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02x01 - 'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1

Posted: 08/24/22 09:13
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

You will remove
Senator Kelly's brain

and replace it
with a computer.


You can't do that!
I'm a United States senator.


Senator Kelly
must be rescued.

If we fail, there
will be a civil w*r.

This whole mine
is gonna go up!
Get Kelly above ground!

I'm going after
Wolverine and Gambit.



CYCLOPS: I'm not leaving
anyone behind, not this time.

You coming, or is
this your day off?

I know from my own

that mutant powers
can be dangerous.

But we must not forget
that mutants
are human beings.

Jean, I've been


I've been wondering,
will you marry me?




(ECHOING) Cyclops!


You're mine.

You want to bet?



Do you,
Scott Summers,
take this woman

to be your lawfully
wedded wife?

I do.

You can't have her!



Do you, Jean Grey,
take this man to be your
lawfully wedded husband?

I do.




I'm beginning to
feel much better now.






(WEAKLY) Jean.


Where I come from,
we always kiss
the bride.


We always kiss
the bridesmaids, too.

This ain't
Cajun country,
hon. Zip those lips.

Scott, and good luck.

Aren't you coming
to the reception,

If only I could.

But I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before
I sleep.

Pleasant dreams.

I wish
everyone could
be as happy as I am.

Promises to keep...

Promises to keep, my friend.


ON TV: I, Robert Jefferson
Kelly, do solemnly swear

that I will defend
the Constitution of
the United States of America,

and that I will faithfully
execute the duties of the
Office of the President.

Are you ready?

No fair flying, Rogue.

you're too young to be
catching bouquets, anyway.

Here it comes!


If you're going to
be the next to marry,

perhaps we should start
calling you Mr. McCoy.

"What's in a name?
That which we call
a rose

"by any other name
would smell as sweet"



So, Beast,
what news do you have
from our new president?

The rosiest imaginable.

As senator,
he arranged my bail.

As president,
he cleared my name.

And I'd like to announce
that my first act as

has been to
issue a full pardon to
Dr. Henry McCoy, a mutant.

Recent events
have convinced me that
mutants must not be excluded

from our society.
We must act affirmatively...

(WHISPERING) Now! bring mutants
into the mainstream.



Stop this!
I'm trying to help!


You were elected to
protect us from mutants!


CREED: Mutant lovers!


(WHISPERING) This is Creed.
Stage 1 successful. Begin
Stage 2.


I must've hit my
head or something.

These holograms are
starting to smell good.

JEAN: Wolverine?


We missed you at the wedding.

I must've lost
track of time.

I'm sorry I
couldn't be there.

-Jean, I still...
-I have to go.

Scott and I...
We have to catch a plane.

No! He's my friend!
They were all my friends.

I don't want
to hurt them.


But why did they abandon me?
Why did they leave me to die?

Didn't I tell you?
Clear sailing all
the way.

Hey, Tin Woodsman!

I'm sending you
back to Oz in pieces.

Wolverine! Pull back!


Why did they abandon me?
Why did they leave me to die?

You'll destroy them all.

I'll destroy them all.

All the X-Men!

Cyclops. Storm. Wolverine!



What's making me do this?



MAN 1: Come on,
let's get the mutant!

MAN 2: Yeah, get
that lousy mutant!

MAN 3: We'll show him!

Please, don't hurt me!
I'm just an ordinary

I don't have
any special powers.
I just look different!

No more mutants!
No more mutants!

-No more mutants!
-No more mutants.


Let me emphasize
that we do not know
who or what has triggered

this outbreak
of anti-mutant v*olence.
The demonstrators claim to be

defending themselves
against mutant att*cks.

I don't understand,

Why has it
gotten worse?

When we saved
President Kelly's
life last year,

he learned that not
all mutants were evil.

his followers
feel betrayed.

So often in our history,
unhappy, misguided people

have created scapegoats,
blaming those that are

for the problems
in their own lives.

It is an evil
in men's hearts
that must be fought.

If we stand up to
the troublemakers,

they will give up
their cruel designs.

If we fail,
their intolerance will grow,
and many could perish.


The private video line.
Please excuse me.

Terrible v*olence.



Xavier! Please, hurry!


What is happening?

Meet me at these
coordinates. Hurry!

That's in Antarctica!

Please! Hurry!
I cannot last.




Look like you
scratch again,

This regrettable
civic upheaval has
distracted you, my friend.

we should
call it a night.

I'm fine.
Play pool, Cajun.

Hey! I saw you on TV!

The President was
talking about you!

Yes, very true.

You know the President?

Famous Beast will now
have many admirers, no?

Do not break
their hearts,
mon ami!

I hardly think...

I bet you know the President!

They're like brothers,

I noticed
a resemblance.


MAN 1: Mutant lover!

MAN 2:
Send out the muties,
or we'll burn them out!

No more mutants!
No more mutants!


MAN: Look out!


Perhaps you are
unaware that this
is a dangerous w*apon.

Now! Over there!
The mutant has a g*n!

Stay on him!



I hear you don't like mutants.
Well, we don't much like you.



MAN: Let's get out of here!


Let's take
these sardines
out of the can!


A colorful
metaphor, Wolverine.
I'm blue-green with envy.



Don't y'all leave now!
The fun just starting!


Might we not profit
from their example
and depart?

A crime scene is no place
for a recent recipient of
a presidential pardon.

Yeah, I bet I got some
unpaid parking tickets.

Stay on him!

Come on, gumbo!

I apologize for
my abrupt departure.

I have been called away
on a personal matter of
the greatest importance.

Until Cyclops returns
from his honeymoon,
Storm will be in charge.

"Personal," huh?

The Professor's getting
mighty mysterious
these days.

Hey! Check the news!

And the President
had no comment tonight

about the presence of mutant
Henry McCoy at a near-riot.

McCoy is seen here
wielding an energy

and attacking
an occupied vehicle.

We've been set up!

Wolverine, if there is
indeed a new conspiracy

to turn the public
against mutants,
we must work to unmask it,

not add to
the climate
of v*olence.

Climates are your
department, Storm.
Unmasking is mine.



Even Wolverine's
jeep sounds angry.

Let's see if I can
upset everybody else.


Making copies.


What are you doing back?

I forgot something.

Well, don't slam the
door on your way out.

I haven't had a break
since this mess started.

I'm going to grab 40 winks
in the rec room.

Don't worry, Rogue.
I'll be as quiet
as a corpse.

Pick a card, petite.
I show you a trick.

Get real, Gambit.

Things are
getting crazy tonight
and you're playing games.

card tricks
are for kids.

You are a kid, hon.

Now run along and play
while I talk to Gambit.

I happen to be
watching the news.

NEWSMAN ON TV: ...mysterious
illness which is sweeping
the country...

Citizens to cooperate...

Do what she said,

"Run along and play!"

Ooh! I hate them!


You got something
to say to me, chere?

What if I'd been lying
about not being able to
touch another human being?

What if I could,
if I wanted to?

What's this
supposed to
mean to me?

Come up to the rec room
in five minutes and
I'll show you.

If they're going to
treat me like a kid,

they could at least
keep some junk food
in the house.

Jubilee, we have information
that a violent anti-mutant
attack is expected

at the mutant
halfway house.

What can I do?

Go and report
back what you find.
Here's the address.

I know I can
count on you.

Thanks, Storm!

I'm glad someone around here
thinks I'm not
just a little kid.

That's for thinking
you could take my place.

Look like I keep
you waiting too long.

Or maybe you just want me
to wake you up with a kiss.


What in the world?

Spooky place. Well,
as long as I can help.


Hi! You needed some
help protecting mutants?

Why, yes!
Won't you come in?

There are new reports

of anti-mutant unrest,
as a night of v*olence
continues across America.

You can't say
I didn't warn him!

What happened, Rogue?

The blamed fool kissed me
and I absorbed
all his powers.

Serves him right.

But the worst thing is,
this keeps happening!

you could not have chosen
a worse time to be a fool.

Jubilee? Jubilee?
Could Jubilee have
left without telling us?

Something screwy's going on
around here. Where's Beast?

I think he's in
the Danger Room.

You and Rogue fly on ahead,

and I shall meet you at
the site of the disturbance.

Very well, Beast.


How about
a truly beastly workout?


This seems a bit excessive.

Oh, dear.

MAN: Come on, blow
up that mutant center!

Y'all want to play catch?

Get the mutants!


I summon torrential rains!




Y'all hold this up for me.

You sure
you can handle
this bunch alone?

Beast will soon be
here to assist me.

I'm out of here.


The arctic cold
will cool their ardor!


Do something!
Make them pay!

Hey! Look out!

If you want
something done right...

Fire on that mutant.
Full energy!

But, Captain...

I said fire!





Enjoy your revenge,
Morph. I know I am.