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01x39 - The Eagle's Flight

Posted: 08/23/22 15:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

Sergeant Garcia and
the lancers just rode away.

Everything is moving
according to plan.

The muskets are loaded
and ready, Senor Varga.

Hombres, in a line.

How many men does he have?

No, Bernardo, the fate
of California is at stake.

This is a job for my father and
all of his men. I must tell him.

"and would therefore
pledge our lives,

"our honor and all that we own

"to the defense of our
country and our king.

"We will toil, fight
and die if need be..."

Father, I must speak
with you. It's urgent.

Please wait until I have
finished reading this.

"to secure to ourselves
and to our posterity

"the blessings and the kind
of life that is befitting to..."

Listen, Father.

Those of you with
pistols will stay with me.

The rest of you hold back
until the cuartel gates are open.

Count Kolinko,
where is your w*apon?

Much as I would
like to personally

participate, in my position...

Greco, see that the
Count is informed

when the sh**ting has stopped.

Si, Senor Varga.

You should seek the
safety of the tavern now.

Please understand. My
government cannot get involved.

Until someone else has
done the fighting for it.

Greco, open the
door for the Count.

Ah, Senor de la Vega.
Welcome to my humble home.

I told you the
wolf, not the pup.

They were together, Senor.

All right. Put
them in the cellar.

You men, why are you standing
around? Take up your positions.

You. Guard the cellar door.

Imbeciles! One at a time.

If I'd had warning, I could
have gathered my men.

We could have stopped all this.

This is what I was
afraid would happen,

but I did not realize it
would come so soon.

No doubt Varga's next move
will be to attack the cuartel.

Sergeant Garcia will
put up a good fight.


Sergeant Garcia and most of
his men have left Los Angeles.

Who's there?

Senor Varga. Open the gates.

Guards! Guards!

It is all over, Diego.

A toast, my friend. Los
Angeles is in our hands.

Next, all California.

Senor Greco, Sergeant
Garcia is coming.

Senor Varga! Senor,
Sergeant Garcia is coming.

Are the men ready? Si, Senor.


Our men in the cuartel will not

open fire until
you give the signal.

Not until the last man
has entered the plaza.

We must be certain
that we k*ll every man.

Where is everybody?

He's alone! Bring him in here.

Sergeant Garcia!

Sergeant Garcia, come here.

Senor Greco, what has
happened? Where is everybody?

Come inside quickly.

What is wrong?

Senor Varga is
inside. He'll tell you.

Now hurry, please. I'll
take care of your horse.

Administrado, what has happened?

What are you
doing? Let go of me.

Take your hands off me!

Now, then. Where are your men?

At the seashore.

Then you are alone?


Put him in the cellar.

Don Diego! Don Alejandro!

They got you too, huh? Si.

Where are your soldiers?

I told them to stay
at the seashore.

And they will,
until it is too late.

That's not good news.

No, Don Diego.

What worries me
is, how will Zorro

know we are here in the cellar?

Zorro? Yes.

He is certain to
come and help us.

He always does. But how can we

let him know we are down here?

Somehow, Sergeant, I
think he already knows.

"This action will
bring to California

"a new era of peace,
prosperity and contentment.

"To further unity and ensure
tranquility, I hereby proclaim amnesty

"for all persons who
swear allegiance to me.

"By order of His Excellency,
Jose Sebastian Varga,

"sovereign of all California."

Send the rabble
back to their homes.

Shall we adjourn to
my quarters, Count?

I believe we have some
unfinished business to conclude.

This was not our agreement.

You promised to pay the money
as soon as I controlled Los Angeles.

That is true,

but as long as Don Alejandro's
50-man army is on the loose,

you are not in control
of Los Angeles.

Let them come.
Let them all come.

I'll show you who has control.

All right. After they appear
and you have disposed of them,

then I will order that the
money be delivered to you.

We'll bring this matter
to conclusion right now.

I know how to get de la
Vega's army out of the way.

Senor de la Vega.

I have come to
make a proposition.

You have in your
possession a list of 50 names.

It pleases you to call them
an army. I want that list.

You have good reason to be
afraid of those men, Senor Varga.

I fear no one!

Then why do you want the list?

I do not have time
to indulge you, Senor.

Your list has a
certain nuisance value.

Therefore, I will make
a bargain with you.

Give me those names,
and I will give you your life.

Do you honestly
believe that I would

consider sending 50
men to their deaths

just in order that I might live?

This is no time
for heroics, Senor.

Those names, for your life.

Senor Varga.

Will you make me
the same proposition?

What? I know where the list is.

I will get it for you
if you let me go free.

Well, Senor, what
is your answer?

If I get you the list of my
father's men, will you let me go?

What are you saying, Diego?

Don Diego!

I'm sorry, but I can no
longer stay in this place.

Are you so afraid
of death, my son?

Don Diego, you cannot
betray those men!

I'm sorry.

Save your breath, Sergeant.


All right, Don Diego,
where is the list?

Untie my hands. I will get it...

Never mind your hands!

Do you want the
list or do you not?

Now, then, the list.

No tricks, I warn you.

There it is.

I don't understand it.
Why aren't they back here?

It's not that far to de
la Vega's hacienda.

Something has gone wrong.

Don't say that again!

The only thing wrong is your
refusal to live up to our agreement.

I do not care to debate
that point any further.

You do not yet
control Los Angeles,

and I'm beginning
to doubt you will.

Incompetence! Treachery!

That's all I have around me.

That and rank
stupidity. Alberto.

Take two of our
men from the plaza.

Ride to de la Vega's hacienda
and see why Greco is not back yet.

And you return
immediately. That is an order.

It's Senor Greco. Something
seems to be the matter with him.

Don Diego got away. I was
reaching in the fireplace...

Where is the list of names?

We didn't get it.

You didn't get it? No.

Did you see it at all?

I'm not sure.

It was there, but Don
Diego must have taken it.

I want some water.
Please. Get me some water.

It's just as I thought,
Senor Varga.

You control
nothing, except a few

empty buildings, a
few empty streets.

And for this, you expect me
to pay you 13 million pesos.

You will pay.

I am giving you official notice,

Senor Varga. Our
agreement is ended.

No agreement is cancelled
until I say it is. I give the orders!

Not this one, Senor
Varga. I want no part of this.

My country cannot
afford to be involved.

Go. Gather all the
men. We'll hunt down

de la Vega and sh**t
him down on sight.

Now tell me exactly.
What happened?

Sergeant Garcia! Don Alejandro!


Zorro! It is Zorro! It is...

The prisoners!
They're out of the cellar!

Senor, they're
out of the cellar!

Surround the house and get them.

Tip this over.

Come on, Don
Alejandro. This way out.

Quick. Barricade the door.

Are there any more? Oh,
what is the use? He cannot hear.

Good. They're loaded.
Is there any powder?

Oh, anyhow, I
have a full supply.

No more muskets and
no gunpowder in there.

But we can hold them off
for some time with these.

That is a good idea.
Give him your gunpowder,

and he can load each
musket as we fire.

Get in there!
Arrest them. I don't

want those men to
get away. Hurry up.


He made it. At that
angle, they can't hit him.


We are near the end
of our gunpowder.

Do not sh**t until you
are sure you cannot miss.

Si. We will wait until
they are very close.

They'll think we
are out of powder.

Then when we sh**t, they
won't know what to think.

They're not sh**ting from the
house now. Rush the front door.

They're out of amm*nit*on.
They can't hurt you!

They weren't out of amm*nit*on.
I could have been shot.

Don Alfredo?

Administrado! Senor
Varga, wait for me.

It is Greco, Senor Varga!

What is it? What's going
on? Let us out of here!

Zorro, get him! Get him!

Cut him down! Cut him down!

I yield! I yield! Don't k*ll me!

Senor Zorro, let us
out of here, please!

We want to join the fight.

The key, the key! In
there behind the door.

I begged you to
wait for me, Senor.

Never in my whole life was I
quite so happy to see anybody.

But how did you
know? How did you

happen to come
at just that time?

How did we happen to come?

Why, Diego came to get
us. Told us you needed us.

Diego. That is why
he left me in the cellar.

So he could ride for help!

Ah, my son! My son,
I am proud of you.

Are you all right?

Diego, they had us
outnumbered a dozen to one.

The three of us in the house
and Zorro out here somewhere.

Oh, Diego, you
should have been here.

I wish you could have seen it.

It must have been very exciting.

And Sergeant Garcia,
blocking the doorway,

holding back all those men.

And Bernardo, ho-ho!
He was magnificent.

Oh, I wish you could
have seen it, Diego.

You have already
said that, Father.

I am sorry, my son. What
you did was important too.

Running to get help.

Sometimes that is more important

than staying
behind and fighting.

Present arms!

It is a good sight, my
son. Our flag flying again.

Next week, the pueblo

welcomes their new Comandante.

In this pueblo, law
and order will prevail,

with equality
and justice for all.

A new wave of
terrorism grips the people

as Zorro rides to
meet the challenge.

Be with us next week when
The Walt Disney Studio presents

new dangers, new thrills, in
the adventurous life of Zorro.