the most powerful!

Barbarus! I did not create you
for this!

We Mutates follow a new master

and you must surrender to me.


Get them!


Nicely done, Charles!



-Farewell, creator!


No! Stop!

Come on!