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01x28 - Zorro by Proxy

Posted: 08/23/22 15:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z!

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

Buenos dias, Senora.

It's so early for
a lady to be out.

You must excuse
the way we look here.

May I speak with you for a
moment, Senor Quintana?


I have something I
would like to show you.

From the Eagle.
The sign of the leader.

Until further notice, you will
take orders directly from me.

Take orders from a woman?

You will take orders from me or
be replaced by someone who will.

Si, Senora.

Be ready within the hour to
move the shipment of gunpowder.

I will give you specific
instructions later.

There is a slight
problem, Senora.

What do you mean,
a slight problem?

Well, the shipment arrived.

We stored it late last night in the
cellar, but it turned out to be brandy.

What are you trying to tell me?
Where is the gunpowder now?

I don't know. Somehow
Zorro got it away from us.

We found our man unconscious.
He didn't know what hit him.

You would be fortunate if
you could get off as lightly.

Si, I must have time, Senora.

Give me 24 hours.

Let us at least try to find him.

We will make him talk.

Make him tell us where
he hid the gunpowder.

Give you time, you say.
Senores, there is not time.

The entire plan of operation

depends upon every man doing
his job and doing it on schedule!

I cannot help it.
The powder is gone.

It will not be easy for Zorro to
hide all those kegs of gunpowder.

We may find him
if we move quickly.

All right. Round up all
the men you can trust.

I can twist that stupid
Sergeant around my finger.

I will get him and his lancers
to help you smoke out Zorro.

We'll turn over the gunpowder to
no one until we know whom to trust.

Spread out! Search everywhere!

Don't overlook a
thing! Look everywhere!

I do not like this, Bernardo.

Our friends in the tavern have duped
Sergeant Garcia into helping them.

What good would it do to hide
the kegs if we cannot hide the cart?

Go out there, Tornado.
Lead him away from here.

Go on!

Oh, you think when
Garcia sees Tornado,

he'll call out and the others
will come rushing this way?

No, not Sergeant Garcia.

Oh, he will start to call out,
but then he'll think better of it.

You see, he's convinced that
with Tornado he'll capture Zorro.

This he will not
share with anyone.

Here, horsey. Good horsey.

Nice horsey.

Come and get the nice grass.

Here, horsey. Come on, horsey.

Nice horsey.

Look at the nice grass.

Come on, horsey.

Get the nice grass.

Here, horsey.

Here, horsey.

Take a bite of
the grass, please!

Corporal Reyes, what
are you doing here?

I saw you trying to catch
your horse, so I put out a snare.

What happened to him?

Nothing happened to him.

How did he turn so black?

He did not turn black, stupid.

He's always been
black. This is...

To tell you the truth,
Corporal, I do not know.

I was riding him along,

and he stopped and ate
some berries off of a bush.

And, suddenly, he turned
black. Just like you see him now.

It is all very strange.

Here's an account of the time that Zorro
rescued an Indian from the whipping post.

How does that look, Corporal? Or
did you like it better the other way?

Sergeant, I didn't like it the
other way at all. It was awful.

But I guess this is worse maybe.

Do you think he looks like he could
belong to any particular person?

No, Sergeant.

I don't think a particular person
would have a horse that looks like this.

Why don't you leave him black?

I want him to look like he used
to look before he ate the berries.

I don't think he used
to look like this ever.

I am so tired I can
hardly stand up.

I am almost too
tired to sit down.

Would you mind putting all
that paint away, Corporal?

I will go to my
room now, Sergeant.

Would you bring me a
bucket of water, please?

It feels so good
to my poor feet.

I walked a lot
and I'm tired, too.

I think I walked
as far as you did.

Maybe you walk as far,
but you do not walk as hard.

Go get the bucket.

Bring me a bucket of water before
you go up to your room, please.

Bring me a bucket of water!


If my back didn't itch so much,

I could sit here for 100
years and never move.

Oh, Corporal. That feels good!

My, what soft hands you have.

Not so hard, Corporal, please.

It feels so much better
when you do it easy. I...

Whoa. Oh!


What are you doing?

Don Diego. Nothing.
Nothing at all.

I thought that... Then
I looked around...

Anyway, he started it.

And I think he
finished it, too. Yes.


Did you say that was Zorro's
horse out there with Garcia?

Yes, the Sergeant told
me he captured him.

That is strange. He is taking
orders from young de la Vega.

A horse'll take
orders from anybody.

This is different.

Do you think de la
Vega could be Zorro?

At one time or another every
stupid person in the pueblo

has suggested that,
according to these records.

Do not add to the list.

Most peculiar markings on
your new horse, Sergeant.

I don't believe I've
seen one quite like it.

I do not think he
quite likes it either.

Don Diego, I will
tell you a little secret.

That is Zorro's horse.

Zorro's horse?

But how in the world...
Never mind how in the world.

With that horse, now I can
capture Zorro and claim the reward.

This is the happiest
day of my life.

I can imagine, Sergeant.

Oh, by the way, is
Senora Toledano in?

I promised her I
would stop by today.

Si, Don Diego. Si.

Don Diego is coming.

Don Diego, how nice. Do come in.

I just dropped by to see if
there was anything you needed.

Anything I could get for you.

It's sweet of you, but
no, I can think of nothing.

Senora, may I ask
you a question?

I realize, maybe, I
should not ask it but...

And if I am out of place
I hope you'll tell me.

Diego, whatever do
you mean? What is it?

Oh, I can assure you it is
nothing of a personal nature.

Do you recall yesterday,
when I was here,

a courier arrived with
a special message?


And I left you and went to the
tavern to get Sergeant Garcia.


I realize it's a military matter
and none of my business,

but did you leave the room or did
anyone else enter after I'd gone?

Why do you ask this, Diego?

I was wondering if someone
could not have come in here and

altered the message?

Well, as a matter of fact, I did
go to my quarters for a minute.

It's strange that
you should ask that.

I just happened to look out
and see that funny little corporal

sneak in and sneak out again.

I wondered at the time...

Corporal Reyes? Si.

You cannot mean...
Not Corporal Reyes!

Yes, I had the
same feeling at first.

I am making a complete
report to my husband.

I must get it off.
You will excuse me?

Oh, certainly.

Thank you for
stopping by, Diego.

It is good to know I
have someone I can trust.

At any time and in any way
I can. Your servant, Senora.

I don't care what
the Senora says.

I saw de la Vega
give hand signals

to the horse, and I
saw the horse obey.

Yes, but if you're wrong,

it's the worst kind of
mistake we could make.

What if we took young
de la Vega aside and

tried to make him talk
and he is not Zorro?

That is exactly what
I've been saying.

His father has too
much influence.

We would be run
out of Los Angeles.

All right. I've told
you how I felt.

If you want to disregard
it, I cannot help that.

Wait a minute. I have an idea.

What kind of an idea, Senora?

I know how to find
out for sure whether

he is Zorro or
whether he is not.

And, at any rate, it will get
him out of the way for a while.

He is dangerous. He
asks too many questions.

Find out for sure
if he is Zorro.

We'll do the rest.

He will talk. He will talk
fast, but he will not talk long.

I have it! You have
thought of someone?

For an innocent person,
why not Don Diego?

Nobody is more
innocent than he is.

Don Diego... You
mean de la Vega?

Why, Sergeant, he might
serve our purpose very well.

Now, to make this work, we
must build a case against Diego.

No one must suspect that this
is a trap to catch the real Zorro.

Why are you
laughing? It is so funny!

He is my best friend!

Come in, Don Diego.
Come in, please.

Oh, here we are.
This way, please.

Sit down, Don Diego. Sit down.

This is very flattering, but you
should not squander your money.

It is my pleasure to repay
your hospitality, Don Diego.

A little service, please!

The best wine in the house
for my friend, Don Diego.

Andale. Andale. Si.

What is this? Do you have
something special arranged for me?

How can you say that, Don
Diego? Nothing special...

Well, not especially.

I mean...

I mean I should not question
your hospitality or generosity.

You are my friend
and I trust you.

Don Diego, I...

You are Diego de la Vega? Si.

Senora Toledano is
out in back of the inn.

She asked that you
come to her at once.

You will excuse me?

You did not have
to hit him that hard.

I'm sorry, Senora.
My hand slipped.


There he is. I saw him come
in, so I hit him on the head.

There's your Zorro,
the young de la Vega.

Sergeant, I want you
to tell me something.

Did you, in any way, have anything
to do with this plot against me?

What in the world do you mean?

I mean that I trusted you.

I realized there was something
funny when you asked me to the tavern,

but I said to myself,
"Sergeant Garcia's my friend."

Please, Don Diego.

I've said aloud that your honesty
and integrity are above question.

Then you proceed to betray
me, your own friend, and for what?

Did they... Did they give you
a bottle of wine, Sergeant?

No, Don Diego. Please. I
could do nothing to hurt you.

You take part in
a plot against me

and you have the temerity to say
that you could do nothing to hurt me?

Really, I cannot believe it.

But it is true. Do not be upset.

Nobody really
thinks you are Zorro.

Oh? Is this just a little plot
to get me out of the way?

Yes... I mean no.

When the real Zorro finds out you
are in jail, he will come to rescue you.

He is who we want
to catch. Oh, I see.

So you have nothing
to worry about.

Do you think the real
Zorro would stay away

and let an innocent
man stay in jail?

And suppose the real
Zorro does not show up?

In that case, you might have
something to worry about, maybe a little,

but I am sure he will come.

I find your confidence
most reassuring!

Do not be so nervous, Don
Diego. Have you no faith in Zorro?

At the moment
I have very little.

There may be good reason
why he cannot ride tonight.

You do not know Zorro like I do.

He will show up. He will come
over the wall like he always does,

but, this time, he
will not get away.



Wake up, Sergeant, but
make no sound. This is Zorro.

I have released young de la Vega
from his cell and permitted him to escape.

I am glad to see you, even if I
cannot see you at the moment.

Listen to me.

There is something of vital
importance that needs to be done.

And I'm going to trust you.

Trust me? You are to
speak to no one of this.

Oh, I will... I mean I
won't. Whatever you say.

And trust no one.

Tomorrow at sunrise, take four
or five lancers to Ravello's Ravine.

Do not tell them
where they are going.

Make sure you're not followed.

Four or five lancers?
Why, Senor Zorro?

I will turn over to you
all of the gunpowder

that has been stolen
from our presidios.

You will return it to
them under guard.

Si. Gracias, Senor
Zorro. Gracias.

Now, get up, Sergeant.

If you tell anyone
what I've just told you,

I will whittle you down to the
size of a midget. Inch by inch!

Now open the gate.
And, remember, no tricks,

or I may be tempted
to puncture a balloon.

Hurry, Sergeant! Open the gate!

Zorro! There's Zorro! Get him!

Don't sh**t! You might hit me!

Zorro! Stay right with him,
Sergeant! Don't let him get away!

I am pursuing him in a way!

Sergeant, I
believe this is yours!

Ah, gracias.


And you still do not remember
how he got you out of there?

Ever since I got that blow on the
head yesterday, I keep forgetting things.

That will do it. I was
hit on the head once.

Oh? When was this, Corporal?

I forget.

It is strange how Zorro got in there,
how he got you out, without being seen.

I still think he must
have a secret entrance.

We would have found it.

Anyhow, since we did not
catch him, I am glad he got away.

What you just said...


You know what they're
celebrating, don't you?


That stupid Sergeant went out
somewhere into the hills this morning

at sunrise to meet Zorro.

Zorro gave him the gunpowder
that they'd taken from us.

Where is it now?

On its way to San Francisco,
under heavy military guard.

Well, at any rate, I'm glad I'm
no longer accused of being Zorro.

Nobody really
believed it, Don Diego.

Zorro is at least six
inches taller than you.

And he's twice as big
across the shoulders.

I guess three times... Maybe.

You know, things must be
going very badly with him.


One thing I do remember.

I saw him up close and, uh
he was very poorly dressed.

Next week, Zorro outwits the
treachery of the Eagle's brood,

only to fall victim to a
woman's cleverness.

Make no move, Senor.

So, this is El Zorro,

caught like a mouse in a trap.

Don't miss the lightning-paced
action next week,

when the Walt Disney
Studio presents Zorro!