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02x03 - Whatever It Takes

Posted: 08/24/22 09:14
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

What do you want from me?

I’m here to make sure
you are still committed
to our purpose,

to destroy the X-Men.

Xavier, terrible v*olence.
Meet me at these coordinates.

That’s in Antarctica!



Well, one good turn
deserves another!

WOLVERINE: Plasma grenade!

Why would Morph
want to hurt us?

Perhaps because
we left him behind.


STORM: Morph, alive!

Such unexpected
and welcome news!

JUBILEE: Not like the
Morph you used to know.

You left me to die!

Morph, no! Come back!

Keep away from my friends!


XAVIER: You seem well
for a dying man, Magneto.

What do you mean?

It was you
who had last words
to share with me!



Try again!

BOY 1: Stop moving so fast!

MJNARI: That wasn’t so fast!

The mountain...

BOY 1: What do you see?

It’s blowing apart!


BOY 1: You’re teasing!

very odd is happening
in that part of Africa.

I can’t see it,
only sense it.

BEAST: Curious,
that wasn’t there before.

Beast! Jean! Look
what this cat drug in!

Hello, Beast, Jean.

I have missed you.

And I, you!

Out of the hospital so soon?

She told them
she’d flood the kitchen

if they didn’t
release her today.

Hey, what’s this light?

To be honest,
we’re not certain.

I was using
Cerebro to attempt
a comprehensive scan

in hopes of uncovering some
disturbance, some sign of...

Of the Professor?
You found him?

No. But we have
found something else.

JEAN: There seems to be
a tearing in the psychic or
astral plane of the planet.

My guess, and that’s
all it is, is that our
friend Bishop’s time travel

may have had far greater
consequences than we

to Cerebro’s

this tear
seems to be shrinking
as though healing itself.

But its location is...
No! Mjnari!

We must warn the village.







Now, let me get this straight.
You’re looking for someone,

but you don’t know
what he looks like

’cause he can
look like anybody.

He’s not one of
them mutants, is he?
People here don’t like...

Hey, Montgomery!
He never done that before.

Any stranger who comes
this far upriver,
I’d remember,

whatever they looked like.


Morph was here.

Well, I’ll be...

ROGUE: Jean gets that weird
astral plane reading from
this part of Africa.

And my village
calls with an emergency.

ROGUE: You don’t have
to be a rocket scientist

to figure out
there’s a connection.

STORM: But what?

The villages!

Nature, respond to
my command!

A wall of rain
to quench the flames!

There you go,
boys and girls.

it is good
you have come.

I can’t believe it!

These folks tell me there’s
a kid with an attitude
causing all this mess.

what is happening here?

It is Mjnari.


Okay, show us where this
Mjnari character’s at,

and Storm and I’ll go put
a little fear of Storm
into him,

teach him
some manners.

No, wait!
This boy is my son.

Rain! She has returned
as I planned.

Storm, godmother to this body,
sl*ve to this soul,

how will you greet us?

Soon, very soon,
you will return
where you belong,

into the service
of the Shadow King!


MORPH: Every night at 5:00,
he turns into a bar! Get it?


I don’t believe it.

Everybody’s a critic.

Spring break’s over, Morph.
You’re coming with me.

I don’t think so, old man.
I figured you might
follow me.

You never
were very bright.

What do you think of
your final resting place?

you’re going through,
Morph, I’ve been there.

The Professor saved me.

I’m gonna save you.

A little late, aren’t you?

You’re coming with me,
one way or another.

You want to take me back?

So we can go bowling?

sh**t some hoops?

Or maybe it’s love
you’re missing.

When I’m with you,
all I can think about
is how much I’m in love

with Cyclops!


Who could ever
love a freak like you?

No. Don’t!




I gave birth
to Mjnari,

but Storm is the one
who breathed life
into him.

The birth was difficult.

The midwife helped me
survive it,

but the baby
was not breathing.

I did what I could,
and I was fortunate.

He lived.

During my recovery,
Storm cared for Mjnari.

Storm had
arrived in our
village as an orphan.

She left as one of us,
and second mother to
my son.

A year ago, Mjnari
developed special

like you, Storm.

But yesterday, something
terrible happened to him.

He changed.

That’s when Jean says
the astral plane tore open
somewhere around here.

Storm, please introduce me.

Shadow King! No!

What is happening
to my son?

But Professor Xavier
sent him spinning
out into...

The astral plane.

Leave the boy alone.
It is I you want.

Yes, I will wait for
you on the mountain.

Rogue, help the others.
Shani, do not worry.

Mjnari will be all right.

Are you crazy? Xavier
could barely handle
this guy!

Let me come along
and we...

Could harm Mjnari.
I cannot allow that.

And the Shadow King
could harm you.

Don’t suppose I’m
about to allow that!

What took you so long,
my dear?

I thought
we might reminisce
about old times together.

Leave my son!

With pleasure.

As soon as you agree
to a small exchange.

Don’t try anything cute,
you low-life street thief.

Rogue, no!

Wise decision.

Now that I am back
from the living death

to which your precious
professor condemned me,

I shall
need some assistance
rebuilding my empire.

I shall need you.

Agree to serve
as my host body,

with all your
delicious powers,

and I shall free the boy.

Nothing doing!

If you leave
the boy unharmed!

No! Don’t throw
your life away!


-Do it!



He locked me in a cold,
dead world without light,

Without feeling!

But in this body,
he will not dare
attack me!

I have won!

Now I shall rule
my beloved Cairo
as never before.

With my mind, these powers,
every criminal in the city
will have to work for me!

Mjnari, get out of here!
Things are gonna get nasty!

But, Storm!

It’s too dangerous, darling.

Let me handle it.

Storm is occupied at present.
Kindly leave us
before you anger her.


All right, tough guy.
No more kid gloves.

Shadow King, old buddy,
you’re coming with me.

I think not.

I understand your body
is rather crowded
at the moment.

I prefer this one.

STORM: Rogue, no!
He will destroy you!

No, I won’t.
Come closer.

Nature, I command you!
A vortex of wind to
clear the air!


MJNARI: Rogue!

I’m fast, but I’m
still not that strong.


Mjnari, I told you, go!

I have to help Storm!

You don’t know
the Shadow King!

He has my mother.

That’s all I need to know.


Who took away the jungle?

Looks like
I hit a nerve.

So you made me mad.
Happens all the time.

You should see me in
line at the post office.

Just a hint of what
I can do to your mind.

Your body heals fast.

But when I’m through with you,
your mind will never recover.

I’ll risk it.

I wouldn’t, if I were you.

You might look like me,

but you don’t fight like me.

Come on, give it up.


The X-Men can help you!


You don’t get it, do you?

Don’t do this.

Without Xavier,
there are no X-Men!


You’re wrong!

Big hero.

You never listen.

I have to get
through this by myself!


When you’re ready,
I’ll be there for you.

The X-Men will be there.

Don’t fight me, Storm.

STORM: No! You will
not use me for evil,

as you did
when I was a child!

You don’t have a choice!
I’m in control!

STORM: I may not
be able to stop you,

but I can destroy you
by destroying us!

Storm! Storm!
You can’t take
him any higher!

There ain’t enough air!

STORM: I must do this, Rogue!


Storm! Don’t do it!


SHADOW KING: Cannot breathe.


ROGUE: Gotcha.

MJNARI: Storm!

STORM: Mjnari!

are you all right?

Mjnari, listen to me.

Go now!
Rogue and I shall
battle the Shadow King.

No, I cannot leave you!

You have to, darling!
If the Shadow King
gets you again,

he’ll force Storm
to do whatever
he wants!

Not if I stop him first!

Kid, I know you’re fast,
but how do you plan to...

MJNARI: The mountain!

What about it?

That is where
the monster came from!

It is a small cave now,
but yesterday the opening
was as big as the mountain!

No, sugar,
he came from the
astral plane somewhere...

The astral
plane opening!
It’s in the mountain!

And Mjnari can see it.

We must drive the Shadow King
back into the astral plane
before it reseals itself!

He’s not gonna go peaceful,
and we don’t even know
where he is!

But I do.

Mjnari, no!

For refusing me,
I shall make you suffer!

Here! Over here!

All of nature,
I command you,

bring forth
thunder and

MJNARI: Come on,
you coward! Come on!


STORM: We must drive
the Shadow King back
into the astral plane

before it
reseals itself...

Reseals itself...
Reseals itself...

And you are mine!

STORM: We must drive
the Shadow King back
into the astral plane

before it reseals itself...

Reseals itself...
Reseals itself...

Mjnari! Mjnari!

If that opening’s here,
we’ll find it!

STORM: Mjnari!


Mjnari! Rogue, over here!
I have him!

Come to me, my son!


You are safe!

You got a heck of
a son there, Storm.

I know.

You think there’s
any word from Xavier?

That, I do not know.

But I do know
that his thoughts
were with us today.

Are you all right?

I am unharmed, Charles.

What is this place?
A rainforest in

Am I dreaming?

MAGNETO: No, Charles,
it is real. It’s called
the Savage Land,

a valley, hidden
in perpetual mist,

created eons ago for
a purpose long forgotten.

My legs!

What would
restore your...

My powers!
They’re gone!

As are mine!

You seem to
know this place.

I thought I did.

But nothing about it
ever affected
mutant power before.

whoever lured us here
is responsible...


XAVIER: Let him go!


Hold on! I’m coming!

Keep your head up.
We’re going to make it.