02x16 - Treasure of Hazzard

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x16 - Treasure of Hazzard

Post by bunniefuu »

- 'Woo-hoo!'
- 'Yee-haw!'

Now, if you see this pretty
thing drivin' down the road

this early in the mornin'.

About the last thing
you'd expect to see

is this fella sawin'
out the bridge

supports where
she's a-fixin' to go.

Unless you're in Hazzard

where just about anything
you see is normal..

Around here.

What's she runnin' from us for?

I was just tryin'
to be friendly.

Yeah, she probably heard

just how friendly you can get.

Yeah. Probably did.

Now, the bridge will collapse

as soon her car
starts to cross it.

That ought to be in
about five minutes

at the rate she's comin'.

Stacy, are you sure we
should go through with this?

Well, you read that article

'in the university's
historical journal.'

Now, we both know
that letter she's carryin'

could lead us to a fortune.

And I don't intend to let you

or anybody else keep
me from collectin' it.


Quite a piece
of drivin', cousin.

Well, I don't understand it.

I just went over
this bridge last week.

She's kinda cute, wasn't she?

Now, you're probably
wonderin' what kind of sweet talk

the boys are layin'
on that sweet thing.

Well, they're askin'
her to send back

to town for a tow truck.

Even romance can wait
when a Duke is grounded.

And her takin' a
different route's

gonna throw them vultures off

that are layin' in wait for her.

Mr. Hogg, Sheriff Lester
Crabb just pulled up outside.

Oh, he ain't sheriff yet.

- Not till Ihire him.
- Yes, sir.

Does that mean Sheriff
Rosco's out for good?

Enos, Rosco has
merely gone to study

at the police academy downstate

until such time as
he is fully trained.

Now, do you have any
idea how long that'll take?

- No, sir.
- Yeah. Go away.

Yes, sir.


Lester Crabb is known
throughout Hazzard

as a travelling sheriff.

He's wore out the
law enforcement

in counties.

Lester's motto is
orders is orders.

And he believes in
the th commandment

the one Moses forgot.

And when Lester
walks by, babies cry

flowers wilt, and the beer
just naturally goes flat.

Old Lester's over
the hill and hungry

and he's willin' to
enforce his motto

any place he can get a job.

Now then, Lester Crabb

whatever kind of
sheriff you'll make

the first and last thing
you gotta remember

is who is boss in
Hazzard County.

- Hello, Hogg.
- Aah!

Lester Crabb, why can't
you come in the door

I expected you to like
any normal human being?

Normal human beings
gets themselves k*lled

comin' in doors
where they's expected.

Well, it appears you're
awful mighty certain

you're gonna get this here job

since you done come in uniform.

Uniform is the only
clothes I ever worn

since I was -years-old
and become a lawman

by lyin' about my age.

And I expect you been
lyin' in the name of the law

from then till now.

That's one good
reason why I asked you

to come to see
about this here job.

I'm yours to command.
You know my motto.

- What's that?
- Orders is orders.


Cooter's place
wasn't that hard to find

'cause he's got the
only garage in Hazzard.

Well, don't you worry
about a thing, ma'am.

I've gotten them Duke
boys out of a whole

lot worse fixes than that.

I believe it.

Now, if you'll just tell
me, where I can find

the county commissioner,
I'll be on my way.

Okay, that'll be
Mr. J.D. Boss Hogg

and you can find him out
here at the Boar's Nest.

'He's got an office there,
it's about two miles out here'

on Highway on the right.

- You can't miss it.
- Okay.

And tell me somethin'
I'm just curious, uh..

That big ol'
blond-headed boy Bo?


How come he didn't
come with you?

Don't think he
didn't suggest it.

I'll bet.

- Thank you.
- You're sure welcome.

"Laura... Bardsley.

"Assistant professor of history.

State University."

They didn't have teachers
that pretty when I went to school.

How can you remember your
one school day years ago?

'Cause that's the only
time you were there, son.

Well, I'm pleased to
meet you, professor.

What brings you
to our fair county?

Well, you see, recently the
university was bequeathed

a copy of a letter to
the w*r department.

'It was from Union
Army Lieutenant General'

Walker Atkinson and it was
dated November , .


Well, the eve of the
Battle of Hazzard.

From which some of them
Yankees are still runnin'.

Yeah, well, you see,
this letter concerns

a regimental payroll that
he was ordered to bury

'to, uh, keep it from
falling into enemy hands.'

Regimental payroll?

For a whole regiment?


- Buried in Hazzard County.
- Mm-hmm.

Stillburied in Hazzard County?

- Still.
- Where at?

- Well, have it right here.
- Mm.

Uh, it says at the intersection

of a north-to-south
line from Denton's Farm

to Indian Bluffs and
an east-to-west line

from Cumberland
marker to Wayside Chapel.

Well, what are we waitin' for?

Let's all grab
shovels and start..

Oh! Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Them reference points
in that there letter.

I know Hazzard
County like my old shoes

and I can tell you there
just ain't any place names

like that in these parts.

Well, not on any current map

'but you know a lot of
those places have probably'

'changed their names
in the last years.'

Tell me, are there
any descendants

of the original settlers
left here in Hazzard?

Mm-mm. None that I know of.

Well, ma'am, the
Dukes down on Mill Road

'they say they've
been here so long'

'their ancestors wore feathers!'

The Duke family?
Thank you very much.

You've been a big help,
and I really appreciate it.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, but..

- Bye-bye.
- Uh..

What do you mean by runnin' off

at the mouth like that, Lester?

Tellin' that woman
professor about them Dukes.

I was just tryin' to help.

You ain't supposed to help
her! You're supposed to helpme!

Now, you just get
over to that Duke Farm

where that professor's
sure to be headed

and you keep your ears peeled

because if there is any money
buried here in Hazzard County

the one who's
gonna unburyit, is me!

- Gotcha!
- Go!

I wonder how many men
there are in the regiment

and how much they get paid.

'Well, you've come to the
right place, Ms. Bardsley.'

You see, Grandma
Duke was a Denton

and she never quit
complainin' all of her life

how right after the
w*r between the states

their home place was took over

by a carpetbagger by
the name of Weatherby.

Well, that makes the Denton Fa..

I mean, I mean, the
old Weatherby place

well, that makes that's your
north marker, sweetheart.

What could she possibly
want from those yokels?

The same thing we do

information about
that Yankee paybox.

And we're not the only ones.

'Due south from the
Weatherby place is..'

Uncle Jesse, it's gotta
be Henderson Ridge.

Henderson Ridge?

I bet you that used to
be called Indian Bluffs.

Yes, sir.

There's the spot
we're lookin' for

right there below
Henderson Ridge.

'That's gotta be it.'

This is Sheriff Crabb.
Hogg, you there? Over.

Ah. Eh.

No, I ain't here.

I'm sunning myself on the
beach down in Miami. Over.

I found out where
the payroll is buried.

Right smack dab at the foot
of Henderson Ridge. Over.

You absolutely
sure of that? Over.

I heard it from the lips of
Jesse Duke hisself. Over.

Well then, that's gospel.

Listen, you hustle your fat self

over to Henderson
Ridge on the double.

I'll meet you there,
and we'll start digging.

The university had records
of an east to west trail

that was laid out in the s

but they lost all the maps.

But not the old
Duke family Bible.

No, sir, it's got all the
birthings and dyings in it

since Caleb Duke came
west in the middle s.

Good as any map.

'Here you go.'

"September , .

'"A son Joshua was born
this day to Martha Duke.'

"Having just passed
the Cumberland marker

"one mile back, we
have two days' travel

to reach the
settlement of Hazzard."

That means they passed
right through the marshland.

Alright, then. Let's go to the
marsh and look for the marker.

Now, wait a minute, that
marsh is five miles wide

'and twice as long.'

How do y'all expect to
find a little itty-bitty marker

to a trail that
doesn't exist anymore

in all that space?

I don't know.

Well, we'll just have to leave

that up to Jeb McCobb.

And if there's one
inch of swampland

that he don't know
his granddaughters will.

sh**t, Uncle Jesse.

I thought I knew
every girl in Hazzard.

I ain't never heard of them.

That's because old Jeb

believes in raising them kids

as far away from the temptations

of civilization as he can.

The temptations being..

People like you.

Me? Nah.

'I know.'

You're just like
your Uncle Jesse..

Used to be.

Yay-hay! That's it! You got it.

Alright, start digging.


Y'all be careful in
that marsh, you hear?

You betcha.

Yes, ma'am.

Follow them. Just don't
get close enough to be seen.

Zack's Landing is
the jumping-off place

for the big swamp.

But the last census showed
that alligators outnumbered people

about a , to .

Here you are, Jesse.
Hope you don't need these.

With this equipment of
yours, we probably will.

Start it up, Bo.

Yeah, let's get out of here.

Let loose.

Watch out for them gators, Jesse

'cause since the census
they're gonna be watching you.

We'll watch 'em, Zack.

What do we do, rent
a boat and follow 'em?

We'd be lost within a yards.

We'll just have to sit and wait
and see what they come out with.

He's a big one.

Uh, Uncle Jesse,
you ain't got no idea

where Jeb's shack
might be at, do you?

No. All we're gonna find
is a jumping-off place.

You see, he keeps moving
around from time to time

to stay ahead of the revenuers.

Watch that snag, Bo.

What snag's that, Uncle Jesse?

That snag, you big dummy.

'Oh, Uncle Jesse, Luke
should've seen that.'

Now, Luke, you, you
get us unstuck, you hear

or we're gonna be
here till Christmas.

Hold on.

'I can't budge it, Bo.'

'You better put her in reverse.'

Better sit down, missy.


Now, if that was me,
I'd be walking on water.

Laura, swim around this side.

Help Laura in.

Bo, come on.


You alright, Laura?

Yeah. I've never been
so scared in my life.

I don't blame ya.

After that cute little
critter in the water

it must've been plumb
frightening to run into Bo here.

- Let's get out of here.
- Yeah.

That sitting canoe meant
Jeb McCobb's shack

couldn't be far away.

So the only thing
to do was to split up

and try to find him.

- Here you go, Bo.
- Thank you, Uncle Jesse.

Well, that's his canoe, alright.

Alright, Luke, you and Laura

you go off down thataway.

Bo, you go straight ahead

and I'll go off here
and see if can spot him.

Yes, sir.

Dadgum ya.

Just git on home.


Girls? Will y'all girls let
go of me? Now let me up.

You hear that, Gerry.
He talks real purdy.

Better than that, he is
real purdy, and he's mine.

Who says? I'm the
one who trapped him.

- But I seen him first.
- Will y'all just let me up?

Now, there's enough of me
to go around to both of youse.

Turn him loose. I
ain't sharing him.

You sure ain't 'cause I'm
keeping him all to myself.

Came from over there.

Now, mister, this, this
ain't what you're thinking.

I'm thinking you better shut up

or you'll be talking
with your maker.

'Now move out of there'

'cause I don't want ya catching
any buckshot meant for him.

Now hold it, Jeb. Uh, hold it.

I-I don't take kindly

to you holding a
shotgun on my nephew.

I don't take kindly to
him trespassing, either.

Or you, either! Unless
you come with Jesse.

Uh, yeah, that's right.
We're with him alright.

Yeah, that's my
other nephew, Jeb.

Alright, then you'll be
leaving with him, all of ya.

- 'Now turn him loose.'
- Aw, grandpa, do we have to?

We trapped him fair and square.

You heard what I said.

'Ain't neither of you
growed up so much'

as I won't tan your
hide for not minding me.

Now, why don't we just, uh..

Go on up to the place
and do a little sipping

'while I tell you
what I come for?'

That is, iffen you
ain't lost your touch.

Me? Best moonshiner in
Hazzard County lost his touch?


Well, I just gonna have to
make you drink your words.

'Come on.'

Just can't seem to find
the Cumberland marker.

The Cumberland marker?

Why grandpa taught us reading

from the words on that rock.

I could find it with
my eyes closed.

How about I show you
where it's at, sugar?

'Then you can tell the others.'

Well, sounds great
to me. Let's go.

Not to me.

Bo, honey, I could get you

there in half the time.

Don't listen to her, Bo.

I know the long way back.

Well, you ain't
taking it, neither of ya.


I'll show you the
marker providing..

That you git and
you don't come back.

Especially you.


Now what's the matter?

I'm just plain tuckered.

Yeah, well, you're no
more tuckered than I am

sitting here watching
you get nowhere.

The only kind of
metal you ain't dug out

is that Yankee Army payroll box.

- And you wanna know why?
- Why?

Because the dang
thing ain't here.

But I heard Jesse say
it with my own ears.

Then your ears were
lying to your brains.

Let me figure this thing out.


Alright, son.

Let's see if your
eyes is more honest

than the rest of you.

You did say, didn't you
that you saw them Dukes

makin' marks on a map?

Yeah, they was using a pencil.

I don't care if he was
writing with a feather!

The point is, they were
making marks on the map

to show the real location
of that Yankee payroll box

which... we're gonna
be able to dig up

first thing come morning.


By you sneaking
off to that Duke Farm

and stealing that there
map first thing tonight.

- Got it?
- Got.

'Well, y'all, then
all we need to do to'

find that Yankee
strongbox is to figure out

where the old Wayside
Chapel used to be, right?

Right, and I think I got an idea

where we might be able
to get that information.

Where, Uncle Jesse?

At the County Historical
Society Museum

'over in Colonial City.'

'They got a record
of every church'

'ever built in this country.'

It's o'clock now

if we get to bed and
get up with the chickens

we can be there tomorrow morning

when they open the
doors at o'clock.


Yeah, we get that
strongbox dug up by :

and you'll be on your
way back to school.

Sometimes a fella
can't win for losing.

'Bedtime, Laura.'



Got your room all
situated. You're in my room.

I got my nightie..

They should all
be asleep by now.

Well, get in and
search the place.

Well, that's insane.

We don't even know
what we're looking for.

A letter, a map, anything

that'll lead us to
that army strongbox.

Start with the cupboard.

I'll take this side of the room.


You reckon he's really
gonna hit good old Jesse?

Get out of my bedroom!

- Get out!
- 'Get out of my room.'

- 'Out. Out of here.'
- 'Right now!'

- Get out!
- Out! Out!

- I don't..
- Get out!

- Get out of here.
- 'Get out.'


Alright, mister.

You get up. Get up.

What in tarnation
is he doing here?

That's Sheriff Crabb.

- Who's it?
- You see who it is?

Nah, it's too dark.

Well, here.

Maybe we ought
to ask the sheriff.


Wake up, sleepy
head. There you go.

There you go, sheriff.

Here's your hat, sheriff.

What happened?

You just won a
pot full of dishwater.

Now, would you
like to try for the pot

or would you like to..

Tell us what you're doing here?

I was, uh..

Patrolling the area,
and I seen this here car

and so I figured
someone's sneaking around.

You can't be too
careful nowadays.

So you come through the window

thinking you'd catch 'em
in the act, is that right?

That's right, I
snuck in the window

and I patrolled the perimeter

and I would have
got 'em, too, Jesse

exceptin' your two
boys stopped me.

You know, I have half
a mind to arrest you

for interfering
with the police...

- 'Lester!'
- What, Jesse?

While you're here
jabberin' and talkin'

whoever was in here is
gettin' away in that car!

Gotcha! I'm on my way!

He's about a half a bubble
off center, if you ask me.

So while the rest of
Hazzard was sleepin'

the Dukes spent the night
riggin' a phony treasure map.

Now, the idea was to advertise

knowing the sheriff just
couldn't resist the bait.

Now, gettin' old
Lester out of the way

would cut their
problems in about half.

All four of them again.

That means they still
haven't got the strongbox

or Professor Bardsley would
be headed back to the university.

Stick with 'em.

Here comes the advertisin'.

Bo, Luke, it's Daisy.

Oh, I hope you're listenin',
'cause I got real big news.


Well, Daisy's right on time.

Fellas, please answer me.

Alright, I just gotta tell you.

'I found where the
Yankee strongbox is hid at'

'and I even made us a map'

'showing us where
we can dig it up.'

Now, if y'all can't answer me

'cause your rig's out I'm
headin' south on Mill Road.

Which just goes to prove that
Luke sure knows his customers.

I got 'em this time.

Enos Strate, this is
Sheriff Lester Crabb.

'How would you like to
pinch Daisy Duke. Over?'

Pinch Daisy?

Oh, I couldn't do that, sheriff.

Uh, that wouldn't be polite,
especially while I'm on duty.

'Not that kind of pinchin'.'

I'm talkin' about
pinchin' like in arrestin'.

She's speedin'
down on Mill Road.

Now, you get on your horse..

Enos, drive down to
the bridge and arrest her.

Over and gone.

Yes, sir.

Pinch her?

Maybe a little
pinch wouldn't hurt.


- 'She pulled it off.'
- 'I guess.'

Sure looks like Daisy shucked
and jived him real good, huh?

That ought to keep
that sheriff off our butt

not to mention that
little fat buddy we got.

Yeah, now if we only knew
who else we were fightin'.


Daisy, pull over!

I'm givin' you a
speedin' ticket!

But I'm only goin'
and the limit's , sheriff.

Then I'm givin' you a ticket

for drivin' too slow
and blockin' traffic.

You gotta catch me first.

Daisy, I'm real
sorry I had to do that

but orders is orders...
That okay, Enos.

The sheriff doesn't
have anything

to ticket me for, anyway.

I wouldn't count on that.

Attemptin' litterbuggin'.

You was about to throw
this map over the side.

That is the silliest
thing I've ever heard.

You just tell that
to the traffic judge.

Meanwhile, I'm confiscatin'
this here as evidence.

Give me that! Give me that!

- Enos!
- Daisy!

- Give me that!
- Daisy!

Enos, aren't you gonna help me?

I'm tryin' to, sheriff.

- 'You give me that?'
- You write her up.

And if she gives
you any more trouble

get her for obstructin' justice

before you turn her loose.

But, sheriff, she
wouldn't... Enos!

Yes, sir. Don't be
mad at me, Daisy.

I'm just followin' orders.

Why would they be
headin' for Colonial City?

Of course.

The Historical Society Museum.

Things couldn't be
working out better.

'You are very wise to come
here, Professor Bardsley.'

'As the curators,
we like to think'

that the Historical Society
has the most complete records

of religious
institutions in the south.

Here it is, Dr. Fenwick.

Now, hold on.

Ain't these two the ones

that's been causin'
all the trouble?

'"Destroyed by fire
in December ."'

Uh, does it say there
exactly where it is?

Well, according to
this, it's right here.

Right there?

Well, that's a bend
in Willow Creek.

Now, if that's south
of the highway..

Dalton's Mill sits there now.

Well, then that's
our final marker.

- Alright.
- Thank you, Dr. Fenwick.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you, Ms. Williams.

You've both been
very, very helpful.

Believe me, Professor Bardsley

the pleasure was all ours.

Thank you.

I got it, J.D. I got it.

Lester, you bust in here
again without knockin'

and you're gonna
get something else.

Thisin your ear!

Not that anybody would
notice. What do you got?

This is the Duke's treasure map.

'It shows exactly where that
Yankee strongbox is buried.'


Right under the Boar's Nest.

'Right here.'

I can't believe it.

All these years, them
Yankee greenbacks

have been right under my nose.

Closer to the other end.

Huh? Oh, yeah!

I've been sittin' on 'em.

No wonder this has always
been my favorite place.

Well, just don't stand there
with your face hangin' out.

'That treasure ain't
gonna come to us.'

We gotta go to it!

Come on! Move this table!

Grab an axe!

Damn the floorboards!
Full speed ahead!

Them damn
Yankees, I can't believe

anybody runnin' so
fast could dig so deep.

Maybe we're diggin'
in the wrong place.

No, this has to
be the right place

'cause it lines up perfectly

with the checkpoints
on this map.


See if you can pull it out.

- There's a handle.
- Alright. There we go.

Jackpot! Whoo!

Look, "United States
Army." We found it.

Oh, you know, I'll never be able

to thank you for
all you've done.

Neither will we.

Now, friends,
there ain't nothin'

more awesome than a woman

on the wrong end of a g*n.

We're really very
grateful to y'all

for doin' the dirty work for us.

You're quite well-known

in academic circles,
Professor Bardsley.

Once we read the university

had been bequeathed the letter

we knew they'd assign
you to check it out.

I'll take that
paybox, thank you.

- That's enough.
- Hold it.

Now, you don't
have to be too smart

to know there are certain things

'that are not worth
gettin' k*lled over.'

Let alone committin'
m*rder to get.

That's where we disagree.

Get up. Take the
box into the car.

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.

Uncle Jesse, get
on the CB to Daisy.

Me and Bo are gonna make
the fastest pit stop in history.

Good thing we
thought to double up

on our insurance
policy, ain't it?


Uh, Daisy? This is
your Uncle Jesse.

'Daisy, are you out
there? Where are you?'

Headed into town on
County Seven, Uncle Jesse.

- Is there anything wrong?
- 'Everything's wrong.'

Now, we found the
strongbox alright

'but that fella from
the Historical Society'

'he and his assistant'

'well, they, they
took it away from us.'

'Huh-uh, they just
took out of here with a..'

'...kind of a
four-door brown car.'

' - , Uncle Jesse.'

Holy horned toads,
did you hear that, Hogg?

Yeah, I heard it, and Lester

you call me Boss, chief

or even master, but not Hogg.

You get it?

'They was headin'
south on the marsh road.'

Now, now, it's gonna
take us a little time to get

the General here on his feet.

Do you think you'd
be able to cut him off?

'Well, I could sure try.'

'I just passed Cooter
in the tow truck'

'maybe he can lend us a hand.'

Breaker one, breaker one.

Cr-a-a-azyCooter comin' at you.

I got my ears on tight,
got my eyes peeled

and got my pedal to the metal.

I'm gum on your back door.

While we've been
rippin' up my floor

somebody's been rippin' off
my Yankee Army payroll box.

Come on, let's go get 'em!

And if I don't find my treasure

I'm gonna make you replace
each and every board..

With your mouth, hmph.

Alright, let's go.

Alright, let's not
waste any time now.

Come on, move it, move it!

Alright, you backed up enough.

Now, turn it over there.
Come on, come on!

Now by now, just about everybody

that could be was
in the middle of this.

Includin' old Enos.

He'd been radioed by Lester.

Y'all ever hear of Murphy's law?

Well, in Hazzard,
we got Enos' law.

If anything can go wrong

he'll be right smack
dab in the middle of it.

And on the other
hand, there's Daisy's law

which usually could
be depended on

to veto Enos' Law.

I can't get around her.

She's deliberately
tryin' to slow us down.

This will speed her up.

'That's Daisy right there!'

'Head her off! Come on!
Turn this thing around!'

'Come on, catch 'em,
will you? Watch out..'

Go get 'em, Bo!
I'm right behind you.

This place is
crawlin' with Dukes.

Not crawlin', you fat
road apple, they're chasin'!

Who's ever in that brown car

is the one who's
got my treasure!

Come on, let's
go! Get after 'em!

Whoo! Couldn't have worked
out better if we'd planned it.

Try telling that to them.

We'll never be able to
outrun them in this jalopy.

Turn off.

'Don't get too close, Bo.'

'We're clean out
of spare tires.'

Hey, what do you
think you're doin'?

They ain't too far ahead.
We can still catch 'em.

Okay, she's all
yours, Uncle Jesse.

Take the road to the
other side of the marsh.

If we lose 'em, you
can still cut 'em off.

'I'll be there!'

'Follow us, Daisy!'

Friends of yours off port bow.

Real cute, Luke. Real cute.

They're gaining on us.

This'll slow 'em down.

Wait, look!

Now, this'll really
slow 'em down.

Sam, they're gonna ram us.

It's the twins.

They rammed 'em down deliberate.

Okay, now, listen, you, you
steer as close as you can.

Now, uh, I'll fish 'em out

but watch out for them gators.

To the left. To the left.

Come on, Sam, give me your hand.

I'll get you aboard. Come on.

Get up here, sweetheart.

There you go.

Oh, that was great.

Give me your hand,
I'll help you aboard.

Whoa, Sam! Whoo!


Only I ain't Sam, she is.

There has just gotta be some way

to tell y'all two apart.

There is, only we ain't
got time to show you now.

We got a score to
settle with them varmints.

Dang this marsh.

It ain't but a mile wide here

but you gotta go ten miles
each way to get around it.

Oh, Mr. Duke, look up
ahead. Somebody's been hurt.

Stay where you are, Mr. Duke.

Well, would you look at that.

We been snookered.

Now, move over
to the side. Move!

I'm sure you won't
mind lending us the jeep..

Under the circumstances.

I'll drive. Just make sure
they can't follow us this time.

Watch out for gators now, Bo.

Came from up there.

Come on, let's go.

- Y'all alright?
- Yeah.

Which is more than I can say

for the General Lee,
look, what they done.

'Now there's no way
we're gonna catch them.'

Don't bet on it.

Here you go.

I see somebody. I gotta get!

And here, all
this time I thought

I was raisin'
Daisy to be a lady.

Well, there ain't nothin'
wrong with a lady wrestler.

The Dukes accepted a modest
reward from the university..

Which kept 'em in tires and gas

for about six months.

Oh! Come on!

Now, Boss claimed
that he was confiscatin'

the paybox for evidence.

But Laura made him an
offer that he couldn't refuse.

You mean, I can have the money
if I give you what's in the box?

Now, she agreed to let
him have all the money

providin' the university
got everything else.

Here it is. Come
on. Come on, Daisy.

You heard what she said.
Just set her down there.

You made a good deal, Boss.

The lock on that
thing is all outdoors.

Lester, come over here,
will you? sh**t that lock off.

- Alright, back up!
- Come on, now.

Back up.

No, no, no! Down there.


There, you did it.

Yeah, whoa!


Look what I got!

Holy Jesus!

"The confederate
States of America?"

Yeah, you guessed it.

Confederate money.

The real treasure in that box

was the original orders to
bury the Confederate payroll

bearing the signature of
President Abraham Lincoln.

And Bo, he went
on a little fishin' trip

but he didn't catch no fish.

Oh, and one more thing.

Now, if you're wondering
why the Union Army

was being paid in
Confederate money..

Well, now that's a
whole other story.

But it looked like
things were goin' wrong

even back then in Hazzard.

'Them Dukes, them Dukes!'
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