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01x04 - Deadly Reunions

Posted: 08/23/22 09:33
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on X-MEN...

The humans must be crushed.

BEAST: Magneto, I presume.

-What are you waiting for?
-My day in court, actually.


You know that lunatic?

-Come on! They're gonna k*ll him!

CYCLOPS ON PA: Emergency!

Prepare infirmary
to receive critically injured mutant!

These things have armed themselves!

CYCLOPS: She's going to blow up
those missiles herself!

JUBILEE: Something about him
reminds me of Wolverine.

CYCLOPS: His name's Sabretooth.
Wolverine knows him and hates him.

XAVIER: Did he give a reason?
CYCLOPS: Does he ever?

Wolverine! Back off. Slow and easy.


XAVIER: Is there no limit to the torment
in your mind, Sabretooth?

Have you only known
betrayal by your friends

and persecution by humanity?

We must probe deeper.

Your mind is full of torment

Your mutant life has been difficult.
Your search for acceptance, a failure.


Cruelty to creatures
we don't understand seems limitless.


Let me become one with your pain.

Together, we can find the cause
of your torment.

What are these inner demons
that drive you?

Yes, we can fight them together.

Are we any closer
to the core of your rages?

Wait! Don't break our psychic link!


What are you hiding from me,

Why do you keep these thoughts
from me?

Can they be so painful?

Don't resist me.
I will know it all in time.


Such hurt. Such rage.

No wonder Magneto believes
there is no hope of peace.

But we must never give up trying.

CYCLOPS: Magneto thought
we would join him, Professor.

He wanted us to use
our special powers

in his battle for mutant liberation.

I don't know what corner
you crawled out of, bub.

CYCLOPS: When we refused
he declared us his enemies.

He believes we are the next stage
in human evolution

beyond h*m* sapiens
to h*m* superior,

and that we are destined
to rule a mutant-control world

under his domination.

Fighting for human-mutant peace
has just become more dangerous.

Stuff the philosophy.
Let's go kick his butt.

-At any rate, I have some good news.
-We can use some.


Get him out of here.

XAVIER: I've been spending some time
with Sabretooth

probing his mind,
working to help alleviate his rages,

much as I did for Wolverine.

There are still some recesses of his
mind that I have failed to penetrate.

But I trust I will, given enough time.

I'll penetrate his recesses.


What's wrong, Wolverine?
No kiss and make up?

Kiss this.

We used to be old pals.
Even worked together.

But we had
some little misunderstandings.

Yeah, right.

He wasted some friends of mine
for no reason, and I misunderstood?

Calm down, all of you.

After conquering
your own rages, Wolverine,

you more than anyone know
what Sabretooth is going through.

I need your assistance
with the next phase of his therapy.

You got to be kidding!

Tell you what, long as he's here,
I'm going to be somewhere else.

Wolverine! Come back!

Don't worry, sweet pea.
He'll ease on back when he's ready.

We'll deal
with Wolverine's attitude later.

Right now, we can't be distracted
from our more urgent problem.


His m*ssile attack failed,
but he'll attack again soon.

And next time he won't be so merciful.

Well, Xavier, old friend.
Where shall it be?

Where will you expect me?

One place is as good as another.

As long as it is populated
with h*m* sapiens,

human lives can be used as bait.

All those lovely chemicals...

After all, without them
life itself would be impossible.



XAVIER: Cerebro is monitoring
all emergency frequencies.

If Magneto strikes anywhere
within the vicinity of...


Your old buddy doesn't let the grass
grow under his feet.

He's challenging me! He'll hurt
those workers just to get at me.

Jubilee, you stay here
and look after Sabretooth.

My favorite job.

Be careful. Even though he's shackled,
he could still be dangerous.

Now, we must face
the master of magnetism.

Yes, sir.


I wonder how you'll look, Charles,
after so long.

Perhaps a toupee?

Over there!

MAGNETO: I'm disappointed.
I expected Xavier to be with you.

Sorry to disappoint you, Magneto.
You'll have to make do with us!

Have you forgotten that
electricity and magnetism are related?

Maybe I can steal
some of this old boy's thunder.


You've wasted enough of my time.

If Xavier refuses to face me,
I'll make him regret his cowardice.

Cyclops, look out.





You just can't get close to some men.


Sorry, gal, I don't know how long I...


How many must suffer
before you will face me?

XAVIER: Enough, Magneto!
Stop this carnage now!

It's me you want. So here I am.

Sorry about that, Storm.
Must be losing my touch.

Oh, no!

Come on, baby, don't do this to me.
Those bricks weren't that heavy.


Don't scare me or anything!

Not you, too!


You're not going to like this,

but it's better than not breathing.

Come on, pretty boy.
Make a girl feel welcome.


Don't worry. I won't tell Jean.
I just hope...



-What's going on?
-Cyclops! I couldn't help it. I...

I absorbed your power
when I touched you.

I mean,
how do I turn this darn thing off?

Your eyes! Shut your eyes!

Cyclops, where are you? You okay?

You brought me here, Magneto.
The next move is yours.

The years have been kind
to you, Charles.

A pity
they haven't brought you wisdom.

Your wisdom?
You find wisdom in this destruction?

We have not always been enemies.

I will give you a final chance.


You still dream of peace with those
who would destroy all mutants?

Is this your answer? This horror?

After all the suffering
we both have seen,

you wish me to wage w*r
on six billion humans?


When I was a child, my people talked
while others prepared for w*r.

They used reason
while others used tanks,

and they were destroyed
for their trouble.

I won't stand by
and watch it happen again. I won't!


This is not how I wanted it to end.

I wish it could have been otherwise.

You were the best of us.
Farewell, Xavier.

Your blindness has sealed your fate.


No! No! Don't make me see.

Xavier, I can't! Stop it! Stop it!

No, Magneto, you will stop.

No. No more!


ROGUE: Professor, where are you?

-I can't see!
-I'm right here, Rogue. Don't move.

Okay, but hurry! I can't open my eyes.
I got Cyclops' powers.

-What about the plant personnel?
-They all high-tailed it.

Sounds like this dump's
going to go up like the Fourth of July.

Let's go home.
I will mentally be your eyes. Follow me.

Ladies and gentlemen, the world
tonight is in the grip of a terrible crisis.

Since the President recklessly
rescinded the Mutant Registration Act,

those unfortunate mistakes of nature
are running wild.

The recent mutant att*cks
at Drake m*ssile Base

and Metro Chemical
are just the beginning.

Senator, what do you plan
to do about it?

I intend, this very evening,
to declare my candidacy

for President of the United States.


Right! And I'm the Queen of England.

As President,
I intend to relocate every mutant

in this nation to internment camps

that will facilitate the handling
of these poor, unfortunate creatures.

Just let me get my claws
on that senator's throat.


KELLY: There,
under the proper military supervision...

I'm sorry.
I'm still learning to control that.


Thanks to Professor X's help.

-Look at your wrist!
-It's not bad.

You going to stay calm while I fix it up?



Okay, here, let me take care of it.

There. That's better.

-Much better.
-I'll get something to treat it.

I heal real fast!

Lesson number one, girlie.
Never trust nobody!

Your powers ain't so hot
if you can't use your hands.

(GRUNTING) But your treatments...

You really think
a few mealy-mouthed words

from that old weakling
could change me?

I've been faking it.
I've been waiting for the right moment.


So, you want an Oscar or what?

I want to do what I was sent here to do,

and if you don't want the life
crushed out of your little body,

you're going to help.

And what's that, dweeb?

SABRETOOTH: Magneto ordered me
to find this place and take it over.

He knew your buddies
would be at Beast's trial

and that wimp professor
would take me in.

He's got the X guy figured.

You know, I'm really going to enjoy
tearing this place up.

Now, you get me out of this rig
before I...

You done nice, girlie.

For a reward
I'll finish you off clean and fast.

But you said...


Wolverine never should've let me live.

I wish he was here so I could
take care of his carcass, too.


Be careful what you ask for, old buddy.

It just might come true.

Good thing I didn't go too far away
to cool off, Sabretooth.

This is between you and me.
Let the girl go.

Whatever you say, pal.

So, you're doing the dirty work
for Magneto now, eh?

You used to backstab people for fun.
What turned you into a rat-for-hire?

I'd heard you'd gone soft.
I was curious.

I think maybe I heard right.

All right, you egg-sucking
piece of gutter trash.

You always liked pushing
around people smaller than you.

Well, I'm smaller! Try pushing me!


How about a little taste of adamantium

for old time's sake?

It's good to be home again.

That tastes good.
I'm breathing better, Professor.

And my powers are back.

-We'll have to do it again sometime.
-Yeah, well...


The w*r room!

WOLVERINE: You always were
second best.

And in this business, bub
second best don't cut it!

Wolverine! What did I teach you
about revenge?

How often have I warned you
about letting your personal feelings

endanger the work of our team?

But Sabretooth was about to total me!
Magneto sent him to do it!

You're out of line, Professor. All I...





Rogue! Get him to the infirmary. Fast!

XAVIER: He's stabilized.
He's going to be all right.

I was wrong, Wolverine.
I should have listened to you.

I let my passion for an ideal that all
mutants could be brothers blind me.

-That's twice I've failed.
-We failed, Professor. Together.

We cannot afford to lose again,

or Magneto and those like him
will prevail.

He's out there, scheming, planning.

I was able to trick him today.
But I wonder when the time comes,

will the X-Men be ready?

MAGNETO: All right, Xavier.
You've cast your lot with humankind.

But the others will understand.

Mutants will come to me
by the thousands,

and we shall destroy you!