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01x30 - Zorro Lights a Fuse

Posted: 08/23/22 15:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

Come in.

This is the mail, just
came in from San Diego.

Is there anything
there for me, Sergeant?

Who would write to you?

I don't know.

Why do you always ask?

If a letter did come,

I could look at it and see
who would write to me.

Always you ask, "Is there any
mail for me?" Always I tell you...

Push a little harder, Sergeant.

The words do not
come all the way out.

Oh, si.

"When the Senora reaches San
Diego, we will board a Boston ship

"and start the trip to Spain.

"You will continue as
acting Comandante until..."

Why am I reading out loud? I was
reading silently to myself, baboso!

You may go now, Corporal.

Your pardon, Senora, but here is a
letter for you from the Comandante.

Gracias, Sergeant.

He says you are
returning to Spain,

and I am to remain on
here as acting Comandante.

Returning to Spain?

Si, but not directly to Spain.

You must go first to Boston...

"It is necessary
to go to Boston..."

I can read it for myself.


No, I will not leave here now.
There is too much at stake.

Arturo's future is here in
California, not back in Spain.

He will be a big man
someday, Sergeant.

He will have an important
place in the history of California.

I, um, think I will go
out for a while, Sergeant.

Si, Senora.

Wait here, Bernardo.

I want to speak to the
Sergeant while she's gone.

Somehow I must convince him

that she is involved
in a plot against his life.

I'm sure he's in great danger.

Come in.

Don Diego to see you, Sergeant.

Have him come in, Corporal. Si.

Don Diego, come in. Come in.

Sergeant, have you heard anything
new about the missing gunpowder?

I have questioned
everybody in the cuartel.

I do not know what became of it.

What do you intend doing?

Well, since I do not know
where the gunpowder is, I...

I just don't know, Don
Diego. I don't know.

Sergeant, is that a deck of
cards I see in your drawer?

Oh, yes, Don Diego.

You know we have not
been paid for several months.

The only way we can get along is
by winning money from each other.

I have an idea.

Why do you not let me tell you
your fortune with these cards.

Can you tell
fortunes, Don Diego?

An old Gypsy woman taught me.

You do believe in fortunes?

I do not know. I'm not sure.

Well, just for a sample, here...

Place your right
hand on your heart

and with your left
hand cut the cards.

Well, the cards indicate that
you are a man of great courage,

with an appreciation
for the finer things in life.

There is something
to this after all.

They also indicate that you are
a man with great responsibilities,

a faithful friend and
a true gentleman.

This is amazing, Don Diego!
How could the cards know all this?

Sergeant... Maybe we had
better not go on with this.

The cards don't always
tell the truth, anyway.

Is something the
matter, Don Diego?

Don't worry about it, Sergeant.

Things do not always work
out the way the cards indicate.

Tell what the card says, Don
Diego. Tell me. I must know!

Well, Sergeant,

it is the cup, the
symbol of death.

To see a cup standing by itself is
an ill omen, a warning to beware.

I see.

Oh, Sergeant. Your life...

Your life is in great danger.

There is a dark woman
very close to you.

Whom you trust. She
is plotting against you.

She may even send
you to your death.

Beware of her. She is dangerous.

You can see for
yourself, Don Diego,

there is no dark
woman close to me.

There is also a king of cups.
This man is a mortal danger to you.

He is also involved in the plot
against your life. Watch out for him.

Who is a king of cups?

I do not know... Someone
who owns many cups or

owns an institution
that sells cups...

Senor Quintana! He owns the
tavern. He could be the king of cups.

Zorro warned me against him.

Maybe Zorro was right.

I did not mean to frighten you.

Had I known, I'd never
have brought the subject up.

It is all right, Don Diego.
I'm glad you told me.

From now on, whenever I
have to go out after dark alone,

I will make sure that
somebody goes with me.

These men wanna know when
they can pick up the gunpowder?

Tomorrow at sunrise.

On Tuesday, the att*cks will
begin simultaneously at siesta time

in Santa Barbara, Los
Angeles, Capistrano, San Diego.

This is the schedule
set by the Eagle?

It is.

By Tuesday night, we must
control the presidios, the pueblos

and the roads
which connect them.

There is no more for
you to learn at this time.

However, I must warn you of one
problem we have in Los Angeles.

Sergeant Garcia is
becoming suspicious.

Senor Quintana and Fuentes
failed to take care of him.

This could
jeopardize everything.

The reason we failed
was that Zorro turned up.

There is no need now to
make excuses or offer apologies.

We must get rid of the Sergeant.

Do you know where he is now?

I assume he is at the
cuartel. He was when I left.

Do you know how we
can get him out of there?

I will take care of that.

I will send him on
an errand alone.

Make sure that you follow
him, but are not seen.

Now, I cut the cards
with my left hand

and place my right
hand over my heart.

Or was it the other way around?

What difference does it make?

It makes a big
difference, stupid.

I know. I will place both
hands over my heart.

You cut the cards.

Oh. It is that bad
luck card again.

What's so bad luck about it?

It is the symbol of death.

Whenever you see a single
cup standing all alone by itself,

it is a sign that something terrible is
looking for a chance to happen to you.

A single cup, all by itself?

If the cards know something
bad is liable to happen to me,

why don't they
tell me what it is?

What? Playing cards in
the Comandante's office?

No, Senora, I was
just telling my fortune.

You tell fortunes, Sergeant?

Si, Senora.

Something that was taught
me by an old Gypsy woman.

Sergeant, can I trust you?

Of course, Senora.
With how much?

I just received a special
message from my husband.

You have?

There are great
dangers, Sergeant.

Yes, I know.

Arturo wants you to meet him on
the road between here and Capistrano.

He says that you
are to come alone.

How soon? Did he say that?

Right away. You will scarcely be
over the first hill before sundown.

And he says you are to tell
no one where you are going.

Si, Senora.

It is an ill omen,

when you see a single
cup standing alone.

It is a sign to beware.

Open the gates! Open the gates!

For such a short trip
you could have walked.

Stupid, I did not know it
would be such a short trip.

I saw the sign.

What sign? The symbol of death.

The single cup standing
alone, all by itself.

Corporal, I think someone
is plotting to k*ll me.

Who would want to k*ll you?

The king of cups
and the dark lady

who is very close to me. She...

Why did you come back in
such a hurry? What is the matter?

Please, Senora. I am your
friend. Why do you plot against me?

Why would you
send me to my death?

What are you talking about?

He saw the cup.

The cup?

I know about the dark
lady and the king of cups

who are plotting
against my life.

The king of cups?

The man who serves, Senor
Quintana, who runs the tavern.

I do not like this, Bernardo.

That stranger with Quintana
is part of the Eagle's brood.

He did not come here just
to take care of the Sergeant.

I'd better be ready
for whatever comes.

Stay and keep an
eye on the cuartel.

Make sure they don't
trick the Sergeant into

making some move
that may cost him his life.

Yes, Corporal?

It is Senor Quintana
at the gates.

Tell him to wait a
moment, then I will see him.

Come in.

You know better
than to come here.

We kept waiting
for you to come out.

We thought something
had gone wrong.

Nothing has gone wrong.

Can you tell me why the fat
Sergeant turned around in the plaza

and rode back into the cuartel?

I think maybe he
forgot something.

No, he went like
a scared rabbit.

We thought he'd got
wise to something.

Well, I don't...

What's this, Senora? You're
planning on leaving us?

Well, it's just that... I have
special orders from the Eagle.

That's not possible, Senora.

Espinosa came
straight from Monterey.

There was no order about
you leaving us at this time.

All right!

I am joining my husband in San
Diego and taking a ship for Spain.

All this m*rder and k*lling,
it is not what was promised.

And you think you can pack
up and leave just like that?

Listen to me. We are not working
for the good of California at all,

but for the greed and
ambition of the Eagle.

You speak of greed
and ambition, Senora?

Who was it who wanted
her husband to be governor?

I know, but... I did not
know then what I know now.

I believed in the Eagle.

Don't you realize he
would k*ll you, he'd k*ll me

without a second thought
if it furthered his plans?

This is what comes of giving
responsibility to a woman.

There is one minor detail.

The Sergeant, the Corporal, I
don't know how many others,

know that you are
involved in the plot.

I don't believe you.

It is of no slight interest to me
whether you believe me or not.

Senora... You and I are going
to walk out of here together.

You'd better pray that we're
not stopped or questioned.

Otherwise... I'm
gonna pull the trigger.

Now let's go.

Let's get to the winery quick.

The reason for the
slight change in plans,

the Senora had a sudden
urge to join her husband.

Perhaps in a few days we can
see to it that your husband joins you.

You understand that?

You need not spare Capitan
Toledano. sh**t him down.

Do not be so naive. It was
never planned to do otherwise.

You mean the Eagle never did
intend to keep his promises to me?

Your husband is an
officer in the King's army.

Do you think the Eagle would
be so stupid as to let him live?

If it had not been for me, you
would not have the gunpowder.

Yet you're taking part of it to
San Diego to k*ll my own husband.

There is nothing
personal in this.

We plan the same fate for
all officers of the King's army

throughout California.

Go on. Take her over there.

This is it, boy.

The whole future of California is
at stake. Get help. Go to Bernardo.

He will know what this means.


Is all the gunpowder
there? Si, it is there.

Now I will take care of her.

As soon as I do, you will
start dividing the gunpowder.

Go on. Over there.

It is too bad, Senora.

You would have been
such an attractive widow.

I will take...

You're brave men. Only four
of you to handle one woman!

Quick! Get the r*fles!

It's loaded.

Up the stairs.

There he is!

No! No!

Hurry! We can make
it to the storage room!

This is perhaps the greatest
service she could have done us.

She has put Zorro in a room
without any way of escape.

No windows, this
is the only door.

Excellent! Get loaded r*fles.

Is this the missing gunpowder?


A moment ago, you risked your
life saving mine. For that, gracias.

They planned to k*ll
me anyhow, but you...

Why didn't you escape
when I gave you the chance?

I've made such a mess of my
life. I've ruined so many things.

I don't deserve to live.

Maybe the Senora is right, but
I hate to see a Spanish lady...

They'll be coming
through in a minute.

All right. I will give you one minute
to leave the building, Senores.

Or I will blow it up.

Well, how could you? It
would blow you up, too.

What's the difference?

You'll k*ll us as soon as
you chop down the door.

As long as we have to
go, you will go with us.

He wouldn't do it.

You think not, Senores? Look
through the crack in the door.

He's done it.

It's about to blow up.

He's bluffing. He just
wants us out of the building.

Yes, but you can't be sure.

You have ten seconds
to live, Senores.

Eight seconds...
Seven seconds...

Six seconds... Five seconds...

Four seconds... Three seconds...

They've gone.

Suppose they had not run?
Would you still have let it blow up?

But, Senora, I
knew they would run.

Don't sh**t! We surrender!

Don't sh**t!

So, we caught you red-handed!

Red-handed? Doing what?

I do not know,
but it sounds good.


In here, Sergeant. You will
find the missing gunpowder.

Gunpowder! But what is
the Senora doing here?

She was brought
here at gunpoint.

All she wants to
do now is rejoin

her husband and
catch a ship to Spain.

Adios, Senora.

Are you sure you
know what to do? Si.

Did you see anybody
pin a medal on before?

When I was in France.


Sergeant Demetrio
Lopez Garcia, step forward.

For distinguished
service as a member

of His Majesty's Royal Lancers,

you are hereby awarded the
Medal of the Royal Yeomen

with the Silver Cross.

He just likes me! Baboso!

Next week, a reckless stranger,

a master with whip and sword,
provokes an innocent youth to a duel.

Senor, he is unarmed.

That is my answer, Senor.

You've just dug your own grave.

For an astonishing climax
and action and thrills,

be with us next week when the
Walt Disney Studio presents Zorro!