02x22 - R.I.P. Henry Flatt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x22 - R.I.P. Henry Flatt

Post by bunniefuu »

In Hazzard County
there ain't but two things

that'll make the Duke
boys run like a rabbit

being chased by a fox.

Either the law is on their tail

or they're afraid of
something a whole lot worse.

Luke, can't you go faster?

Uncle Jesse gonna kick our
butt if we're late for supper.

Yes, especially
since he's cooking.

Them pork chops are
goin' in about right now.

Alright, no problem.
We'll take that ol' shortcut.

Where did that come from?

If this is the short cut, I
wanna see the long way home.

I sure would. Just
glad, I wasn't drivin'.

Oh, dang.

Looks they shortened
my short cut.

The general would have to
be a gator to crawl out of here.

The quicker we
get home the better.

'Why don't we walk
through the old cemetery?'

Considering the time
and the way Uncle Jesse

is gonna be feeling
I suggest we run.

- Hm?
- Yeah, let's go.

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

- Well, all I said was...
- All I said was..

I don't want you saying
so much as one word

about my secret
project... till...

It pays off.

- Till it pays off.
- Oh, well...

And that won't be
until it's finished.

No, no, that's right.

Now, did any little, itty,
bitty, bit of what I just said

get into any crevice
in that great big...

- Lump?
- Lump you call a brain.

This is good a place as any.

You fellas sure have a strange
idea about taking shortcuts.

First you dang near
k*ll us for taking yours.

And now both half scare
me to death with his.

Relax, Daisy.

What could be scary about a
peaceful, quiet place like this?

Bo, will you just cut it out.


It's Henry Flatt.

No, it is not. We were
at his funeral a year ago.

Then it's Henry Flatt's ghost.

Wait a minute.

Daisy, you know there
ain't no such thing as ghosts.

I know it and you know it,
but does that ghost know it?

- I'm getting out of here.
- Wait a minute.

Get up, get up.

Oh no, let go. It's
only me, Henry Flatt.

Now hold on. Didn't we
lay you to rest a year ago?

'We did. I remember
what the preacher said.'

He said that, Henry Flatt's
gonna have the rest of his days

to repent his sins and he's...

And I'd be needing
every minute of it.

You shucked and
jived , bucks

right out of Boss'
fat little pocket?

What a shuck and jive that was.

He posted a $ reward
for you, dead or alive.

$ dollars, that I
shared with the undertaker

when he buried the
casket full of bricks

that was supposed to be me.

Boys, the only way
I could go on living

was to get myself declared dead.

Why are you taking a chance
of getting caught by showing up?

I seen this.

And this.

And this.

It's just a bunch
of road markers.

I bet there's a thousand
of them out here.

Hold on, Boss Hogg's
running a new road out this way.

Yeah, and it's gonna start,
right here over my grave.

Oh, come on, Henry.

- Nobody's gonna to do that.
- 'Ceptin, Boss Hogg.'

According to the law,
anytime a grave is moved

they got to first
verify the contents

of the box and when they
verify this one, it's full of bricks.

Which puts you right
back into top of Boss' list.

The boys had enough sense
to hide old Henry in the barn

not to spring him on Uncle
Jesse until after breakfast.

'Henry Flatt, you old
sideliner, you get in here.'

I thought we was rid of you.

Now, Jesse, you ain't still
holding that , dollars

snuckin' I gave Boss
Hogg against me.

Uncle Jesse, Boss
Hogg don't know it

but you know what
Henry did with that money?

'That new Youth Center
over at Capitol City.'

It ain't Henry we
gotta worry about.

Like usual, it's Boss Hogg.

And he's gonna build something
right over Henry's grave.

And if the surveyor's
markers ain't lying

he gonna keep on
building right straight

through that old
veteran's cemetery to boot.

The veteran's cemetery?

Well, not even J.D. Hogg
would try a dirty trick like that.

I ain't had the privilege
of serving my country

like Luke and...
some of us here.

'But If I was a veteran... '

You wouldn't stand for it
anymore than Uncle Jesse would.

Well, it's gonna
take some doing.

But us Dukes ain't
gonna let J.D. Hogg

get away with a
dirty trick like that.

Even if it means saving
your miserable hide.

Early next morning
the boys hit City Hall

while most folks in
Hazzard were still milking.

Hey, Bo. Come here.

Take a look at this.

Shh, listen.

County land
commissioner, J.D. Hogg

states that the Veteran
Cemetery ain't been used

in the years
since it was dedicated

and therefore it has
been declared surplus

sold to the highest
and only bidder.

- J.D. Hogg.
- You got it.

If it still ain't protested by
day after tomorrow it's final.

'He's bound determined
to get that land.'

Well, no wonder.
Would you look at this?

He's planning on
subdividing the land

and putting up a
housing development

called... Hogg's Heavenly Acres.

Stand to reason.

According to all
this stuff, it's legal.

Yeah, Bo, but y'all ain't.

'What in the world
are you all doing here?'

'I'm gonna have to
arrest y'all for breaking in.'

Get your hands on that chair
so I can keep my eyes on you.


I'll tell Uncle Jesse on y'all.

Open this door now.

Open this door.

Open it..

Freeze, crook! I've got you.

Alright, put your hands up.

It ain't even duck
hunting season.

I done caught myself
a couple of dead ducks.

Now, wouldn't you just know it.

This is the one morning
Rosco showed up early.

Alright, come on down here.

Now then, you've the right
to remain silent, you've...

Freeze, freeze.

- Easy does it.
- Thanks a lot, Cooter.

You get in your car.

Alright, freeze! Freeze!

I see you. You're dead.

Look out!

- Watch out.
- Oh, no.


Will you get off my vehicle?

You're scuffin' my
car. Get off of it.

You're scuffin' my car.

I'm gonna have you arrested.

I'm on police business here.

That'll teach you to
get off when I tell you to.

Now lay there until I get
back. You're both under arrest.

Ee. Ooh!

Get it out. O-o-h..


They done took my bumper off

and they done stuffed
my vehicle beyond repair.

No excuses, you go
find them Duke boys

and keep your eyes on them.

Yes, I'm gonna do that. I'm
gonna keep my eyes on them.

I'll keep one on each one.

- And..
- What?

As for your other
little boo boo..

Boo boo, which boo
boo is that exactly, Boss?

Endangering my bulldozer.

That boo boo.

Yeah, I want that there
road to be factocomplete.

Ipso facto finitodang fasto.

Uh, fasto?

Before anybody finds
out that we jumped the g*n

on starting it by
a couple of days.

Oh, fasto with..

Boss, see I'm gonna have
a little problem with that one.

You see, I only got about half
a dozen men to work that g*ng.

- Then find some more, will you?
- Uh, where?

There's a lot of
dangerous criminals here

we ain't caught yet.


Jaywalkers, litterbugs,
sidewalk spitters.

I want them all!

And you're gonna get them.

Enos and I'll get on that.

I hope that's all.

I won.

I sure am getting
good at this game.

You little rascal. You do..

'That don't go there.'

I say it does.

Well, it probably does.

- Now go.
- I'm gone.

If Henry Flatt knew
how close that bulldozer

was coming to his
grave he'd turn over in it

If he was in it, which he ain't.

But Henry is in Capitol City

where Bo and Luke
are heading right now.


This must be the place.

, bucks.

, dollars.

Would you look at that?

She may or may not be an angel

but she sure got
the flying part down.

Ha ha. Hi.

- Howdy.
- Hey.

Can I help you?

- Sure.
- You sure can.

- Excuse us.
- What do you mean, excuse you?

I started first.

Boys, I see you've already
met my daughter, Gail.

Henry, could we speak
to you a second alone?

Oh, no need for that.

My little girl knows
all about my past.

Well, in that case.

Boss is planning to build
a new housing project.

We think, that may be what he's
gonna put on top of your grave.

'Then it's over all over.

They open that coffin
and find no body and

all my dreams and hard
work went for nothing.

Daddy, keep good thoughts.

Honey, if you did what
I used to for a living

you would know that there
ain't no such thing as miracles.


A man makes his own
miracles in this world.

Take care of it
now, it's a loaner.

Henry wasn't about
to take a chance

on anyone finding
out that he's still alive.

So without telling nobody what
he had in his conniving mind

he borrowed the van saying
that he was gonna pick up

some donations
for the Youth Center.

So Bo and Luke had absolutely
nothing to do till he got back.

Well, almost nothing.

Take care.

'Now, this is the last
unclaimed body we have.'

What makes you think,
he's your client, Mister...

Flatt. Clarence Darrell Flatt.

My card. I'm not
only the attorney

but also the boyhood
companion of the deceased

whoever that is wherever

poor poor, J.
Carlton Potts may be.

I certainly hope this is him.

We've done an
awful lot of checking

and we've just come up empty.

So he's just been good old
John Doe to us ever since.


Oh, oh... oh dear.

- Then it's him?
- Yes.

J. Carlton Potts?

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Of course, you'll have to
make a positive identification.

Of course.

Including the tattoo on his arm.

Tattoo? Oh, yes I
do believe I have

all those details
here in my briefcase.

Eh, let's see.

Yes, right here.

Oh, he was partial to roses.

- But it's an anchor.
- I mean, in his garden.

- One anchor, upper right arm.
- Left.

No, it just looks that way.

They printed the
picture backwards.

Okay, now if you'll just
give me the number.

- Number?
- On the tattoo.

Well, you read the
number on the tattoo

and I'll check it with
the number on my list.

- Huh?
- Yes, read.

- Six.
- Six.

- Four, six.
- Four, six.

- Dash.
- Dash.

- Seven.
- Seven.

- Seven.
- Seven.

- Dash.
- Dash.

- Seven, five.
- Five.

There you go. That's him.

Well, you'll have to fill
out the claiming papers

so that you can
legally take the body.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to spend

the last final moments alone
with my dear, departed friend.

Of course, I understand.

Henry figured he could get
out of his grave predicament

by tricking the Duke boys
into hauling it back to Hazzard.

But things were working just
about normal for old Henry.

Hey, hey, you ain't out
filled out the claiming papers.

Hey, you come back here
with that there John Doe

or I'll put out an all-points
bulletin for body snatching.

You sure know how to take
a girl's mind off her worries.

All those years that
you were growing up

and your dad was supporting you.

Didn't you ever
know that he was a...

- A con man?
- I didn't wanna say it.

Well, I'll tell you.

The few times I did see him

I believed his story
about being a lawyer.

'It wasn't until he opened
up this Youth Center'

that he confessed he'd conned
the money from Boss Hogg.

He wasn't gonna give that up
because the Boss conned it too.

Now I can't even say
he has benefitted more.

These here kids he's kept off
the streets, my daddy himself.

Kiss me, if you're man enough.

I've kissed every girl
in Hazzard County.

Why should you be any different?


- Wanna try again?
- No.

Uh, uh, Peggy, don't
hurt the man now.

Yes, sir.

Peggy, don't blame me if
you grow up to be an old maid.


Say, how did to go?

You got that
donation you wanted?

Well, you might say so.

And I know just
where I'm gonna sell it.

Uh, you boys mind driving
me back to Hazzard?

We shouldn't go there.
Boss is sure to see you.

That's a chance I gotta take.

I'm going with you. Give
me a minute to get dressed.


Peggy, watch the
center while we are gone?

Oh, sure thing.

Uh, handsome, why
don't you practice up

on your kissing
while you're gone.

'And I'll try to
forget my defenses.'

Yes, ma'am. Sure.

No, n-no thank you.

- You take care.
- Okay.


Oh, Enos, we got ourselves
some new volunteers

for the road g*ng.

- You mean, Bo and Luke?
- Yeah.

But they ain't even
speeding, sheriff.

They ain't now,
but they will be.

Now, watch this.

I love it, I love it.

- You want me to go with you?
- Close the door, Enos.

Sheriff, they ain't
even speeding now.

What's Rosco want with us now?

I don't know, we ain't
done nothing wrong.

'Ceptin what I got
under the tarp back there.

- What's that?
- 'Well, I hate to tell y'all.'

That is an ice cold
dead ringer for me

that I was gonna put in my
grave so Boss could find it.

Henry, that is body snatching.

The attendant did say something
to that effect as I was leaving.

This ain't gonna sit
well with our probation.

If we don't shake him and fast

we're gonna spend years
in the Federal Penitentiary

wondering how we let you
snooker us into this, Henry.

Wind her up, Bo


Give us a hand now.

That couldn't be.

It could be, but it couldn't.

It is. That's a coffin.

Enos, this is
Rosco, that's a coffin.

That's a coffin!

Sheriff, remember that APB

we got about that body
snatchin' case in Capitol city?


And we're gonna snatch the
body that snatched the body.

Gail, get the doors.

- Got it.
- Yeah.

Enos, you know what one
casket said to the other casket?

He said "Was that you coffin?"

Slow down, Bo.

'I think, Rosco is about
due for a little grief.'


Hey, Enos, how are you doing?

Get under the tarp, Henry,
you're suppose to be dead.


Enos, I'd like you to meet Gail.

Gail, Enos.

- Hi, Gail. Good to see you.
- Hi, Enos.

'Come on, I'm
not foolin' with ya.'

- Hey, alright!
- Open the back of that van now.

- You got a search warrant?
- I got this.

Now, that's search
warrant enough.

- Alright, alright.
- I'll blow the lock.

- Open that up.
- Alright, Rosco.

- Get in there.

Ooh. Ooh.

That-that is it.

That's what I saw. Okay,
get in there, and open that up.

Open it up. I wanna
see what's in that.

Open it.

Now, friends, how would you

like to try to make up
an excuse to cover that?

That is definitely the APB body

that was snatched.

Ah! No!

'Ooh, that smarted.
Get them, Enos.

Come back here,
you Duke vampires.

Oh, don't sh**t, sheriff!

- You might hit that body.
- Enos, you dipstick.

Believe me, he is in no
condition to complain about it.

Come here! Freeze!

Come on, Henry. Get up.

Daddy, how could you have
done such an awful thing?

There wasn't
anything awful about it.

That poor fella's been laying
in that morgue for over a week

and nobody come to get him.

Well, weren't no way
they could anyway.

- 'Ceptin for that number.
- What number?

Well, the one tattooed
under the ankle, on his arm.

Six, four, six
dash, seven, seven

dash, seven, five.

Bo, pull over round
that next curve.

If Rosco catches us we're gonna
have our own set of numbers

right across our chests!

Luke, just do it.

You two have to cut cross
country to the farm house.

If Jesse can trace that number
we got a prayer of getting out.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

Can you think of one good
reason what we're doing here?

Sure can. We're
helping out Henry

'cause you're sweet
on his daughter.

Alright, I'll grant you that.

While you grant me that if
you don't think of a way out

we're gonna sit in
jail for a long time.

Alright, alright. I'll
think of somethin'.

You usually do.

Boss, this is your
Sheriff, Rosco P. Coltrane.

You got your ears on,
little buddy, come on?

'Boss, are you there?'

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm here.

That is, what's left of me.

'Oh, ow, ooh, ooh, ooh.'

Sim Koo Song, you
do that once more

and I'm gonna put
your toes under arrest.

Alright, Rosco,
what is it? Over.

Ah, Boss, I got them Duke
boys on a body snatching rap

and they're still toting that
victim around with them.

Ah, eh, you sure?

Oh, you sure? Over.

Oh, that's a big
ten four, buddy.

Ain't that right, Enos?

Yes, sir, and no, sir, Sherriff.

Ah, Enos, while you're
making up your mind

you just send them
Duke boys off of their farm.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, that's nice.

Yeah! Just incase
they outfox Rosco

'which they probably
will do. Over.'

Oh, that hurts to the quick.

You little pelican hook.

Mm, mm, mm. Yeah.

You read me, boy?

I sure do, Mr. Hogg,
and I'm goin'.

He's gone, that leaves
Rosco. Let's get rid of him.

Here, at Miller's Creek
road, take the right hand fork.

No way, on this here thing.
Suppose the bridge is still out?

It's a great plan
of yours, Luke.

The road's ending up ahead
and Rosco's still behind us.

Look, just let him
draw alongside.


How deep you reckon
that water is down there?

Deep enough to give him
a ring around the collar.

- Let's ditch this evidence.
- Oh, yeah.


With half of Hazzard's
law force treadin' water

and the other half, waiting
for 'em to show up at the farm

well, that left one spot the
boys could leave the body

without being caught in the act.




Did you..

Did you..


Ah, J.D. Hogg here.

Uh, Boss, this is Rosco.

Yeah, Rosco. Alright,
alright. Start whining.

I got some g-g-good news
and I got some bad news.

'I'll give you some
bad news first.'

'The Duke Boys gave me the slip'

but a the good news is

they left the body
here in my office.

'And he's in real trouble.'

Not as much as you'll
be in if you don't get him

and his pine box out here to
the Boar's nest, you hear me?

'What do you want
me to do that for?'

Rosco, you don't know
grits from shoe polish, do ya?

Just do it, ask no questions

and keep your big mouth shut.


Enos, this is J.D. Hogg talking.
Are you out there any place?

Sure am, Mr. Hogg.

Standing guard, right
here at the Duke farm.

'I ain't seen hide
nor hair of anybody.'

Mr. Hogg, you better
make that sittin' guard.

Well, I don't care if
you're standin' guard

squatin' guard
or sleepin' guard.

You just get your butt
out here to the Boar's Nest

for a special county assignment.

'You hear me? Over and out.'

Yes, sir, I'm gone.

Now I'm gonna do
something to your little face.


You just..

There you are, Rosco.

Yeah, I'm right here.

- Oh, and here it is, huh?
- Right here.

In a pine box. Alright.

Now, this

goes right over
there in that jeep.

You follow? Then I'm gonna
go phone the Duke boys...

But, Boss, you don't know
where them Duke boys are at?

'Course, I do.

- You wanna know how?
- How?

When the Duke Boys know that
we don't know where they're at

they always go, where
we know they wouldn't go.

'Cause, they figure
we'd never go there.

And that's exactly
where they're at now.

You follow?

I-I'm trying.

They go, then..

At the Duke farm, Dodo!

- That's where they're at.
- Of course.

- What're you doin' now?
- Well, you...

- The jeep!
- You said to follow.

Oh, the jeep. The box.

Yeah, and when you've done that

take two aspirin and lie down

in a very dark place.

Dark in his place. Ooh, sorry.

And while everyone
was running in circles

that construction equipment
kept cuttin' a straight path

to Henry's empty grave.

When I got that
tattoo number I..

Oh, thank you.

I called the FBI
and Social Security

but they didn't
have it on their file.

I'm sorry, Jesse, but
what you expect me to do?

Wait and take his fingerprints?

If you'd have waited and took

your medicine from
Boss a year ago

like you're supposed to we
wouldn't be in this fix now.

There's an anchor in that
tattoo did you call the navy?

I called the navy and
the marines and the...

I'll get that.

The air corps and to a man

they said they'd get back to me.

Hello, Jesse Duke here.

- It's J.D. Hogg, Jesse.
- 'J.D.'

What you doin' callin' now?

That mortgage money ain't
due for... two, three weeks now.

It ain't the mortgage,
Jesse. It's the bail money.

- Bail money?
- 'Yeah.'

'For a certain member of
your family whom I haven't'

arrested on the charge
of body snatching.

Well, now, you know,
you ain't got one spec

of evidence against Bo and Luke.

Oh, who said anything
about them two?

No. I'm in the Boar's Nest

lookin' at the
guilty party, Daisy!


This thing's got more turns
than a bucket of worms.

Framing Daisy for
possession of the body

was just the
beginning of Boss' plan.

Sounds like Boss has got
us over a barrel this time.

No, wait a minute. There
ain't no way we're gonna let her

take the rap just to
save us from somethin'.

There ain't no way
I'm gonna let you boys

take the rap for this old..

Bait here.

He's gone. Both of them is gone!

Henry and Gail were so set
on getting Daisy out of trouble

that they were nearly
to the Boar's Nest

when Bo and Luke
caught up with 'em.

Now, just what do you
two think you're doing?

I'm goin' to see Boss
and confess my sins.

We don't wanna get in the
middle of your making amends

but can't you just wait until Uncle
Jesse get's a call back from Washington?

There's still a chance that
body might be identified.

- Hush!
- Rosco..

Sure, I'm sorry, Daisy, I had
to arrest you for body snatching.

Well, that's the silliest
thing I ever heard tell.

The Boar's nest
it's all I can do

to keep the live bodies
from snatching at me.

That's beside the
point. Ooh, Bo, Luke.

'Now, before you
get your dandruff up..'

I'm arresting her
'cause she's guilty.

See the law definitely states

'that anybody that has
an unidentified body'

on their property, is
guilty of snatching it.

Now, and I'm askin' ya.

Is that a body? Or
is that a body? Hmm?

Rosco, I think you need to go
out and get some new glasses.

'I don't wear glasses.'

Uh, maybe you should.

Yeah, well I don't need glasses

to see this body.

Well, I reckon that
explains everything.

Can we let Daisy go now?

Unless you both want
false arrests on your record.

Alright, you can
go. But hang around.

Uh, so far, Boss's
plan to frame Daisy

was as flat as last week's beer

which he was still
selling at a premium price.

Ooh, you..

Damn it!

That's my convertible,
not a hearse.

I'm on my way,
Boss! I'm on my way!

Well, just don't stand
there, numbskull

get that box out of there.

And put it in..

In Jesse's pick up.


And while everyone
was playing hide the body

that bulldozer was
getting ready to reveal

that Henry was right healthy

for a man that'd
been dead a year.

Here we go. Enos.

- Thought you'd never get here.
- I know everyone thinks that..

Okay, now whose
tab is this going on?

You can put it on
mine, Daisy, I'm sorry.

Oh, Daisy! Say
you know somethin'?

'I had my information all wrong'

which lets you off the hook.

'What I mean is'

'that body wasn't
in your jeep after all.'

sh**t, Boss, that's what I've
been tryin' to tell you all along.

Yeah. Eh, it's in your
Uncle Jesse's pickup truck.

I knew it. I knew it!

Which means, your Uncle
Jesse is the guilty party.

- Yeah guilty, guilty.
- Well, this I gotta see.

Alright, come on, I'll show you!

- Come on, show 'em.
- Quit pushing me.

- Over here..
- Oh, what?

Where is it? Where?

Actually, the corpse
weren't that far away

considering where Henry left it.

For he and Gail
took off in the pickup.

Boss, I don't see no
sign of no evidence.

Evidence? sh**t, I don't
even see the pickup truck.

Well, I can tell you that somethin'
underhand is going on around here.

Because, I personally
put that box..

'Saw that box'

in your Uncle Jesse's
pickup truck over there.

Somehow, I got a feelin'

that ain't gonna hold
up in court, Boss.

He's right, Sheriff. If there ain't
no corpus, there can't be no delicti.

Somebody around here
knows more than he's saying.

Ooh. Ooh.

You. Wait.

'Like I said 'fore I was
so rudely interrupted.'

'Bottom's up! Here you go.'

Alright you-you,
dang Dukes! You..

You just hold it right there.

And you're under arrest..

Enos, what the
heck are you doin'

slurpin' up buttermilk
with these criminals?

Rosco, you're beginning to
sound like a broken record.

Now, I just told you
a few minutes ago

the body is not in my jeep.

No, of course it
isn't. I just put it..

Uh, I just found it
in the General Lee.

'I'm serious, I want
you to get up real slow'

'because you're not
gonna trick me again.'

We wouldn't think of it, Rosco.

But I would.


Get-get up here and help
me you dumb, dipstick.

Well, anybody else want a beer?

Uh, where'd they go?

Come on you!

Hey, fella's, wait up!

Now, come on! Move it! Move it!

'This is the Lost Sheep
calling The Shepherd.'

'Now we're headin'
down highway seven'

with a pine box in the trunk and
a pack of woodpeckers on our tail.

Now, what's next. Come back.

Now, get that pine box over
to the Veteran's Cemetery

as quick as possible.
I'll meet you there.

Well, how we gonna
do that, Shepherd?

Especially since a
certain old swindler

happens to have your pickup.

You better have him
meet me there, too.

Don't worry about me.

I'll be taking the
shortcut overland.

The bulldozer diver was
Jesse's third cousin by marriage.

In other words, it didn't
take too much shucking

and jiving to get
his cooperation.

He just plum walked off the job.

Hey, look out for that car..

Look out!

'Jump out of the way!'

Daisy said you was over here.

Well, get a shovel
and start diggin'

you old sidewinder

or I'll bury him
before the Boss does.

Come on now, will ya!

Now. That..

Rosco! Rosco, did you see that?

'Them Duke boys.
They're abandoning ship.'

Right up ahead,
can you see it? Over.

It don't make no
difference, Boss.

Ain't nothing gonna stop me
from getting that evidence now.

'I love it, I love it.'

- Ready?
- Yep.




Here's Daisy!

- Give me a hand with this box.
- Okay.

Here we go.

Get in there. Grab something.

Grab a shovel.

Now, you get lost for a while.

The girls and I will
take care of this.

Uh, Rosco! What
do you think you're?

- Monkey, come on down here.
- Ooh, little buddy.

- Uh, hold it right there.
- Come on!

I'm coming right down. Look out.

'Watch it, will you?'

- Hey, it's Enos!
- Hold up there!

Hey, thanks a lot
for stopping, partner.

Alright, you Dukes.

You're under arrest. All of you!

Every last one of ya.

Under arrest? What for?

For snatching
bodies, that's what for.

Well, first of all, this here
body wasn't snatched.

It was claimed, legal like.

And second, this here
is a Veteran Cemetery.

Well, for about
minutes more it is.

Then, it becomes
a public highway.

Yeah, good.

Because you see there
ain't no veterans buried in it.

'Ceptin for equipment operator
first class, Johnathan Cole.

Serial number, .

'He was a C.B. attached to
the first construction battalion.'

What do you think of that?

You can't do.. You
just can't do that.

Boss, We ain't doin' nothin', it's
the United States Government.

Which means, Hogg's
Heavenly Acres can go plum to..


I reckon we know what I mean.

You Dukes! You're
always interfering, ain't you?

Trespassing, sticking your
nose in other people's business.

You can't even let a man do what
he wants to with his own swamp.

Why, without that highway..

Our whole civilization
is going down the drain.

- Rosco!
- What, y-yes.

- Come on, let's go.
- Get your car, Enos.

Since the deceased
veteran had no kin

the folks of Hazzard
County decided to adopt him

as their own personal w*r hero.

'Firing team, ready?'



'Fire! Fire!'

'Shoulder arms.'

So with Boss never even
knowin' that he was still alive

Henry Flatt, finally got
the chance to rest in peace.

Thanks to the Dukes of Hazzard.
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