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01x32 - The Cross of the Andes

Posted: 08/23/22 15:38
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

Pasqual! Si, Senor.

Throw the scraps in the well.

Buenos dias, Senor Murietta.

You have a lock for that door?

Si, Senor, a very big padlock.

Do you think the
box will arrive today?

Do not worry. It
will be safe here.

Who's that?

An old peon who
helps in the shop.

He was employed
by the former owner.

I promised he could
live in the tannery.

Get rid of him.
Senor, he's very old.

Get rid of him! I want no
prying eyes around here.

Pasqual. Si, Senor.

You can no longer stay
here. You must leave.

Leave, Senor?
But where will I go?

That is your problem.

Senor Gabriel told me I would
always have a home here.

Senor Gabriel no longer owns this
place. I own it. I say that you must leave.

But... No. I will not leave.

I heard you promise
Senor Gabriel that I...

No! I will not leave!

Senor Mordante,

you seem to lack persuasiveness.

Next time, a little lower.

No, no, no! Por Dios! No, no!

No, Senor! No, no!

No, Senor, I will go!

Whoa, there!

This is a big
pueblo, no, Dolores?

It is, indeed. But compared with San
Pedro, any place would seem large.

Get the bag, Pogo.

What about the
box of boots, Sister?

Deliver it to the tanneria.
Someone will show you.

But first take the
bag into the inn.

Si, Sister.

And after you deliver the box,
drive the cart back to San Pedro.

Your older brothers may need it.

You're sure you can
make the trip safely alone?

Of course.

Buenos dias, Senora,
and to you, young Senor.

It's "Senorita", if you please.

Oh, your pardon, Senorita.

You are strangers
to Los Angeles?

We are from San Pedro.

What is your name, please?

I am not in the habit of giving my
name to every strange man I meet.

Senorita, allow me
to introduce myself.

I am Comandante
Demetrio Lopez Garcia

of the king's army
at your service.

Comandante Garcia!
A soldier, Dolores.

I am Pogo Bastinado.

And this is my sister, Dolores.

I see.

What brings you to
Los Angeles, Senorita?

I am here on a business
and shopping trip.

Will you stay
long? Several days.

I am going to deliver that box
of boots from South America.

Oh, boots from
South America, eh?

Was the box properly
passed through the customs?

I have the clearance paper.

Yes, it seems to
be perfectly in order.

You uh... You say
you live in San Pedro?

Not exactly in San Pedro. On
my rancho, outside the village.

On your rancho...

Your rancho, Senorita? Si.

Is it a big rancho?

Five thousand acres.

Five thousand
acres! With cattle?

There are more than
2,000 cattle, Comandante.

There are?

I mean, it is very unusual for a
Senorita to own such a large rancho.

Dolores owns many
things, Comandante.

A rancho, a big store, a drayage
service and more than 100 horses...

Pogo, one should not
boast of one's possessions.

She is right, young Senor.

Modesty is a virtue we
should all strive to obtain.

Come. I shall order the innkeeper to
give you the best rooms in the house.

Adios, young Senor.

Gracias. I feel much better now.

You say that Senor Murietta
struck at you with his whip?

Si, and Senor Mordante
hit me with his hand.

I am lost, Don Diego. I
have no home, nothing.

Do not worry, Pasqual.

There is a bed in the
house behind the hacienda.

You can sleep there.
We will find work for you,

and Bernardo will see
that you get plenty to eat.

You are very kind, Don Diego.

What strange business could
bring these two men together?

We know that Senor Murietta
is an agent of the Eagle.

As for Senor Mordante,

he could hardly be called a
peaceful and honest citizen.

Yes, they are
birds of a feather.

I wonder, Bernardo,

if the feather could not
be those of an eagle?

Saddle my horse.

The Viceroy begged me to take
command of the army at Mexico.

But I said no.


I have had my fill of
w*r and adventure.

Now I find it very pleasant to
enjoy the peace of this quiet pueblo.

And does Senora
Garcia enjoy it here?

Senora Garcia?

There is none.

No? Well, that's understandable.

Oh, si.

I have devoted so much time to my
career that I have not had time to marry.

But, uh, now I am ready for it,

whenever the right
Senorita comes along.

At heart, I am
really a family man.

Oh, to sit down at
a table covered with

dishes of delicious
home-cooked food.

That is the life, eh?

I imagine it would
appeal to some.

Senorita, how does it happen that
a young lady of your obvious talents

has managed to avoid matrimony?

I nearly married once, but I
found out fortunately in time,

that the caballero was more
interested in my money than in me.

Oh, the scoundrel!

But all men are not
fortune-hunters, Senorita.

Senorita, when you
do decide to marry,

what sort of a man
will you choose?

A man who possesses the simple
virtues of honesty and humility.

You are very wise, Senorita.

I believe in honesty
and humility.

I want my five pesos.

Sergeant, I want the
five pesos you owe me.


Go away! Can't
you see I am busy?

You promised to
pay it back last week.

Why do you call him sergeant?

Because he's a sergeant.

That's why we call him sergeant.
It works the same with me.

I'm a corporal so
everybody calls me corporal.

Very soon you may be a private,

and everybody will call
you a private! Now go away!

Well! Look, Senorita,
I can explain.

Do not bother, Sergeant
who calls himself Comandante.

Senorita, I really am
acting Comandante!

Now see what your
big mouth has done?

I want my five pesos.


Buenos dias, Senores.

Ah, buenos dias, Don Diego. You
have business to discuss with me?

Business? Ah,
from South America.

I understand they make
excellent boots in South America.

If you have no business
to discuss with me,

will you excuse us, please?

Oh, of course. Forgive
me for intruding.

Oh, yes. It nearly
slipped my mind.

It's about the peon, Pasqual.

What about him?

I'm afraid I do not approve
of the way you treated him.

You don't approve?

Pasqual tells me
that you struck him.

What business is that of yours?

Why, Senor, injustice
is everyone's business.

No man can stand alone. When
you injure one, you injure all.

The Senor is a philosopher.

The idle rich can afford it.

Senor, it is my understanding
that when you bought this tannery,

you agreed that Pasqual
could go on living here.

As I understand it, Senor,
this is no concern of yours.

And now if you will excuse us...

But surely, Senor...

You should be more
careful with that whip, Senor.

You might possibly
injure someone with it.


While I'm searching Senor
Murietta's room at the inn,

you will break into the tannery
and see what's inside that box.

Do not worry. If they are there,

Zorro will lead them
on a wild goose chase.

Ah, here it is.

"For an act of disrespect
to his commanding officer,

"the soldier shall be either
fined or reduced in rank."

That means you can go
from corporal back to private.

What do you say to that?

Where is my five pesos?

Forget the five pesos.

I have it in my power to fine you
or reduce you to the rank of private.

Which do you want?

I want my five pesos.


According to the power vested
in me by the articles of w*r,

I find you guilty of being
disrespectful to the commanding officer,

for which I fine you
the sum of five pesos.

You can pay the fine now.

The case is closed.

What about the five
pesos you owe me?

I am a man who always
pays his honest debts.

Here is the money.

I was afraid you were
never gonna pay it back.

Oh, Sergeant, in what
way was I disrespectful?

Why, I was sitting in the tavern
with the charming Senorita Bastinado,

when you blundered in and
upset all my carefully laid plans.

What plans?

Plans of becoming a great Don.

Of owning a 5,000-acre rancho

with 2,000 head of cattle,

a large store, a drayage service

and 100 head of horses.

Who will you steal
those things from?

Now, listen carefully
and try to understand.

Dolores Bastinado is a
woman of possessions.

Why, she owns half of San Pedro.

Does it not follow that
the man who marries her

could retire from military service
and live a life of luxurious ease?

I don't think it would
work, Sergeant.

Why not?

She doesn't appeal to me.

Who cares what
appeals to you, stupid?

I am the man she
is going to marry!

When? As soon as...

As soon as I can convince her that
I am a man of humility and honesty.

Now, here is my plan.

Tomorrow, I am
giving a small party

in honor of Senorita Bastinado.

This will give
you an opportunity

of improving my
standing with her.

How? By telling her
of my many virtues.

What virtues?

I will give you a list
of them in the morning.

You will memorize them

and then while you are
dancing with the Senorita,

you can quote them to her.

I do not dance, Sergeant.

What? You have never learned?

I tried once, but my
feet were all thumbs.

Dancing is really not
complicated at all, Corporal.

It's very simple.
Here, watch this.

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ Rump, rump, rump ♪

Now, you try it.

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide ♪

Very good, Corporal. Very good.

It's simple, is it
not? Even for you.

When you dance with the Senorita,
you must hold her in your arms thusly.

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

We were just...

That is, the Corporal has
never learned to dance...

Corporal, attention!

Sentry, get back
to your post at once!

Yes, Sergeant.

♪ Glide, one, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide

♪ One, two, three, glide ♪

If the rest of the
gems arrive safely...

If, Senor? There are no ifs.

The gems will arrive safely in
the custody of my brother Pietro.

Then the two of you will
transport them north to Monterey?

And I will personally
deliver them to the Eagle.

Senor, I think I shall retire.

I also, as soon as I
finish this bottle of wine.

Hasta manana.
Hasta manana, Senor.

We meet again, Senor.

A fair exchange, Senor, eh?

So, I have captured a
prowler, Don Diego's servant.

I return to the tannery and find you
and your master stealing the gems.

Fortunately, I was able to capture
you, but Don Diego escaped.

At least that is what I
will tell Senor Murietta.



Where are the jewels?

Let's get out of here!

You must be mistaken, Bernardo.

If the jewels were
in the compartment,

where were they
when we looked inside?

Are you sure that blow on the
head didn't make you see things?

I did find something interesting
in Senor Murietta's room.

You've heard of the
famous Cross of the Andes?

I found it in his desk
drawer. A priceless object.

I once heard it was kept in
a vault in a church in Peru.

Stolen? Quite probably.

I will go see Padre Lucien
and make a discreet inquiry.

If it develops that Senor
Murietta has looted a church,

we must institute
some action against him.

Next week, Bernardo's life
is threatened by the bolas,

deadly w*apon of the Argentine.

Two of them?

I hate to spoil your fun, but
we Zorros must stick together.

Next week the Walt
Disney Studio brings you

action as you like it.
Adventures to thrill you with Zorro!