02x08 - Hazzard Connection

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x08 - Hazzard Connection

Post by bunniefuu »

Draw up charges
against them Duke boys.

Good luck, Bo.

It becomes double deal
and trouble for the Dukes.

There's six inches of concrete
in 'em doors and a truck too.

Daisy, where are ya?

Right where you said
for me to be, Luke, honey.

No fooling around
this time, boys.

I can't meet my maker
with it on my conscience.

Where are you, Luke?

And we're gonna
nail 'em, guilty or not.


There's places in this part of
the South that's so peaceful

and quite that a man
can almost sit and listen

to his hair grow.

In case, ya'll got to be told
this ain't one of 'em places.


- 'Hi, Luke.'
- Hey, Bessie Lou.

Hi, Cooter.

Cooter. Drinks are on me.

Here you go, Bessie Lou and
you can even keep the change.

Oh, swell, Bo Duke. If you
gonna keep tipping like that

well, honey, you
just better drink up.

So I can bring another round.

' Yes, ma'am.'

- She walks like a trucker.
- Yeah, I know.

'Tell me about it.'

'If you don't slow
down you're gonna get'

'another speeding ticket.'

Oh, you're just jealous
'cause that nice new waitress

up at the Boar's Nest took
a cotton to me, not you.

Jealous? I ain't jealous.

Her legs are too skinny.

Luke, her legs
are not too skinny.

Maybe it's just in comparison
'cause she's got shoulders

like a linebacker.

That ain't funny.

That is not funny.

Old Bo is pure poetry
behind the wheel.

Like old Rosco is pure
graft behind a badge.

Hey, Bo. Hey, Luke.

- Hey, Enos.
- Hey, Enos.

Tell me what's-what's
going on here?

Me and the sheriff is working
on a real important case.

- See that car carrier there?
- Yeah.

We're fixing to
search that thing.

- 'Enos.'
- Yes, sir.

What in billy blue
heck are you doing?

Well, I was just passing
time with Bo and Luke.

We ain't got time for
those penny-ante Dukes.

Now, will you... get
over here with me.

Yes, sir.

- See ya'll later.
- Right.

What you suppose could
be so dang important

Rosco doesn't give us
a ticket for speeding?

I ain't sure.

Let's not hang
around to find out.

Alright, shoulders, come
on, climb out of there.

Now, I've got a search warrant.

- Search warrant for what?
- For what?

I happened to know that
your boss is smuggling.

Now, I don't know what,
not yet, but he is and I will.

Smuggling? Augie Detweiller?

Yes, Augie Detweiller.

He hasn't drawn an honest
breath since the doctor spanked him

on the bottom the
day he was born.

Now, you climb down outta there.

Just climb on down out of here.

I'm gonna-I'm gonna make
that flashy gazoo and yourself

number one and number
two in state prison.

Don't you-don't you thr*aten me.

Will-will you search
'em cars for evidence?

Fuzzy, get over here!

While Rosco's searching
I'm gonna let all of y'all in

on what's happenin'.

'Cause I don't want nobody
having a nervous bust-down

from all this here suspense.

Old Detweiller's got hisself
a slick operation cooking

out in Stilson Canyon.

He's putting stolen racing
engines in old jalopies

then he's hauling
'em out of the county.

How about that?

Ol' Augie, he slickers
in a bald-tired semi

on a mile of wet asphalt.

Yeah, Rosco's mad enough to
chew nails and spit horseshoes.

'He knows we're
up to something.'

'Course he does but
he ain't got the smarts

to figure out what it is.

'If he's mad now, you
just wait till you tell him'

that he's gotta put every
single one of them cars back

exactly the way he found 'em.

Or we're gonna get
the law down on him.

Oh, uh, sheriff.

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat.

'We gotta put all that back?'

Well, don't stand
there. Get it all back.

Get over there.

Dang that Cooter, did he
say he'd be here at or ?

I told you, he told me noon.
I don't know where he is.

If he don't hurry up,
we're just gonna have

to buy us a new distributor.

Right, with all
the spare change.

- Yeah.
- 'Hey.'

Cooter just called
from Colonial City.

He wants me to
drive y'all over there

to pick up a couple junkers for
Detweiller and his demo derby.


And he's gonna
fix your distributor.

- Hey.
- Well, what are we waiting for?

We get him to throw
in a tune-up, we're set.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

You heard me.


Are the Dukes driving
for Augie Detweiller?

Now, that's trouble looking
for a place to happen.

You ain't exactly noted for
your great taste in women either.


'Boss, you mean that you're
paying $ for that haircut?'

- Rosco, this ain't no hair cut.
- No.

- It's called a hair styling.
- Ooh.

Velma Jean here... why
she come up all the way

from Atlanta to give it to me.

She's doing that alright.

Seems it'd be a lot cheaper
for ya just to pay hair by hair.

Rosco, will you stop
saving my money

and get on with
the Detweiller report.

Oh, well.

Velma Jean, would you mind
getting some talcum powder

for my neck, please?

Now, you know the state
police asked us to keep an eye

on Detweiller, didn't they?


And I cannot abide a crook
operating in my county.

Especially if he doesn't
cut you in on his racket.

Especially if he doesn't
cut you in on his racket.

Now, if you like
wrecking cars and they do.

Then delivering junkers
for Augie at $ a car

sure beats pickin' peas.

And since it didn't
matter how beat up them

old demolition derby cars were.

Luke knew how to get Bo
riled up to break the monotony.

She got skinny legs
and crooked teeth.

Well, then the moon's made
out of cream cheese, buddy.

'You're just jealous 'cause
she's four inches taller'

than you and threatens
your masculinity, boy.

'Well, if you take off them
platform cowboy boots'

'she'd be eatin' off the
top of your head too.'

Come in.

Hey, Mr. Hogg.

You gettin' a haircut?

- Enos, what are you doing here?
- No, Enos.

We're gathering enough
white fluff to decoy

the boll weevils off the cotton.

Enos, what the heck
are you doin' here?

Well, you told me to report
any significant developments.

He told me to report any
significant developments

Well, will you
report it, dipstick?

Just get on with it.

"Significant development report.
: am," that's this morning.

"Principal suspect was
seen jawin' with Cooter

"down to the Hazzard garage.

" : am.

"I hear Cooter offer
Bo and Luke Duke

'"a $ finder's fee.'

"Then Bo and Luke lit
out of town like a twin pair

"of scalded dog at : am.

End report."

Them Duke boys, we got 'em.

Well, I think I got a
way to get their fingers

out of my honey pot.

Rosco, draw up charges
against them Duke boys

for aiding and abetting
a known smuggler.


Well, sheriff, now, just
'cause they getting cars

for Augie Detweiller don't
prove he's smuggling now.

Enos, will you quit fretting
about a mere technicality?

'Rosco, draw up them charges.'

- 'Just leave the date open.'
- Open.

Then I want you to
glue your eyeballs

to that Augie Detweiller.

I want to know
everywhere he goes

everyone he speaks
to, every word he says

'even when he excuses
himself to go to the gents' room.'

We play our cards right, he'll
make a very nice roommate

for them Duke boys
up at state prison.

How y'all doing?

Hey, y'all made real
good time. Uh-huh.

Dead heat man, neck and neck.

Oh, that's one thing, I
meant to tell ya about Bessie

her neck's too long.

Luke, will you
please just shut up?

You got Cooter here
thinking she's a dang

junkyard dog or something.

- I didn't say it.
- Yeah.

Y'all through?

- Yeah, we're through.
- Look... here's the money.


Now, I'd appreciate it
if y'all would take these

and deliver 'em to ol'
Mr. Augie Detweiller personally.

'Course Enos seeing
money change hands

is about to draw
hisself a conclusion.

The wrong one.

And what all y'all should
know is that this dude Augie

is just about as good
at keeping out of trouble

as the Duke boys
are at getting into it.

- Hi, boys.
- Sir.

What you're looking
at is a slammer car.

You might say it
has a bit of an edge

when it comes to competing
in a demolition derby.

And the one thing that
Augie loves, is an edge.

There's six inches of concrete
in 'em doors and the trunk too.

Yeah, I remounted the
radiator underneath you know.

Another -inch slab of
concrete across the front.

Oh, that baby's solid as a t*nk.

I thought slammers
were illegal in competition.

Look, boys.

Now, I run ten
derbies in four counties

all strictly legit.

A slammer, that's kind of like
between the races entertainment

you know, kinda like a
free show for the customers.

Sure, we use 'em
in all our meets.

They're uh, strictly for show.

He thinks that we was gonna
use a slammer in competition.

If we had, we'd never brought
you these cars not for no price.

That's for sure.

Judas priest, there's
'em Duke boys

with that Augie Detweiller.

I want you boys to
get out there and find

as many more of
'em heaps as you can.

This here's a little advance
on your next finder's fee.

I smell another wrong
conclusion coming.

Sherriff, can I say somethin'?

'Enos, will you hush?'

I just saw them
Dukes take a fistful

of dirty payoff money.

Now, get on it.


- We're gone.
- Yes, sir.

Sherriff, can I say somethin'?

Will you hush?

Sheriff still watchin'?

Yeah, just like he's
been doing all week.

I love it.

I don't think there's
a signal thing

go wrong with this little
scheme we got goin' here.

Yeah, but if it does, we got
them Duke boys to take the fall.

'Sherriff, can I say somethin'?'

Enos, will you hush?

Friends and
neighbors, I think I see

the old domino theory in action.

That's what I was trying to say.

That you're too heavy
to keep sittin' on my head.

Well, I'm going to
sit on more than that

if you fall down
on your job again.

Will you get up, and dust off.

We're going to go to Duke
farm and put it under surveillance.

Now, I'm talking
about Jesse and Daisy.

Jesse and Daisy too?

Of course.

If Bo and Luke
are violating the law

you can bet that they are too.

And we're gonna
nail 'em, guilty or not.

Get up in there, Maudine.

Whoa, Maudine.

'Ooh, ooh.'

Come on, Maudine, let's
get back to work. Heh-heh.

To pry on his best
friends not to mention

the object of his affections.

That's about enough to drive
a growing deputy to drink.

Give me a frosted mug
of buttermilk, please.

You dehydrated
from sitting in the sun

watching me wash my
unmentionables, Enos?

Oh, uh, me?

Your unmentionables? Uh, well..

'I can't lie to you Daisy,
I was watching ya.'

But it was official
police business.

Which is also unmentionable.

But I wasn't lusting,
Daisy. Honest.

Oh, Enos.

- Hey, Daisy.
- Hey.

Well, hey what
time you gettin' off?

Pretty soon. What do
you want for supper?

Greens and grits
or grits and greens?

- Surprise us.
- I will.

If you tell me what's so
interesting about me washing.

- About what?
- Or Jesse plowing the South .

I think the sun's
gotten to her, Bo.

Or Cooter here,
working in his garage.

- Daisy, what you talkin' about?
- Enos.

Every time one
of us turns around

seems like him and
Rosco are spyin' on us.

I kinda noticed him
been sneakin' around.

- 'I wonder what for?'
- 'Why don't you ask him?'

Oh, he'd just claim it
was official business

and decline to
discuss it, like always.

Yeah, well, just the same.

You're not really cotton
to somebody spyin' on us.

Well, maybe we can
get him to discuss

this official business.
Just sort of unofficial like.

Now, one thing nice
about a place like Hazzard

when you find
yourself needing it

somebody's always there
to lend you a helpin' hand.

What's the matter, Enos?
Car givin' you trouble?

It won't start, and
Rosco will skin me alive

if I don't report to
him in half hour.

No problem. Long as you don't
mind ridin' in this old clunker.

'We're delivering it
for Augie Detweiller'

'over to his demolition
derby racetrack.'

- Come on.
- It beats walking.

Yeah... just about.

'It's mighty nice of
ya'll givin' me a ride.'

'Aww, sh**t, Enos, buddy.'
'What are friends for, huh?'

Which reminds me,
Enos, ain't you and Rosco

been paying us Dukes

a little more than our
share of attention, lately?

I'm sorry, Luke.
That's-that's police business.

My lips are sealed.

You know, Enos, I kinda
thought you'd say that.

'Still, it just don't
seem right to me'

that a fellow should
think bad about his friends

and not tell 'em about it.

Well, gosh, Luke. I'm sorry.

I just can't, I
just can't tell you.

I sure wouldn't want
it on my conscience

that I wouldn't let a buddy of
mine defend himself against...

- Oh my gosh!
- What?

- The brakes.
- The brakes?

- 'Do something, Luke!'
- Well, I am. I'm prayin'.

I can't meet the maker
with it on my conscience.

With what on your conscience?

Sheriff's investigating
Augie Detweiller.

- He thinks he's a smuggler.
- Smuggler? Augie Detweiller?

Sheriff don't know
what he's smuggling.

Only Cooter and
you Dukes is in on it.

Maybe, Jesse and Daisy, too.

Yeah, well, if that ain't
enough to slow a fella down.

Luke... Bo, ya'll tricked me.

Now, we didn't want to, Enos

but we had to find out
somehow, what was going on.

And I ain't forgettin' this
as long as I live, neither.

Come on, Enos.

That might not be much longer
if you don't slow down, Luke.

- C'mon, you can slow down now.
- I wish I could, cousin.

No foolin' around this
time, boys. Hang on.

Keeps you right on
the edge... don't it?

Enos, you're okay?

I don't know. I can't tell.
I'm scared to open my eyes.

What do ya'll see out there?

Little naked babies
with harps and wings?

Or a bunch of red fellas
with horns and pitchforks?

- Hey!
- Aah!

Would you settle for a lapful
of pond water and tadpoles?

Possum on a gum bush!

Y-you saved my
life, Luke, ol' buddy.

That's right, and you
ain't never gonna forget it

as long as you
live, right, Enos?

Well, I only said that before,
Bo, 'cause you tricked me.

Now this makes us even.

Y'all might as well
warn the others

'cause when I get
back to the office..

Rosco will have me tailing
y'all six ways till Sunday.

Praise the Lord!

Daisy, if you don't get
that tractor fixed pretty soon

'Maudine here, is just
gonna plumb give out.'

Now, run that by me
again, about Cooter.

You know as well as we do

Cooter'll never take
part in a smugglin' ring.

Especially not if he had
to drag us in with him.

Yeah, well, Bo, you know
that and we know that

but how are we going
to enlighten Rosco?

Enos says Rosco doesn't
know what's being smuggled

how it's being smuggled, or
where it's being smuggled to.

You gotta remember that the way

Rosco thrashes around,
he's bound to stumble

on the how, the what,
or the where at any time.

And pin the whole thing
on you two boys and Cooter.

You got that right.

Unless, we beat
Rosco to the punch.

'And find out what Detweiller's
smuggling, before he does.'

It's simple. Wonder why
I didn't think of it before.

And when Luke starts
coming up with one of his plans

you can almost hear them
mental wheels a'grinding.

So, the next day,
the boys went out

to the demolition derby track

looking for jobs... any jobs.

Just so they could,
uh, be a little closer

to whatever it was they were
supposed to be a'smugglin'.

Mr. Detweiller.

Well, it's the Duke boys.
How are you, fellas?

Just fine. We got us a little
proposition we'd like to make.

It's not that we don't
appreciate the finder's fees

but... well, we gotta
make some real money.

The only way we can earn it

is if you let us drive
in the demolition derby.

Forget it. You country
boys wouldn't have a prayer.

See, boys, driving a Concorde
down some back country road..

That's one thing.

But driving in the
demolition derby..

That's something else again.

Well, I believe we
can handle it, sir.

Well, maybe you probably
could, in one of my cars.

But you see, that
wouldn't prove anything

"cause you won't
have anything to lose.'

Now, if you wish to
risk something here..

You mean The General?

Are you too chicken
to drive this heap?

No, we ain't too
chicken. Mister, you're on!

Good luck, Bo.

But limit the damage to
your half of the car, okay?

So that note of confidence
in my hour of need.

Wait a minute.

You didn't tell us Shoulders
was gonna be driving the slammer.

Well, you didn't ask.

Well, I'm impressed.

Bet you thought he was
just another pretty face, huh?

I'm gonna put you boys
right up at the top of the list.

Well, that's great, but we
could use some work right now.

Most folks don't have
the guts to hire us

for an out-in-the-open job.

How's that, boy?

Well, we told
Cooter not to tell ya'll

but the truth is that me
and Bo here is on probation.

We got caught runnin' moonshine.

We ain't on the best of terms
with the local sheriff, either.

Ya'll are thinking
about checking us out

we might as well
save you the trouble.

Rosco, he'd say anything
to get people against us.

'Some people even believe him.'

Well, I appreciate you
boys levelin' with me.

But I always make up my
own mind as to who I hire.

'When I do, I'll be in touch.'

We ain't too hard to find.

If you can't find us
at our uncle's farm

you can find us at The
Boar's Nest, outside of town.

- We'll see ya.
- Count on it.

Nice driving, sonny.

You got it.

The Duke boys, huh?

Well, who better to drive for
Detweiller than 'em Duke boys.

Who better to
smuggle for 'em, huh?

They know the back
roads around here

better than the Sheriff
we got, don't they?

- Oh, yeah, - They're good.

W-well, I'm gonna
get 'em. I-I'll get 'em.

- Then get 'em!
- I will.

And with the goods.

That way, you get what you want.

What's that?

Them two Huckleberry
thorns back in jail.

- Oh, yeah.
- And I'll get what I want.

What's that?

All that Detweiller's
smugglin' operation.

That was a doozy.

Are you deciding on
which one you want?

You wanna deliver
these beers over there?

That Shoulders
fella just called you.

He wants you to hightail it over

to the track, faster
than yesterday.

You said you
wanted to work... now.

Yeah, I know we did...

What Bo's trying to say, is that

if we gotta go all the
way to Choctaw County

he'll have to cancel a
personal engagement.

- If you ain't interested...
- 'We're interested.'

I guess Pretty Philly is easier
to find than a good job, huh?

Fine. I want you to
tell my track manager

in Choctaw, that I'll have

a fresh load of cars
for him, within a week.

- Alright?
- Yes, sir.

We'll see you in the morning.

You got it.

- Know how to drive this rig?
- Nope.

I still don't know
if we can trust 'em.

Oh you'll know... real quick.

'Oh, great! Rosco's back there.'

You know, whatever
Augie's smugglin'

could be hidden
aboard this carrier.

What if Rosco stops
us like last time?

Then he'll find it.

He's gonna find out what
it is, and find us drivin' it.

I better try and raise Daisy.

If she can't decoy
Rosco off our trail

she'll spend rest of her Sundays

bringing us soup,
at the State Penn.

Tell me!

Daisy, this is Luke.

You got your ears on? Come back.


Enos, this is your
commanding officer speakin'.

'Now, I'm followin' those
smugglin' Dukes, right now.'

I want you to go over
to the judge's chamber

and get a search warrant

and get it to me
out at Shelby Road

'near Choctaw County.'

I understand, sheriff.

What about Cooter? You said
to keep him under surveillance.

Enos, will you just
do what I tell you?

Or else I'm gonna
take your badge

and throw it in
the Choctaw river

with you still pinned to
it, you meadow muffin!

Now, you get that search
warrant and I mean double quick!

- 'I'm gone.'
- Roger. Over and out.

'Oh, what's he up to?'

He ain't got a chance searchin'
us without a search warrant.

Detweiller will beat
the rap, and he knows it.

'Daisy! Daisy, where are ya?'

Morning, Miss Abby.

'Slow down, Enos.
Slow down, there.'

'Slow down. Give me that!'

Alright. I'm gone.

Daisy! Daisy, where are ya?

Right where you said
for me to be, Luke, honey.

Boy! Talk about gettin'
cut off at the pass.

Daisy Duke, you-you...

Rosco Coltrane, if
you've made me late

for my beauty shop appointment..

- Beauty.. Y-you listen...
- Rosco.

You messed up my car.
You done messed it all up.

Well, don't get your
hopes up too soon, cousin.

Ain't that somebody
else followin' us?

'Well, there's a dirt
road right up ahead.'

- 'Let's pull off and see.'
- 'You got it.'

'Who the heck could it be?'

'Since they're following us'

'maybe, it's the FBI, or
maybe the State Police.'

Or maybe a rival
g*ng interested in more

than a truckload
of Concorde cars.

Whoever it is, this dust seems
to be makin' him slow down.

They're slowing down, but
they sure as heck ain't quittin'.

Look, there's another
place right up ahead

right around that bend.

Keep on moving,
'cause whoever it is

we can't get caught
with this cargo.

You know, if this
don't come out right

there's gonna be cars strung
all over Hazzard County.

'Mr. Detweiller?'

Why didn't ya'll let us
know it was you following us.

Shoulders suggested a little
test of your resourcefulness.

See how you can
work under pressure.

You think they passed?

A test? What for?

You want an answer
to that question?

Or you wanna start doin'
some real driving for me?

Making some real money.

Well, I reckon we'll take
the money and the job.

I'd sure like to know how two
got caught runnin' moonshine.

Well, you want an
answer to that question?

Or a couple of drivers
who're gonna deliver for you?

Sense of humor,
resourcefulness, and on probation.

Now, that's a combination
kinda hard to beat.

You boys be at the
track at noon, tomorrow.

Yeah, be ready for
some real drivin' too.

- You got it.
- You got it.

Ooh, that is sure
a fat little rascal!

I don't even think you
could eat all of that, Boss...

Rosco, will you stop
salivating, and start listening?

W-well, I-I am listening.

Well then, hear this.

I am disgusted
with your inept ways.

- M-my what kind of ways...
- Rosco!

I am fast losing
patience with you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, I'm trying, Boss.
I-I really am trying.

I know. And that's
what's so sad.

'You are trying, but
you're a numbskull.'

Maybe, it's about time..

I bought myself another
un-buyable sheriff.

Oh, now, Boss,
you wouldn't do that.

And maybe it's about
time... I not only got rid of you

but your fat sister,
my wife, as well.

Oh, now... 'How'd
you like that, huh?'

How'd you like havin'
your sister on your hands?

Oh no.

'How'd you like payin'
her feed bills again?'

Oh, no, no, Boss.
Listen, I swear..

I mean, I really swear
I'm gonna crack this case.

Not only that, I'm
gonna set you up

with the sweetest
smelling little smugglin' ring

this side of the Smokies.

Oh, you can have that one.

Oh oh oh, I
appreciate it. I just..

T-this one's empty.

That's why I said
you can have it.

Since Bo and Lukehad to find
out what was being smuggled..

They drawed a circle..

Put all their marbles inside..

Took a firm halt on a smart,
polished cat's-eye Aggie.

And waited for their turn.

Well, I hate to say it, Luke.

Especially after
sitting out here all night

but, uh, I believe you're
wrong about following Augie.

Alright, so that was
one time that I've been..

'Don't speak too soon, cousin.'

Crazy Cooter, this is
Luke. You got your ears on?

Affirmatory, Lucas Dukas.
Ain't nothing happenin' here.

'You can relax, but
stay close on the radio.'

- Ya'll got him?
- 'We got him.'

Well, it's a dead-end.

At the old stone quarry,
at Stilson Canyon.

Why didn't we think of it?

It's perfect for a headquarters
of a smugglin' operation.

I bet, half the county's
forgotten it's even there.

- Including us?
- You got that right.

'Well, I count four
of them in the crew.'

That's two a piece. But
since you're my buddy

you can have one of mine.

Aren't you're
generous to a fault?

I think I know
another way in there.

Come on.

'I'll take that desk and files.'

'And you catch them bins
in the shelves back there.'

Now the boys figured to find out

what was being smuggled
before noon tomorrow..

Then call the State Police.

Now, that's what they figured.

Besides, how often do they get

the fun of playin' secret agent?

These boys ain'tnever
gonna grow up.

Whatever it is we're
looking for, ain't in here.

- Of course, it ain't.
- Nah, it ain't.

Augie ain't stupid
to hide anything here

because Rosco's been
keeping an eye on him.


So, whatever it is, I bet
you dollars to doughnuts

it's already hidden
when we drive out of here.

Luke, we can't drive for him.

What if it's something no
self-respecting ex-moonshiner

would even touch
with a ten-foot pole?

I got an idea.

Now, what we're gonna have..

So that's it.

Detweiller's mama
didn't raise no fool.

He's been putting
these brand new engines

in them old Concordes.

Now, you boys gonna have that

shipment ready for
Fayetteville, by noon?

Oh, yes, sir, Mr. Detweiller.

We'll have them
ready, and at the track.

- How many cars?
- Five, plus the slammer.

You boys are doin' a fine job.

Working yourself up
into another bonus.

Well, thank you, Mr. Detweiller.

We appreciate that.

You know, them
boys are about to get

somethin' cookin' real fast.

'Cause the mustard's
done hit the fan

when the evidence
hits the trail.

With the engines gone

Bo and Luke ain'tever
gonna prove they're innocent.

- Of course!
- Of course, what?

Remember, just a
couple of months back

right outside of Hazzard,
them two box cars...

With racin' engines. Stolen.

About a half a million
dollars worth. These are them.


That's one for me.

'Hutch! Somethin' wrong?'

Billy, Cal, get in here!

Cal... get in here!

There's something wrong
with Hutch. Go check it out.

We're even.

One above you, cuz.

'Billy! Cal!'

Will ya get outta my way?



'Hutch! What's
wrong back there?'

Now, we're even.

Well, that was easy.

A stroll through the park.

Hey, thanks a lot, cuz.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, yeah.

Here's a scheme that
will make Jesse proud.

We're gonna deliver the
evidence to State Police

in Detweiller's own
car carrier. Come on.

How many cars we got
goin' to Fayetteville this time?

We got six of 'em, if
you include the slammer.

Ha ha. Good. I got buyers for
every one of 'em hot engines.

'Turn around! There's
'em cars going up there!'

Get off.. Get..

Hey, there's something wrong.

There's only two
cars on that carrier.

And two double-crossin'
dudes driving it.

See, what'd I tell ya?

Well, get on it!

Ya'll hold on tight

to whatever it is you
gotta that's loose.

This here chase, is gonna get

just a mite hairy
legged and noisy, too.

'Crazy Cooter, you
better be standing by.'

I read you, Lukas Dukas.

Talk sweet to Miss
Davenport, boy.

Uncle Jesse, Daisy, you there?

'Uncle Jesse, Daisy, come back.'

Where are you, Luke?

We're in Detweiller's
car carrier

heading towards Choctaw County,
with all the evidence we need.

'We gonna need some
help fast, Uncle Jesse.'

We got some fellas
mad as hornets

looking to sink their stingers
in some embarrassing places.

'We outta be hittin'
Shelby Road soon.'

Shelby Road, Daisy!

This carrier wouldn't
be a good match

for a tired turtle
in a flat-out race.

'Which is about what we got.'

'One fast-closin' car
race with us having'

'no chance of
crossing that finish line'

'without your help.'

Sheriff, this is Enos.

I got that car carrier in view.

'It's heading south
on Shelby Road.'

Well, I'm on my way.
Just keep eye-ballin.'

'I'm-a-coming! I'm-a-coming!'

'I'll cut 'em off
where Jimson Wing'

'crosses Shelby Road.'

Breaka breaka.

This is J.D. Hogg callin'
Sheriff Rosco Coltrane. Over.

Uh, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

Come on, little biddy-buddy.

I'll be your little biddy-buddy

when possums make
love to hound dogs.

Now, what's happening out there?

I'm just about to catch
myself some smugglers.

You do, and I'll
make you a partner.

You will?

You don't, and I'll
make you a dog catcher.

'I'll catch your dog, you
little fat meadow-muffin.'

Hee-haw! Ha ha ha.

I saw that. I saw
that. This is Shepherd.

'You boys go ahead. I'll stop,
and make sure they're alright.'

We'll give it a
heck of a shot, cuz.

- Ha ha. Come on, Enos.
- Oh, sh**t, Daisy. Ding-dang!

- We ain't finished, yet.
- Oh, we will be any minute.

Now, just keep on
drivin. Keep moving along.

- Don't stop, no matter what.
- What are you gonna do?

Use that slammer car
for what it was meant for.

- 'He wants to play, Shoulders.'
- 'Yeah, I'll show that... '

'Don't play with him,
Shoulders. Finish him off.'

'But who's playin'?

'You gonna sit there, or
do some about that, boy?'

'Oh, shut up, Augie!
Can't you see I'm trying?'

'I mean, I'm try-y-ying!'

There's your smuggler,
Rosco. You better grab him.

I'm gonna go after
Bo and the evidence.

I'll be right back.

Now, if you believe
that Luke told Rosco

about returning
with the evidence

I'd like to talk to you
about some swampland

I got for sale.


Come on out here! Come on!

Keep your hands
where I can see 'em.

- Oh, my back!
- Come on. Hurry up!

Just freeze! No. Just
get out. Yes, both of you.

You got a way figured
out of this one, too?

Now, the evidence ended up
in the hands of the State Police.

Just where it should.

Augie and his g*ng
ended up in State Prison.

Get them outta there, Enos.

Alright, let's get in there.

Don't you..

Rosco, if I ever
again trust you..

And Rosco ended
up in the doghouse..

Where he was right at home.

The boys, Uncle Jesse, and Daisy

all went back to makin' a livin'

until the next
Hazzard happening.

'Cause we've got
all kinds of things

to keep life from being
dull in Hazzard County.

Like that ugly new waitress
that Luke was kiddin' Bo about.

Well, now, she had
an even uglier sister.

It works out like that..

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