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02x02 - 'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 2

Posted: 08/24/22 09:13
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

Do you,
Scott Summers,
take this woman

to be your lawfully
wedded wife?

I do.

You’ll destroy them all.

I’ll destroy them all.

Xavier, terrible v*olence.
Meet me
at these coordinates.

That’s in Antarctica!



What if I’d been lying
about not being able to
touch another human being?


We have information that
a violent anti-mutant
attack is expected

at the mutant
halfway house.


-Won’t you come in?

How about
a truly beastly workout?

Oh, dear.

Fire on that mutant.
Full energy!



We better get going, Jean,
if we want to reach
the island by sundown.


This is definitely not
the workout I programmed.

When the Danger Room
is against you...

turn the Danger Room
against itself.


Xavier’s school.
I belonged here

I was an X-Man.

I sense your
fading, Morph.

What do you
want from me?

I’m here to make sure you
are still committed to
our purpose,

to destroy the X-Men.

Destroy the X-Men? No!

They’re my friends!

But friends don’t
betray friends,

They don’t abandon them!

No. But two are missing!

I sent them... I sent them...

Somewhere very romantic.

But Cyclops and
Jean Grey are mine!

We’re finally alone,
just the two of us,

another person
for a hundred miles.

Oh, Scott.

On the sailboat!

JEAN: Who could that be?

I thought
the island
was uninhabited.

I have a message for you!

Go ahead!

With pleasure!



Looks like you are all
dry-docked, permanently!

Nobody invited you on
the honeymoon!



You ain’t going nowhere,


Collar them.
I don’t want to
have to hurt them, yet.


My powers!

These are out of
fashion now on Genosha,
but on you it looks good!



It will be easier
if you don’t resist,
and less dangerous.

Who are you?
What do you want with us?

My name
is Sinister,
Mr. Sinister.

Peace officers
and the media.

Not a good combination
for a purported

g*n-toting troublemaker
like myself.

Then we sneak in.
Come on.

After you.

Hmm. Nice work, Beast.

What have they
done to you, gal?

She’s sleeping deeply,
but according to her
medical charts,

Storm should
recover with time.

(SIGHING) I shouldn’t
have left her alone
with that mob.

I should have been
there to help her!

It wasn’t your fault.

At least I tried to help!

I didn’t say I’d be there
and then never show my
shaggy blue hide!

But I was never
told of your mission.

Don’t try to feed
me that hog slop!

I was with Storm
when she called you.

This is very odd, indeed.

Perhaps someone...

DOCTOR: Someone’s
in the mutant’s room!



Perhaps we should return
during normal
visiting hours.

Leader! Leader! Leader!
Leader! Leader! Leader!

What we have
accomplished tonight
is a warning to all mutants

of what the future
holds for them!

Tomorrow belongs
to humanity,

a humanity cleansed
of this foul mutant

Here’s one of them!
A mutant!

What should
we do with her?

Get rid of her!

It’ll be one
less mutant freak!

You’ve heard the verdict.


The normal people
have spoken.

You call
this bunch of
sickos normal?

Why do you hate us?
What did we ever
do to you?

You were born.
Take her away!

You wouldn’t be so brave
if my hands weren’t tied!




End of the trail, dirtbags!




You sure pick
weird places to hang out.

Storm sent me to
one of their headquarters
and their g*ons grabbed me.

It’s not my fault!

If you knew how much
bubblegum I had to sniff
to find you...

-MAN 1: Let’s get that guy.
-MAN 2: He’s in the alley.

-MAN 3: After them. Get them!
-MAN 4: Come on! This way!

BEAST: These constant
recriminations are

It don’t matter how pretty
you try to make it sound,

you weren’t there for Storm
when she needed you!


You two make enough noise

to wake the half-dead.

(GASPING) Gambit!
You’re okay!

No thanks to you, chere.

You told Gambit
a little kiss wouldn’t hurt.

No, I didn’t.

You snuck a kiss
and got what was
coming to you!

Gambit don’t never go
where he’s not invited.

This is no time
for angry words!

XAVIER: Gambit!

I’ve returned
just in time.

And the news I
have is disturbing.

I have just discovered
that we may all be
under attack

by a most unusual w*apon,

a neural disruptor
which alters brain

causing its target
to behave in strange,
even irrational ways.


It can’t be!
But I can smell him!
Morph’s here! He’s alive!

Restrain him!
He’s being affected
by the neural disruptor!


What are you doing?

Stop him!

Stop, my friend!


You’re not yourself!

I’m not the one
who’s not myself!

Can’t you smell him?


It’s not the Professor!
It’s Morph!


He’s out of control!
Destroy him!

Gambit never
hear the Professor
say that before.


What do you know?

I’m cured!

Well, one good turn
deserves another!

WOLVERINE: Plasma grenade!

He’s alive.

And in a lousy mood.

I can’t believe it.

I’m sealing
off the school’s
defensive perimeter.

He won’t be able
to leave the grounds.

But why would
Morph want to
hurt us?

I cannot be certain.

Perhaps because
we left him behind.


You wouldn’t leave
without saying goodbye.





I know you feel betrayed,

we were whipped
by the Sentinels,

I tried to make Cyclops
go back for you and Beast.


Cyclops had to
leave you behind
to save the rest of us.

Maybe he was wrong,
but that’s no reason
for revenge.

Who are you trying to
convince? Me or yourself?


Who do I sh**t?

I’ve got to stop one
of them, but which one?

You gotta blast us both!
It’s the only way to get


(GIGGLING) Nice shot.

Sorry! I was sure only
the real you would tell me
to blast both Wolverines!

Live and learn.



-BEAST: Morph?
He got away.

Where will he go now?

He’ll go after the X-Man
he has the most reason
to hate.

Your whole lives
I’ve watched you,
tracked you, studied you.

You are the prototypes,
the chosen ones.

And from your offspring,

I will control the
future of all human
creatures on Earth!

Whatever you want, Sinister,
but leave Jean out of this!

No, Scott. Whatever
happens, we’re


I knew I was right.

Your genetic material
will be the foundation...


...the master bloodline
for an unbeatable race
of mutants

who will be my slaves!

Through you, I shall
give birth to the future!

STORM: I can’t believe it!
Morph, alive!

Such unexpected
and welcome news!

He’s not
like the Morph
you used to know.

He hates the X-Men.

Sometimes I think
everybody hates us.

For every human who
gives in to hate
and fear,

there are
hundreds who are
willing to see the truth.

They are the future.

Morph believed that,
too, once.

Now all he wants is revenge.



Come out, come out,
wherever you are!


Looks like old Cyke
needs some sailing lessons.


Morph! You’re alive!

And you’re married,
or are you?

I now pronounce you
betrayer and betrayess.

Is this some
kind of sick joke?

It wasn’t a sick joke
when you left me to die!

How do you like feeling
your last seconds on Earth
ticking away?

No, Morph!

Cyclops did what he had to do
for the good of the team,

what you would have
done in his place.

That’s easy for you to say.
He’s never left you behind!

sh**t him and I destroy you!

You again!
Who are you?

You know who I am, Morph.

Think. Remember.

I can’t! I can’t!



I found you, lying lifeless

outside the mutant
registration headquarters.

After your friends had
deserted you, I healed
your broken body.

I gave you new life,
but your mind was
beyond repair.

You became two people.

The one you would
recognize as Morph,

and the one
who interested me,

the one who wanted
revenge on his betrayer!

I remember!


Destroy them!
Tear them apart!

I wouldn’t bet on it!


I never thought
a super sense of hearing
could be so painful.

That’s because
you never heard Ruckus
raise a ruckus before!


Didn’t anybody ever tell you?

You don’t kick a man
when he’s down, hairbag!

Hey! Who told you my name?

You making fun of me?

Nobody makes fun of Hairbag!

I’ll just have to swat
you like a blue-tail fly!

You’ll just be a greasy
blue spot on the sand!


Y’all don’t mind
if I play through?

Two of you! The odds are
getting better and better!



I’m choking!
My eyes! I can’t see!

Then you won’t
know what hit you!

Gambit say,
"You play fair or
you don’t play at all!"

Come to Gorgeous, pretty boy!

Gambit likes to
play hard to get!

You’ve got to play
harder than that!



Keep your sticky fingers

to yourself,
you walking tar pit!

You wouldn’t say that
if you knew me better!



Hey, Gorgeous!
Where are the...








"The noblest answer
unto such is kindly silence
when they brawl."

Alfred Lord Tennyson.



We practiced
with the B-team.

Now it’s time
for the big game.


I think you get your wish,
mon ami.

You shall not interfere
with my greatest experiment!

You’ve got to help us!

Look, whatever happened,
you’re still part of
the team!

You’re still
one of the X-Men!

One of the X-Men?

The future belongs
to superior mutants,
the ones I shall create!

None of you are necessary!

You kept me alive!
And the evil
that’s in me!

But the worst of us
still has some good!

I should have let you die!



Leave him alone, Sinister!

Your fight is with me!


My body!
This is impossible!

So, you like playing God
with mutants’ lives.

Well, just keep away
from my friends!


Ruckus! The plane!


Yeah, go ahead, run.

I’ll be watching for you.

are you all right?

No, and I won’t be
until that scum
pays for what he’s done!

Forget it, Scott.
We’re all okay.

We’re going home.


Still married
in our hearts.

And to be married again,
one day.

Where’s Morph?

Morph, no! Come back!

Let him go, Wolverine.

Morph may be afraid
of what he would do
if he stays with us.

He must learn to deal
with what he has become.

He’s my friend.
He’s the only one who could
ever make me laugh.

I’m not going to
desert him this time!

You seem well for
a dying man, Magneto.

I’m disappointed.

You’ve never resorted
to lies with me before.

What do you mean?

It was you
who had last words
to share with me!

I sense the
lingering presence
of something sinister.

We’ve walked into a trap!