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16x15 - Tsukishima's Ability, the Danger is Drawing Near!

Posted: 08/21/22 07:52
by bunniefuu

GINJO,Well done.

GINJO,It's complete.


GINJO,The moment Fullbring is complete,

GINJO,somebody has to make sure to contain

,that power by putting their life on the line.


GINJO,Sorry I was a cheesy bad guy, I know.


GINJO,to Xcution.


ICHIGO,One hundred!

ICHIGO,That's it! That's my limit!

ICHIGO,I'm not doing it any more!


,You tired already?

ICHIGO,What do you mean “already?!

ICHIGO,How many sets of a hundred pushups

,are you gonna make me do?!

GINJO,That was only your fourteenth set.

ICHIGO,Only?! Are you crazy?

ICHIGO,You trying to turn me into a wrestler or something?!

GINJO,Stop whining with just fourteen sets.

GINJO,Why don't you do one more set to match your name?

ICHIGO,You had to say that!

ICHIGO,I hate those kinds of puns!


GINJO,I know you wear a T-shirt that says “ on it.

ICHIGO,How do you know that?!

ICHIGO,That stalker network of yours gives me the creeps!

ORIHIME,Kurosaki's working hard...

RIRUKA,I'm coming in!

ORIHIME,Riruka, you came in before I answered again.

RIRUKA,Shut up!

RIRUKA,I'm leaving your breakfast here!

ORIHIME,Oh, wait!

ORIHIME,Let's eat together, Riruka!

RIRUKA,I just had some donuts, so no thanks!

ORIHIME,It seems like

ORIHIME,all she eats are donuts

YUKIO,Okay, I've finished loading it.

ORIHIME,Thank you for everything, Yukio.

YUKIO,Don't mention it.

YUKIO,I do this all the time.

ORIHIME,Okay, I'll be leaving then.

SADO,What about Ichigo?

ORIHIME,He's not going to school today.

ORIHIME,He said he completed his Fullbring

,and just has a few kinks to work out.

SADO,Then it looks like he might be done tonight.

ORIHIME,Sado, what made you decide to go back

,to school all of a sudden?

ORIHIME,Did something happen?

ORIHIME,You haven't been coming all this time, soyou know

SADO,If Tsukishima's aim is

,preventing the reawakening of Ichigo's powers,

SADO,was it really necessary to attack Ichigo's family and you?

SADO,Wouldn't that have been counterproductive?

SADO,Could he have actually been trying to

,corner Ichigo to induce him to acquire Fullbring?

ORIHIME,For what purpose?

SADO,I don't know.

SADO,But it makes more sense that way.

SADO,I think the key to answering that question

SADO,lies in Tsukishima's powers.

SADO,Have you noticed anything different since that day, Inoue?


ORIHIME,Remember how I said

,I could remember Mr. Tsukishima inside my old memories?

ORIHIME,He's a very dear person to me

ORIHIME,That's what I find myself thinking sometimes.

SADO,I see.

SADO,Then we can't leave things as they are.

SADO,In any case, I think it'd be a good idea

,for us to sort through what's happened so far.

ORIHIME,I agree.

RIRUKA,Hey, you!

RIRUKA,What? You're not here?

RIRUKA,You put me through all this trouble and

,now you disappear without a word!

RIRUKA,I'll bet you're just an airhead that all the boys fussed over-

ORIHIME,Dear Riruka,

ORIHIME,Breakfast was delicious. Thank you so much!

ORIHIME,Let's have donuts together again.


YUKIO,Well? How's Ichigo Kurosaki doing?

GINJO,He's doing well.

GINJO,He'll be a Fullbringer by tonight.

YUKIO,Oh yeah?

GINJO,What? Not interested?

YUKIO,It's not that.

YUKIO,But won't Mr. Tsukishima sense it, too?


GINJO,He'll probably start making his move.

RIRUKA,What do you mean by “start making his move?

RIRUKA,Yukio, let me out.

RIRUKA,Isn't Ichigo what Tsukishima is after?

RIRUKA,That attack said it all—even I could tell that.

RIRUKA,And prior to that, there were a number of

RIRUKA,strange incidents happening around

RIRUKA,Ichigo that looked like Tsukishima's doing.

RIRUKA,Saying he'll “start making his move doesn't make sense.

RIRUKA,He's already taking action.


GINJO,Women are such nitpickers.

GINJO,What was that for?!

YUKIO,I think you deserved that, Kugo


GINJO,Thus far, he's only messed with Ichigo

GINJO,to fan his sense of imminent danger.

GINJO,But now, Ichigo's Fullbring is about to become complete.

GINJO,This time, he'll attack like he means it, that's what I'm saying.

RIRUKA,Attack?! Why?!

RIRUKA,What is it that he wants to do with Ichigo's powers?

GINJO,Who knows?

RIRUKA,What?! You're so unreliable!

GINJO,But even Tsukishima should have a hard time

,dealing with Ichigo once he's acquired Fullbring.

GINJO,If Tsukishima wants Ichigo

GINJO,His first move would be

GINJO,to eliminate those who are trying to protect Ichigo

GINJO,and then isolate him.

YUKIO,That means we're in danger, too.


GINJO,And Chad and Orihime Inoue

,would definitely become targets, as well.


ORIHIME,‘Morning, Tatsuki.

TATSUKI,Good to see you again, Chad.

KEIGO,What happened to you?!

KEIGO,You haven't been coming to school at all!

SADO,You okay?

KEIGO,Solid as always.

KEIGO,Now if only Ichigo would

ORIHIME,Kurosaki said he won't be coming today.


KEIGO,How come you know about Ichigo's business?

SADO,Ichigo's doing his best to get himself together.

KEIGO,Did Ichigo get involved in something again?!

TATSUKI,You're in the way.

TATSUKI,That's none of your business.

TATSUKI,Come on, we'll be late for class.

TATSUKI,Orihime, you too!

RIRUKA,You mean those two are targeted?!

RIRUKA,Then why'd you let them leave here?!

GINJO,We had no choice.

GINJO,We can't keep them locked up here for our convenience.

GINJO,I'm guessing they'll look

,into Tsukishima on their own to help Ichigo.


GINJO,But right now, we can't take the risk

GINJO,of joining them in trying to determine Tsukishima's objective.

GINJO,We must protect Ichigo at all cost

,in order to achieve our goal.


GINJO,I'm sorry, but it's the best we can do.

GINJO,Yukio, I'm going to rest for a bit.

YUKIO,Sure, I'll handle things.


ORIHIME,How'd it look?

SADO,I went around the campus,

,but didn't sense that Spiritual Pressure from anyone else.

ORIHIME,That means it was only from Tatsuki and the other two.

SADO,Those three definitely had traces of contact

SADO,with someone possessing strong Spiritual Pressure.

SADO,We can't prove it, but was it Tsukishima?


ORIHIME,Does that mean he did something to Tatsuki and the others?

SADO,It's okay, Inoue.

SADO,Nothing seems out of the ordinary about them.

SADO,But what's certain is that he's always lurking around Ichigo.

ORIHIME,Mr. Tsukishima is?

SADO,What is it?

ORIHIME,No I'm all right.

ORIHIME,Let's go.


ORIHIME (M),What was that


STUDENT A,Who's that girl?

STUDENT B,Beats me.

STUDENT B,Maybe she's looking for someone?


RIRUKA,These things make it harder to see.

RIRUKA,That girl's causing me nothing but trouble.

GINJO,Stop that, you're acting silly.

YUKIO,Admit it,

YUKIO,You care about “that girl.

RIRUKA,You're wrong!

RIRUKA,I just came to buy donuts.

RIRUKA,And I just happen to pass by the

,school that Chad and that girl go to

RIRUKA,So I just thought maybe I should check things out for a bit

TATSUKI,Did you just say “Chad and that girl?

RIRUKA,It's nothing.

RIRUKA,Who are you?

TATSUKI,By “that girl, did you mean Orihime?

RIRUKA,I might've

RIRUKA,I came to see her.

RIRUKA,Where are they? Chad and that girl

TATSUKI,They already left

RIRUKA,Huh? Then where are they now?

TATSUKI,I don't know what business you have with them,

TATSUKI,but I'm not going to tell someone so suspicious

RIRUKA,Tell me.

RIRUKA,It's important!


ORIHIME,Thank you very much.



SADO,Did you find out anything?

ORIHIME,Ishida was told he couldn't leave the hospital yet,

ORIHIME,but he's been gone since around noon.

ORIHIME,I'll try calling Ishida.




SADO,What're you doing here?

RIRUKA,It's not what it looks like!

RIRUKA,I came to buy donuts when

ORIHIME/SADO,At the hospital?

RIRUKA,It doesn't matter where I buy them!

RIRUKA,Never mind that!

,What're you two doing here?!

ORIHIME,We came to see our friend

RIRUKA,You mean, Uryu Ishida?

RIRUKA,Oh, I see

RIRUKA,So the two of you are racking your

,meager brains to investigate Tsukishima?

SADO,Why do you think that?

RIRUKA,Don't patronize me!

RIRUKA,You must've realized

RIRUKA,Tsukishima is making contact with Ichigo's classmates.

RIRUKA,You can't fool me.

ORIHIME,We had no such intention.

ORIHIME,But Kurosaki's been working desperately hard,

ORIHIME,so we thought we might lend a hand

RIRUKA,Are you guys stupid?!

RIRUKA,You're up against Tsukishima!

RIRUKA,Didn't Ginjo tell you?!

RIRUKA,He's the kind of guy who kills

,Substitute Soul Reapers and even his friends!

RIRUKA,And you're trying to investigate him by yourselves?!

RIRUKA,You guys are way over your head!

ORIHIME,You're right.

ORIHIME,I'm not very strong,

,and I'm not sure that doing this will even help.

ORIHIME,But Kurosaki has always protected me.

ORIHIME,That's why I can't do anything knowing that

,Kurosaki might be a target.

ORIHIME,I want to help himeven if only a bit

SADO,What's the matter?

ORIHIME,No, it's nothing.

RIRUKA,Anyway, give up your crazy idea

RIRUKA,of trying to find Tsukishima.

RIRUKA,That's all I'm saying!


ORIHIME,Thank you.

RIRUKA,What was that for?

RIRUKA,You're creeping me out!

VOICEMAIL, not available.

VOICEMAIL,At the tone, please leave your message.

ORIHIME,It's no use

SADO,Let's head back to where Ginjo and the others are.

SADO,We should be able to contact Ishida before it gets dark.

SADO,We can come up with a new plan after that.

SADO,Like Riruka said,

,investigating that guy by ourselves is dangerous.


ORIHIME,what's wrong?

SADO,Noit's nothing.

ORIHIME,I wonder if there is any other way

,to learn about Mr. Tsukishima


SADO,The guy who was with Tsukishima when you were att*cked?

SADO,It certainly seems likely that he knows

,about Tsukishima's powers

SADO,But isn't he also a Fullbringer?


ORIHIME,He didn't seem all that strong.


SADO,If he said he was from Miyashita High School,


,then this is the place.

SADO,I don't have a good feeling about this

ORIHIME,Excuse me.

ORIHIME,We're looking for someone.

DELINQUENT,Who the hell are you?



DELINQUENTS,What do you and your bimbo want?!

DELINQUENTS,You mocking us?!

RIRUKA,Jeez, what're they doing?

RIRUKA,I warned them not to

RIRUKA,If they cause a scene, Tsukishima will notice them.


TSUKISHIMA,What're you doing out here?


DELINQUENTS,Come back here, dammit!

ORIHIME,Why is this happening?!

SADO,I sort of figured they weren't the type to talk with us.

ORIHIME,You were right. They wouldn't listen

ORIHIME,I thought it was a good idea, though.

ORIHIME,We couldn't learn a thing about Mr. Tsukishima.

SADO,What's wrong?!

ORIHIME,When did we become friends with Mr. Tsukishima?

SADO,What're you talking about?

ORIHIME,Didn't we go with him to the Soul Society to rescue Kuchiki?

ORIHIME,No, that's not right


ORIHIME,What is the matter with me?

TSUKISHIMA,Shall I tell you?


TSUKISHIMA,Riruka tells me you've been looking for me.

TSUKISHIMA,So what's up?

ORIHIME,Mr. Tsukishima, you didn't!


TSUKISHIMA,But don't worry about it.

TSUKISHIMA,It was all in the plan.


TSUKISHIMA,In just this short time,

TSUKISHIMA,you've increased your power tremendously.

SADO,I did it to defeat you!

TSUKISHIMA,Oh, it's Yukio.

TSUKISHIMA,I thought all he did was play video games by himself,

TSUKISHIMA,but he's learned how to play together with others.



SADO,I'm okay.

SADO,We can beat him with just our powers

TSUKISHIMA,Not bad at all.

TSUKISHIMA,You might be quite useful to me.


SADO,Brazo Izquierdo

SADO,Del Diablo!

SADO,Now, Inoue!




TSUKISHIMA,Did you wait for me, again?


SADO,Inoue! What's wrong?!

ORIHIME,Why is this happening?


TSUKISHIMA,It's time to wake up now.


SADO,Bastard! What did you do to Inoue?!

TSUKISHIMA,What, you say?

TSUKISHIMA,The same as what I did to you.

GINJO,Okay, Ichigo! Show everyone your completed Fullbring power!

ICHIGO,Huh? Why should I?

GINJO,You've become stronger. Admit it, you're curious too, right?

ICHIGO,Not really.

,I don't feel like showing it off at this moment.

GINJO,But I want to see it right now!

GINJO,Show it to me!

GINJO,Pretty please!

RIRUKA,Xcution Dictionary!


GINJO,Your Fullbring is nearly complete! Congratulations!


RIRUKA,I made this to celebrate the occasion!

RIRUKA,See? It's a Fullbring doll.

KUTSUZAWA,It comes with a carrying strap too.

YUKIO,I even made you into a character in the game.


GINJO,Today is an auspicious day!


RIRUKA,This celebration is for you! Try to look happier!

