01x18 - Fifty Ways to Floss Your Lover

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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01x18 - Fifty Ways to Floss Your Lover

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Abigail perkins, meet
george handelman.

Oh boy.

Well, i... I started to tell george
that you have a wedding to go to...

I don't think he'd
be interested.

Sure. That'd be fine.

Got a minute? I need
to ask you a big favor.

Yeah. What's up?

I think I'm gonna need
some help with my taxes.

Ann. I'm honored.

W... Wait a minute. I... I
just spent two hours

Putting that stuff
into little piles.

It's my tax
return. I'll file it.

Fine. Go get indicted.


Arnie. We need to have a talk.

What about?

A raise.

I couldn't budge him. When I
brought it up he freaked out.

Rox, I went to the mat for ya.

I'm worth what I'm worth.

And if I can't get it here,

Then I'll get it somewhere else.

Roxanne, I thought that
we loved each other.

But to find out that you...
You have... You have reduced

Our relationship into nothing
more than a... Than a couple of...

Couple of lousy dollars,
that all I am to you

Is a... Is a paycheck?

Arnie, please... No!

Ms. Van owen, any last-second
predictions on the verdict?


35 Minutes. Isn't that
a short deliberation

For a m*rder trial?

Depends. Excuse me.

This court is now in session.

The honorable richard
armand presiding.

Please come to order.

Quiet, please.

Mr. Foreman. Has the
jury reached a verdict?

Yes we have, your honor.

Will the defendant please rise?

In the matter of
people vs. Walt buckner,

Criminal complaint number 4258,

We the jury find the
defendant guilty of m*rder

In the first degree.

We further find the special
circumstances to exist,

Namely that the victim
was a corrections officer

Acting in the line of duty,

And that the defendant
had knowledge of the same

At the time the
m*rder was committed.

Does the district attorney
seek to modify its request

With respect to sentencing?

No, your honor. The
people reaffirm its request

For the penalty phase hearing,

And that the defendant
be sentenced to death.

Members of the jury,

I thank you for your verdict.

Insofar as this is a
capital case, however,

Your job is not finished.

This jury, together
with parties,

Will reconvene tomorrow
morning at 10:00 a.m.

For a new and separate trial.

The sole issue of which
will be whether to sentence

This defendant to
life imprisonment,

Without the
possibility of parole,

Or to death. By an
infliction of lethal gas.

This court is adjourned.

If I die, bitch, so do you.



Don't you think you're being

A little cavalier about this?

This was a death threat.

I knew I shouldn't
have told you about it.

You're overreacting.

The guy's a k*ller, grace.

He's a punk. And
he's in custody.

If I hear he's
escaped out a window,

Then I'll rethink my position.

What harm could it do to
ask for a little protection?

Uh-uh. No.

No. Because if I let a
threat like this intimidate me,

Then I've given him
the kind of credibility

These animals thrive on.

Michael, I love you
for being so concerned.

But I know what I'm doing, okay?


Gotta go. Thanks for breakfast.


Miss me.

Rox, it's not here.

It couldn't have
just walked away.

This is great. I'll just
go into the meeting

And tell 'em that
my temp secretary

Through out the
visitation schedule.

Snapping at me isn't going
to help us find it, ya know.

Where did the
agency find this girl?

A hospital for the
criminally insane?

I... I... I thought she was
gonna cut my throat

Every time I asked
her to do anything.

The agency assured me
the one they're sending over

This morning is
highly qualified.

Rox, it's not here. I've looked.

Here it is.

Thank god.

Now, if you'll excuse me please,

I've got a lot
to do if I'm going

To get to the
courthouse by 9:00.


How long is this jury duty
thing gonna last, anyway?

The judge said we'd be
there at least til thursday.

Well, maybe... Maybe you could
come by in the afternoons.

I mean, things are really
starting to pile up here.

I'll try.

Please. Try hard, rox.

I... I... I can't
function like this.

If I'm so invaluable to you,
then compensate me for it.

Not this again.

Arnie. Nothing's changed.

Either I get my
raise or I'm gone.

I said I'd give you
til friday to decide.

And I'll live up to that. If
you find you can get along

With a replacement, fine.

But otherwise, you'll have
to pay me what I'm worth.

Oh, sorry.

Excuse me.

Excuse me,

I'm looking for
mr. Becker's office.

You are?

Meredith wiggins.
I'm from the agency.

Hi. I'm arnie becker.

Uh, roxanne melman.

Sorry I'm late.

Let me take you through
the basic job requirements.

Don't be silly.

You're gonna be
late for jury duty.

Are you sure?

Go. Go. I'll take it from here.

Okay then.

Nice to meet you, roxanne.

Don't worry about a thing.

We'll manage just fine.


I'm dreadfully sorry.

Traffic was absolutely chaotic.

And I had no idea
where I was going.

So, your car was
stopped at the red light.

Then what happened?

The guy leaps out of his
car and starts charging me,

Making this weird
sound... Woo! Woo!

And, um, what did you do?

I was scared. I... I
locked my door.

Rolled up the window.

Next thing I know,
he's got this tire iron

And he starts
smashing my car with it.

I mean, he's swinging
and slamming and bashing.

All the time he's
going woo! Woo! Woo!

He was a mad man.

Objection. Witness
lacks foundation

To render psychiatric opinions.

Move that the
answer be stricken.

Sustained. Disregard
that last remark.

What happened next, sir?

I got out of my
bmw to protect it.

I mean, he was
bashing it to bits.

And that's when you
engaged in the fist fight?

Right. And then the police came.

Then what happened?

They arrested him.

Thank you, mr. Harkavy.

Your witness.

You say, sir, you
first became aware

Of the defendant's vehicle
upon the sound of his horn?

That's right.

And do you know
what occasioned him

To blow his horn, sir?

Well, I pulled into
the lane that he was in

And I guess he
just didn't like it.

But I was completely
in the right.

And you signaled with
your directional, sir,

Before the sudden and reckless

Veer into the lane?

Objection. No "sudden
or reckless veer"

Has been established here.


Sorry. Did you indicate

With your blinker, sir,
before changing lanes

With your vehicle?

I certainly did. I have
excellent driving habits.

And at the sound of
my client's horn, sir,

Did you respond with
obscene gesticulation?


It... It's part of
everyday driving.

But that doesn't mean he
should jump out of his car

And come at me with a crowbar.

Objection to the term "crowbar."

Inflammatory. Move
for immediate mistrial.

Come on, mr. Sylvia.

Sorry. Would it be a
fair representation, sir,

To say that my
client took exception

To your driving maneuver,

Expressed his
indignation after which

You demonstrated
reciprocal displeasure

To the point where the
disagreement escalated

Into a violent confrontation?

A confrontation he started.

Move that the answer be
stricken. Non-responsive.

Ask that the witness
be sanctioned.

No further questions.


And then what happened?

And then he forced
me into the cell.

Where I see they already
got two other guards tied up.

Your honor, it has already
been established at trial

That this man saw the stabbing.

But this has nothing
to do with sentencing.

I'm leading up to the threats
made by the defendant

Against this witness.
Threats which were

Inadmissible at trial but are
relevant for this proceeding.

Well, then just get
to them, ms. Van owen.

There's no need for him
to recount the m*rder.

Can you tell us, mr. Mosha,

What happened after the
prison officials entered the cell

And retook custody
of mr. Buckner?

It was right after the stabbing.

Nicky was still
lying on the floor.

I think he was already dead.

And buckner... As they
were taking him out,

He looks at me and smiles.

He's got this big
smile on his face.

And he says, "k*lling
guards is extra fun."

Are you still a
correctional officer

At san quentin, mr. Mosha?

I quit. You got guys
with life sentences

In there with nothing
to lose by k*lling again.

Courts say we can't
keep 'em in isolation.

They all manage to get weapons.

Objection. Now
he's philosophizing

On prison reform.

Sustained. Uh, please limit
your remarks to mr. Buckner...

I'm talking about
guys like buckner.

He already had a life
sentence when he k*lled nicky.

If you just give
him another one,

You'll give him carte
blanche to do it again.


Sustained. The jury will
disregard that statement.

Disregard it? That
man is gonna k*ll again

When he gets back into prison.

How the hell do you tell
them to disregard that?


Sustained. Now,
don't make me cite you

For contempt, mr. Mosha.

Banora vs. Cromwell aircraft.


Richardson estates.

Status quo.

Stuart, how far along are we

With the park 'n ship return?

Arnie. Do you have any aspirin?

With luck and a stiff breeze,

They should be through
the bulk of it by april 1.

That's excellent.

Yeah. Then it's just a
question of sitting down

With everybody, making
sure the arithmetic's right.

Excuse me. Could you gentlemen
table your little sidebar

Until we've completed
the morning's business?

Sorry, douglas.

Anything further?


Can I just ask something?

Does anybody have any aspirin?

I think I have one in my purse.

You all right?

Ann, I've had this
toothache all week.

I can do better
than aspirin, victor.

I can give you a dentist.

Dr. Rothberg.

Mike's right. You should
get it taken care of.

I... I hate dentists.

Well, he's great. You
know, one shot of novocain,

You won't feel a thing.

Wh... What is it? Kind of
a steady, throbbing pain?

Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, boy. I just hope
it's not a root canal.

Oh, I had that once.
They had to cut into

The jawbone to k*ll the nerve.

Please. I get
vasovagal response.


Even the thought of it... The
drilling. The huge needles.

Makes me faint.

Ooh, there's nothing worse
than lying there helpless,

Your mouth wide open and
that... That little drill starts

Grinding away...

Then little bits of
teeth start flying out.

Oh, smoke. You
start to see smoke.

And that terrible burning smell.


Guys, please.
Gimme a break, okay?

Oh, that's nothing.
When I was in high school

I went to the dentist and he
was drilling my cavity, right?

And I flinched. A... A... And
the drill took this big chunk

Right outta my tongue.

Oh, yuck.

Yeah. Blood was pouring
out all over the place.

I couldn't eat for
days. It was a tragedy.


Uh-uh. No, no. The, uh, tongue

Is the fastest-healing
part of the body.

You can practically hack
the whole thing right off.

Excuse me.

Uh, seriously victor.

I think you oughta let
dr. Rothberg check you out.

Yeah. I guess I should.

Elizabeth has the number.
She can set it up for you.

Thanks, mike.


Douglas. You all right?




The dentist will be
with you in a minute.

Thank you.

Mr. Sifuentes?


Hi. I'm dr. Pennebaker.

I'm sorry we couldn't
fit you in yesterday.

It's okay.

What seems to be the trouble?

Uh, my tooth hurts.

Which one?

The, uh, lower one

In the back, on the right.

I think.

Okay. Thank you.


Let's take a look.

How did you get to me?

Uh, mike kuzak
recommended dr. Rothberg.

Did he call in sick?

Dr. Rothberg called in dead.

Passed away six months
ago. I'm taking over for him.



Ooh. You have great teeth.

Oh. Thank you.

Do you floss them regularly?

You should, you know. If
you want 'em to stay that way.

You might feel just
a little bit of pain.



What you have is a
deteriorated filling.

The good news is I
think we got it in time.

It's just a matter
of re-drilling

And putting in a
new silver filling.

That should take care of it, unless
you start picking up radio stations.


It's just a joke.

I'm being sued malpractice.


Okay. Close.

You're a lawyer aren't
you, mr. Sifuentes?


You know this case is
completely groundless.

This crazy woman
claims that I drugged her,

And while she was knocked
out I planted a radio receiver

In her bridgework.
Can you believe that?

At first I thought
if I just ignored her

Maybe she'd drop the
suit and it'd go away,

But now I have to go
to court tomorrow.

Do you think that if I just
explain that to the judge

That he'd... Everything
will be okay?

Uh-uh... Open.

You're gonna feel
just a little pinch,

And then a burning sensation.

You know, it's so upsetting
to be accused of something

Even as silly as this.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Hey. Maybe you could help me.

Great. I'm so relieved.

I'd been working in the
prison laundry room

For about six months when
they transferred him in.

I want you to tell the
jury exactly what you saw

On october 12th, 1980.

Well, like I said, I was
in the laundry room.

It was towards
the end of the shift.

And I see buckner wrestle
this young kid into the alcove,

Push him onto the floor
with a knife against his throat.

And he r*ped him right
there on the floor.

I could see the whole thing
from where I was standing.

Then he takes the
knife, after he's done,

And he sticks it right
above the kids knee,

And he starts rippin'
up the leg with it.

All the way up to his thigh.

And then he told the kid
he'd cut his leg right off

If he ever said a
word to anybody.

And did he?

No. Neither did i.

Why is that, mr. Bridges?

'Cause inmates who say
things about other prisoners

End up with knives
in their backs.

The guards can't protect you?

Lady, the guards
don't run that joint.

The buckners do.

I'm in for five years.

Waitin' that long,
that ain't the problem.

Trick is living that long.

No further questions.

Before appearing
as a witness here,

You made a deal with the
prosecutor, didn't you?


They agreed to
expedite your parole

If you provided testimony
against mr. Buckner.

Doesn't change what I saw.

You'd do anything
to get out of prison.

Isn't that right, mr. Bridges?

Yeah, I cut a deal. But
I'm tellin' the truth.

You don't know
who that guy is, man.

He's k*lled people you
don't even know about.

There ain't nobody safe.

Objection, your honor.

Sustained. The jury will
disregard the witness' last remarks.

You've had five years
to tell your story.

Now, why is it you never
said anything until now.

'Cause I would've been k*lled.

It was an argument. An argument

That turned violent. That's all.

It was a vicious attack.

Quiet. I'll give you
your chance in a minute.

Excuse me,

But since we've appointed
mr. Gelber as foreman,

I think he should moderate.

He can moderate all he
wants after I have my say.

Now, look. Look,
this... This harkavy guy.

He forces the defendant's
car off the road.

Then he flips him the bird.

Now, I don't condone
what the defendant did,

But I don't think we should
criminally convict the guy

For a situation where

A lot of normal people
would lose their tempers.

I disagree.

Normal people don't bash cars
and hoot like whooping cranes.

What would you do if some nut
almost makes you crash, huh?

And then tells you where to go.

You'd be pretty upset.

I wouldn't resort to v*olence.

Well, maybe there's
something wrong with you, then.

I mean, I'm not calling
you a coward or nothin'.

But I'd hate to see
a guy goin' to jail

Just because of a little
yellow streak on the jury.

This has nothing to do
with bravery, mr. Novicky.

I just think it's important
that we all know

Where each of us is coming from.

And i, uh, just wanna make
it clear that you're a man

Who always remains peaceful
no matter how much he's pushed.

Hey mr. Novicky.

Keep your hands off me.

What? Who's to stop me?

I'll stop you.

You? A meek little
mole like you?

Stop it.

Stop it. Both of you.

What's the matter with you?

Okay. Okay. I'm... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I was
just trying to show

That there's the potential
for v*olence in every man,

If he's sufficiently provoked.

And in those moments,
we can all behave

Out of character.

Now, again. I'm not
trying to suggest

That the defendant
should be congratulated

For losing his cool.

I just hate to see
a man's life ruined

Because he blew a fuse
after a little traffic beef.

Come on, folks. Hasn't everybody

Been punished enough
for this already?

So, what you're saying
doctor, is walt buckner,

In many ways, is
a victim himself.

Oh, in almost every way.

He was, um, orphaned at age six,

Sexually abused at age
eight. He was shuttled from

Foster home to foster
home. Now, these aren't great

Springboards for
emotional stability.

Now, doctor, did
you have occasion

To do a psychiatric
workup on walt buckner?

I did.

And can you state for the
court your conclusions

From this examination?

Well, I found mr. Buckner
to be a man abused,

Emotionally and
physically since childhood.

His life has been
consumed with v*olence,

And despair,

And in many ways he's done
nothing but perpetuate

The environment
he was born into.

His behavior, given
his upbringing,

Is totally predictable.

Do you think, doctor,

That if exposed to
positive influences,

This man could change?

Uh, it's possible. Yes.

Thank you,
dr. Bassett. That's all.

You think this man is
capable of changing?

Well, I believe every man
is capable of reformation,

And, uh, mr. Buckner's
no exception.

A man who has k*lled four times?

Believe it or not, yes.

You see, the propensity
for redemption

Is in every one of
us, however latent.

When you examined mr. Buckner,

You refused to be
alone with him, didn't you.

Well, there's
usually, um, a guard

Present for those things.

But you specifically demanded

That a guard be
present, didn't you?


Because you were afraid
of him, right doctor?

You were afraid for your life.

It was just a precaution.

Just a precaution?

Nothing further.

Basically, larry, we're
not even gonna enter

Into the question
of religious training

Until we're amended on
the joint custody provision.

Insofar as the sheik does
not have u.s. Citizenship

And insofar as
there's a perceived,

If not very real threat,
that he may be tempted

To take the kids
out of the country.

Larry, she's
adamant on this point.

I... No. I've gotta
tell ya right now,

It's not gonna fly.

Larry, could you
hold on for a minute?

I have to call you
back, sam. Kisses. Bye.

Could we get the
other line, please.

I'm on a very important call.


Thank you.

Mr. Becker's office. Hello?

Hi, larry.

They hung up.

Meredith. I lost my call.

Did I cut you off?

Could you get larry radnes
back on the line, please?

Boy, this, uh, just
hasn't been my day, has it?

It's not your fault. These
phones are kinda tricky.

Well, I appreciate you
being so patient with me.

It's a new situation.
Ease up on yourself.

You'll get the hang of it.

I hope so.

I'll tell you what. Let
me finish with this call...

The two of us oughta sit down
and get to know each other.

Maybe we'll grab a little
lunch. Sound like fun?

I know a great little japanese
place right across the street.

Well, uh, thanks anyway,
but I brought a bag lunch.

You sure?

Do you want me to try

That call again for you?

Hey. How's the tooth?


Rothberg's a
great guy, isn't he?

Sorry to break
the sad news to you,

But rothberg
croaked six months ago.



Well, how? What happened?

I didn't ask.

Anyway, you should see this
woman who's taken over for him.


You ask her out?

Uh, not exactly.

I couldn't figure
out what to say.

So she starts telling me about
this minor malpractice action.

So, I'm representing her.

Sounds serious.

I could get real
with this woman, mike.

Very real.

Ann. Cromwell interrogatories.

That was fast.

I have a date tonight.

George handelman?


Are we getting serious?

I don't know. I like him.

Have you, um...?

No, we haven't "um."

Well, I trust you'll keep
me abreast of the situation.

You know, ladies and gentlemen,

I've sat here and I've listened
to the district attorney

Do everything she
can do to convince you

That my client is nothing but

A vile, deranged piece of filth.

She's tried so
hard to depict him

As something less than human,

In the hopes that it will
make it easier for you

To expunge his very existence.

But no matter what she says,

She cannot escape
one simple fact...

And that is, the human life

Is god's greatest and
most mystifying creation.

It has the capacity for
good, the capacity for bad,

But most of all, it has
the capacity for change.

Don't take this life,

Unless you make no
room for the possibility

That there is, or ever will
be something of value in it.

The last time you
went to that jury room,

You returned with a
verdict that said, in effect,

We will not tolerate
the taking of a human life.

I beg of you now,

Let your next verdict
reflect that same sentiment.

Thank you.

He is asking you to believe

That this man will change.

That there may
be value in his life.

Ladies and gentlemen,
walter buckner will never

Be anything but the
hideous m*rder*r

That he is at this very moment.

He is a cold-blooded,
remorseless k*ller.

He was 14 years old

When he m*rder*d
raphael barletta

For which he served
only 2 1/2 years

In a juvenile facility.

17 When he r*ped meg jones.
22 When he m*rder*d fred james

And ricardo wallace.
And now at the age of 28,

The culmination of
mr. Buckner's career,

The execution of
corrections officer

Clemence rud.

If you do not sentence
walt buckner to death,

You will be telling him
this last one was for free.

You m*rder*d
nicholas clemence rud,

Ripped him from his young family

In a senseless
expl*si*n of hatred,

But we as a society are
not gonna punish you.

That is the message that
you will be sending him,

And to every other lifer, and
to every other prison guard,

And to every
prison in this state.

Sentence this man to death,

Because, people, he
is not finished yet.

And the question
before you is not whether

Somebody will
die... Somebody will.

The question before you
is whether it will be him,

Or his next victim.

Thank you.

Ms. Van owen. Are you
predicting execution?

No comment.

Ms. Van owen. How upset are you
gonna be if they let this guy live?

Please. Not now.

This court is now in session.
Be seated and come to order.

Will the defendant please rise?

In the matter of
people vs. Walt buckner,

Criminal complaint number 4258,

We the jury sentence
the defendant to death.

The defense asks that
the verdict be set aside.

So noted.

Members of the jury,

This concludes your
obligations before this court.

And I want to thank
you for carrying out

Your responsibilities under
these trying circumstances.

You're dismissed. And
this court is adjourned.


You gone lady! You dead meat!

Dead meat!

I'm putting two uniforms on you.

They'll walk you to
and from your car,

And they'll park outside
your place at night.

That's not enough.

The man's in custody, michael.

Well, his g*ng friends aren't.

You're gonna have
to cut off his visitors.

We're on top of it, counsel.

Grace, let me ask ya
something. You got a g*n?


Do yourself a favor. I'll
take care of the permits.

And that's your answer?
Arming the victims?

Maybe it's not the
answer, but it won't hurt.

Well, it sends a hell of a
message, doesn't it, bruce?

A society of law and order,
but just in case, pack a p*stol.

There could be a nut out there
looking to blow your head off,

And you're worried about
what message you send?

All I know is that
I am supposed to...

Supposed to represent
the criminal justice system.

And the day that I
validate the notion

That the only way to affect
order is for district attorneys

To strap sidearms to their
hips, that is the day I quit.

I'm not talking
department policy here.

I'm talking survival.

I have never even fired a g*n.

And I'm not about to
start carrying one.

Not now. Not ever.

8-1, 9-1... 10-1... 10-2.

10-2 In favor of acquittal.


Who here besides
gelber voted guilty?

I did.

Ah, come on.

If we wind up deadlocked
here we haven't done our job.

If you ask me, only
two of us did our jobs.

The rest of you
were intimidated.

Ma'am, we've been through this.

The guy just snapped his cork.

And you want him to
have a criminal record?

Not be able to get a job?

He broke the law.

A... A... And according to
the judge's instructions,

It's not mitigated by the
fact that he did so in a snit.

Look, lady. Suppose you
were provoked like that.

Suppose somebody
came up to you...

You try any demonstrations
with me, mr. Novicky,

And I'll go right to the police
and swear out a complaint.

You saw mr. Gelber explode.

Now, you don't think
he's a criminal, do ya?

I don't deny that we're
all capable of v*olence,

But that's the
reason we have laws.

Laws against smashing
things with crowbars.

Laws against assaulting
people on juries.

I don't care how much you
sympathize with him, mr. Novicky.

What that man did was illegal.

And every person
in this room knows it.

Now I say we take another vote.

No way.

I say she's right.

Me too. Pass the papers.

Oh, come on. Wait a minute.

You wait a minute, novicky.

We're taking another vote.

Yeah. I think we should.

All right, ms. Rheinhold.

Since you're
representing yourself,

I am just gonna let
you tell your story

In narrative form.
Go ahead, please.

Well, on september 9th, I
consulted dr. Pennebaker

For what I thought
was an abscess.

Against my will, she
put me under sedation,

And while I was out
she evidently inserted

Some kind of
microscopic receiver

In my teeth. Because ever since

I left that office, my mouth
picks up radio stations.

Now, I have asked her
several times to stop this.

But she won't do it.

Nobody will do it.

Ex... Excuse me, ma'am.
You're saying that your mouth

Is picking up radio signals?

Well, of course that
is what I am saying.

I am telling you
what happened to me.

Ma'am, has anybody
else heard these sounds?

How could they not?
I mean, it's so loud

Sometimes I can't
hear myself think.

Mr. Sifuentes,

Do you have any
questions you'd like to ask?

Yes, judge. Ms. Rheinhold,

How often do you
hear this radio?


I get no peace.

I... I don't sleep nights.

Can you tell me if
it's playing right now?

Can't you hear it?

There. That is what
I'm forced to live with.

I'm very sorry, ma'am...

But I couldn't hear anything.


Well, you're on her side.

I mean, ju... You heard it.

Oh. I'm afraid I didn't
either, ms. Rheinhold.

You're all in this
together. I should've known.

Nobody's gonna help me.

We would all like
to help you, ma'am.

It plays so loud.
It's ruining my life

And none of you will
help me. None of you.

Ms. Rheinhold, have you seen
any other doctors about this?

What? Oh, you mean...
You mean a shrink?

You mean like I'm
crazy? Well... I... Um...

There's nothing
the matter with me.

It's this damn, damn radio!

I... I just want... I
just want you people

To help me before I k*ll myself.

Approach the bench?


If we could just have
the judgment, your honor.

We won't be seeking costs.

Ms. Rheinhold. I am
going to have to enter

Judgment for the defense,

Since I don't find your
testimony to be credible.

I am sorry,

But there is
nothing else I can do.

You're all against me.

You're telling me that
you don't hear this?

You... You...
You're tellin' me...

You're all against me.

Tellin' me that
you can't hear this.

You're tellin' me...

That you can't hear this?

That you can't hear this.


I'm, uh, sorry
about this morning.

Oh, it's okay, john.
It wasn't your fault.

So, will you be handling
the appeal in this,

Or will it go to the
appellate division?

If I have any say, my
involvement is over.

This wasn't my favorite case.

For what's it's
worth, mine either.


Drop the g*n!

Get him! Get down!


Oh no. Oh no.

Get an ambulance!

Oh no. Oh no. Oh.

Yo, mike.

Where is she?

This way. Now, look.
She's fine. It's just a graze.

How the hell could
this have happened?

13-Year-old kid. He
just jumped and fired.

You okay?

I don't know. I guess.

She's gonna be fine. We
don't even need a sling.

Oh. Thank you.

Oh god, gracie.

Can you get me a carry permit?

Yeah. We'll take care of it.

Gracie. You said it yourself.

Getting a g*n is not the answer.

I said that before
having the barrel of one

Pointed at my head.

Yeah. I know. I know.

And I'm not gonna
let that happen again.

The next time someone
comes after me,

I wanna be able to sh**t first.

I'm so sorry.


I think the spelling's okay now.

Thanks. Listen, um...

I feel like I owe
you an apology.

What for?

Well, I've been so busy
the past couple days,

We haven't had a chance
to sit down and chat.

It's okay.

Can I make it up to you?

Maybe take you out for a drink?

I'd like to, but sam's taking
me to chinatown tonight.

What's with this sam?
Are you two, uh, serious?

Pretty serious.

You're married?




So, in other words,
I still have a shot.



Hi, sam.

Sam, this is arnie becker.

My boss.

How do you do?


We should get going, meri.

Okay. I'll see you
tomorrow, arnie.




Oh, hi. How'd it go?

Between you and me,
how do you stand him?

He's such a slime-doggie.


How's she doing?

Too unpredictable.

Can't rely on
somebody like that.

How's your trial?

We convicted him.

Almost everyone in the jury
voted at first to acquit him,

Even though he
was guilty as sin.

But then I changed their minds.

What? Did you thr*aten
to quit the jury?

Very funny.

W... Wait... Wait. What
are... What are you doing?

Cleaning out my desk.

It's what you want, isn't it?

You... Uh... You're really gonna

Bust me on this
thing, aren't you?

No. It's your choice, arnie.

Well, great. Some choice.

Would I rather cut
off my arm or my leg?

Stop making this so
personal. It's only money.

You know, that's right.

It's only money.

This is stupid. We're
not getting anywhere.

Okay. All right. All right.

All right, what?

All right.

You win.



Cost of living from the firm,

The rest can be out
of my own pocket.

You sure it won't be
too much of a hardship?





Thank you.

I probably shouldn't say this.

It, uh, just might
go to your head.

It's been a long time since I
felt this good about anybody.

When I saw the way
you were in court...

You were so gentle,
and so compassionate.

You know, I'd almost
given up entirely on men.

Aw, come on, jocelyn.

It is very hard
for me to imagine

You being on the shelf.

I scare away a lot of men.

They think I intimidate them.

A lot of guys
don't have the, uh,

Ego strength to deal
with a successful woman.

This is true.


A lot of guys are also jerks.


Sometimes I think
it's my fault, though.

I'm a...

I'm a very passionate
woman, victor.

Sometimes I think
too passionate.

When I give, I like to
give all of myself.

Does that frighten you?

I don't scare easy.

You're an amazing man, victor.

That I don't know about.


I wanna do something

Very special for you tonight.


That's it.


Almost done.

If you could just move
your tongue a tad...


Ooh. Victor.

I just love your mouth.

No awful pyrea.

Just big, beautiful gums.

And strong, white teeth.

How does that feel?

You should floss more.
Your gums are bleeding.


Wh... What are you doing?

I think I missed a
piece of gristle. Open.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

Jocelyn, really.
It's okay. It's okay.

Oh, victor. You have
such a beautiful mouth

And I wanna take
care of it for you.

Ah. Tada!

Exhibit a.

Great. Thanks.

Now. Mm. Where were we?

Damn. Will you look at what time it is?
- 30.


I didn't realize it
was so late, jocelyn.

I gotta go.

Don't you wanna stay?

I wish I could, really.

But I got this big
case in the morning.

Victor, did i, uh...

Did I say something wrong?

No, no. No, no, no.

This was great. Believe me.

Well, i... I mean, I don't...
I don't understand.

Then why are you leaving?

I... I mean, i... I know

You don't have to
go home to work.

Why would I make
up a thing like that?

Listen. I'll call
you, all right?

You're not gonna
call me, are you?

Jocelyn, come on. Let's
not spoil a great evening.

You let me give,
and give, and give...

And now you're through with me.

Oh, victor.

You're not capable of
having a real intimacy

With a... A woman
who's your equal.

Jocelyn, i... I gotta go.

Get out.

Hey. Thanks for the dinner, huh?

It was, uh... It was great.

Thank you. We'll
see ya, all right?

Yeah. Oh.

Just in time.

How are you, this evening?

I need to buy a g*n.

Sport or personal protection?


Have you had any
experience with firearms?

I've never used one.

Uh-huh. In that case,

I would recommend a shotgun.

Trouble with a handgun,
unless you're five feet

From the target, chances are
you're not gonna hit anything.

You're in bed, you
hear a prowler,

You come in the living
room with this mama...

If the sound alone
doesn't scare him off,

Your only problem's gonna be
cleaning the mess off the walls.

I need a g*n I can carry.

Oh. I'm afraid that's
against the law.

I'm with the district
attorney's office,

And I do have a carry permit.

In that case,

You're gonna want
a revolver, huh?

Now these are your
revolvers right here.

This is, uh...

This is what a lot of
the ladies are buying.

Smith and wesson
.38 caliber special.

Five-shot, two-inch barrel.

Easy to operate. Just close it,

Pull back the hammer, wham.

Anything lighter,
you're down to a .22.

Now, obviously it's gonna
depend on the circumstances,

But, uh, a guy on dr*gs,
you hit him with a .22,

He might not even
know he's been shot.

A .38 you can be sure you
can knock him off his feet.

You just walk over
and stick it in his ear...


Wrap your fingers
around this baby,

You're a stone k*ller.

Sexy, isn't it?


It is.
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