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16x23 - Ichigo vs. Ginjō! Secret of the Substitute Badge

Posted: 08/21/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
GINJO,What's the matter?!

GINJO,Taking your sweet time to analyze the situation?!

GINJO,You want to get this over with, right?

GINJO,Same here!

ISHIDA (M),Just as I suspected...

ISHIDA (M),He didn't simply make Kurosaki's Fullbring his own...

ISHIDA (M),His att*cks are combined with the

,power of Kurosaki's Spiritual Pressure...!

ISHIDA (M),This is going to be a problem...

ICHIGO,So, did you come up with any great ideas?

ISHIDA,What's that supposed to mean?

ICHIGO,Just that.

ICHIGO,You're the one who suggested we analyze the situation.

ICHIGO,Weren't you trying to come with an idea to quickly take him down?

ISHIDA,Are you stupid or something?

ISHIDA,There's no such thing.

ICHIGO,What? There isn't?

ISHIDA,I was observing his Spiritual Pressure.

ISHIDA,Listen to me.

ISHIDA,His Spiritual Pressure contains your...

ICHIGO,Well, I'll be going, then.

ISHIDA,Wait, Kurosaki!

ISHIDA,The fact that his attack is combined with your Spiritual Pressure means...

GINJO,Ah, you finally decided to come out...


GINJO,Did you come with a plan while you were hiding?

ICHIGO,I just checked.

ICHIGO,He didn't have any, so I came on out.

GINJO,A Getsugatensho, huh?

GINJO,Bring it on.

GINJO,I almost died because of that the last time.

GINJO,If you're going to beat me, I suppose that's the only way.

ISHIDA,Don't do it, Kurosaki!

ISHIDA,He's egging you on!


ISHIDA,The fact that he has your Spiritual Pressure combined with his own

ISHIDA,means it's possible that he can also use your techniques...!

ISHIDA,Are you listening, Kurosaki?!

ICHIGO,I heard you.

ICHIGO,Quit nagging.

ISHIDA,Who's nagging?!

ISHIDA,You have a bad habit of not hearing people through!

ICHIGO,Listening to you won't change a thing!

ICHIGO,It's not as though that's going to diminish his powers!

ISHIDA,It does change things...

ISHIDA,At least you can be careful.

ISHIDA,Watch it, Kurosaki.

ISHIDA,His last blow made it very clear.

ISHIDA,It wasn't just your Spiritual Pressure and Fullbring that he took.

ISHIDA,He's probably acquired every one of your abilities...!

TSUKISHIMA,How cruel of you

TSUKISHIMA,Am I notyour benefactor?

TSUKISHIMA,Doesn't it pain your heart to do this?

BYAKUYA,You are indeed my benefactor.

BYAKUYA,And I do appreciate it.

BYAKUYA,However, you are Ichigo Kurosaki's enemy.

BYAKUYA,I will not hesitate to k*ll that enemy.

BYAKUYA,Regardless of who they are.


KENPACHI,Good, you're finally out.

IKKAKU,Captain! You got out pretty quick.

KENPACHI,Shut up. You're just slow.


IKKAKU,What happened to you? You're a mess.

IKKAKU,You look pathetic!


RENJI,I escaped that dimension quite a while ago via the expl*si*n,

RENJI,but I was unable to move for some time, so

KENPACHI,Oh, so that huge expl*si*n came from you?

IKKAKU,What about your opponent? Did you k*ll them?

RENJI,She's dead I think.

KENPACHI,What about you?

IKKAKU,Uh, well

IKKAKU,He disappeared after I scolded him a little

KENPACHI,Scolded him?!

KENPACHI,That's why you took so long!

KENPACHI,Taking your damn sweet time!

IKKAKU,Sorry, sir

HITSUGAYA,Why're you guys arguing the minute you show up?


KENPACHI,This is none of your business!

HITSUGAYA,You're right. Fine.

HITSUGAYA,Get it out of your system.

YUKIO,Hey! This wasn't part of the deal!

YUKIO,You said you'd free me once I shut down my powers!

HITSUGAYA,Once we confirm that everyone is free, we will.

HITSUGAYA,Kuchiki and Kuchiki aren't here.

IKKAKU,Can you refer to them by first names, sir?

,You're confusing us.

YUKIO,I'm losing feeling in my arms and legs!


BYAKUYA,Look after her.

RENJI,Yes, sir!

HITSUGAYA,Is she all right?

BYAKUYA,She's alive.

BYAKUYA,Her wounds are slight,

,and there isn't any irregularity in her Spiritual Pressure.


BYAKUYA,there were no signs of the enemy or its corpse

,in the area where Rukia collapsed.

HITSUGAYA,You look like you know something.

YUKIO,Of course not.

YUKIO,I hardly know anything about Riruka's abilities

YUKIO,Neither of us wanted to show the other our abilities.

YUKIO,I don't know if she's dead, or if she got away,

YUKIO,but I'd be grateful if she were dead.

YUKIO,Come on! Isn't this enough?!

YUKIO,Melt this ice already!


YUKIO,Why not?!

YUKIO,Oh, I can't undo that one.

YUKIO,It's the truth!

YUKIO,Did you know?

YUKIO,Fullbringers and Substitute Soul Reapers can trade their powers.

YUKIO,When we first joined Kugo, we traded a portion

,of our powers with each other as a sign of loyalty.

YUKIO,We also placed a small restriction on those powers.

YUKIO,Here's the restriction I share between Kugo

YUKIO,“If Kugo is within the range of my abilities,

YUKIO,then I cannot undo them unless he orders me to.

GINJO,That's pretty good.

GINJO,You put yourself at quite a risk, though.

ICHIGO,I had no such intention.

GINJO,I suppose not.

GINJO,You're just fighting with everything you've got, right?

GINJO,So, what are you fighting for right now?

ICHIGO,What do you mean?

GINJO,Tsukishima's dead.

GINJO,Actually, he's not dead yet,

,but his Spiritual Pressure is nearly gone.

GINJO,I'd say he only has about ten minutes to live


GINJO,when a Fullbringer dies, all traces of his abilities disappear.

GINJO,Understand what that means?

GINJO,If Tsukishima dies,

GINJO,all of the memories of the past that he

,inserted will return to what they used to be.

GINJO,Your family and friends will

,all be just the way they were before.

GINJO,So I'll ask you once more:

GINJO,Right now, what are you fighting for?

GINJO,No answer?

GINJO,Then let me tell you one more thing.

GINJO,It's about the enemy you should really be fighting.

ISSHIN,They've stabilized



URAHARA,I'll leave the rest to you.

TESSAI,Yes, I will see to them.

ISSHIN,Where are you going?

URAHARA,To where everyone is.

ISSHIN,To assist? I'm coming with you.

URAHARA,No, most of the fighting is probably over,

,so I'm going to provide healing.

URAHARA,You'll be of no help, Isshin, so stay here.

ISSHIN,Shouldn't we try to wrap this up quickly

,by assisting Ichigo with his fight?

ISSHIN,If we don't do that, then

URAHARA,He'll find out from Kugo Ginjo?

URAHARA,That's fine.

URAHARA,He was going to find out sooner or later.

ICHIGO,The enemy I should really be fighting?!


ICHIGO,Don't mess with me!

ICHIGO,I've had enough of your mind games!

ISHIDA,That's right.

ISHIDA,You see yourself in at a disadvantage,

ISHIDA,so you present a shocking “fact

,to lay on the psychological pressure

ISHIDA,in order to make your point that

ISHIDA,“You'd be better off joining with me.

ISHIDA,Isn't that right?

GINJO,At a disadvantage, you say?

GINJO,What ever makes you say that?

GINJO,Sorry, but I can fully defeat the both of you right now.

GINJO,Why don't you try sh**ting at me from the back?

GINJO,I'll parry your sh*ts while keeping our conversation.


GINJO,Do you know why you were entrusted with a Combat Pass?

ICHIGO,What do you mean?

GINJO,When you were handed the Combat Pass,

,you must've been told something like this:

GINJO,“If the Soul Reaper is deemed

,beneficial to the Soul Society,

,it is customary to give them the Combat Pass.

GINJO,Listen closely, Kurosaki.

GINJO,That's a lie.

ISHIDA (M),It's no simple task for an

,organization to determine whether

,someone will be of benefit or a detriment

ISHIDA (M),And the biggest issue is that if they

,“hand out Combat Passes to those of benefit,

ISHIDA (M),they've never told Kurosaki what happens

,to those who are not.

GINJO,More correctly

GINJO,Whether someone is of benefit or

,detriment to the Soul Society has nothing to do with it.

GINJO,Combat Passes are handed out equally regardless.

GINJO,The official name for Combat Pass is

,“Substitute Soul Reaper Combat Pass

GINJO,It certifies that one has permission to

,conduct Substitute Soul Reaper duties in the World of the Living.

ICHIGO,I know that.

GINJO,But have you ever, to this moment, truly felt its authority?

ICHIGO (flashback),I am Ichigo Kurosaki! I'm a Substitute Soul Reaper!

ICHIGO (flashback),Here's my Combat Pass!

KURUMADANI (flashback),What the hell is that?

KURUMADANI (flashback),I've never seen or heard of such a thing.

ICHIGO'S VOICE (flashback),What's with this thing?

ICHIGO'S VOICE (flashback),It isn't any help at all

ISHIGO,Are you saying the Combat Pass has another function?


GINJO,The function of the Combat Pass is

,to keep watch and control.

GINJO,Thanks to the Combat Pass,

GINJO,the Soul Society is able to

,keep constant tabs on your whereabouts,

GINJO,and allowed them to control your Spiritual Pressure,

,at least while you had the Combat Pass near you.

GINJO,Didn't you ever question

GINJO,Why your Spiritual Pressure that

,rages out of control when you're agitated,

,even in Soul Reaper form, never had any effect

GINJO,on you when you were in human form?

GINJO,Why, when you used your Combat Pass to produce your Fullbring,

GINJO,your Spiritual Pressure gushed forth from the Combat Pass?

GINJO,Why, during your Fullbring training,

GINJO,you heard your friends voices via the Combat Pass?

GINJO,Surely you must've questioned them before.

GINJO,The Combat Pass is a

,device that communicates with the Soul Society,

GINJO,absorbing your Spiritual Pressure,

,then analyzing and controlling it.

GINJO,You were given that so the Soul Society

,could keep watch on you and control you.

GINJO,It's not that you never felt it was strange.

GINJO,You simply pushed those questions into the back of your mind.

GINJO,People who you bonded with in battle

,would never do that to you.

GINJO,You didn't want to believe they would do that to you.


GINJO,I will tell you.

GINJO,The man who came up with this plan is

GINJO,Jushiro Ukitake

GINJO,The Captain of Squad .

ICHIGO,The Combat Pass?

ICHIGO,What's that?

UKITAKE (flashback),The Soul Society also has a law

,covering the emergence of a Substitute Soul Reaper.

UKITAKE (flashback),It has been decided since ancient times that if

,the Substitute Soul Reaper is

,deemed beneficial to the Soul Society

UKITAKE (flashback),then we are to give this to them.

UKITAKE (flashback),That one is yours now.

ICHIGO (flashback),I see

ICHIGO (flashback),Thank you, Ukitake.

ICHIGO,Ukitake did?

GINJO,We were tricked by the most peace-loving man

,among the Court Guard Squads!


GINJO,The man's aim is to

,watch and control us in order to

,use us as pawns of the Soul Society,

,and to eliminate us if we resist!

ISHIDA (M),This is bad!


ISHIDA (M),There's no way Kurosaki

,can cope with these truths in his present state!

GINJO,They all know!

GINJO,Everyone in the Soul Society besides you knows this!

GINJO,They abandoned you and left you to die, Ichigo!

ISHIDA,Don't listen to him, Kurosaki!

ICHIGO,Shut the hell up!




RENJI,You all right?!

RENJI,Does it hurt anywhere?!


RUKIA,Right now, my right shoulder hurts

RUKIA,Is Ichigo still inside?

RUKIA (M),With this many captain-class Soul Reapers present,

,destroying that dimension should be easy

RUKIA (M),I get it

,They're waiting to see his decision.

YUKIO,What?! What's going on?!


YUKIO,It's collapsing


GINJO,“Shut the hell up?

GINJO,Shut up about what?

GINJO,Do I annoy you so much

,that you'd do Bankai to k*ll me at once to shut me up?

GINJO,What would that do?

GINJO,Would that hide your eyes from reality once more?

ICHIGO,Shut up.

ICHIGO,That one was towards you.

ICHIGO,But what I said earlier wasn't

ICHIGO,It was towards Ishida.

ICHIGO,“Don't listen to him, Kurosaki! my ass.

ICHIGO,Shut up.

ICHIGO,Mind your own business!


ICHIGO,I also thought what Ukitake said to me sounded odd


ICHIGO,But I didn't want to believe it.

ICHIGO,I didn't want to suspect Ukitake.

ICHIGO,That's why I always shoved those thoughts to the back of my mind.

ICHIGO,But then I realized something

ICHIGO,I asked myself, “Why was I suspicious of Ukitake?

ICHIGO,Ukitake is a lot smarter than me.

ICHIGO,If he really was planning to deceive me,

ICHIGO,he would have done so in a way that I wouldn't notice.

ICHIGO,But Ukitake handed me

,the Combat Pass along with that explanation.

ICHIGO,And I soon realized

ICHIGO,that the Combat Pass had no function.

ICHIGO,I'm guessing that Ukitake purposely

,allowed me to realize that.

ICHIGO,He purposely let me come to that

,realization and make my own choice.

GINJO,Regarding what?

GINJO,Coming to that realization

,didn't leave you any choice in the matter.

ICHIGO,I did make a choice

ICHIGO,I chose the path of protecting others.

ICHIGO,I wanted power.

ICHIGO,I wanted the power to protect all sorts of people, all the time.

ICHIGO,When I lost my powers, I remembered that feeling.

ICHIGO,Rukia gave me the power I sought to protect people.

ICHIGO,Everyone helped me regain the powers I had lost.

ICHIGO,That's why I will protect everyone and fight you.

GINJO,There go the negotiations.

GINJO,You leave me no choice!

GINJO,I didn't want to have to k*ll you.


ICHIGO,Oh yeah, I forgot about that

ICHIGO,You were a Substitute Soul Reaper yourself, weren't you?

GINJO,That's right.

GINJO,But there's something else you forgot.

GINJO,As I told you

GINJO,People like us were

,att*cked by Hollows before we were born.

GINJO,Inside me

GINJO,is the power of a Hollow.

ICHIGO,Is that so?

ICHIGO,Bring it on, Ginjo.

ICHIGO,Let's hurry up and settle this.

GINJO,You talk big for a kid.

GINJO,Time will try to constantly try to catch up with you.

,And with a roar, it will overcome you.

GINJO,Do not look ahead.

,Hope only lies within the unforeseeable

,current that will close in from behind.

KON,Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers.


KON,Long time no see.

KON,It's me, everyone's idol, Kon!

KON,Since this is the last “Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers,

KON,I'll let you in on an interesting story about myself!

KON,After Ichigo lost his powers, these two were deeply troubled

KON,“What could we do to help him? they wondered.

KON,This is what I told them:

KON,You guys need to have faith in Ichigo

KON,Huh? We're done?!

KON,Is this the end?!

KON,I was coming to the best part!
