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01x07 - Monastario Sets a Trap

Posted: 08/23/22 15:18
by bunniefuu
e until all the
others have moved first!



This is the
Comandante speaking.

This is an order.
It is not to be

Remain where you are.
Remain hidden.

Make no move, make
no sound, until I give
the order to attack.

Do you understand?
Well, do you understand?

The Capitan just ordered
them to make no sound.

All right, then.
See that you obey
it from now on,

no matter what happens.

No matter who charges
into the cuartel
to attack us.

No matter what you see
or hear, make no move,
make no sound,

until I personally
give the order to attack.

Did you understand, Sergeant?
Well, answer me!

Silence! Didn't you
hear my orders?


MAN: It is the hour
of ten.

A warm and quiet night,

and all is well.

Go and hide,


What is... Zorro!
Throw that p*stol away!

Get rid of it!

It's an unexpected pleasure.
I hardly hoped to
find you alone. Ha!

will find out if I am alone!

Where are your soldiers,

Don't worry.
At the proper time,
you will see them!


Lancers, attack, attack!
This is an order!

It is Zorro!
Capture him!

Guards, back!

Capture him!
Throw your lances. sh**t!



Out of the way, lancers!
Please, just move!



Ah, stupid fools!
All of you!
You let Zorro escape!

To horse, lancers!
To horse! After him!

Open the gates.
We are going outside!

Stop! Keep those
gates closed!

How can we go outside
if the gates are closed?

Do you not realize
why Zorro is here?
He wants us to pursue him.

The soldiers would
all be gone.

Who would be left to
defend the cuartel when
the Dons rush the gates?

You will be here, Capitan.
Brilliant piece of deduction.

Fortunately, I have a plan.

Take part of the lancers
and start off after Zorro,
but do not follow him far.

Circle back and approach
the plaza from the far side.

When the Dons rush the gates,
they will be trapped
between two forces.

They will have
no escape then.

The Capitan thinks
of everything.
Of course!

You, you and you,
mount up and follow me!

Looking for me, Monastario?
Here I am!

This is far enough.
We go back.

ZORRO: Sergeant Garcia!

You call yourself soldiers?

And yet, you're afraid of
one man! Are you also
afraid of the dark?

We are not afraid
of anything.
Then why do you run?

We merely follow orders.
This I do not believe.

You're a big, fat pig,
too lazy to ride and
too afraid to fight.

Just wait! Just wait,
Senor Zorro!
Someday I will show you

I am not the kind of big,
fat pig that is afraid
to fight!

I am the kind of big,

I challenge you!


The only explanation is that
they are onto the plan.
We've got to warn them.

I know it is late,
but I must see the
Comandante. It is urgent.

(WHISPERING) They are here.

All right. Open the gates.

But make sure nothing
arouses their suspicions
until they are inside.

Sergeant Garcia and his
men should be in
position for the trap.

But I want none
of the Dons taken alive.

Let them die like
the traitors they are.
Go quickly.


Go back! It's an
ambush! Go back!

Outside, Tornado!

Lancers attack!
This is an order!
Surround those prisoners!


Over the wall. Quickly!

MONASTARIO: You will not
escape me this time,



Pull the carriage away!


MAN: After him! After him!

Idiots! You're letting
him get away!

Look out,
what are you doing?

sh**t, you fool! sh**t!


Don't let him get away.
After him! Idiots! sh**t!



Quick! Pursue him!



To horse, lancers!
Open the gates!

No, wait! Is it all right
now, mi Capitan,
if we open the gate?

Get out of my sight!
Si, Comandante!

Lancers, follow me!


Ah, he is nowhere.

He must be hiding somewhere
in the rocks. Follow me.

Go, Tornado.
Lead them away from here.

There he goes!
After him!

It is strange.
So strange.

It is almost as if
I had known you.

You seem so much
like someone I know.

I'm a foolish old man
with foolish dreams.

So often have I dreamed
that my son came
back from Spain

and he would be like you.

Now that you're so close,
it is so much like my dreams.

I feel almost that
I could pull aside the mask,

and there would be
the face of my son, Diego.

I would not pull
away the mask.

I would not have the courage.

An old man must
cling to his dreams

as desperately
as he clings to life.

You'll have many years
left, my father,
to live and dream.

NARRATOR: Next week
Monastario takes over
the de la Vega hacienda

in his desperate search
for the wounded Alejandro.

Watch Zorro ride to this
fighting Don's rescue

and lead the Comandante
on a wild chase along
El Camino Real.

Next week when the
Walt Disney studio

brings you another
exciting episode of Zorro.