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01x08 - Zorro's Ride Into Terror

Posted: 08/23/22 15:20
by bunniefuu

♪ Out of the night when
the full moon is bright

♪ Comes a horseman
known as Zorro

♪ This bold renegade
carves a "Z" with his blade

♪ A "Z" that stands for Zorro

♪ Zorro!

♪ The Fox so cunning and free

♪ Zorro!

♪ Who makes the sign of the "Z"!

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪


Zorro, my friend, you
have done enough.

Leave me before the
soldiers come back.

There is a safe place
not far from here.

MAN: Spread out.
Search everywhere.

MAN 2: Keep searching.

Zorro, my friend, while there
is time, save yourself, escape.

We shall make it together.

GARCIA: Comandante!
Comandante! Over here! Over here!

Look, Comandante.

That is the jacket Don Alejandro
was wearing when he escaped.

See? There is blood on it.

They cannot have
gotten far on foot,

particularly with the
old man wounded.

What land is this, Sergeant?

Why, California, Capitan.

No, you idiot. What rancho?

Oh, it is the boundary of
Don Alejandro's rancho.

Of course. No wonder
Don Alejandro escaped us.

He knows every rock
and tree of his own rancho.

A wounded animal always crawls
back to its own lair. Mount up, Sergeant.


(SIGHING) Thank you.

It is a bad wound, Senor Zorro?

The b*llet is still in there. I do
not have the means to remove it.

I will get word to
your son, Diego.

He will come and
take care of you.


No, no, don't move.

It would only
aggravate the wound.

Sergeant, you and
Alvarado search the upstairs.

Si, Comandante.

Corporal Delgado, Ivaro,
we will search downstairs.


What was that?

Don Diego!


What are you doing
here at this hour?

And with drawn sword? It's
much too early for dueling.

A thousand pardons, Don
Diego. But it is your father I seek.

He led a surprise attack
last night on the cuartel,

and would have been captured
had it not been for Zorro.

My poor father in
trouble again, eh?

You must forgive me if my sympathies
go out to him. But, uh, is he safe?

No, Don Diego, he is wounded,

and the Capitan swears he
will capture him and Zorro, too.


Such a long night
without food or drink.

With your permission, I
will sit for a little moment.

Oh, by all means,
sit, but not here.

On the bed. It will be
much more comfortable.

Yeah. It is indeed soft,

and a welcome change
from that hard saddle.

Ah, I know exactly
how you feel, Sergeant,

and there's nothing like a few winks
of sleep to put a man back on his feet.

Oh, si, Don Diego.

But I mustn't, Don Diego.
I have a duty to perform.

Oh, I will stand in front of the
door and warn you if anyone comes.

Gracias, Don Diego. Gracias.

You are indeed a
true friend, Don Diego,

to let me sleep in your own bed.


It is no wonder I have such
a great admiration for you.



MONASTARIO: Sergeant Garcia!

Sergeant Garcia,
have you found...

Oh, de la Vega. I
was looking for you.

Also, for my
sergeant. Where is he?

What is this? What is the
matter with Sergeant Garcia?

Nothing. He was sleepy, so I
offered him the use of my bed.

Tired and sleepy, is he?

We will see how tired he is.

Tired, Sergeant?


Can hardly keep
your eyes open, eh?


Sleep well, my sergeant.

Gracias, Comandante.



Sergeant Garcia, do you know the
penalty for sleeping while on duty?

Si. It is unforgivable.

You should be hung.

Si, Comandante.

But perhaps the cause of
justice would be better served

if I were banished to a distant
place, say the presidio at Monterey?

Where the wines are
even better than here?

Oh, no, my stupid one, you shall
not escape so easily this time.

Comandante, it was
not his fault, but mine.

I thoughtlessly offered him
wine containing a sleeping potion

which I prepared last night.

He could not help
falling asleep. Could you?

Oh, no, Don Diego. The drug
in the wine overpowered me.

Is that so?

And why were you taking
a sleeping potion last night?

Because I couldn't
sleep, naturally.

I took several of them.
I'm subject to insomnia.

You are subject to a
lot of things, are you not?

Enough lying. You have deceived
everyone until now, but not me.

I see through your trickery.
You are an impostor.

I'm not sure I understand
what you mean, Comandante.

Enough innocence, de la Vega.
You rich landowners are all alike.

While you are
pretending politeness,

you are scheming and
praying for my downfall.

Fortunately, I have nothing
to fear from weaklings like you.

It is the strong men like
your father, Don Alejandro,

who must be put down.

I will crush him as an
example to all the others.

Sergeant Garcia, I place
this man in your charge.

See that he does not
leave the hacienda.

Si, Comandante.

And now, de la
Vega, even if you wish,

you cannot come to the
assistance of your father.

Corporal Delgado, Lancer Ivaro.

Help Sergeant Garcia
guard this prisoner.

See that he speaks to no one.

Corporal, stand
at that door there.

Lancer, you will
take your post here.

If he escapes, Sergeant,

I will see that you stand
before a firing squad.

Twice in the same
day he kills me.

He must like me, though.
He offered me a choice.

Well, it seems that the Comandante's
left us to our own devices, gentlemen.

Why don't we be comfortable?

Let's go downstairs
and relax in the sala.

You said the
Comandante has gone?

That's right.

Well, what could be more
comfortable than this?

You heard the Comandante's
orders. Watch the window.

You, Ivaro, watch the door.
And both of you watch Don Diego,

as I may become over-fatigued
in the performance of my duty.



DIEGO: Come in.

Please, Don Diego,
don't frighten me like that.

I forgot. I'm your prisoner.
You should give the orders.

What do you want?

He's my manservant. He cannot
speak or hear. Leave him alone.

I would say yes, but the
Capitan left strict orders

that you were to see no one.

The exact order was
"speak to no one."

That order cannot
apply to a deaf mute.

True. Don Diego, you always reason
everything out so clearly. Let him go.


I must destroy him
before he destroys us.


Say, why don't we go downstairs?

There, we shall be close to a
goodly supply of my father's best wine.

The Comandante did not say
we should stay in this room.


Delgado, Ivaro,
surround the prisoner.

We march.


Forward, march!

Be seated, be seated.

Thank you, Don Diego.

Hey, how about a little wine?

If you insist, Don Diego.

Something is missing.
Um, cups, of course.

Gentlemen, please excuse me. I'll
go to the pantry and get some mugs.

A thousand pardons, Don Diego, but
I will get the mugs, if you don't mind.

Bernardo, we're going
to need more wine.

Much more wine.

Ah! Uh-huh.


Here are the mugs, Don Diego.

Ah, let me see...

Here's one for you.


One for you.

Sergeant Garcia.

I think I have one here for you.

Si, gracias.

And one for me, eh?

Oh, si, Don Diego.

Now, whom shall we toast?

Well, I know a little toast.

Delgado, play the guitar.


With your permission, Don Diego.

Of course.

This is a song that is very
popular now down at the inn.

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king

♪ So lift your glass to drink

♪ And lift your voice to sing

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king

♪ He'll never be a scholar
He'll never save a dollar

♪ He doesn't need a thing

♪ When he's a
soldier of the king

A little more wine, please.

Of course.

GARCIA: Oh, gracias.

♪ Here's to a
soldier's loyal wife

♪ Who waits
through each campaign

♪ Until he's home again

♪ Here's to a
soldier's loyal wife ♪

Sergeant, don't forget your dog.

Oh, el perro. Of course.

♪ Here's to a
soldier's faithful dog

♪ Who waits through
each campaign to, uh...

♪ To wag his tail again

♪ Here's to a
soldier's faithful dog ♪

Garcia, don't forget
your mother-in-law.

Oh, si, the mother-in-law.

♪ Here's to a
soldier's mother-in-law

♪ She's, uh, timid, like a mouse

♪ When he is in
the house, not mine

♪ Here's to a
soldier's mother-in-law

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king

♪ So lift your glass to drink

♪ And lift your voice to sing

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king ♪

It is him. Comandante!

Senor Comandante!

Ha-ha! Look at him.

There's the pig that tried to
raise the rancheros against me.

Next to Zorro, he's
my greatest enemy.

Si, mi Comandante.

You know what I
will do with him?

Arrest him, mi Comandante.

And let some soft judge let him off
with a fine? This is no ordinary pig.

This is a wild boar. Even
wounded, he is dangerous.

Do you know how
we hunt the wild boar?

No, mi Comandante.

With a pig-sticker.
Give me that.

Let no one interfere.
This is my sport.

So there is still fight in you, wild
boar? I will give you some sport.



You want some sport?

I'll give it to you.

Good. Throw him a lance.


After him, you fools. After him.

Wait, Zorro, wait!

These are not Monastario's men?


These is Sergeant Espinoza
under orders from the governor.

He has guaranteed my safety.

Please look after Senor de la
Vega. He's been seriously wounded.

Of course, Senor Zorro.

You're Zorro, the outlaw?

He is my friend. He
saved me from Monastario.

And that is my good friend,
Don Alejandro de la Vega.

Good work, Sergeant.

Capitan Monastario, Comandante
del pueblo de Los Angeles.

I will take charge
of these prisoners.

Sorry. Senor Torres is under the
protection of the governor of Monterey.

If he chooses to give safe
conduct to this gentleman,

we will guard him also.

Do you defy my orders?

I am merely obeying orders.

It is good to find
someone who can.

Perhaps at last justice
has come to California.

Does the governor also
protect the outlaw Zorro?

From what I have heard, Senor
Zorro does not need protection.

My orders are to provide an
escort, not to chase outlaws.

What you do with
him is your business.

At your service, Comandante.

Lancers, follow me!


Back to the hacienda.

lift your voice to sing

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king

♪ He'll never be a scholar
He'll never save a dollar

♪ He doesn't need a thing
When he's a soldier of the king ♪


Who are we gonna toast now?
We've run out of people we like.

Then let's toast our
enemies. Now, let me see...

♪ Here's to the Comandante Drink

♪ We toast him with champagne

♪ Although he has no brain


♪ Here's to the Comandante

♪ Drink!

♪ Here's to the
Comandante's health

♪ He's strong, just like an ox

♪ But he cannot catch the Fox


♪ Here's to the
Comandante's health

♪ He'll never be a scholar
He'll never save a dollar

♪ He doesn't need a thing
When he's a soldier of the king

♪ Here's to the
Comandante's boots

♪ They kick us in the rear

♪ Oh, the Comandante's here

♪ Here's to the
Comandante's fame ♪


So, now you make up songs
about your superior officers, eh?

I am an enemy, am I?

No, Comandante.

It was another Comandante
a long time ago in Spain.

I shall decide your
punishment later.

I have more important
matters to decide now.

Where is de la Vega? I must...

Where is he? Where
is Diego de la Vega?

He was here only
a moment ago. I...

Sergeant, I warned you,

if de la Vega escaped, I would
cut you to pieces with my saber.

Oh, no, Comandante, it was
either sh**ting or hanging.

MONASTARIO: I left you with a
guard at each door. Why are you here?

Answer me, quickly!

If the Capitan will give me a little
moment, I will think of something.

Eh, looking for me, Comandante?

What are you doing here?
Where have you been?

Your lancers were so tired out
from their all-night chase of my father,

that I offered them
a little stimulant.

Oh, by the way, did
you capture my father,

or did that rascal
Zorro foil you again?


A thousand thanks, Don
Diego. The Capitan is a madman.

I think, this time, he
would have k*lled me.

Very well, Sergeant.
Let us drink to all the lives

we can save from Monastario.


ALL: ♪ Here's to
a soldier of the king

♪ So lift your glass to drink

♪ And lift your voice to sing

♪ Here's to a
soldier of the king ♪


NARRATOR: Next week
laughter joins with intrigue

when the cunning Monastario
tries to make a mockery of justice

in the trial for the lives
of Torres and Alejandro.

Well, what is your verdict?

(STAMMERS) The verdict is...

NARRATOR: Don't miss a single
thrill-packed moment next week

when the Walt Disney
Studio brings you

the most exciting
escapade in the life of Zorro!