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01x26 - Adios, Señor Magistrado

Posted: 08/23/22 15:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z!"

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

I have just about reached
the limit of my patience.

You were caught trying to
steal powder from our stores.

I want to know why.

What do these feathers
mean? Who is your leader?

Who gave the orders? Talk!

Very well. I do not wish to use
harsh means unless I have to.

I know you are
members of a group

and your leader is someone
here in Los Angeles.

Tomorrow morning...

I'm going to ask you to tell
me the name of your leader.

If you do not, you go
on the whipping post.

Think it over. Guard, come in.

Take the prisoners
to their cells.

Si, Comandante.


Don't call me by my name! What
did you tell Capitan Toledano?

Get us out of here tonight.

What did you tell him?

Tell the Magistrado
if we aren't released,

you'll all be here
with us in the morning.

Una limosna.

Alms for a poor...

You, blind man,
beg somewhere else.

But I am hungry
and have no money.

Take this and be gone.

The saints protect you, Senor.

Senor, it is useless to
wait for Sergeant Garcia.

He is not here and
he has no money.

Come in.

You're certain no one saw you?

I was careful.

A message from Figueroa.

Begging makes one very thirsty.

What is wrong?


I not only have
difficulty with Zorro.

The Comandante's
nipping at my heels.

What has he done? Nothing yet,

but he is getting
too close to the truth.

I don't know how much they've
told him, or how much he suspects,

but this Capitan Toledano
is becoming a menace.

Why not let me take
care of the Capitan.

No, we've gotten rid
of two Comandantes.

I don't like to take a
chance on another one.

But we must take some action.

All of our plans and work can
go for nothing if he gets our scent.

What shall I tell Figueroa
about those two at the prison?

Tell him I want them
released tonight.

Otherwise, they may give Toledano
enough information to hang us.

Surely the prisoners answered
some of the Comandante's questions.

I do not think so, Don Diego.
They are very stubborn men.

The Comandante should've
left the prisoners to me.

I would have got the
information for him.

You would not be
cruel, would you?

Oh, no, Don Diego.

I would just tickle them
with their own feathers.

Each man carried
the feather of an eagle.

The Comandante believes
these are messages,

but how can an eagle
send a message, eh?

Don Diego, would you do
me a very big favor, please?

Would you ask your mozo
to see if that merchant

is still walking up and down
outside the cuartel gates?


It is such a trifling sum,
but he has no patience.

I cannot convince him that
soon I will have 1,500 pesos.

Why, that's wonderful
news. When will that be?

The day I capture Zorro.

Oh, the reward. Yes.

I'd completely
forgotten about it.

I think about it constantly.

I was afraid of that.

The capture of Zorro someday will
not get me into the cuartel tonight.

True, Sergeant, but, look...

Since you cannot capture
Zorro, why do you not imitate him?

I do not understand.

If you were Zorro, you would
not have to walk through the gate,

you could fly over the wall.

Isn't that what he does?

Of course.

It's strange, but every time I talk
to you, I get such wonderful ideas.

I will climb over the rear wall.

I cannot climb the
rear wall. I have tried.

Well, Bernardo will help you.

You will? He will?

Why, he would be most happy to.

Ah! Shh!

Put your hands
together and push me up.

Put your hands to...

Put your hands together
like this and push me up.

Idiota! I am the one who wants
to get inside the cuartel, not you.

Come down.

Put your hands
together like this.

Be careful, Senor.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Wouldn't it be easier to
turn the ladder upside down?

Upside down? Of
course, Don Diego! Si!


Guards! Comandante!

I have caught the
prisoners trying to escape!

Shall we play another?

No, I will just sit
here and brood.

Chess for a man of action! Ha!

Dr. Aguila, I'm
glad you've come.

Buenos dias, Don Alejandro.

Would you please tell
me that I can walk today.

Ah, chess? Who won?

Who always wins in a
contest whose only requirement

is to be able to sit in
one place for two hours?

What about my leg?

Yes. How is the
wound progressing?

You father is as strong as the
bull that gored him. Hold still.

I'm sorry I'm so
late, Don Alejandro.

I had to go to the
cuartel this morning.

Two prisoners were
found dead in their cells.

What prisoners?

The ones who tried
to steal the powder.

How did they die?


Does this hurt? No.

How is such a thing possible?

Will there be an investigation?

There already has been.

The Magistrado insisted.

And well he should.

What is happening to our
pueblo? Robberies, murders...

Were they m*rder*d? What?

I say, were the
prisoners m*rder*d?

Oh, the Magistrado
insisted it was su1c1de

and asked me to sign
the death certificate.

Now, this should hurt.

One moment, please.

I cannot bear to hear
my father scream in pain.

You will never see the day, young
man, that you hear me scream in pain.

You know the two
prisoners in the cuartel?

They were poisoned
in their cells last night.

The Magistrado has
declared it a su1c1de,

but they were m*rder*d to
prevent them giving information.

I'm sure that the Magistrado
has ordered their deaths.

I think, perhaps, Zorro should have a
talk with the new Comandante, huh?

Come in.

What is it now, Sergeant?

May I thank the Comandante for
paying my debt to that merchant.

No thanks are necessary.
It comes out of your wages.

It does?

Well, I'm sorry to have been so
much trouble for you, Comandante.

I must admit, you add
your share, Sergeant,

but at the moment, you
are the least of my troubles.

Can I help the
Comandante in any way?


Tell me what this means.
See how they have been cut?

They are identical.

Are these from the prisoners?

Yes. Each one is a
message. I am certain of it.

It is a code of some kind.

I'm going to find out what this
means if it is the last thing I do.

But how, Comandante?

I have broken codes before.

I can break this one.

If you are finished,
Figueroa, you may go now.

Si, Comandante.

Someone right here in this
cuartel knows the answer to this.

Surely not one of the soldiers?


Someone opened the cell door for
them and put the poison in their food.

I cannot believe it, Comandante.
Who could do such a thing?

We will find out, Sergeant.

Bring me every soldier who was on
guard the night they were released.

I want to know the whereabouts of
every man for every minute that night.

Si, Comandante.

Do not make a sound, Comandante.

Get up.

Put your hands behind
your back. Quickly.

Forgive me for making
you uncomfortable, Senor,

but I have many things to say,

and this is the only way I
can be certain you will listen.

Now come with me.

Comandante, are you there?

Comandante, answer
me. Are you all right?


Who is there?

Lancer Figueroa, Capitan.


Ah, Figueroa. Proceed. It appears
that I will not have to speak after all.

Figueroa can speak for me.

What is that you have there?

Wine for the Comandante.


Too bad the Comandante
does not wish to drink.

You drink it.

But I am on duty, Senor Zorro.

Drink it. Go on.

Oh, how clumsy of you,
Figueroa. Now no one can drink it.

Is it possible that
this wine contains

some of the poison
that k*lled the prisoners?

If so, it would appear that
you were to be the next su1c1de.

You will tell capitan Toledano
of the plot against his life.

Name your leader.


Sergeant Garcia with the
lancers you wanted to question.

Help! Zorro!

It's Zorro! Lancers, attack!

He has escaped!
Lancers, to horse! To horse!

I am sorry, Comandante.

Never mind Zorro, get Figueroa!

Never mind Zorro, get Figueroa!

Figueroa, but...

Did my father call me? Good. Our
prisoner is none too comfortable.

After a day in that
cave blindfolded,

I think Senor Figueroa will tell
all he knows of the Magistrado.


Come in, Father.

Good to see you walking again.

A messenger comes
with some disturbing news.

Remember those
prisoners who died?

The suicides? Yes.

They did not commit su1c1de.

They were m*rder*d by
a soldier called Figueroa.

He escaped last night.

That is distressing news.

The messenger came
from the Magistrado.

He's reserved the tavern
to discuss this matter.

I would like to have
you go with me.

I would like to, Father,

but I just now made
other arrangements.

I was hoping you would enter into
discussions regarding our community.

Well, let me know
how it turns out.

Very well.

I only hope we can
end all this tonight.

I do not know the
reason for the meeting,

but whatever it is, it
will suit our purpose.

Yes, Zorro shall attend the meeting
with Figueroa as the guest of honor.

Una limosna.

May the saints
protect you, patron.

Una limosna. Pity
a poor blind ma...

Have all the Dons arrived?

De la Vega was the last.

Keep watch here.

What are they doing here?

I invited them.
They are citizens.

You landowners aren't
the only ones concerned.

This is their problem, too.

Well, I see everyone is here.
Caballeros, take your places.

Bar the doors so we
shall not be disturbed.

It is a trap. Alacon and his men
have all arrived heavily armed.

No, expect no help
from the soldiers.

They're all busy
looking for Figueroa.

Since when have we needed help?

We will catch the
Magistrado in his own trap.

Oh, cheer up, Senor Figueroa.

Soon you'll be able to
speak all you want to.

And because
this state of affairs

is of vital concern
to every one of us,

we are here tonight to
take some form of action.

How many of you have spoken about
the robberies and murders that plague us?

Capitan Toledano's testified
concerning the poisoning of his prisoners.

The soldier Figueroa
he says is responsible.

He is. I know he is.

He may possibly have
done the poisoning,

but he was merely
following orders.

Of that, we're all agreed.

I have made a
thorough investigation

and have discovered a plot against
the peace and security of our community.

The leader of this plot is
right here in this tavern.

Give us his name.

His name...

Sergeant Garcia.

Me? Oh, no, Comandante!

Not you, idiot. I merely
want to ask you a question.

Do you know this bandit, Zorro?

If to chase him is to know
him, I know him a little.

Where did you see him last?

In the Comandante's office.

In Capitan Toledano's
office? Indeed?

Why did you not capture him?

He locked himself
in the bedroom.

In the Capitan's bedroom?

Then he escaped
through the window.

And, of course, you pursued him?

No, the Comandante
told me not to.

I ordered him to
capture Figueroa.

That was more important.

Where did you see Figueroa last?

Running from the
Comandante's office.

A m*rder*r and an outlaw...

What kind of meeting were
you conducting, Capitan?

What are you trying to imply?

The Comandante was bound.

And who did this to him?

Figueroa or Zorro?
Maybe both of them?

Or maybe you did it to
yourself to hide your own guilt.

Friends, friends, be calm!

Let the Comandante
speak. Let him be heard.

Yes, let him bring witnesses.

His friend Zorro and
confederate Figueroa.

We will hear no
more of his lies.

Any man who uses his position of
trust to rob and m*rder as he has done

deserves no mercy from
the people he has cheated!

You have stolen your last peso!

Stay away from the Comandante...

Senores, please. This is not the
answer. Let there be a fair trial.

Stand aside!

k*ll the m*rder*r!

It's Figueroa!

Wait! Let him give his evidence.

Yes, caballeros. Hear this man.

Figueroa, tell them that
Capitan Toledano is your leader.

Is Capitan Toledano
responsible for these murders?

Tell them!

Answer the Magistrado.


Go on. Tell them
everything you told me.

The Magistrado is responsible
for all robberies and murders.

k*ll them! k*ll them all!


It is better that you
remain, Senor Magistrado.

You fence well, Comandante.

So do you. We must meet someday.

My sword is only
for such as these.

Comandante! Here!

I believe you have my
sword, Comandante.

Until the next time
we meet, Senor Zorro.

If the danger to my people is
over, we need not meet again. Adios.


It's Zorro! I will capture
him, Comandante.

Next week, a warning
of death from the Eagle.

I am the Eagle.

If Zorro stands in our way he,
too, will be marked for death.

A woman's treachery,

and Zorro is caught
in a crossfire of intrigue

that proves the greatest
peril of his adventurous career.

It is just a load of hay, but
you are welcome to inspect it.

The fat sergeant and the
corporal are in the cellar.

What are they doing down there?

Looking at the
kegs of gunpowder.

What? Then they must
not come out of there alive.

Join us next week
for a thrilling adventure

of action, intrigue and
suspense with Zorro.