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02x05 - Repo Man

Posted: 08/24/22 09:15
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

Come and get us,
you overgrown lizard!


I thought I could
forget what I've been.




It's adamantium-tasting time,

This one's for you, Morph!

There's no peace for me!


Don't you think
we're getting

a little
carried away here?


Pig-faced runt
couldn't take a joke.

You always liked pushing
around people smaller
than you.

Well, I'm smaller!
Try pushing me!


Some things
you just got to face, alone.


(ECHOING) Heather!




Heather? Hey!




She didn't ask you
out here, Wolverine.

I did!

Been a long time,
little man.

Not nearly long enough.

You may have
deserted our team
to work for Xavier,

but you belong here.

I've come to take you back.

Yeah? You and what army?

PUCK: Funny you should ask.

Alpha Flight!
Forget it, Vindicator.

You can
send every mutant
in Canada after me!

I ain't coming back!

VINDICATOR: Wolverine, no!

Wolverine, no!
You don't have to do this!

Devil I don't!


Losing your touch, Puck.


You left us!
That was wrong.

I hope you missed me,


Your turn, Vindicator.


Lousy force field
can't protect you

Doesn't have to.

Wolverine, enough.
I am your friend,

You know I will not harm you,
but I cannot allow you to pass.

I'm warning
you, medicine man,
don't make me move you.


Out of my way, Shaman!

You must do whatever
the Great Spirit wills,
my friend.

And so, I fear, must I.

Forget it, Shaman, save your
carnival tricks for kiddie


Now, where were...


Do not struggle,
mon ami!

Oui.You wouldn't want us
to drop you from such
a height, no?

Still don't
know me real well,
do you, Northstar?



He should be
right here, eh?

No! I won't let him
do it to me again!

Fan out!
Find him! And hurry!
The lab is expecting us!

Lab, huh?

No thanks.
I've had my fill of labs.

Dr. Cornelius,
how is our patient?

Could be better, Professor.

He put up some resistance

when our boys picked him
up last night.

Is he damaged?

Nothing serious.

Then begin
the adamantium feed.

Feed initiated. Steady...

higher than expected.

Suffusion enacting.
Cardiotach rising.

The feed is impeded.

He's resisting, sir.

Adjust the feed accordingly!

Adamantium feed
is compensating,

but I've never seen
anything like this.

PROFESSOR: It appears
we chose well, Cornelius.

DR. CORNELIUS: Adamantium
reservoirs drained, sir.

Absorption process complete.

And our dear Logan?

Why not ask him yourself?

A splendid idea.

Logan, can you hear me?


I shall take that as a yes.

You really should
be proud, you know.

You are the first.

Your skeleton has
been infused with

a rare metal
called adamantium.

Fascinating substance,
virtually indestructible.

Your bones should
now be unbreakable.

In return,
we hope to make
use of your gift.

So, you have nothing to say?

Itching... Why? What...

What have...
What have you done to...



I never imagined...

Quickly, Cornelius! Increase
the sedative drip before...



Security, help me!

Oh, no. No, no!




No more labs.

speak to me.

Wherever you are,
give Cerebro a sign.
Let us know you're alive.

Any sign of the old man,

Quiet, Gambit,
no distractions.

If Jean and Cerebro are going
to have any chance to find
Professor Xavier,

she has to maintain
absolute concentration.

Professor Xavier has got
to be out there somewhere.


SHAMAN: He is near.





Mon Dieu,Wolverine,
stop fighting us.

Please, mon ami,
do not force us
to do this!

PUCK: Better listen to
the Frenchies, big fellow.

This time, for all
our sakes, stay down!



Better get the shackles
on him while we still can.

You know I won't work
for you, Vindicator.

Why are you doing this?

We don't want you,
my old friend,

only the secret
you keep inside you.

Wh-- Where?

Why can't I...


Let me up or I'll rearrange
your windpipe.

Sorry, Wolverine.
I'm not authorized to do that.

Don't hand me that garbage!

If you're not in
charge here, who is?

HEATHER: I'm afraid I am.
Hello, Wolverine.

Heather? Then
it was you who set me up.

Why, lady?

I thought we were friends.

I'm sorry, Wolverine.
I had no choice.

There's always a choice.
You're the one who
taught me that.



The tracks
are still fresh.
It's our buck, all right.

I wonder how
much he's grown.




-(g*n COCKING)

Okay, that's enough!



I warned you!

Back with us? Good.

For a while I was afraid
I'd used too many



Easy, fellow.
My husband is just outside,

and there are
more tranq darts...


No! Don't!

Please, no!
We mean you
no harm.

We only want to help you.

Please, you've got
to listen to me.




Why did they do this?


It's okay, really.

It's going to be all right.

We'll help you.

You've helped me
more than I can say.

Believe me,
my friend, it
was our pleasure.

And we have some friends
who might be able to
help you even more.

Department H.
Sounds impressive.

VINDICATOR: General Chasen
can tell you more about it.

Department H and its
enforcement arm,
Alpha Flight,

were created to offer
a useful, patriotic

for Canadians with
special abilities
like you.

We think you could be
vital to our team,

What do you say, "w*apon X"?

What can I say?

You need me, you got me.

Just two favors.

Name them.

Find out who
did this to me.


And forget that
"w*apon X" stuff.

Just call me Wolverine!

You betrayed me, sister.

I'm doing what I have to
for the nation's security.

-For all of us.

Did you think you
could hide from your
responsibilities forever?


Why so surprised?

Department H invested a lot
in you before you went over
the wall.

It's time we
saw some return.

Meaning what?

you're one of a kind.

Since your defection,
we've tried repeatedly

to duplicate
the process that created
your adamantium skeleton.

The results have been
less than encouraging.

We brought you home to find
out how you managed to
survive the process.

I survived it because
I'm a mutant, you dimwit!

I heal fast, remember?

Maybe so.

there's only one
way we can be certain.

I only agreed to
help if I was allowed to
conduct the testing, Logan.

I wanted it to be
as easy on you as
I could.

It didn't
have to be at all.

Cut her some slack!

Believe it
or not, Wolverine,
Heather is your friend.

We all are.

You abandoned us, remember?

Duty and sacrifice may not
mean much to you, but they
do to us.

Why did you leave?

It's none of your
bleeding business.

I don't know
why I bother
to try.

I'm sorry for all this,

I promise we'll
try to be gentle.

maybe not too gentle.


I wish
you would tell me more
about this place, Magneto.

Its splendor
seems boundless.

Halt, trespasser.
Advance no farther.

Who are you?
What do you want with us?

Ask your companion.

All the Mutates
in the Savage Land
are Magneto's creations.

We now
follow a new master.

What does she mean?

It doesn't matter now.

so I can make your death
as painless as possible.

Let us talk.
We mean you no...




I have you, Charles.


Hold on!

You will
never leave
here alive. Never!

Can't you
speed this up?

I was promised the time
to take proper precautions!

We have a man's
life in our hands.


Thanks for the light, kid.

I could use a good tan.



CYCLOPS: Jean, what
is it? What's wrong?

Felt him...
Such pain.

Man been a pain
since the get-go, chere.

Not funny, Gambit.
Do you know where
Wolverine is, Jean?

Can you help us find him?

the impression was
too vague, too distant.

But wherever he is,
heaven help him.



That's enough! No more.

Resume the probe!

I scanned
as deeply as I could
and we learned nothing.

We're wasting our time
and we're hurting him.

Very well.
We'll just have to
do this the hard way.

The only sure way to learn
the secret of Wolverine's

is to remove
it from his body.

Are you crazy?

He's no animal
that you can cut apart!

It's his own fault!

His desertion
weakened this

you want my
bones, Chasen?

Come and get them yourself.

He's right, General.

You're going to have
to do your own dirty

Effective immediately,
I quit!

I gave you an order!


No, James.
You know this is wrong!

Sentimental fool!

I won't let you
hurt him any more!

Let me go!

-That's enough! Let me go!
-VINDICATOR: Heather, please!

You hurt her, Vindicator,
you'll pay!

Shut up, you fool!

All right, Vindicator,
I want that skeleton now!

the matter, old pal?
Forget your pocket knife?

We saved you!
We gave you back your life!

How could you leave us?

So I could
be your w*apon?

Sorry, James.

James! Stop!

What are you doing here?

Checking up on
a rumor, General.

You told us we were getting
Wolverine back so he could
work with us again.

Looks like we
were told wrong.

Subdue Alpha Flight!

Hey, these guys
aren't even human!

They're androids!

Oh, this is gonna be fun!

Stop them! Vindicator,
call off your team.





You're not going!

Out of my way.

I won't let you
leave us again!

Chasen was wrong, but
you're still part of
Alpha Flight.

My force field!

You should have
let me go, Jimbo.


Stay out of this, Heather.

You cared for me once.

If you still do,
let my husband go.

I still love him.

This time.

For you.

But if any of you ever
comes after me again,

for any reason,

all bets are off.