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01x09 - The Lyin' King

Posted: 08/21/22 19:19
by bunniefuu

There's my BFF.

[both screaming]

I missed you!

I missed you, too.

Wait. You're not still sick, are you?

Just sick of not seeing
my bestie in person.

And I'm sorry we didn't talk,

but I only had enough energy
to send one emoji a day.

That's okay.

I didn't know there were
so many emojis that can barf.

It's funny. You miss school for a week
and not one thing...

-Hey, girl!


You're wearing the shoes
we bought together.

[both] Twinsies!

Hi, I'm Sydney.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Sydney, Robyn. Robyn, Sydney.

Robyn's new here.

We got paired up in gym class.

She's a great push-up motivator.

She got me to five.

I've gotta hit my locker before class.

So, you and Robyn went shopping together.

How fun!

Yeah, after we got out of the movie.

Oh, a movie too?

And here I was afraid
you wouldn't know what to do without me.

Problem solved.

Well, now I'm back, so why don't you
come over after school?

Original twinsies!

Hey, what are you guys doing later?

We're going to Syd's.
You should come too!

I mean, if it's all right with you.

All right?

I'd be disappointed
if you didn't come over,

that's what wouldn't be all right.

Am I right?

[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same

Give me a P, give me an "ossum"!

What do you get?

A son that regrets walking in here.



I'm trying out to be my college mascot.

Give me a P, give me an O,

give me a back scratcher--
This is so itchy.

[girls laughing]

And then Robyn tried this kale drink

and laughed so hard,
green juice came out of her nose!

Sounds like a fun version
of what I was doing the last week.

Hey, Syd, hey, Olive,
hey... person I don't know.

-Hi, I'm Robyn.
-She's our new friend.

Well, uh, I'm Max.

I'm the official fun dad
around these parts.

Sometimes I hang out with the girls.

Sometimes I don't.

Hey, Olive, why don't
you show Robyn my room?

Good idea. That's where we'll be
having our sleepovers.

Be right up!

This is a disaster.

-What's a disaster?
-Isn't it obvious?

It is to me.

But if I was the kind of dad
who had no idea what was going on,

what would you say to him?

Olive and Robyn became friends
when I was sick

and they're already super tight.

Again, I get it, but keep going.

Robyn's really nice.

What if Olive ends up
liking Robyn more than me?

I could lose Olive.

Honey, Olive's your best friend.
And best friends are forever.

Dad, you get that off of a greeting card?

No. It was on a bus bench.

[knocking at door]


You look like you stepped
off a cereal box.

Max, do you know why
I'm gonna make the team tomorrow?

Because I have what separates
basketball superstars

from regular people.

-Natural talent?
-No! Gear.

Put me in, Coach!

What are you two troublemakers up to?

Leo's trying out for the basketball team.

I want Max to try out with me.

It would be so cool
to be on the team together.

Ah, man, all those loud,
obnoxious parents

yelling at their kids during the game.

I wanna be one of them!

Sorry, I'm a boarder.

Team sports aren't my thing.

I fly solo, baby. [tongue clicking]

Great. I guess this means
you'll be sleeping in your own bed

during thunderstorms now...


Will you at least come watch me try out?

I need your support.

You know every time
I hear a whistle, I freeze up.

Don't worry, I got your back, baby.
[tongue clicking]

Thanks. But you gotta
lose that baby thing.

It's not doing you any favors.

And here's when we went
to that cupcake vending machine.

Wish you could have been there, Sydney.

That's the funny thing about cupcakes.


Two people can share them,

but if you try to split it
in three, it just crumbles.

-[rock music playing]

Wait, is that Jam Pajamas? Turn that up!

You've heard of them?
I thought I was the only one.

Have you heard that bootleg album
from Holland?

I've been looking for it forever.

I think we got one in this week.

Robyn's dad owns Vinny's Vinyls.

Are you kidding me?

-I collect vintage records.
-Me too!

Hey, why don't we all meet up
at the store tomorrow?

That would be amazing.

Look at the three of us.

Let's all promise to be
each other's bridesmaids.

Just so you know, I'm going with lavender.

Hey, Olive. Yesterday was so much fun.

You were right.

Robyn's great, the best.

I never want to see her again.

-You're not gonna believe what she did.

Oh, my gosh, what'd she do?

You know that show
you and I were gonna binge,

-Werewolf Girlfriend?

She told me how it ended.


But are you sure you want
to end your friendship over it?


Don't you think you may be
overreacting just a teensy bit?

Overreacting? What else will she spoil?

A book I'm enjoying?
A surprise party I'm throwing you?

Did you just spoil a party
you're throwing me?

Another thing ruined by Robyn.

Well, I guess you won't
be coming to her store today.

What should I say when I see her?

Nothing. Because you're not going either.

I'm not?

No. The best friend code.

It's why I hate deep-dish pizza,
even though I love deep-dish pizza.

You hate it, so I hate it.

Oh, right. The code.

So since you aren't friends with Robyn,
I can't be friends with Robyn.


And by the way, we also hate rainbows now.

Long story.

Next group! Let's go.

Uh, Coach,

would you mind not blowing
the whistle so loud?

I feel I respond better to a calm,
supportive atmosphere.

Very funny, Webb.

-Let's do this!
-[blowing whistle loudly]

I'm open! I'm open!

Any way we can count that, Coach?

Okay, next group!

Hey, has Leo Webb tried out already?


Get in there, kid.

Oh, I'm-I'm not trying out.

It doesn't matter. They need a third.

-No, really, I'm not--
-[blowing whistle]

Got it.

Hi, I'm Zayn.

Can I help you find something?

Yes. Robyn.

And a way out of a difficult conversation.

Robyn's in the back.
And I've never heard of that album.



So... I, uh...

have something to tell you.

This is about me and Olive, right?


It's just that we have this code,
which means that basically--

You can't be friends with me,
because Olive's your best friend

and you have to respect her feelings.

Wow. That wasn't easy for me to say.

I just don't get why you would spoil
Werewolf Girlfriend for her.

I didn't mean to,
but Olive kept asking me questions,

and every question
led to another question,

and before I knew it,
I told her the ending.

I feel awful.

I get it. I mean, we all wanna know
if Tyler becomes a werewolf.

Was that a question?

No! No question.
Never answer any of my questions.


I know we can't be friends,

but I found that Jam Pajamas album
we talked about.

Just think of it as a gift,
from one Pajama head to another.

Robyn, wait.

This is ridiculous.
I like hanging with you.

I like hanging with you, too.

You know what? We're staying friends.

I've done nothing wrong.
I've got nothing to hide.

-Oh, and just one more thing.

Let's not tell Olive.

Morning, Dad.

Morning. Hey, I've been meaning to ask,

how are things going
with you and Olive and Robyn?

Why? What have you heard?

Nothing. I just know you were concerned

Robyn was gonna affect
your friendship with Olive.

Oh. Olive isn't friends
with Robyn anymore.

Then I guess, problem solved.

-Except now I'm friends with Robyn.
-That could be a problem.

How does Olive feel about that?

She isn't upset at all.

-Problem gone.
-Because I haven't told her.

And it's back.


It gets worse.

I promised Olive I wouldn't
be friends with Robyn.

Boy, that's kind of a lot for her to ask.

You know, I think
you can stay friends with Robyn.

Really? And I don't have
to feel bad about it?

Not as long as you tell Olive the truth.

Ugh, you were so close Dad.

Hey, Grandma. Way to get a jump
on Halloween.

So, how'd the mascot audition go?

I got it! This possum was awesome!

First, I gave them the washing machine.

Then, I served them up a side of salsa.

Which was right before
the robot came alive.

Yeah, it did!

Oh, do you have any idea
how ridiculous you look?

Again, I'm sorry
I missed your tryout, man.

That's okay. I blame the whistle.

It haunts me, Max.

It's like a hear it everywhere I go.

[blowing whistle]

Roster's up, boys!

Come on, I bet you did better
than you think.

Go ahead, I'm right behind you.

Okay, now, let's see.

Leo, Leo, Leo...

Max Reynolds?

I made the A-team?

Game time, baby! Now let's see!

The C-team?

I'm on the C-team?

I didn't even know there was a C-team.

See? You're great
no matter what team you're on.

I was trying to throw it on the floor.

Hey, Sydney.

Hey! What's up, Robyn?

-Wanna hang out tonight?

Oh no. It's Olive.

No! You may not borrow
my notes for history class.

Ignore this, we're fine.

I don't care if you have a test coming up.

Not after what you did to Olive.

We're good. I'm so sorry.

Can you believe that Robyn
wanted to borrow my notes?

But I was like, "No way!

Not after what you did
to my best friend."

Wow. If you looked up "loyal"
in the dictionary,

that's the face you would see.


You're not gonna believe
what happened today.

I made the basketball team.

Wait! You're on a team?

I get to cheer? [gasps]

I'm gonna have your face
printed on T-shirts

and sh**t them into the crowd at halftime.

Okay, now I have two reasons to quit.

You can't quit. I need this.
You have no idea how much I need this.

I have to. I made the A-team
and Leo made the C-team.

It'll crush him.

That doesn't mean you have to quit,
you just have to tell Leo.

I like the first half of that.

Well, what's worse, telling him,
or lying to your best friend?


[knocking at door]

Leo! Hey! What up, baller?

I'm not a baller.

No one on the C-team is.

We play with a kickball.

It's not even a new one!

Well, I'm glad you're here.
I gotta talk to you.

Sure, let's talk.

Let's talk about how the C-team practices
in the teacher's parking lot.

Or how we can't start
until all the cars pull out.

Okay, sounds pretty bad. But listen, Leo--

And did I mention our coach
is the lunch lady?

I'm sorry, man. What'd you want to say?

Uh... Can you ask your coach
what's for lunch tomorrow?


She made us make the patties.

even though we're no longer friends,

I'd appreciate your professionalism
with regard to rope safety.

You have my word.


What do you call that climbing style?
Hand over nothing?

Back off, Tommy.

She's a great climber.

In fact, she's already
climbed to the top three times

after doing sit-ups.

I'd like to see if you could do all that.

Huh? Huh? We're waiting.

I was just kidding.

Maybe I like you and I just don't know
how to tell you!

-Thanks for having my back.
-No problem.

Listen, Olive, I feel horrible

about spoiling
Werewolf Girlfriend for you.

I'm sorry.

Well, maybe I overreacted a little.

And to tell you the truth,
I miss being shoe twinsies.

So do I. I haven't worn mine since.

Neither have I.

Hey, you wanna be friends again?


Spoiler alert: I would love to.

Great. But for now,
let's not tell Sydney.

I made such a big deal
about her not being friends with you,

-I just need to find the right time.
-Got it.

I'm so glad we're back to being friends.

I feel a thousand pounds lighter.

Watch this.

Nope. Still can't do it.

So the movie starts at :.

Meet you there at :. Bye, Robyn.

And remember, not a word to Olive.


Wow, you seem jumpy.

I'm not jumpy. Why would I be jumpy?

[thinking] Maybe because
you're hanging with Robyn

behind your best friend's back.

Before we get started on homework,
I made you cookies.

Aww. That's so sweet.
What's the occasion?

No occasion.

[thinking] Just the one-week anniversary
of betraying my best friend.

Olive, you're such a good friend.

I don't deserve you.

[thinking] You can say that again.

No, I don't deserve you.

[thinking] You can say that again.

You know what? Why don't you stay and have
dinner and we'll hang out tonight?

-That'd be awesome.
-Great. Just give me a sec.

[quietly] Hi, Robyn.

So sorry, but I can't go out tonight.
My dad grounded me.


Uh, good question. Let me go ask him.
Gotta go, bye!

So, what should we do tonight?

[phone ringing]

[thinking] It's Robyn! Be cool, be cool.

[screeching] Hi, Mom! One sec.

Hey, Robyn. What's up?

Oh, sorry. I already have plans.

What? Deep-dish pizza?

I love deep-dish pizza.

[thinking] Don't do it. Don't do it.

Okay, let's do it.

Meet you at the store.

So, what'd your mom want?

[thinking] Keep it simple, Olive.
Keep it simple.

My mom's car battery died,

and she needs to pick up
my bother from hockey,

so I need to watch the cat. Bye!

[door closes]

[phone vibrates]


Oh, hi, Zayn.

The album's in. Cool.
I'll come by the store now.

[thinking] I love that album.
Wait, I can say that out loud.

I love that album.

Hey, honey!


Max, don't worry.
I'm not gonna embarrass you.


Wait. You haven't even seen
the best part.

Where's Leo? Did he come
to cheer you on too?


Don't tell me you haven't told him.


-I tried! But he's so miserable.

Look, the C-team practices
at the same time we do.

He'll never find out.

Listen up!

The other team canceled.

But good news, our very own C-team
is gonna scrimmage us instead.

Actually, Coach, I can't play.

I, uh...

I-I just pulled my quad.

Your quad's in your leg.

Maybe yours is.

[door opens]

Max? What are you doing here?

And why are you wearing a jersey?

What? Am I wearing a jersey?

Who put this jersey on me?

Remember, be aggressive out there.

You're the leader of this team.

Wait. You're on the team?

I can't believe you tried out
behind my back.

No, no. It's not like that.

We'll just talk this out after the game.

Talk this out?
We're not gonna talk this out.

We're gonna settle this on the court,
Mr. Team Leader.

Oh, you can handle the ball,

but can you handle sleeping
without your blankie at night?

[quietly] Hey, man, not so loud.

Look, dude, I didn't want
to embarrass you,

-but if I have to, I will.
-Oh, yeah?

[audience] Oh!

As Coach Lunch Lady like to say:

"You've been served."

Hi, Zayn. You said
the record I ordered is in?

Sydney Reynolds.



They make us say that.

I'll grab it from the back.

[whispers] Olive?

[phone rings]

Oh hey, Robyn.

Oh, that's a bummer.

No, you don't have to feel bad.

I totally get it.

Okay. Feel better.

Hey, have you seen a girl around here?

Dark hair, around your age...

Sydney Reynolds?

Sydney's here?

[both scream]

-What are you doing here?
-What are you doing?

-I believe I asked first.
-I asked second.

-Why don't you go first?
-I think I'll go second.

I think we're both seeing Robyn
behind each other's backs.

I think we are.

I'm sorry. It's just I liked Robyn,

and it was unfair for you to ask me
not to be her friend.

I know. I'm sorry.

Just because I hate something
doesn't mean you have to.

-It's a stupid code.
-I hate it.

I hate it, too.

But not because you hate it.
I hate it all on my own.

How about we come up with a new code?

How about instead of a code,
we just always be honest with each other?

Even better.

Hey, now let's call Robyn and tell her
she gets both of us back.

[Olive] Hey, it's Robyn.

She said she was sick.

[Sydney] And she's with somebody else.

-She lied!
-Who does that?

-Oh. Hey, guys.
-Don't "Hey, guys" us.

For someone who's sick,
you look pretty healthy.

Look, you're both awesome.

But that whole secret friendship thing
and who can't hang out with who, well...

you guys are just a lot of work.

Us? A lot of work?

-How dare you?
-Actually, she's got a point.

-Yeah, let's get out of here.
-Right behind ya.

-The game's over, Max.

-You lost.
-Who cares?

I should have been honest with you.

I'm sorry I lied.

And to prove it,
I'm gonna go quit right now.

Webb, you were incredible out there.

Look, I've never done
this kind of thing before,

but my wife tells me I fear change.

So, I'd like you to join the A-team.

What? For real?

Boom shaka-laka!

Max, I owe you a thank-you.

If it wasn't for you,

I never would have been mad enough
to overcome that stupid whistle.

And now we're on the A-team together.

Dude, we are the A-team.

[man] Oh, yeah!