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16x20 - Revival! Substitute Shinigami: Ichigo Kurosaki!

Posted: 08/21/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
GINJO,No That's impossible!

RENJI,We put all of our Spiritual Pressure into that sword!

RENJI,Restoring Ichigo's Spiritual Pressure

,would be a piece of cake!

RUKIA,Ichigo! Show them, Ichigo!

RUKIA,Show them that despair isn't enough to stop you!


GINJO,Your Getsugatensho has gotten more powerful,

,but is that all you've got?!

GINJO,You missed!

GINJO,This isn't enough to k*ll me, Kurosaki!

ICHIGO,You idiot.

ICHIGO,That wasn't a Getsugatensho.

ICHIGO,That was the force created from swinging my sword.

GINJO,What the hell?

GINJO,What the hell is this Spiritual Pressure?!



ICHIGO,Sorry... I missed...

ICHIGO,Next time, I won't.

GINJO (M),Must retreat!

GINJO (M),I've got to retreat and regroup!

ICHIGO,You're not getting away!

GINJO (M),What incredible power...

GINJO (M),His physical abilities have become even more powerful!

GINJO (M),Did the Fullbring I gave him

,increase his innate powers?!




GINJO,It'll take more

GINJO,More than thatto k*ll me!

RENJI,You feel it, right?



ICHIGO,No, that's not all.

ICHIGO (M),Hirako

ICHIGO (M),Rangiku

ICHIGO (M),Unohana

ICHIGO (M),Hanataro


ICHIGO (M),Mr. Urahara

ICHIGO (M),Yoruichi

ICHIGO (M),And even the Old Head Captain.

RUKIA,You have all of our powers, Ichigo.

ICHIGO,I thought transferring your powers

,to a human was a serious crime.

RENJI,We didn't have a choice.

,it's the Head Captain's orders.

GENRYUSAI,I understand the situation.

GENRYUSAI,Bring that sword to me, Kisuke Urahara!

UNOHANA,Head Captain, then?

GENRYUSAI,Regardless of how he went about it,

GENRYUSAI,Ichigo Kurosaki saved our lives.

GENRYUSAI,Now it's our turn to save Ichigo Kurosaki.

GENRYUSAI,Even if it means breaking the tradition,

GENRYUSAI,it would bring perpetual shame to the

, Court Guard Squads to trample on the debt we owe him.

GENRYUSAI,This is an order of the Head Captain!

GENRYUSAI,All captains and lieutenants of the Court Guard Squads

GENRYUSAI,are ordered to place their Spiritual Pressures in this sword!

GENRYUSAI,Help Ichigo Kurosaki regain his Soul Reaper powers!

RENJI,That's how it was.

RENJI,Nice of the Head Captain, don't you think?

HITSUGAYA,Don't be stupid.

HITSUGAYA,It's not the kind of sane decision you'd expect of a leader.

HITSUGAYA,The Head Captain would've probably

,never made a decision like this in the past.

HITSUGAYA,You changed all that, Kurosaki.

HITSUGAYA,That power you received is the result

,of the changes you made to

,the Soul Society in all of your battles.

HITSUGAYA,Accept it with honor.

ICHIGO,What is it?!

ICHIGO,No way...

HITSUGAYA,There are two reasons why the Head Captain decided

,to restore your Spiritual Pressure.

HITSUGAYA,The first is as we just told you.

HITSUGAYA,And the second reason is him.

HITSUGAYA,Long before you ever showed up,

,a man was issued a Combat Pass as a Substitute Soul Reaper

HITSUGAYA,then relinquished that position and disappeared.

HITSUGAYA,The first Substitute Soul Reaper,


ICHIGO,The first

,Substitute Soul Reaper?!

ICHIGO,What're you talking about?!


HITSUGAYA,When Ukitake first handed you the Combat Pass,

HITSUGAYA,he must have told you this...

UKITAKE (FLASHBACK),The Soul Society also has a law covering the emergence

,of a Substitute Soul Reaper.

UKITAKE (FLASHBACK),If the Soul Reaper is deemed

, beneficial to the Soul Society,

,it is customary to give this to them.

HITSUGAYA,The Substitute Soul Reaper law was created for him!

BYAKUYA,Captain Hitsugaya.

HITSUGAYA,Be that as it may, we'll save the details for later.

HITSUGAYA,Right now, concentrate all of your attention on him!

GINJO,You got that right!

GINJO,You guys would have a problem if he's not focused on me!

GINJO,Thanks, Kurosaki.

GINJO,If I hadn't taken your powers,

GINJO,I'd be dead right now.

ORIHIME (M),Kurosaki was crying.


ORIHIME (M),Kurosaki and Mr. Tsukishima are friends

ORIHIME (M),Why did it turn out like this?

ORIHIME (M),Mr. Tsukishima is the one I love

ORIHIME (M),Way, way before I even met Kurosaki,

ORIHIME (M),he always protected me,

ORIHIME (M),and treated me with kindness.

ORIHIME (M),I've always, always, admired him.

ORIHIME (M),I want to do anything Mr. Tsukishima says.

ORIHIME (M),For Mr. Tsukishima, I could sacrifice anything

ORIHIME (M),That's how I felt.


ORIHIME (M),Why is it that it hurts so much

,when I see Kurosaki crying?

ORIHIME (M),It hurtsso much

ORIHIME (M),In my mind, in my heart and even in the pit of my stomach.

ORIHIME (M),Please don't cry, Kurosaki

ORIHIME (M),Please don't cry

ORIHIME (M),Please don't cry!

ORIHIME (M),Thank goodness

ORIHIME (M),Kurosaki isn't crying.

ORIHIME (M),Kuchiki

ORIHIME (M),Abarai

ORIHIME (M),Toshiro

ORIHIME (M),They all came to stop Kurosaki.

SADO,Something's not right

SADO,Why is everybody on Ichigo's side?!

SADO,Didn't they come to stop Ichigo?

SADO,It's almost as though

SADO,They've come to defeat Ginjo!

TSUKISHIMA,What's the matter, you two?

TSUKISHIMA,Are you having doubts about your past?

ORIHIME,Mr. Tsukishima

TSUKISHIMA,That's odd.

TSUKISHIMA,You don't believe the memories you share with me?

TSUKISHIMA,Who was it who protected you from your parents

TSUKISHIMA,and raised you,


TSUKISHIMA,Who was it who gave you that pendant,


ORIHIME,S-Something's not right with me

ORIHIME,I'm alive right now

ORIHIME,because of Mr. Tsukishima, sowhy?


SADO,I believe in

SADO,Believe in Mr. Tsukishima


GINJO,Don't keep cramming memories into their pasts!

GINJO,They'll become unusable!

GINJO,Think about how many you ruined by doing that!

URAHARA,Whew. Thank goodness

ISSHIN,Hey, no fair

URAHARA,Thanks to you carelessly unsettling them,

URAHARA,we were easily able to knock them unconscious.

URAHARA,Thank you very much.

URAHARA,Now Inoue and Sado have been taken out of action.

URAHARA,They won't have to suffer anymore.

URAHARA,We've already moved the others to a safe place,

URAHARA,so you're now able to fight without holding back.


KUTSUZAWA,What? I knew it!

KUTSUZAWA,This is quite unfair!

KUTSUZAWA,How could you take Mr. Ichigo's power all for yourself?!

RIRUKA,Hey! Giriko!


YUKIO,You promised to share it with all of us!

RIRUKA,Hold on, you guys!

RIRUKA,I don't really care about having Ichigo's powers

GINJO,Shut up!

GINJO,You don't have to remind me about it.

GINJO,I'll give all of you guys a portion of Ichigo's power.

YUKIO,So this is what it's like!



KUTSUZAWA,So this is the power of Mr. Ichigo's Fullbring!

KUTSUZAWA,It's as though youth is gushing out from my body!

YUKIO,Your comments are totally like those of an old man, Giriko.

TSUKISHIMA,Aren't you going to share it with Shishigawara?

TSUKISHIMA,It's not nice to leave him out.

GINJO,Increasing his power would only cause trouble.

GINJO,When this fight's over, k*ll him.

TSUKISHIMA,I thought he had an interesting ability, though.

KUTSUZAWA,All right!

KUTSUZAWA,Here we come, Mr. Ichigo!

KUTSUZAWA,Feel with your own body

KUTSUZAWA,the wonderful power you've given us!

IKKAKU,Look at him getting carried away

ICHIGO,It's my fault their powers increased.

ICHIGO,I'll go.



KUTSUZAWA,What is this about?

KUTSUZAWA,Don't tell me you're going to take on all of us alone?

ICHIGO,I went easy on you.

ICHIGO,You shouldn't be dead.


YUKIO,Shouldn't be dead, you say?!

YUKIO,You think you're so cool? You're such a joke!

YUKIO,Don't you get it?

YUKIO,It wasn't a “You have defeated the enemy!

YUKIO,It was, in fact, a “But they evaded your attack!

ICHIGO,“Digital Radial Invaders.

YUKIO,You saw it, didn't you?

YUKIO,We took your Fullbring, Ichigo Kurosaki.

YUKIO,A Fullbring that is worn and emitted outward.

YUKIO,Thanks to you, I was able to expand the area of incursion

,of my “Invaders Must Die beyond the screen.

IKKAKU,You're too soft,



IKKAKU,At this point, don't go trying to end

,a fight by striking with the back of your blade.

IKKAKU,k*ll them good!

IKKAKU,You owe these guys that for starting the fight.

HITSUGAYA,Stay sharp, Madarame.


YUKIO,Not bad.

YUKIO,Shall I award bonus points?

HITSUGAYA,No thanks.

IKKAKU,Who the hell are you?

YUKIO,Looks like they spread out just right.

YUKIO,Well then, I'll assign rooms.

KENPACHI,Hold on, Kuchiki.

KENPACHI,That one looks stronger.

KENPACHI,Switch with me!

KUTSUZAWA,“Switch because he looks stronger?

,I can't let that go.

KUTSUZAWA,In other words, I look weak to you?


KENPACHI,It's boring to cut down small fry.

KUTSUZAWA,You appear to be a muscle-bound idiot.

KUTSUZAWA,People like you need to be crushed by force.

KUTSUZAWA,What do you think?!

KUTSUZAWA,My “Time Tells No Lies is

,also capable of something like this!

KUTSUZAWA,The simpler the terms of my contract

,with the Gods of Time, the more

,powerful it's manifested!

KUTSUZAWA,My contract right now

KUTSUZAWA,is an exceedingly simple “increase in power!

KUTSUZAWA,Right now, I am more powerful than anyone



KENPACHI,What a bore.

ICHIGO,You guys have changed quite a bit!

HITSUGAYA,Yes, we have trained and become

,stronger, both in mind and body.

HITSUGAYA,We won't get distracted so easily.

ICHIGO,But you haven't changed that much.

HITSUGAYA,What?! Can't you tell?!

HITSUGAYA,Look at my height! I'm taller now!

ICHIGO,You're getting easily distracted

KON,Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

RENJI,Today, I'm giving a quiz!

RENJI,Question one!

RENJI,Guess the name of my Zanpakuto, Zabimaru.


ISHIDA (M),But he just said its name

ISHIDA (M),Doesn't he know the meaning of “quiz?

RENJI,Okay then, Ichigo!


RENJI,“Bucktoothmaru? What the hell?!

RENJI,Didn't I say it's Zabimaru?!

ISHIDA,You knew and still said it?!

RENJI,Okay, moving on!

ISHIDA,Hold on a second!

ISHIDA,You're going to let that go?!

ICHIGO,Let what go?