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01x13 - The Fall of Monastario

Posted: 08/23/22 15:23
by bunniefuu

♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪




Don Diego de la
Vega, as ordered.

If the Comandante is busy,

the sergeant could arrest
me at a more convenient time.

Sergeant, close the door.

With me outside?

With you inside. What I
have to say is of great interest.

Everything you have to
say is of great interest.

Sit down.

I have here a list
of Zorro's offenses.

It's a rather long list. He
must have been working nights!

One interesting fact has
occurred to me about this list.

Whenever Zorro struck, you
were always close at hand.

Yet, whenever Zorro actually
appeared, you were never seen.

How do you account for that?

Well, I...

Diego de la Vega,

I arrest you in the
name of the king!

But I am already under arrest.

You are Zorro.

What are you laughing about?

Your pardon, Senor Comandante.

In all of Los Angeles and
the whole of California,

there is no one less likely
to be Zorro than Don Diego.

Precisely. Your
disguise is too good.

You can't be serious.

MAN: I have an urgent message
for the Senor Comandante.

Guard, pass that
courier in here.

Sergeant, draw your saber.

Keep it pointed at de la Vega.

If he makes a move to
escape, run him through.

But, Comandante...
That is an order!

Well, what is all the commotion?

He is almost here.
In half an hour.

I came as fast as I could.

Who is here?

The viceroy. I challenged
his party myself.

As you know, my orders
were to stop everyone.

Impossible. The viceroy here?

But it is true.

Why here, with no warning?

He was in Monterey with
the governor, but here?

Perhaps he just wants
to meet you, Comandante.

That is all. Si, Comandante.

It is my political enemies
spreading lies about me.

What possible lies could
they spread about you?

That I am incompetent and...
Never mind about the lies!

It is all your
fault, Senor Zorro.

Yes, you are here
at an opportune time.

I will publicly clean up
the only blot on my rule.

Guard, heat water for a bath!

MAN: Si, mi Comandante.

Takes more than a bath to
clean the blot on your reputation.

We shall see.

Sergeant, I want a joyous
reception for the viceroy.

Joyous, Capitan?

We have only happy
people. We have no crime.

Our prison stands empty.

Empty? The jail is packed
like a keg full of dried fish!

Then empty it. I
declare an amnesty

in honor of the viceroy's visit.

All will receive free wine and they
are to appear cheerful and prosperous.

When the viceroy
arrives, they are to cheer.

Is that clear, Sergeant? Clear.

But how do you force
the people to be cheerful?

That is your responsibility.

I want them cheerful, even
if you have to sh**t them!

The viceroy will find
us a model pueblo.

Quickly. You have
very little time.

Si. We are about
a year too late!

And as for you, Senor Zorro, you will
remain here as my personal prisoner.

Lancer, take him into my
quarters and guard him well.

Come out.

Come out. You are free.

What trick is this?

They'll sh**t us in the back
and say we tried to escape.

No tricks, amigos.
This is a fiesta.

The viceroy is coming to see us.

Come out. You're perfectly free.

Please. Stupid ones,
get out of your cells!

The Comandante
is giving wine to you.


Free wine. As much
as you can drink.


Amigos, wait for me!

Wine for them?

Right. The Comandante will pay.

I still think there's a trick.


Long live the viceroy!

Long live the viceroy.

That is enough. Everybody out
to cheer the arrival of the viceroy.

That is enough.


Be quiet! Everybody
outside. The cantina is closed.

You'll get more
wine later. Outside!


Everybody outside to
cheer him on his arrival.

Everybody, get ready to
cheer the viceroy. Go on!

It's you, eh? You are
looking for your master.

I'm afraid you won't find him.


How does one explain to a
man who is deaf and dumb?

The signal. I must
inform the Comandante.

Watch yourself!

The carriage has been sighted.

Guard, de la Vega's not
to move or utter a sound.


If he makes any attempt
to escape, sh**t him down.

Please, make
yourself comfortable.

The Comandante's
being very difficult today.

Go on! Enjoy yourselves!

Lancers, attention!

Pull in your stomach.


Very well drilled, Sergeant.
Very spontaneous.

Viva. Viva.

Viva! Viva!


Excellency, with feelings of profound
humility and respect, I greet you.

If you don't mind, we will
dispense with the formal speeches.

This is my daughter, Constancia.

I had no idea this poor pueblo
would be doubly honored.

Senorita, your most
obedient servant.

I see we have gallantry at
even the most remote outposts.

Reports on this pueblo,
Capitan, spoke a lot about crime,

corruption and oppressive taxes.

Very little about the
contented people.

All I ask is that you
look at the crowd.

Do these look like
oppressed people?

ALL: Viva! Viva!

As for crime, may I presume
upon Your Excellency's patience

long enough to
show you our prison?

This is more of a reception
than I'd anticipated.

If only we'd been given warning,

we could have prepared a
proper reception with flowers.

The flowers Capitan Monastario
will mete out blossom on his tongue.

Here, Your Excellency,
is our prison.

But you have no
prisoners at all.

Your Excellency
can see for himself.

But the reports I have...

There was a great deal of
crime when I took over the pueblo.

But, possibly, the reports were written
before I was appointed Comandante.

I'm glad I decided
to make this trip.

I, too, Your Excellency.

The reports spoke of problems
amounting almost to rebellion.

And what of this outlaw? What
is his name? Zorro, the Fox?

Is he as false as the
rest of the charges?

No. The lesser forms of
crime were easy to stamp out,

but Zorro's as clever
as the very devil himself.

I will have more
to say on that later.


Father, Capitan Monastario has
obviously planned a surprise for us.

Doubtless you are tired
after your long journey.

How long will you be staying?

I shall continue
my tour tomorrow.

Your escort will
be billeted here,

but my quarters are
not worthy of you.

Please pardon me while I make
arrangements for you at the inn.

Con permiso.

How does our
Comandante strike you?

As a pompous fool.

He seemed very attracted to you.

Yes, unfortunately.

Excellency, I've arranged a
small celebration. Nothing formal.

Merely an opportunity for
local officials to meet the viceroy.

A memory they will
treasure all their lives.

Very well, Capitan, but no
more speeches, I beg you.

Now, shall we retire to
our quarters at the inn?

Sergeant Garcia, the carriage!

How far is the inn?
Across the plaza.

We will walk, naturally.

Walk? But the Senorita cannot
mingle with the common vendors.

Why not? I might see something
that catches my fancy. Until tonight.

Notify us when your
celebration is prepared.

Your servant, Your
Excellency. Senorita, your sl*ve.

You called me, Capitan?

Come with me.

The prisoner has given
you no trouble, I see.

Comandante, I find
your taste in literature,

if you'll forgive me, appalling.

Never mind my taste. A
list of the people for tonight.

Si, Comandante.

Was the viceroy impressed
by your model community?

He will be more impressed
by the time he leaves.

It would be rather embarrassing
if Zorro should turn up

and show what your
administration is really like.

Now I have Zorro prisoner, I
can no longer be embarrassed.

No, I suppose not.

You've had quite a
bit of practice, eh?

I suggest you
laugh while you can.

If you'll join me, I will.

I will laugh later, after
the viceroy's party.


ALL: Ole! Ole!

Quite accomplished.
Very attractive.

But contrasted with real beauty,

it's difficult to concentrate
on anything else.

I trust I give no offense?

After such a meal and such
gallantry, who could take offense?

Caballeros, a toast.

Excellency, Godspeed
and good journey tomorrow.

I trust the rest of
your tour bring you as

much happiness as
your visit has brought us.

Thank you.

It has been an extremely
instructive evening. Most enlightening.

But now the hour is growing
late, and we must rise early.

I want to thank you for the
entertainment and bid you all good night.

Sergeant. Bring in
de la Vega. Quickly.

Thank you, Senor,
a delightful evening.

Excellency, you
have been so patient.

I beg you, grant me
a few moments more.

I've been saving
a surprise for you.

The Comandante
is full of surprises.

When I told you I'd stamped out
all crime, it was only partly true.

Indeed? Only partly?

Yes. I had not
accounted for Zorro.

As you know, he's been a
constant terror to this entire pueblo.

Striking at night when
the innocent are asleep,

lurking in the shadows.

Even our lancers have
been powerless against him.

He sounds clever. I wish
we had him on our side.

But, Your Excellency, I
have the honor to announce

that at this very moment
Zorro is my prisoner.

You've captured Zorro?

I've sent for him so that
you may see him unmasked.

This should be exciting.

You said he
outwitted your soldiers.

My soldiers represent
only military force.

You do not catch a fox by
brute strength, but by cunning.

GARCIA: Don't just
stand there, let us in!

As you see, Your Excellency,
I have brought a fox to earth.

Come with me, Sergeant.

Stand here.

Your Excellency,

I will not trouble you with a list of
this man's crimes against the crown.

You know from
the official reports.

Enough to hang
him a dozen times.

We need but one hanging, and I
propose we celebrate that tonight.

This man is a turncoat?

Of the worst sort.

A man who held a respected
position in this community.

With your permission?

MAN: De la Vega!

Father, it's Diego!

Oh, no, no, no. There
must be some mistake.

I'm flattered, but the Comandante
is suffering from a delusion.

It's a pleasure to
see you both again.

You know this man,
Your Excellency?

Of course we do.
Diego and my son

went to the same
university in Spain.

We are very good friends.

Capitan, is this accusation
your idea of a joke?

No, Your Excellency.
It is no joke.

Diego de la Vega is the
infamous outlaw Zorro.

What reason would Diego have?

The de la Vegas are the
wealthiest landowners in California.

If to turn outlaw means to
fight his tyranny, there is reason.

Zorro has all of my sympathy.

Unfortunately, well, I
do not share his abilities.

Senor Alcalde, you have
witnessed Zorro's misdeeds?

Si. You've had a
good look at him?


Is this man not Zorro?

I am not sure. In this
costume, he looks like him.

Sergeant, you have my
permission to speak freely.

De la Vega submitted without protest
when you arrested him, did he not?

Si, Comandante, but...

Licenciado Pina, you have
seen this bandit at close range.

Can you not identify
this prisoner as Zorro?

Yes. I am positive. This
man, without a doubt, is Zorro.

Don Esteban,
permit me one favor.

What is it?

Send the Comandante out to cool
his head while I have a word with you.

Whatever the prisoner has to
say can be said in my presence.

Don't worry. I will
not try to escape.

It seems to be a
reasonable request.

Will you be responsible for him?

Yes, I will.

Very well. I bow to
your wishes, Excellency.

Come with me, Sergeant.

Guard the windows,
roof and balcony.

If he makes a run
for it, cut him down.

Has Zorro escaped? No, baboso.

It is such a pleasure to
call someone else that.

I wonder what lies de la
Vega's telling the viceroy.

The evidence against
him is overwhelming.

The viceroy must
realize he is guilty.

The Senorita seemed anxious.

Hardly anxious. It is difficult
for her to believe the facts.

Besides, you must have noticed that
the Senorita seems smitten with me.

Ah, you think so?

Is it so difficult
to understand?

Look at me. You
find me attractive?


You idiot! I mean if
you were a woman.

If I was a woman and fat like
this, I wouldn't be particular.


A marriage between the
viceroy's daughter and I

would be mutually advantageous.

Don't you think?

It would certainly be a quick
way of becoming a colonel.

Get inside and see
what is going on.

Si, Capitan.

Everything seems
quiet, Comandante.

Too quiet.

His Excellency
wishes you to return.


Capitan Monastario, I have no
doubt as to your earnest intentions.

Thank you.

Diego says you
provided this disguise.

It is identical with the
costume Zorro always wears.

In all fairness to my friend,

look carefully at
this disguise and

tell me if you could
not be mistaken.

No, I am not mistaken.

Any man wearing
this might be Zorro.

You heard a positive
identification that this man is Zorro.

That is true, but this disguise

conceals most of his features.

Another man might have
the same build as de la Vega,

another man the same height,
or wear a moustache like his,

but it is too much to expect all of
these qualifications in the same person.

No, Your Excellency. Without
a doubt, this man is Zorro.

No one could ask for a more
positive identification than that.

Capitan, this lancer put on
the costume on my orders.

No harm is to come to him.

But de la Vega is Zorro! This
is another one of his tricks!

You were just as positive
when you identified this soldier.

But I know de la Vega is guilty.

He poses as a poet, a
weakling, an inept swordsman.

The other day I saw him duel
an expert and vanquish him

when he thought
he was unobserved.

The Comandante is confused.

This is becoming an
obsession with him.

The Comandante has not
been well. He has hardly slept.

Shut up, you idiot! I do not
need your advice or help!

You have made a fool
of me once too often.

You give me too much credit.

It takes no skill at all
to make a fool of you.

If I cannot appeal to
the viceroy's reasoning,

then I will appeal to
the de la Vega honor.

I demand satisfaction!

Very well. Sword, please.


Innkeeper, clear the room.

Senor Comandante,
please fight outside.

Idiot! Lancers, get the table
and chairs out of here. Quickly!

And now, we shall show His
Excellency your ability with a blade.

Fight well, for I
am going to k*ll you.


Father, you must stop them.

Diego knows what he's doing.

I shall force you
to reveal yourself.

As a poor swordsman?
Everyone knows that.




Diego, that is enough! Stop!

Admit you are Zorro or your
throat will never utter another sound.

I'll give you one last chance.

MAN: It's Zorro.
Lancers, to arms!


"Sorry to have missed
your fiesta. Zorro."

You put on a very convincing
show, Capitan Monastario,

but I had all the evidence I needed
against you and Licenciado Pina.

You take the word of my enemies?

All of California is your enemy.

You're both under arrest.
Take them away. Diego!

I knew you could
not be this Zorro.

Thank you, sir.

Sergeant Garcia.

Yes, sir?

Take over command
of the garrison.

Yes, Excellency.

Yes, sir, Your Excellency!

Excellency, you have not made a
mistake appointing me Comandante.

Comandante, your hat.

Gracias, Don Diego.

And now, what is your
first order of the day?

My first order?

I declare a holiday in
honor of my promotion.


NARRATOR: Next week, the pueblo
welcomes their new Comandante.

In this pueblo, law
and order will prevail,

with equality
and justice for all.

NARRATOR: A new wave
of terrorism grips the people

as Zorro rides to
meet the challenge.

And receives the ominous
warning of the eagle's feather.

It is something
deep-seated and sinister.

Something that spreads a dark
shadow over the future for all of us.

NARRATOR: Be with us next week,
when the Walt Disney Studio presents

new dangers, new thrills in
the adventurous life of Zorro!