02x15 - Follow That Still

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x15 - Follow That Still

Post by bunniefuu »

- 'Yee-haw!'
- 'Yee-haw!'

In Hazzard County,
huntin' season

allows three weeks
for deer, two for quail

and it's open season all
year on Dukes and Moonshine.

And Agent Buchanon

of the Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms Agency

can smell still smoke
or a Duke a mile away.

That's Buchanon.

And those are Dukes.

They didn't bring bows
with dynamite arrows

to blow up another outhouse.

Smootherthan honey.

Twice the sting of a bee.

Ah! Yeah!

This ain't your day, Hard Luck.

'Gonna have to
run you in again.'

This is gettin' to be downright

heavy for me, Buchanon.

There's a jillion fellas makin'

shine in these here parts.

How come you always
have to pick on me?

Because you're the
one we alwayscatch

with the evidence.


What evidence?

Hard Luck, it all
boils down to this.

You get caught making whiskey

on that place of
yours one more time

and you're gonna do ten years

in the federal
penitentiary, isn't that right?

'And you will get
caught, Mr. Jones.'

Even Boss Hogg says your
moonshine is so distinctive

you may as well sign every jug.

That's right. Oh, even one
drop of that stuff shows up

and them revenuers know
exactly who to look for.

Mr. Hard Luck Jones.

Well, not necessarily
by moonshine.

Especially when he got acres

of the best bottomland
in this County.

A-a-and neighbors like us

that are willing to give
you enough seed corn to..

'...get yourself back on
the straight and narrow.'

- Uh..
- That's right.

Oh, good Lord, we thank
thee for this bounteous table

which thou has placed before us.

- Amen.
- Uh..

Andfor Hard Luck's promise

that he won't make
no more whiskey..

On that place again.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Now, how're you gonna say no

to Uncle Jesse?

Alright, Rosco. Now,
a little more to the left.

The left? Right.

'No! Left! Left.'

Now, hold it! Hold it.

You're breaking
up the boar's nest.

Yeah, I did scuff
it a little, didn't I?

- You sure did.
- Now..

- Move it forward, dodo.
- Well, I'll just..

'Hold it! Hold it!'

- You destroyed my car.
- Uh, no. I just..

I just knocked the
front bumper off a little.

- Uh, just..
- 'Well, leave it!'

Leave it right here!
It's alright. Just leave it.

Before you wreck
the whole place.

- I got it.
- I want it right here.

Right in this here place.

You see, this armored
personnel carrier

is gonna be the main feature

of my J.D. Hogg w*r memorial.

Uh, Boss, can I ask
you one little question?

Why did you buy this

from the national
guard in the first place?

I'll show you.

Look at this, Rosco.

'Oh. By any chance, is
this contraband cigarettes?'

Yeah. Yeah.

Everything last h*jacked carton.

I buy 'em for a
dime on the dollar

so I can sell 'em dirt cheap.

- Ooh, my back.
- That's smart.

My clientele..

Will pay for 'em in advance

and then they'll slip right
into this here conveyance

in the middle of the
night to pick 'em up.

While I'm home in bed,
fast asleep and safe.

Uh, Boss, uh, where do I fit in?

You fit in by making
sure nobody's around

when my clientele slip in.

- Hey, Boss. Rosco.
- What do you want?

I couldn't help
noticing your sign here.

You know, Boss,
me being one of them

less important heroic veterans

I was wondering just what
w*r it was you fought in.

Lookie here, I fought three and
a half wars on the home front.

In the American way.

And this here, w*r memorial,
ain't for touching, just look.

That's an APC, ain't it?

What's this big, ol' thing
supposed to do anyway?

Well, speaking from
personal experience

this here vehicle will haul
marines and a ton of a*mo.

Four, five hours on one tankful.

- Is that a fact?
- Yeah.

Marines and Moonshiners
got lots in common.

How's that?

The few, the proud..

And neither of 'em don't
stay in one place too long.

Yeah. That's right, Hard Luck.

Just remember..

"He who shines runs away

lives to shine another day."


Twenty, forty, sixty,
eighty, eight hundred.

Twenty, forty, sixty,
eighty, nine hundred.

Ten, twenty, thirty,
forty, fifty, sixty, seventy

eighty, ninety..

An even thousand.

We'll pick up the cigarettes
out of your, uh, warehouse

tomorrow night, huh?

Yeah, but wayafter midnight.

So nobody will spot you.

That way, nothing can go wrong.

Yeah, nothing can
go wrong, Hogg.

Because if it does..

We know where to find you.

Now, this is one
midnight pick-up

that ol' Boss never figured on.

Hard Luck didn't know nothin'
about contraband cigarettes.

But he had an eye
on Boss' roving armor.

And a hand that can
hot-wire a bicycle.

'It's gone. Boss, it is gone!'

'Oh, real quick, Rosco.'

- 'Boss, we're in trouble.'
- You sure are, Hogg.

That particular w*r memorial

had a mm cannon on it.

Now, it may be spiked..

But that's still
stolen a*tillery

which puts it in
my jurisdiction.

Woah, woah, just, wait..

Just a cotton-pickin'
minute here.

This is my County.

You know, you used to be
the best sheriff in this state.

Now, you ain't
worth a hill of beans.

Well, you just..

I'll knock him into..

You know, one of
these days I'm gonna tell

that big mouth bureaucrat..

I'm gonna give him
a piece of my mind.

- No, you ain't.
- I ain't.

What you're gonna do is find

that armored personnel
carrier before he does.

Oh. Yes. That's..

Well... how?

By usin' that little
itty-bitty piece of your mind

you was gonna give him.

Look, who was so all fired

interested in that
vehicle yesterday?

And who would do
anything to besmirch

the fair name of Hogg?

Even to swipin' a w*r
memorial named in my honor?

About anybody in the County.

- Hmm?
- Ooh.

I know who it is. Uh, oh-ho.

Oh, I know who did
it. It's that Luke Duke.

I heard him say he
drove one of them vehicles

while he was in the marines.

Alright. Now, go and
stake out the Duke farm.

Sooner or later them Duke
boys are gonna lead you

to where my w*r memorial's hid.


Now, Hard Luck would
probably get to plowing

when daylight is over.

Boys stay on and help
him for the rest of the day.

- You hear?
- Alright.

Eh, we'll see
y'all later, alright?

You might not
get all of 'em. Hah!

- Uh, bring 'im back for supper.
- Yeah.

There they go, and here I come.

- Hard Luck!
- Yo!

Hey, buddy!

Huh, seems he ain't in the barn.

Would you look at that.

'Not even one furrow's
been plowed. He..'

'He ain't even
started plowing yet!'

Has he been too busy?

What do you make of them tracks?

'Well, these look
like cat tracks.'

APC tracks look an awful lot

like cat tracks,
now, don't they?

You got that right.

We better take off after
him before somebody else

starts thinking what
we're thinking already.


Hard Luck!

Well, now, there it is.

Hazzard County's
one and only genuine

original, movable still.

Ain't American
ingenuity something?

- 'There's Rosco.'
- 'Hope this sucker's tuned up.'

- You know how to drive it?
- 'Alright, buddy.'

Ooh. Ooh.

There's them sneaky Duke boys.

This time I got 'em.
I got 'em this time.

- How we doin', partner?
- Well, we ain't doin' too good.

He's gaining on us.

Can't this thing go any faster?

Not unless she sprouts wings.

Alright! Halt!

I mean, halt!

Hey, Dukes. Come out.

I'm gonna sh**t.

'Freeze, t*nk!'

I did pick up a thing or two

driving these things
in the marines.

Now just hang on.
See if he can follow this.

'Hang on 'cause we're
headed for some rough stuff.'

Will you take it easy?

Alright, you Duke boys.

I'll show you some real driving.

Ain't y'all glad Rosco

don't fly planes for a living?

'Suppose, we'd better
go out and see if he's hurt.'

'Nah, the only thing
hurt was his pride.'

- What're we gonna do now?
- Uh..

Well, from here, we can
cut across our back .

And let him catch us
with this thing on our land?

- Bo...
- Are you crazy?

You got a better idea?

No, Luke, I ain't
got no better ideas.

Strap yourself in cuz.

It's gonna be a rough ride.

I see you up there.

Now, don't you close that door.

Dukes! I'm warning you!

I'm not kidding this time!

I'll... I'll send you to
prison for years!

You, you, cotton-pickin'


'After driving the APC

through the river
to hide his tracks

Luke set out for
the state highway

by cuttin' across Duke land.

And after years
of army service

that ol' APC picked
this time to quit.

Oh, boy.

This here's the culprit.

The link pin
worked its way loose

and got bent in the process.

Figure L.B. will
have to help us.

Get her straightened out.

And what do you suppose
you gonna tell somebody

if they find this thing
sitting right smack dab

in the middle of our land?

Well, cousin, it's time
for your first lesson

in camouflage, come on.

Could use a little
scrub back here.

Just try to do that better

than you do your own job.

I mean, you had them
Duke boys nailed..

And then you let 'em get away.

And with my contraband
cigarettes, too.

With mycontraband
cigarettes, dodo!

You better find them again fast.

You and Enos go
on stake out in town.

Sooner or later, them
Duke boys will turn up.

Oh, great. I'll just
do that. I'll just..

- Don't go with my brush, fool.
- Yeah. Here. Here you are.

Ooh. Ooh.

Hey, Boss..

'...here's your
little rubber ducky.'

Oh. Uh.

I should've made yousheriff.


Wait a minute. The...
the door's closed.

Now, wasn't it opened before?

Well, maybe Hard Luck got back.

I sure hope so.

He's got a heap
of explaining to do.

That's for sure.

Hard Luck!

- I just don't believe it.
- The general.

Ha, I figured ol'
Rosco to have him

in the impound by now.

So did I.

That's why I brung him here

when I spotted
him by the cowpass.

Hope you don't mind, but I..

I had to hot-wire
him to get him started.

It ain't that we ain't
much obliged, Hard Luck

but don't you think
you've been doing

a mighty too much
hot-wiring lately?

Oh, I, I wouldn't do nothing

to get you Dukes in trouble.

'But, Luke, I heard you say'

how much them
things could carry.

And that ol' devil
temptation just reached out

and grabbed me by the gizzard.

Well, that's real
touching, Hard Luck.

Believe me, it really is.

But we best get
that dang machine

off of our property before Rosco

or Agent Buchanon sees it.

Just remember, Hard Luck..

You don't know nothin'..

You ain't seen nothing'..

You ain't never heardnothin'..

About anything called an
Armored Personnel Carrier.

Now, if I was a APC..

Where would I hide myself?

Hard Luck had the smartest nose

in Hazzard County.

He could sniff out
a drop of sour mash

in a barrel of
ammonia a mile away..

And find it with his eyes shut.

When old Jesse
found tracks on his land

he followed them
plumb to where they end.

The last time an army
moved across Duke land

they was wearing blue coats

and whistling with
Yankee accents.

'Drop that wood!'

You put one more
splinter of wood in that fire

I'll make you pull it out with
your bare teeth, Hard Luck.

Oh, hold on, Jesse.

You ain't got no
cause to get all riled up.

Who's got more cause?

You that, that-that
sat at my table

and gave your word
to the Lord almighty

that you wouldn't
make no more whiskey.

I did not. You gave my word.

Well, you amen-ed it.

That's the same thing, ain't it?

Maybe so, but I
didn't amen nothing

about not keeping in practice.

And you ain't a-goin' to.


It ain't like I was goin' back

into moonshinin'

I was just making a few
farewell jugs for close friends.

Well, not for this
friend you ain't.

Jesse... I made the
'shine for your wedding.

You used the first
drop to toast the bride.


That's true, Hard Luck.

And you gave me the honor of..

Makin' the 'shine
for your wedding.

And when your missus passed on..

You made the
'shine for the wake.

But think of all the good times.

You know, the christenings
and the birthdays..

E-everyone from Bo
and Luke and Daisy.

And I still love them young'uns
just like they was my own.

Well you sure got a
bum way of showing it!

Now, now, you know
that Bo and Luke

i-is on probation.

And you know that if they
find this here contraption

on my property, they's
gonna blame them.

'And they gonna send
them right off to prison.'

So, you get this
blasphemous contraption

off of my property!

Tracks broke.

Boys went into town

to see if they can
get the link pin fixed.

Into town?

That's right in the lion's den.

You know that Rosco's
gonna be awaitin' there

to arrest them as soon as
they set foot in that town.

Ooh! Enos!

I'll knock you... oh.

There they are.

Just like we figured.

Not for long.

'There's Daisy.'

Come on, we'll follow 'em.

They took the bait.

- Let's get out of here.
- Alright.

There you go.
That ought to do it.

All that for only five bucks.

Anything else I can
help you fellers with?

Uh, well, L.B., seein' as
Daisy's out with General Lee

uh, decoying Rosco and Enos

we thought maybe
we could borrow your..

Your truck.

Well, if it's for shuckin' old
Rosco y'all welcome to it.

- Much obliged, L.B.
- Whoo!

You are a true..

- Ow... friend.
- I know.

That's why I ain't charging
you, but two bits a mile.



Now, why did you hit me?

You didn't signal, sheriff.

And I'm gonna signal
you in about two minutes.

That Daisy Duke,
that little filly.

Thinks she's done a job on
us. Well, we're gonna fool her.

We're gonna double
on back and do our job.

Don't you move
until I get started.

You don't tear anything
else off of this vehicle.

'A roadblock.'

Just when you least expect it

Rosco used his brain.

Some days you just
can't count on nothin'.

Y-you reckon you can back up?

Nope. Enos got us pinned in.

Rosco is determined to
pin us down with this thing

with or without the evidence.

But I have it in reverse.


Oh, good God. Ooh!

I don't need it. I don't
need your handkerchief.

What I need is
that armored vehicle

the Duke boys
took, now let's go.

Well, what about my
busted radiator, sheriff?

Well, get it fixed!

And while you're at it,
get that shirt cleaned!


It's dead ahead.
Fixed to bail out?

I sure am.

Rosco's far enough
back he don't see this.

Boy, this'll be a
great time to find out

if the creek went
dry, wouldn't it?

In less than five minutes

thanks to some unexpected help

from Agent Buchanon
Luke had shook Rosco..

And was filling
in Daisy and L.B.

on his plan to buy some time.

Boss, uh..

I got some good news..

- Ooh!
- Ugh!

A-and I got some bad news.

Uh, the good news is I
caught the Duke boys.

- And the bad news?
- Uh, I let 'em escape.

I figured.

That's why I didn't stop eatin'.

I ain't gonna let
your bad-good news

ruin my appetite.

Tell me, how come you come

all the way over
here to tell me this

when you could've radioed it in?

- Just to watch me eat?
- No, no. I had breakfast.

Oh, uh, Boss, see, I
couldn't use the CB

because I was afraid that
revenuer, Buchanon fella..

I don't want him to
know any more about

those contraband
cigarettes than he has to.

But, listen, I got
everything under control.

Uh, I got Enos out there
looking for the Duke boys.

Oh, Enos couldn't find a
pumpkin on Halloween.

Rosco, you get
out there yourself

and find out where
my w*r memorial's hid.

- Hm-mmm, giddy up!
- I-I'm goin'.

He's gone.

If I don't have them cigarettes

for that tough
clientele of mine..

I'm gone.

Uh, uh, uh, Rosco, Rosco!

- What?
- I've been looking for you!


- I've come to confess.
- What about?

Running 'shine? Oh,
sh**t, I know that.

I ain't got no time for that
piddly-diddly stuff as that.

You wanna confess?

Confess to this alcohol
and tobacco man right here.

Uh, uh, Rosco, uh..

What you don't
understand is that Hard Luck

'...is trying to tell
you is that, uh..'

Well, he took a certain vehicle
from J.D. Hogg's w*r memorial.

A-a certain large... vehicle.

Ooh, ooh! You mean, that..

You mean, that big
vehicle? Did you take it?

- Just for a little joyride.
- I knew that.

And now I'm ready
to take my medicine.

Slap the cuffs
on, toss me in jail..

Let me cleansemy
soul on bread and water.

Just as long as it ain't
for more than days.

Oh, boy, the Boss is,
he's gonna be tickled

that I cracked
this case so quick.

I tell you what I'm
gonna do, Hard Luck.

Just to show you that my
heart's in the right place.

I'm gonna make a deal with you.

Now, if you'll tell
me where that..

Big vehicle is, I'm
gonna let you go.

- I ain't gonna arrest you.
- Alright.

It's right down..

'Sheriff, this here's Enos.'

'Have I got news for you.'

'Hurry, sheriff, this
is powerful important.'

Enos, come in, this
better be good. Come on.

Sheriff, I just spotted a
set of caterpillar's tracks

leading towards
Benson's Crossing.

'It ain't the kind
that turns into'

'a butterfly either, sheriff.'

Oh, well, Enos, why didn't
you tell me this before?

Uh, the deal is off, Hard Luck.

You thought that phony
confession would fool me?

Are you kiddin' me?

Listen, listen,
Enos! Uh, listen, uh..

Don't you get in that vehicle!

This is your commanding
officer! Now, I'm serious!

Over and out!

I'm followin' this vehicle
'cause I'm in hot pursuit.

Whoo! Eeh... oh!

Now, Bo is findin' and
replacing that link pin

is like fittin' false
teeth on a dinosaur.

So, while Bo kept hammering

Enos kept coming on.

Followed by Agent Buchanon.

With good old Rosco
bringing up the rear..

As usual.

Uh, make that a little
harder than usual.

You, just..

Yeah. Ooh, what is..

Tell you, officers..

Th-th-there's three
sets of t*nk tracks here...

Enos! I know
there's tracks here.

Let's follow 'em.

- Yes. Let's just... uh, what?
- Enos!

There's your..

Now, when you only
got one stolen APC

and three sets of tracks
leading in different directions

well, it's got to be confusing.

To any normal person.

So you can imagine what it
does to the Hazzard County law.

Hey, Rosco!

You keep this up
and you gonna have

to give your own self a ticket.

Will you hush?

You just hush it up
and get that monstrosity

out of the middle of the road.

I'll, I'll get you for an - -

and, uh-uh... or
is that an - - ?


Nice day for a drive, ain't it?


Hey, Enos.

Hi, Daisy.

Enos, we can't go
on meeting like this.

People are gonna talk.

Golly, Daisy, I thought
you was Bo and Luke.

Hotcakes, ain't you learned

the difference between
a boy and a girl yet?

Sure, I know the difference
between a boy and a girl.

Yeah, I think.

Uh, sheriff, this here's Enos.

Uh, them tracks I was tracking
south, they belong to Daisy.

'And the ones going
east was L.B's.'

'I wonder who Buchanon
was followin' west.'

It don't make no difference,
you birdbrains. You get it?

Look, if they decoyed
you south and east

and if Buchanon's trail
west is a decoy too..

Well, then, them Duke
boys gotta be north!

Hidin' that w*r memorial of mine

in the woods on their own farm.

'You got to get out to that
farm before Buchanon does.'

'Because if you don't'

you can just keep on drivin'

until you're up to your ears

in alligators in
Okefenokee swamp!

Over and out!

Meanwhile, I'm making
myself an emergency kit.

In case I have to hide
out for a year or two.

Decoy one calling handyman.

'Luke's plan fooled
'em real good.'

'How you doing? Over.'

Uh, this here's handyman.

I'm almost set
and ready to roll.

Good, 'cause Boss nearly
figured out where you were.

Rosco and Enos are closing in

so you better light
out real quick, honey.

Hey, hey, this here
is old L.B. on the CB

breaking in and babbling back.

I'll pick up that old
decoy one and decoy two

and drop 'em plumbin your lap

just past the Twin
Forks junction.

- ' - .'
- That's a big - , L.B.

I'll see y'all later, right?


Where do you think you're going?

Uncle Jesse, I
gotta take this thing

anywhere that Enos
and Rosco ain't.

Maybe, but I'm comin' along.

So, if you do run into
'em unexpected-like

I can take the blame for
what's in this contraption.

A-and I'm going along to
make sure he takes the blame.

Well, let's go.

Hey, hey, hey, how
about you, handyman?

This here's old L.B. on the CB.

We homing in on you
like a fox on a henhouse.

Ha, ha! You wanna slow
down and take old decoy one

and decoy two on board, - .

Anytime you say, L.B.

Say, who's that behind you?

'Uh-oh, it's Enos.'

We can't slow down now
or he'll catch us for sure.

Hey, hold it.. Hold
it steady there.

We're gonna have to
fly the decoys aboard.

I'll drop back and play
dodge with old Enos.

Y'all get away.

I'll go first.

Y'all are gonna
have to wait a bit

to see if he made it.

Okay, Daisy, you just jump.

'Luke and Hard Luck will
take care of the landing.'

I hope they know that.

You alright?

Yeah, but for a minute there

I thought I had a flying
start toward heaven.

'We've got a flying start
toward the penitentiary'

'if we don't get
rid of this still.'

And you gentlemen
give me a hand.

See if we can get that..

This thing unbolted here.

'Gimme that water pump.'

'Here you are.'

Now, talk about playing
with a stacked deck.

If the boys get
caught with the still

they go to prison.

But if they stop to ditch it

Enos will catch 'em red-handed.

And all because
they're trying to keep

a cantankerous old coot
on the outside looking in.

Enos just passed L.B.
What are we gonna do now?

Well, I picked up a trick
or two in the marines.

I'll give him something
he can't get around.

Come on, let's trade places.

Come on. Hang on.

Hang on.


Now, they got us
for three violations!

Making a whiskey,
stealing a vehicle..

And live a*mo.

Alright, we're gonna
cruise along this creek bed

till we're off our own land.

What about Enos?

The road runs
parallel to the creek

all the way to the
Charity Mill Road.

Nothing says he
can stick with us, so..

Bo, there's a straight
stretch up ahead.

Can you crawl out this hatch
and unspike that g*n barrel?

Well, I don't
know, but I'll try.

- Now, hold on.
- Uh?

Now, you fire that g*n once

and that's a violation
of your probation.

- And that'll make four.
- I know.

Daisy here ain't on probation.

- She ain't. Come on.
- Me?

Hey, now, Luke

I wouldn't even know
how to aim that thing.

'Well, you'll know by the time'

he's done spiking
that g*n barrel.

Climb up here.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Easy out there, Bo.

- Nice going, Bo.
- Whoo!

- That cleaned right up.
- Sheriff's on the corner.


Alright, Daisy, here's your

first lesson in a*tillery.

'Now, you see that handle
up there to your right?'

- Yeah.
- Now..

Crank that sucker
around till you see Enos

in your sights somewhere.


'Oh! Okay.'

Alright, aim about
feet ahead of you.

- 'Dead center, Luke.'
- 'Alright, hit it.

Alright! Ho ho ho! Beautiful!

'You would've made
a fine marine, Daisy.'

I always said you was
the best shot in the family.


What's the matter, Hogg?

'Ain't you glad to see us?'

Oh, I'm always glad to
see a satisfied customer.

Uh, what's wrong is, uh..

You gentlemen ain't supposed

to pick up them cigarette

till after midnight.

Now, that's gonna
be kinda hard to do..

Seein' that infernal t*nk

we was supposed
to pick 'em up in..

'...ain't nowhere around.'

Uh, well, that don't matter none

because th-them cigarettes

is on the way over here
right this very minute.

Well, then, in that case

you won't mind if we go
inside and wait for 'em?


How's it going back there?

Give us another five minutes

and we'll have this
thing apart enough

that we can throw the
whole thing overboard.

Rosco knew that the last place

to cut 'em off
was Seminole Hill.

For all his faults, old Rosco
sure knew his territory.

'Em Duke boys, I got 'em
this time. I got 'em this time.

Ain't no way they're
gonna get by this roadblock.

I kinda love it, I love it.

Hey, Luke, isn't that
Rosco's car down below?


He's got that pass blocked
tighter than a cork in a bottle.

- Can you go around him?
- No way.

These brakes are
starting to loosen up.

Glad that car's empty,
'cause we're going over him.

Hang on, everybody!



- Luke?
- What happened?

Wait till Rosco gets
L.B's bill for fixin' that car.

Ooh, I... I can't
believe they'd do that.

Do that... my
vehicle... it's a..

I'll never get that fixed.

Darn them Duke, Dukes.

Oh, that's mean. That's mean!

It's all set.

'Pick one of them roads,
so I can ditch this thing.'

Old Hard Luck was getting ready

to bid his reluctant
farewell to his life's work.

Here come Buchanon.

Buchanon's right
on our tail now.

If we throw this thing out
all he's gotta do is pick it up.

He's got enough evidence
to lock us away for life.

There's one shell
left, ain't there?

Alright, uh, Hard
Luck, give Bo a hand.

Strap that shell onto
that still somehow.

Wind some of this around.

Uh, We're all set.

Alright. Lose that sucker.



- Woah!
- Look, he did it.

That still's scattered
halfway across the county.

Oh, wait a minute, y'all.

We ain't out of the woods yet.

Buchanon's still followin' us.

Maybe, we can
dive out of this thing

before he finds out who it is.

We really broke
our probation now.

All these cigarettes
in this t*nk

belonging to Boss Hogg
means only one thing.

They're stolen.

Oh, Lord.

The brakes are all the way gone.

Alright, everybody, bail out.

Boss has given serious thoughts

about making out a will..

Without realizing
salvation was a lot closer

than he had the right to expect.

And here come the law.

Cleverly disguised as a tree.

Enos, get over there and
get those guys. Go, go.

- Sheriff...
- Alright. Hang on. Don't you..

- Ooh! He's got a g*n, sheriff.
- Don't you thr*aten me.

Get on around there.

Boss denied knowing

about them stolen cigarettes.

And it was a good day
for Agent Buchanon.

All that contraband..

Plus he caught
himself Flint and Miller.

He'd been chasing
them for a long time.

Jesse took hero Hogg's
sharpshooting medal

and pinned it on Daisy.

On behalf of the Duke clan

I make you sharpsh**ter of the
week and I'm very proud of you.

And Agent Buchanon, tired
of running after Hard Luck

got him a job in
a legal distillery.

Of course it wasn't much fun..

But everybody's got
to grow up sometime.

- 'Alright.'
- Alright, Buchanon.

Even in Hazzard County.
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