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01x37 - The Eagle Leaves the Nest

Posted: 08/23/22 15:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

Where did I stop?

"You must live in a hacienda..."

Oh, yes. "You must live
in a hacienda such as mine

"to be able to fully appreciate
the beauties of California.

"Yours..." And I'll sign it.

Something wrong, Greco?

No, Senor Varga. But...

A hacienda such as yours?

Yes. I've decided to
live here permanently.

I find it rather pleasant. With a
few changes it might be ideal.

Such as a larger
window in the sala.

But your plans to take over
California are almost ready.

There are matters in Los Angeles

need your attention.
Any delay now...

I remind you, Senor
Greco, I am the Eagle.

I give the orders.

We move against the
government when I decide. Me.

Yes, of course, Senor Varga.

I've reminded you before. I
trust it won't be necessary again.

Now, return to Los Angeles

and see that these letters
go out on the first post.

And I'm expecting a packet by a

special messenger
from Santa Barbara.

When that arrives, bring
it to me immediately.

No matter what time it is.

Si, Administrado.

Hasta luego.

What is all the excitement for?

A letter from my father.

Listen to this. "My mission
in Monterey was successful.

"I expect to return
home in a few days."

No, Bernardo, this
is not good news.

Have you forgotten Senor
Varga occupies his room?

From everything I've heard,
he intends to remain there.

When my father returns and finds

the hacienda's no longer his...

Yes. He will fight to the death
before he gives up his land.

Bernardo, we must
find a way to force

Senor Varga from
this house. But how?

Think, Bernardo, think.




Guards. Guards!






Sergeant Garcia!

Sergeant Garcia!

Coming, Administrado.

Si, Administrado?

Where are the guards?

Right here.

Where have they been?

I want them at this gate every
minute. Why were they gone?

It was time to change
guards, Excellency.

The old ones went off-duty,
the new ones were coming on.

In the future no guard
will leave his post

unless there is someone to
take his place. Is that clear?

Si, Administrado.

I might have been all
alone, for all I knew.

No, Excellency. I was here.

I'm going to the library. See
a guard is posted by the door.

Yes, Excellency.

And have some wine sent to me.


Immediately, Excellency.

He was. He was actually afraid.

Why? Apparently because
he thought he was alone.

Bernardo, no man has
such a mad desire for power

unless he secretly
knows he is weak.

Maybe we have found
the Eagle's weakness.

I believe the Eagle is
afraid of being alone.

Wait here.

Sergeant Garcia.

Si, Administrado.

It is you, Don
Diego. I was just...

Resting your eyes, eh?

Si, Don Diego.

Well, rest the rest of you.


I've been looking
for you, Sergeant.

I have been here.
It seems like forever.

Haven't you been
enjoying your stay?

Do not misunderstand.
It is pleasant.

But I am accustomed
to the noise of the city.

You mean the
noise of the tavern?

Well, there is a
certain similarity.

I know what you mean.

The very next time
I'm at the tavern

I'll drink a toast
in your honor.

Gracias, Don Diego.

It's the least I can do

for how you and your lancers
have protected us against Zorro.

We are merely doing
our duty, Don Diego.

A soldier who
captures Zorro would

be able to retire from the army.

He could even
purchase the tavern.

Yes, I could... I
mean, he could.

Think of it, Sergeant.

I am, Don Diego.

Sitting in the tavern,
night after night,

with the music and the laughter,

greeting your friends, a man
of substance and position.

"Senora. Senorita."

I think the Senorita
is very beautiful.

Very beautiful.

You know, I think she likes you.


It is such a beautiful
dream, Don Diego.

Must it be a dream, Sergeant?

All you have to do is reach out
your arm and grab Zorro. Like that.

It is not so easy. I have tried.

How I have tried!
You just don't know.

I have been pushed into wells,

fallen down flights of stairs.

Once he led me into
a tar pit, up to here.

That's what I mean, Sergeant.
You give up too easily.

I do? Who knows?

Had you taken one more step,

around one more boulder,
you would have caught him.

I think you are right.

Of course I'm right.

Listen to me.

The very next time that you
see Zorro, you go right after him.

I will, Don Diego. I will!

I will follow him to
the ends of the earth.


Come in.

Put it on the desk.

Si, Administrado.

Wait! I did not say
you could leave.

Pour a glass.

Si, Administrado.

You may go.

Si, Administrado.

Ah, Senor de la Vega.

Come in, please.

You wish to see me?

No, I was looking for Bernardo.

Oh, your little deaf-mute.
I haven't seen him.

Is there something my
lancers can do for you?

I'm going to Los Angeles.
I'd like to get an early start.

I'm taking Bernardo with me.
There are a few things to do.

Is there some special reason
for your trip to Los Angeles?

Should there be?

Of course not.

Just that I haven't heard
you say anything about it.

The feeling just came over me.

The feeling?

Every so often I
suddenly realize

how far away from everything
this hacienda really is.

What do you mean?

I was looking out of my
window. Do you know what I saw?

Miles of nothing.

An open prairie, with bare hills

and an awful,
lonesome, howling wind.

I felt as though
I were all alone.

The only person left
in the entire world.

You understand
what I'm talking about?

Yes. Yes, I think so.

Bernardo wasn't there. I
couldn't see the soldiers.

For a moment I was
almost afraid. Silly, isn't it?


But I still have that
overwhelming desire

to sit in the tavern with
people all around me.

Do you ever have the
feeling that you're all alone?

No. Never.

You're a very lucky man, Senor.

Now if you'll excuse me, I
will go and find Bernardo.

Yes, of course.

Orderly! Orderly!

Si, Administrado.

Until further orders, Corporal,
you will remain right here.

Right here? Doing what?

You can polish my boots.

Ah, si.

Corporal, where are you going?

To get a cloth and polish.

I told you to remain here!

But how can I...

Forget it!

You will stand there. And
do not leave until I order it.


I think we've given Senor
Varga time to fall asleep.

Now we go into
action, eh, Bernardo?


No, not here. In the sala.

Here. Take the rosin.


Oh, Don Diego, what
is it? What is wrong?

Didn't you hear it?

That? Of course.
It sounded like...

Hear what?

What is all this noise?

Oh, de la Vega, what is it?

Forgive me for awakening you.

Sergeant, what is happening?

Your pardon, Excellency,
but Don Diego heard a noise.

Well, I thought I did.

What kind of noise?

That would be
difficult to describe.

Do you hear it now?


Carry on, Sergeant.

Si, Administrado.

You were not in bed?

I was reading.


Buenas noches.

Buenas noches.

That was it. The sound I heard.

Sergeant! Where
did that come from?

I don't know. It...

It seemed to come from the sala.

Go see what it is.

Lancers, follow me.

No! Not all of you!

Guards, back to your
posts. Corporal, into the sala.

Go on.

You're my leader. Lead.


Get in there!

Do you see anything
to be afraid of?

Good. You stay here
and keep looking around.

I will be in the patio
if you want anything.

The only thing I want
in the patio is me.

The Administrado will not like
it if we both come back so soon.

I will not stay here alone.

What are we looking for?

You heard the noise, baboso.
That is what we are looking for.

What does a noise look like?

Don't you know anything at
all, stupid? It looks like, uh...

It's big on the...

Whatever it looks like, you
can see it isn't here now.

Well, Sergeant?

It was nothing, Administrado.

At least, whatever
it was wasn't there.

Carry on, Sergeant.

Si, Administrado.

And leave the
lights burning full.

Sergeant, would you saddle my
horse and one for Bernardo, please?

Where are you going?

I am not very
sleepy, so I thought

I would leave for
Los Angeles tonight

instead of waiting till morning.

Saddle Senor de
la Vega's horses.

Si, Administrado.

Buenas noches.

Buenas noches.

Get your hat. We're
leaving for Los Angeles.

I want to be out of here
as quickly as possible.

I'm afraid Zorro is coming.

This is the last
guard. When you've

tied him up, throw
some hay over him.

That's where I'm going now.
To get rid of Sergeant Garcia.


Shh! Whisper!


What is it?

Can we do it now?

Who is supposed to relieve you?

You are.

Oh. Well, go ahead,
but hurry back.


What are you doing here?

The Administrado
is finally asleep.

Good. Now we can relax.

What do you have to relax from?

You are not his orderly.

At least you are
learning a trade.

Why should I learn anything?

I'm a soldier. I'll always be
a soldier. Just like you are.

Speak for yourself, Corporal.
I will not always be a soldier.

I am thinking of buying the
tavern and becoming an innkeeper.

You are?

Sergeant, could I work
for you in the tavern?

Doing what?

Well, I'm learning a trade.

You said so yourself.
I could serve the wine.

We will see.

Gracias, Sergeant.

To spend every night in the
tavern, with wine and food...

And not have to pay for it.


Please. Not while I'm eating.

Where are you going to get
the money to buy the tavern?

When I collect the
reward for capturing Zorro.


Then why don't you
catch me, Senores?


Adios, muchachos.

Hernandez, get my
horse and your horse. Go.

Zorro will not get away.

I will follow him to
the ends of the earth.

Sergeant Garcia will
be busy for some time.

Yes, riding around in circles.

We must take care of the rest.

There are two at the front gate.

We'd better see who that is.
He'll wake up the Administrado.

Stop that! Do you
want to wake up...

Sergeant Garcia,
what is it this time?

Sergeant! Guards!

Si, Administrado.

Where have you been?
Where is Sergeant Garcia?

I don't know. Zorro was here.


Sergeant Garcia chased him away.

Sergeant Garcia
left the hacienda?

I think so. He got on his horse.

Who is that playing?

No one, Senor.

No one? I can hear it.

We just looked.

Well, look again.

Wait for me.

I told you, Senor
Varga, no one is here.

Stupid fools. Pianos do
not play by themselves.

Someone's in this hacienda.

By all saints, I'll find
him! To the library!

The patio!



Lugo. He didn't come out. Lugo!

Come out of there! I order you!

Stay close to me.

Lugo. He's gone into nothing.

Close your mouth. Let me think.

The wine, Senor
Varga. It's gone.

There was no wine.

You drank some. I saw it.

Yes, I did, didn't I?

That came from the patio.

Guard, wait!

Don't go out
there! It's a trick.

That's what they want us to do.

Who, Excellency?

How do I know who?

We'll fool them.
We'll stay here,

then they'll have
to come for us.

The doors. Get
away from the doors.

Si, Administrado.

See? They want us to leave here.

But we won't do it. Stop that!

Stop that music! I command you!

I command you!

You see, guard?



Now take him to the stables.


Yes, I think the Eagle
is almost ready to fly.


Guard! Guard!



Sergeant Garcia!

Where are you? Where are you?

Guards! Guards, come
back. I command you!

I command you!

Senor Varga, it's me. Greco!

Si. You told me to
bring the messages

when they arrived.
What's the matter?


Some baboso left the gate open.

I don't...

Where have you been?

Please, Administrado, we
were only out chasing Zorro.


He's still in the sala.
Get after him. k*ll him.

k*ll him!

Surely you would not
have us k*ll a little kitty cat.

He does not play that badly.

Garcia, pack my
bags immediately.

Immediately. Now?

Inform your men we are
leaving for Los Angeles.

Wonderful. I mean,
si, Administrado.

Come, little kitty cat. We
are going to Los Angeles.

The tavern does
not have a piano,

but perhaps you
could learn the guitar.

We have wasted enough time.

From this moment
on, I will not rest

until I have
California right here.

Next week, Zorro
faces certain destruction

to save Bernardo
from a deathtrap.

We seem to have traded a
cannon for the life of Zorro.

Whoever he was.
A very fair exchange.

Is this the Eagle's
hour of triumph?

Join us next week for the
astounding climax with Zorro.