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01x03 - The Parent Track

Posted: 08/21/22 16:38
by bunniefuu
Dad! We just got front row
tickets for our favorite band.

But they'll only hold it in our cart
for two minutes.

Which means I don't even have time
to say what I'm saying right now.

So, can we go? Please, can we?

Front row seats? Awesome!
I love going to concerts with you guys.

You know, doin' the wave?
Look out, here it comes...


Actually, we only reserved two tickets.

Aww! Olive's not coming?

Olive and I want to go by ourselves.

What? You want to go
to a concert without an adult?

Olive's parents are letting her go.

In all honesty,

my brothers broke them a long time ago.

No rush, but our tickets
expire in seconds.

Come on, no one else's parents
are gonna be there.

There were tons of parents
at the last Girlz With 'Tude show.

This isn't Girlz With 'Tude,
it's a cool, new, alt rock band,

Sixteen Oranges.

Sorry, I just don't feel safe

letting my -year-old daughter
go to a concert by herself.

What? No! Don't worry, Dad,
Sixteen Oranges are totally safe.

They're fun, they're wholesome,
they have so much a-peel.

You like puns, work with me.

[scoffs] Sydney--

-Come on, I'll do anything!
-Five seconds...

-I'll clean my room, your room!
-Four, three...

I'll clean anything
with the word "room" in it.

-Please, man, let me clean something!

[tablet dings]

There go our front row seats.

Thanks a lot, Dad.

Talk about Girlz With 'Tude.

[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same


your beeper's so rad.

I can reach you anywhere in the world.


You call this. I get your beep.
See your number. Find a pay phone.

Get quarters. Call you back.


Instant communication.

What's your number? I wanna beep you.

Actually, this one's fake.

But it's got something way cooler
than cutting-edge technology.


That is cool.

I just can't believe
my mom's getting me a real one.

Me, neither. I do more chores
at your house than you do.

Did you get it?

I'll tell you when I call you later...

on your beeper!


You got me a beeper!

I take back all the awful things
I've said behind your back.

Like what?

You got me a beeper!

Okay, listen, I have one simple request:

Whenever I beep you,
you call me back right away.

You got it, Mom.
I still can't believe you got me a beeper.

A real beeper!

Of course it's real.
Who would want a fake one?

People do.


[music playing on headphones]

Mornin', Syd. What are you listening to?

Sixteen Oranges.

It's just like going to the concert,

but instead of seeing them,
I'm looking at you.

Are you trying to guilt me
into letting you go?

Is it working?

No, because I have nothing
to feel bad about.

Banana-stuffed French toast?

Oh, you mean "guilt toast"?

That's not guilt toast, it's... it's...

It's getting to you, isn't it?

Crushing your little girl's dreams.

It's not too late, there's a way out.

It starts with an "S"
and ends with "ixteen Oranges."

Sydney, you're not gonna make me feel bad.

Hand-churned whipped cream?

I'm sorry, Dad, but a special breakfast

isn't gonna make up for the fact
that you don't trust me.

You know I trust you!

I don't question your friendships,

I never track your phone,
I haven't read your journal in...


Fine, can I at least
hang at Olive's Saturday night?

Of course you can.

And if you ask me, that's even more fun
than going to the concert.


-Front row tickets to Olive's house!
-[door opening]

Whoa! Grandma, you broke another drum?

Yeah! Johnny Rainbow from my drum circle
says I'm too tense.

Apparently, years of working at the DMV
has clogged my chakras.

-All because of the DMV?
-You're in there, too.

Anyway, according to J-Bow,
I need to meditate.

Well, I'll show him.
I'm gonna kick serenity's butt!

Go get 'em, Grandma!

Thanks, Noodle-- Ooh! Guilt toast!

[beeper beeps]

That's my beeper!

Must be important.

Stay in school, kid. And one day...
you might have a beeper.


Put down that mallet!

Don't make me call security!

He's in the back, doing his math homework.

Yes, Mom! I'm at the arcade.

Like I was at school,

and at the park,

and in the bathroom.

[scoffs] How was I supposed
to find a phone in there?


[coin dropping]

-Mom again?
-Who else?

She just got me this thing
to keep track of me.

This isn't a beeper.

It's a leash that beeps!

Who's got the cooler beeper now?

Well, still you,

but I'm right on your tail.

All right, meditation time.

Turn off the TV, get off the couch.

I've gotta find my happy place.

Do you have to take mine to do it?

Where's Syd? I got her
a karma candle at the New Age store.


an eyeglass repair kit.

Boy, those hippies will sell anything.

She's at Olive's.

I gotta say, she took
not going to the concert pretty well.

You, on the other hand, would have
snuck off to the concert by now.

N-- that's not true.

I was way more trustworthy
than you gave me credit for.

[coins dropping]

Leave some change for the customers!

They're for the pay phone.
My mom won't stop beeping me.

I thought she had a job!

Your pants are lookin' pretty saggy.

Saggy in a cool...

hip-hop way?

I think we both know the answer to that.

Hey, this new movie,
Tyrannosaurus Island, opens tonight!

The one with the gnarly dinosaurs?
Man, I'm dying to see it.

Your mom won't let you see a PG- movie.

She barely lets you watch that cartoon
about a friendly ghost.

He's still a ghost, Leo.

-[beeper beeps]
-Your mom again?


You know what?
We're going to that movie.

That woman can't tell me what to do.
I'm not a child.

[coins jingling]

Nothing to see here, people!

Just a man who needs to call his mommy!

You were right.

I did try to get away with a lot.
But Syd's not like me.

When she says she's gonna be at Olive's,
she's gonna be there.


Max, center yourself,

and still your mind.


Those hippie dum-dums
forgot my calming crystal!

I just hope I can find
inner peace without a receipt.

-[door closes]
-Syd's not like me.


How do you track a child's-- nope.


How do you track a child's phone?

[virtual assistant]
How to trash a child's home--

No, I-I want to track my daughter's phone.

How to make an ice cream cone.

Oh, for Pete's sakes.

Calling "Pete's Steaks."

Watching an old Sixteen Oranges concert

is nowhere near as fun
as actually being there!

I know, but if I stop dancing,
I'll start crying!


[phone chimes]

[dancing music]

I can't believe this.

Something wrong with the pizza?
Do not be out of pepperoni.

It's all I have left.

No, I just got a notification.

My dad's tracking me.

He said he'd never track me!

Why would he do that?

I don't know.
First, he says I can't go to the concert,

and now this? What's next,

being locked in a tower
and throwing my hair down for visitors?

I have very little upper body strength.

I'd never be able to visit!

Well, you know what?

If he's gonna be the kind of parent
who tracks me,

I might as well be the kind of kid
who needs to be tracked!

I think I know what's coming next.

-We're gonna go see...
-We're gonna get ice cream!

...Sixteen Oranges!

Wow, I wasn't even close.

Yes! The concert's not sold out yet.
I got us tickets!

Great. Are they good seats?

I got us tickets!

How 'bout a ride, you get us wheels?

My brother Sean will be down any minute.

I told him to cancel his date
and drive us there.

And he agreed?

He always agrees.

I know things.

Lots of things.

Okay, now all I gotta do
is leave my phone here,

and my dad will never know we left.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

Oh, I'm sure.

The "bad me" is very decisive.

[doorbell rings]

Pizza's here!

What up, Olive? Olive's friend.

Oh, hey, Iggy.

We're on our way to see Sixteen Oranges.

I totally forgot we ordered pizza.

How do you forget you ordered pizza?

That's like forgetting
your mother's birthday.

Wait... that's tomorrow.

I'm'a get her pizza!

It's okay, we can just put it
in the fridge.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm gonna pretend
like I did not hear that.

[deep breath] Just let it go, Iggy.

It's their pizza now.

Hey, Iggy.
You and I have the same phone case!

Nice, I also have the pizza slippers,
though I lost the right slice.

-Uh...Olive, I think it's time to pay him.
-[chuckles] Yeah.

-Here you go, Iggy.
-Thanks! Have a--

-Pizza day?
-I was gonna say "good,"

but I'm'a start using that!

Olive, it's time to rock out!
Hit the road. Do this thang.

Okay, I'm done, get your brother.

On it.

Let's go, Sean! Now!

He's on very thin ice.

What're you hiding on your phone?

What? Huh? Nothing. No.

I'm tracking Sydney.

Well, the enlightened me would say:

"Follow your path."

But since I'm not there yet,
what are you thinking, you dingus?

Well, I was wrong.

She's been at Olive's all night,
just like she said she'd be.

-I never should have tracked her in--
-[phone dings]

She's on the move, I knew it!

Two for Tyrannosaurus Island, please.

Nice try, but that movie's PG-.
You'll need an adult to buy these tickets.


we're the adults.

I've got a beeper.

And I go to an adult barber.

Look, I can't afford to get fired.

I've got dreams.

When I graduate, I'm moving to Vegas.

Gonna do a magic show with monkeys.

Oh... you know how to train monkeys?

No, you only have to train one.

He'll train the rest.

Wow! That is a big dream...


You sound like you could use somebody
to invest in your future.

Right, Max?

Oh, yeah.

[scoffs] Two bucks?

What is this, a joke?

-Let's make it three.
-Enjoy the show.

[calming female voice]
Welcome to "Tranquify,"

your mobile meditation guide.

Now, close your eyes.

Would a "please" k*ll you?

Now, picture yourself as a cloud,

floating above your problems.

[phone rings]

-[Judy] What do you want?

I'm trying to be a cloud.

I tracked Syd to some kid's
birthday party. I just missed her.

What's she doing there?

How did she even get there?
What is going on?

I want you
to listen to me very carefully.

-I want you to come home immediately.

-[screaming] Get a hobby!

C'mon, Mom.

[Judy] I'm sure that she's fine.

She can take care of herself, and--

-Are you eating?
-[Max chewing] Yeah, pizza.

Luckily, they just had Enzo's delivered,
I'm starving.

-[phone dings]
-She's on the move again.

I bet she's headed to that concert.

All right, keep me posted.

Oh! I think I drank too much iced tea.

Time to go be a rain cloud.

-We've so gotta post this.
-Olive, we can't!

No pics, no posts,
or else my dad will see them.

I never should have showed him
how to use the Internet.

But if we don't post pics,
it's like it didn't happen.

I guess we'll just have to enjoy it
in the moment.

I don't see how that works, but I'll try.

[pop music playing]

Wow, Syd, you're like an evil genius.

I mean, right now,
your dad's at home, thinking,

"My daughter's at Olive's."

But guess again, Mr. Reynolds!

That's right, I sure fooled him.
And it feels...


-[roaring from movie]
-[audience screams]


You think they could really bring
a T-Rex back to life?

Don't be ridiculous.

Of course they could!

-[beeper beeps]
-Your mom?

No, it's Michael Jordan.


-[arcade sounds playing]
-Hi, Mom, got your beep.

Just checking in. Are you at the arcade?

Of course! Can't you hear?

[arcade sounds playing]

It's really busy.

I can barely hear you
over all the arcade noise.

So, I'm thinking of cooking tonight.

I got fish sticks, drumsticks,
corn dogs on a stick.

Pick a stick!

-Any stick's fine.
-[arcade sounds playing]

Sorry, Mom, I gotta get back to work.
You know how important my job is to me.

Okay, just don't be late.

I'm starting the microwave
at six o'clock sharp.

[coins dropping]

[yelling out] Play "Through The Fog"!

[slower] Play "Through The Fog"!

They're probably saving it for the encore.

Sixteen Oranges
doesn't care about encores.

[yelling out]
Oh! Play "We Don't Care About Encores"!

Syd, what's wrong?

This was supposed to be
the best night of our lives,

but all I can think about
is how I tricked my dad to be here.

Mind if we go?

But I want to stay!

Now, I feel guilty about staying.

Oh, no, I'm in a shame cycle.

Ooh! Play "Shame Cycle"!

Iggy! What are you doing here?

I realized after my last delivery,
I took your phone by mistake.

-I'm so sorry!

I'm supposed to deliver joy, not take it.

Oh, no, my dad's tracking this!

He's probably on his way here right now!

Take it back, Iggy!
And if my dad finds you, remember:

you never saw us.

Whoa, I can't lie.

If you can't trust the pizza guy,
then I dunno, man.

That's not a world I want to live in.

Okay, just stick to the truth.
Tell my dad you took my phone by mistake.

Come on, Olive, we gotta go.
Call your brother.

Hey, Sean!
Remember what you did last Tuesday?

Be here in five.

I was right, she did go to the concert.

One ticket, please.

Sorry, just sold out.

Oh come on, you don't have one seat...

Wait, Gerald?

Weren't you the ticket guy here?

You were gonna move to Vegas,
and start a monkey magic show.

I did. Turns out, monkeys...

have no honor.

Well, you're... back.
Why don't I contribute to your new dream?

My dreams died in a strip mall in Vegas.

How about an almost full...
sandwich punch card?

Enjoy the show.

Olive... concession stand, quick!

-No, thanks, I'm full.

I can't believe your mom beeped you again!

I'll call, you hit the recorder,
and we'll fool the crazy lady again.

Your mom's not crazy!

I'd say more like irritable,
and a bit of a loose cannon.

Dang, I'm outta quarters.

-Here you go.

[both scream]

I knew you couldn't be trusted.
I was right to get you that beeper.

But don't worry,
you don't have to wear it anymore,

because I'll know exactly
where you're going to be.

Doing to life in your bedroom!


But... [sighs]
you gotta tell me. How'd you know?

You almost got away with it.
It was just one, tiny slip-up.

You said: "You know how important
my job is to me."

Gahh! [sighs]

You're not gonna tell my mom,

are you, Mrs. Reynolds?

I don't know. I'm a bit of a loose cannon.

[muffled music playing]

We gotta get to that door
without my dad seeing us.

How are we gonna do that?

I've got an idea.

[muffled music playing]

What happened? Am I in Heaven?

Hey! Who moved the fog machine?

You want to move the fog machine?

Spend your breaks weeping in the bathroom.

-[phone dings]
-Found her.

[muffled music playing]

What? You're not Sydney.
Why did my tracker lead me to you?

I was delivering to Olive's
and I took her phone by mistake.

What, she's not even here?


I can't believe it,
I've been driving all over town

and my daughter's been at Olive's
the whole time.

I gotta get home
before she realizes what I've done.

By the way, great pizza.

-I know.

Hey, look, it's Dad.

Hi, Dad, what's up?

Not much. How was Olive's?

Uneventful. Your night?

Also uneventful, I just--
I went out for mouth wash.

And then... realized,
who am I trying to impress?


I should get to bed.


I tracked your phone.

You what?

I know, I know,
I promised I wouldn't, and...

the whole time,
you were just sitting at Olive's.

I'm sorry.

Well, the important thing
is that you're sorry.


I went to the concert!


I know, I know...

I found out you that were tracking me,
and I was so hurt...

I decided to go to the concert
to get even.

That doesn't make it right.

I was driving all over town
worried about you.

I'm so sorry.

I feel awful.

But, Dad, why did you track me?
I thought you trusted me.

I do, I just...

I got caught up thinking
about what I was like when I was a kid.

But I'm not the same kid you were.

At least I wasn't, until tonight.

I got an idea.

How about you and I
hit the trust reset button?

I promise I will never track you again.

And I promise I'll never sneak out
behind your back again.


How about we talk
about your punishment?

What? But this was going so well!

-Okay, I guess I deserve to be grounded.
-Grounded? Oh, no.

[chuckles] No.

I have something way worse in mind.

What is it? Tell me!

[continues laughing]

Tell me! If this is part
of the punishment, it's working!

[continues laughing]

This is worse than being grounded.

Way worse.

Why did Oranges have to add another night?

Sit down, Dad, I've learned my lesson!

Not quite yet!

Here it comes!

[audience] Wooo!

-Are you done, Dad?
-No, now, we gotta post it.

Otherwise no one will know it happened.

We'll know, we'll know!

Say "Sixteen Oranges"!

-Sixteen Oranges!
-[camera clicks]

What? A post's a post!

[man] Oh, yeah.