01x02 - Zorro's Secret Passage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Zorro". Aired: October 10, 1957 –; July 2, 1959.*
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Series is set in Los Angeles of the early nineteenth century, when it was part of the old Spanish California, where the people are oppressed by their rulers.
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01x02 - Zorro's Secret Passage

Post by bunniefuu »

there's still one more.

Why didn't you say so before,

You did not ask me, sir.

Well, post it up.

Where, Sergeant?

but close by.
On the cuartel wall.

It will look
pretty on the wall!

I must report
to the Comandante.


I beg to report
that the posters
have been put up.

Now we shall get to work.

More work,
this morning?

It's likely that Torres is
still in the district,
is it not?

Si, Capitan.

It is also likely that this
Zorro is a friend of Torres,
is it not?

Very likely.

In which case...

In which case, we wait for
someone to turn them both
in for the reward!

Now you know
why you're a sergeant
and I am the Comandante!

That's exactly
what we don't
wait for!

We do not?

We shall start
our own search.

Find Zorro and
you find Torres!

How do we know it is Zorro
even if we find him?
He was masked.

I have a plan, Garcia.

Have four
best lancers ready
to ride inmediatamente!

Si, Capitan!


Are you surprised to
find me here?

Did you think
I had not yet returned
from last night's escapade?

You slept
outside my door?
You shouldn't have.

I didn't come in
from the balcony,

This was
something I remembered
last night when I hid Tornado,

the answer as to how I shall
come and go from this house
as Zorro.

Not even
my father will suspect.
Come. You should know, too.

All the drama of
a storybook, eh?

This is just
the beginning!

my father doesn't
know of this place.

I believe it was
built by my grandfather

as an escape
from Indian raids.

Now, we must be quiet
till we reach the bottom.


My father's study
is behind that wall.

There's an entrance
to the cabinet. Here.

We're under the house.

Later, I will show you
the other secret entrances.



Oh, the horses.
We're under the
stables now.

I often wondered
who that was!


I thought
you'd be surprised!


You recognize
your old friend, eh?

This is how I
returned last night!

It's perfect
for hiding Tornado.

We must make sure
he has enough grain.
I didn't have time yesterday.

The entrance?
Come, I will show you.

It serves to prevent Tornado
from wandering from the cave.

Go through, my friend.


This is where Tornado
will get his exercise,
here in this box canyon.

I want you to see to it
every day.

Bernardo, Monastario
may have us outnumbered,

but everything
you have seen today will
even our chances against him.

Yes. Between the three of
us, we should fight well!

I'll ride to the mission
to make sure Don Nacho
arrived safely.

You exercise Tornado.


Surely, now,
you haven't forgotten
the entrance already?

Come. This way.

In a little while, you
shall know it as well
as I.

You can find
your way back alone.

Don't worry.
I will leave
you the lantern.

Hasta la vista,

Diego! What
a pleasant surprise!
Dimas, take his horse.

Padre Felipe!
It's good to see you!

You've grown up.
How long has it been?

Almost three years.

Here, I brought you these.

The latest published.
Thank you!

I'm glad to see nothing has
changed, least of all you!

Many things are
different these days.

When I arrived
in Los Angeles,

I saw them arrest
Don Nacho Torres.

You heard
about his escape?

I saw posters offering
a reward for his capture.

Also a sizeable one for
some bandit named Zorro.

Who is he?

I have no idea.

Come, I have
a surprise for you!

Come out, we have
a friend visiting us!

I heard of
your return.

Sorry our meeting can't be
under happier circumstances.

At least
Monastario will not
invade church sanctuary.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Yes, go to my family.

Tell them I am in good hands,
but do not tell them where
I am.

might try to force
the truth out of them.

I shall call on
them on my way home.

Let us make
ourselves comfortable.

How long do you
plan to remain?

it is safe
for him to go.

Would you like
to try our wine?

It is all right to
tell Diego, Padre.

I would like his
father to know
my plans.

Diego, in these times,
an honest californiano
is as rare as a snowstorm.

My only hope
is that the governor
will know the difference

a traitor
and a patriot.

You're going to Monterey?

I'll plead my case
to His Excellency.

will not change,

and I cannot
let this Zorro continue
doing all my fighting for me.

Perhaps he doesn't mind.
At least until the air

Mark my words,
this Zorro will have so
many troubles of his own,

he will
have no time
to help any of us.



Oh! Salud.

Don Diego?

I hardly recognized you!

It seems
we have both changed.

I have grown older
and you more beautiful.

Will you come in?

I came about your father.

You have heard, then?
It's terrible!

The soldiers
were searching
here this morning.

Mother is
so ill from worry,
she has taken to her bed.

My news will
encourage you both.

Don Nacho is safe.
I've seen him.

He sends you his
love and assurances.

Where is he?

That I cannot tell you,
but he is well.

I must
tell Mother.
Thank you, Diego.

Our deepest thanks!

Buenas tardes, Pepito.
Who is our visitor?

I did not see him arrive,

Is my father home?
Jose drove him to the pueblo.

Ah! I was hoping
you would return.

There are one or two matters
I should like to discuss
with you.

is an unexpected
surprise, Comandante.

It was planned to be,


Yes, you see, I'm looking
for an outlaw named Zorro.

So I've heard.
Surely you don't
expect to find him here?

It is entirely possible.

Are you
wondering about these?

I am, Comandante.

Simple. A copy of the
costume Zorro was wearing.

Oh, I see.

When I find the right
man, I shall know him

by his bearing and
style with his sword.

I'm questioning everyone in
the district. That's why I
am here.

All your vaqueros have been
interrogated except
Benito Avalon.

He could not
possibly be Zorro!

On the contrary!
He is a very likely suspect.

Zorro is as tall as I am,

and he is
an excellent horseman,
from what I have heard.

There are many who fit that
description, Comandante,
even I!

I could be a suspect!

Forgive me,
Don Diego, but I find
that thought somewhat amusing!

I don't see why.

Granted, you're
as tall as Zorro,

but there
the similarity ends!

Comandante, as a citizen,
I wish to clear myself
of all suspicion!

I demand to
be questioned!

You are cleared
of implication.

There may always remain
the smallest shadow of
a doubt!

I wish to try
on the costume!

Very well. Here.

Come, Senor!
You do not need
a cloak or mask.

I will judge by your
swordsmanship. Here.
Your saber.

En garde! Not under
the tree! Over there!

What are you doing?

Enough, Senor!
You have convinced me!

The shadow of suspicion
no longer hangs over you.

You're the least likely
Zorro suspect in all of

Don't mock me simply because
I do not practice the arts
of v*olence.

My humble apologies.

The head vaquero,
Benito Avalon.

I think we have
found our Zorro!

That is a lie!

Quiet, Benito.
It is a mistake.

A mistake? Possibly.

When he saw us,
he tried to ride away.

I was training my horse
for the races on Saturday.

Tell them, Don Diego!

There is a race on Saturday.
Benito could not possibly
be Zorro.

we shall find out!
Come here, Benito.

I should like you to put
on this costume, vaquero.

You will obey
and ask no questions!

Take off your hat.

First the mask.


The final test, the cloak!

Very interesting!

I congratulate you
on your capture,

Gracias, comandante!

I am not this
outlaw Zorro!

Where were you
last night, Benito?

I was...

I was here!

According to the other
vaqueros, you were not.

I did ride out
during the night.

A panther's been
k*lling the cattle.

Did you see the panther?


Did anyone see you
on this mission of


Then there is no one to say
that you did not free Torres!

I did not!

Benito's an honest man.

If that is the case,
he will prove his

Tell them, Benito!

What are you doing here,

Go back to the stable, boy.

No. Let the boy talk.

My friend Benito's no outlaw.
He was not in the pueblo
last night.

He was walking
with Senorita Torres
in the moonlight. I saw them.

Elena Torres, eh?

No! The boy is mistaken.

This is very amusing!

A bandit vaquero making love
to the daughter of a traitor!

It is not true!

Let's test this untruth.

I shall confront you
with the Senorita Torres!

Comandante, isn't it obvious
that he's protecting the
Senorita Elena?

A noble sentiment,
de la Vega.

We shall take him to
the Torres rancho
at once!

Si, Capitan.

I fear your loyalty
is misguided.

That vaquero is our man.
I'd swear to it.

Be thankful that
we have caught him!


I thought I
would help Benito
by telling the truth.

It's not your fault,
little one.

Things are serious.

The Comandante is convinced
that Benito is Zorro.

I know it's light but
it shall be dark soon.

Senorita, it is best if
you answer my questions.

It is said that you were
with this man last night.

Could this be true?
I cannot believe that
a girl of your breeding

would consort
with a common

That was a lie, wasn't it?

I have told you.
I scarcely know
the Senorita.

Since you cannot account
for your whereabouts
last night,

we assume you
were in the pueblo.

No! Benito was with me.

Oh, ho!
Now the truth, eh?

I must say, I'm surprised,

Surely, your mother could
not approve of such a match?

She is only
trying to protect me.

I will
tell you the truth.
I was in the pueblo.

I am sure that you were.
I will tell you what

begged you to save
her father. You agreed.

With this disguise and
a great deal of luck, you
accomplished your purpose!

No! Elen...
The Senorita had
nothing to do with it!

A would-be
caballero to
the end, eh?

Still, there is one more
thing that will complete
the proof of your guilt.

You will remain here!

Sergeant Garcia!

You need help, Comandante?

I need your saber.

Post the
men about the house.
No one may enter or leave.

This final experiment will
prove we have the right
man. Carry on.

Lancers, surround the
casa grande. See that
no one leaves.

I should
like to observe your skill
with the saber, Senor Zorro.

I am not Senor Zorro
and I am not a swordsman.

You're too modest.
Please, Senorita.

Your saber, Senor.

En garde!

You make an exciting
if unorthodox foe,
Senor Zorro!


Stop it! He's hurt!

Get out of the way, Senorita!
You may lose your pretty head!


Come back!
Wait for me!


I understand you've been
looking for me, Comandante!

It seems
I have found you!


I thought I heard
a window break,

For a vaquero,
he's not a bad
swordsman, eh?

Get your men, quick!
This is the real Zorro!

Oh, the real Zorro!

(GASPING) Zorro?

Next time, you may not
be so lucky, Comandante!

sh**t him!

sh**t him, idiot!
sh**t him!


quick, the lancers.
Get them! Outside!


Lancers, to horse!

After him!

How, Comandante?

He jumped it, you can!

I think I can,
but my horse,
he cannot.

Coward! Spread out! We'll
go around and cut him off!



where are you?

De la Vega,
where are you?

Don Diego, come out!

Sergeant Garcia,
go get him, quickly!

I don't care
what he is doing.

him out of bed!
Get him out here!

GARCIA: Don Diego,
come out... Please.

Senor de la Vega, hola!

What's going on down there?

We're looking for Zorro.

He's still in
the neighborhood.

But I thought you had him,
my Caporal Benito.

Did he escape?

He was not the right one.

Did you see
anyone lurking about?

Heavens, no.
There are no
criminals here.

This is all your fault,

You should have known
he was not Zorro.

We will continue the search!


Well, it's been
a most uneventful day.

Now, what shall we do
for excitement tonight?

NARRATOR: Be with us
next week when Monastario

takes over the famous
Mission San Gabriel.

Watch him
terrorize the Indians

in an attempt to
force the surrender
of an innocent man.

Thrill with excitement when
Zorro rides to defend them.

Ride with Zorro,
protector of the oppressed

as he trades
whiplash for whiplash

with the arrogant

Next week, when the Walt
Disney Studio brings you

another starring
adventure of Zorro.


♪ Out of the night
when the full moon is bright

♪ Zorro, Zorro, Zorro

Go on.
Do not forget anything.

I am a fat, stupid pig,
not fit to be a sergeant

in the California forces
of His Majesty, the King
of Spain.

in the command of?

Oh, si, si.

And particularly
in the command of the
distinguished Capitan,

Enrique Sanchez Monastario.

Then why do I
put up with you?

often wondered
about that myself.

You are a toad!
Correctamente, sir.

And for a toad,
you look extremely
short this morning, Sergeant.


I could not get my boots on,

is the matter
with your feet?

I hurt
them chasing El Zorro,
the Fox, through the rocks.

Are you sure, Sergeant,
he was not chasing you?

Chasing me?
How could that
be possible? Chasing...

maybe a little
towards the end.

It is
very hard to chase a fox
through the rocks, Comandante.

I suppose it is useless to
ask if you found any trace
of Torres?

For him I have
looked even harder.

If Don Nacho is anywhere

between San Juan Capistrano
and Santa Barbara,

I will sh**t myself.

I, personally, would consider
that a handsome reward.

I can offer
you an excellent
military funeral.

And do not call
him "Don" Nacho.

He's a traitor with
a price on his head.

Oh, put your boots on.

But my toes hurt.
Then cut them off.

I want to see el Capitan.
El Capitan you cannot see.

cannot enter here
without permission.

What is he doing here?

This half-breed says
he has information
he wants to give you.

No, not give.
I want to sell it.


I heard
there were 500 pesos
for word of Senor Torres.

You know where he is?

He is at the
Mission of San Gabriel.

I saw him there
myself this morning.


Here, Sergeant!

when I spoke of
sh**ting myself,

it was just
a figure of speech.

Put it in my saddle holster.
Order the lancers out.
We ride now.

Si, Capitan!



Gracias, Capitan.

You know, Bernardo, sometimes
it's a relief that you don't

Take my respected father,
for instance.

He talks incessantly about
what a worthless fellow
I've become.

What do you mean,

You couldn't possibly
agree with that.

All right, all right.
Books, guitars, wine,

I know. By day.
But by night, huh?
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