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16x03 - Uryū is att*cked, A thr*at Draws Near the Friends!

Posted: 08/21/22 07:42
by bunniefuu
ICHIGO,That's awesome, Yuzu!

GINJO (flashback),I'll hand this to you.

GINJO,I'm Ginjo.

GINJO,Kugo Ginjo.

ISHIDA (M),He's fast!

ISHIDA (M),No human can run that fast!

ISHIDA (M),I don't see any changes in the reishi surrounding him.

ISHIDA (M),So how is he able to accelerate like that?

ISHIDA (M),What was that light just now?!

ICHIGO (M),What's the point of me worrying?

KEIGO,It's just the two of us today.

MIZUIRO,If it bugs you that much, I'll leave you to yourself

KEIGO,No, don't do that!

KEIGO,I wonder if Ichigo's okay, though

MIZUIRO,I'm sure he is.

MIZUIRO,It just seemed like something came up.

KEIGO,Came up?

KEIGO,You mean like, how he gets in a fight with a g*ng of punks out for revenge

KEIGO,and then gets swept away by some crazy woman?

MIZUIRO,Fights and a part-time job

MIZUIRO,He's living the teen life.

KEIGO,Getting kidnapped is his part-time job?!

KEIGO,You call that teen life?!

KEIGO,How is that “living the life?!

KEIGO,What's the matter?

MIZUIRO,I could've sworn we were being followed


KEIGO,We're not Ichigo, I can't see why anyone would be after us

TATSUKI,Look out! Above you!

TATSUKI,That was close

KEIGO,I thought I was gonna pee my pants

LABORER,Are you kids all right?!

MIZUIRO,Just barely


LABORER,Who did that?! Watch what you're doing!

MIZUIRO,In any case, thanks.

KEIGO,Were you the one who was following us, Arisawa?


TATSUKI,Following you? What're you talking about?

TATSUKI,I was just passing by.

TATSUKI,It looked to me like someone

TATSUKI,tried to drop a steel beam on you two


KEIGO,Don't scare us like that

RIRUKA,Oh dearyou failed?

RIRUKA,It must suck to be turned away bearing a gift.

RIRUKA,That's what you get for being mean

,and not showing us what that Ichigo guy looks like!

KUTSUZAWA,How very true.

GINJO,What'd you come for?

GINJO,I thought I told you two not to follow me.

RIRUKA,Oh did you now?!

RIRUKA,We're in this together. You're not our boss.

RIRUKA,We don't take orders from you.

RIRUKA,In the first place, you have no persuasive skills!

RIRUKA,Let me do it!

RIRUKA,I'll persuade him in no time!

KUTSUZAWA,If I recall, he persuaded us to work for him.

RIRUKA,Shut up, Giriko!

RIRUKA,You're the only one he persuaded!

RIRUKA,He didn't persuade me, and I don't work for him!

RIRUKA,And besides

GINJO,Put a sock in it.

GINJO,That's enough.

GINJO,Let's go.

ICHIGO,I don't like clinging to the past

ICHIGO,So long

YUZU,Welcome home, Big Brother!


YUZU,My very first test!

YUZU,I scored a !

YUZU,Aren't I awesome?!


ICHIGO,Way to go!

ICHIGO,Go and show Dad! He'll be very happy!

ICHIGO,Speaking of Dad, where'd he go?!

YUZU,I don't know.

YUZU,Seems like he's been out since morning.

ICHIGO,That so

ICHIGO,Well, I'll be in my room.

YUZU,OhBig Brother

ICHIGO,What is it, Yuzu?

YUZU,Never mindit's nothing.

ORIHIME,My face still looks flushed

ORIHIME,All I was going to do was give him the bread

,at the door and ask him a question


ORIHIME,How was I supposed to say no?!


ICHIGO (FLASHBACK),Wanna come in?

ORIHIME,And then Kurosaki tells me to take home what I want!

ORIHIME,He's so sweet!

ORIHIME,So sweet!




ORIHIME,S-Sorry about that, Big Brother


ORIHIME (FLASHBACK),Kurosaki Has anything happened to you recently?


ICHIGO (FLASHBACK),What makes you ask such a question?


ORIHIME,You're keeping something from me, aren't you?

RING TONE,You'll be fine.

RING TONE,You'll be fine.

ORIHIME,That startled me

ORIHIME,Who could be calling at this hour?

RING TONE,You'll be fine.

ORIHIME,Oh, it's Ishida.

RING TONE,You'll be fine.


ORIHIME,What is it, Ishida?



ORIHIME,I seeuhhuh?


KARIN,Where's Brother Ichi?


YUZU,I called him, but he said he'd eat later.

KARIN,Oh yeah?

KARIN,That's what's wrong with adolescent boys

KARIN,They're all pervs.


YUZU,Mind not talking about such things right now?

YUZU,And besides, our brother isn't like that!

KARIN,Okay, okay.

KARIN,But you know, Yuzu, you should stop holding

,on to these illusions about Brother Ichi.

KARIN,He's a guy, like everyone else.

KARIN,He's not some anime character.

KARIN,I mean

YUZU,I don't think of him like that!

YUZU,I've heard enough!


YUZU,No, I didn't mean to

YUZU,I was just teasing you, Yuzu!


KARIN,I don't care!

KARIN,Tonight, you're doing the dishes, Karin!

YUZU,Good grief

KARIN,Looks like Brother Ichi gave her the brush off again

KARIN,Better have him go and smooth her ruffled feathers later


KARIN,Brother Ichi?

KARIN,Hey, wait up!

KARIN,Where're you going?!

KARIN,Brother Ichi!





ICHIGO,You're already here?

ICHIGO,Where's Chad?

ORIHIME,He didn't answer his phone.

ORIHIME,He's probably working at the construction site at this hour.

ISHIDA,You even contacted Kurosaki?

ISHIDA,Manthat was so unnecessary.

ICHIG ,Ishida

RYUKEN,Unnecessary, he says

RYUKEN,As always, he still talks big.

ISHIDA,I thought I wasn't supposed to have visitors.

ISHIDA,What if my wounds get worse

,from having all these people come in?

RYUKEN,Are you an idiot?

RYUKEN,Who do you think operated on you?

RYUKEN,Something like this won't worsen your wounds.

RYUKEN,A novice who nearly d*ed because he was cut down by an enemy

RYUKEN,shouldn't go telling a doctor what not to do.

ICHIGO,W-Wait a minute.

ICHIGO,Cut downby an enemy?!

ICHIGO,What's he talking about, Ishida?!

ISHIDA,It's none of your business

ICHIGO,What do you mean it's not my business?!

ICHIGO,You were cut down!

ICHIGO,If you can't handle it yourself,

,then we'll have to do something about it together!

ICHIGO,Say something!

RYUKEN,Sharing information is vital.

RYUKEN,Are you going to let my kind efforts go to waste?

ISHIDA,You keep out of this!

RYUKEN,Ohthat was so close

RYUKEN,An utterance another five hertz higher in pitch

,would've ripped the sutures


ISHIDA,I'm sorry, Inoue

ISHIDA,Right now, I really don't have anything to say

ISHIDA,Go on home.

ORIHIME,All right



ICHIGO,Oh right!

ICHIGO,Sorry you had to come out this late, Inoue.

ICHIGO,Let me take you home.



RYUKEN,I'll take her home in my car.

RYUKEN,You should get home quickly.

RYUKEN,Your old man seems like the type

,who'd give me grief if I kept you out too late.

ICHIGO,I understand.

ICHIGO,Thank you very much.


ORIHIME,See you tomorrow at school!


RYUKEN,No shouting in the hospital.

ORIHIME,Oh! I'm sorry.

RYUKEN,It doesn't look like he'll be much help, so I'll tell only you

RYUKEN,Uryu wasn't cut down by a Hollow.

RYUKEN,But it wasn't by a Soul Reaper, either.

RYUKEN,I checked the residual Spiritual Pressure on his wounds, but

RYUKEN,To be honest, I don't know if it could be called “Spiritual Pressure.

RYUKEN,It was a kind of Spiritual Pressure I've never felt before.

ORIHIME,What does that mean?

RYUKEN,Don't ask.

RYUKEN,What I'm telling you is everything I know.

RYUKEN,Uryu himself probably knows nothing about his assailant.

RYUKEN,It's not that he didn't tell you anything.

RYUKEN,There was nothing that he could tell you.


RYUKEN,Anyway, what is clear is that you people are in danger.

RYUKEN,Any idea who might be responsible?


RYUKEN,This is only conjecture, but

RYUKEN,The enemy, who possesses some power

,we know nothing about, is probably


RYUKEN,Someone less Soul Reaper like,

RYUKEN,and more like you and Sado.

RYUKEN,Uryu, a Quincy, generally falls into that category, as well.

RYUKEN,If we're to assume that Uryu was

,att*cked by someone going after humans like themselves,

RYUKEN,then it means the next one to be in danger is either you or Sado.

RYUKEN,I'll see you home now.

ICHIGO,Hey! Wait!

ICHIGO,I said, wait!

ICHIGO,Don't you understand the meaning of “wait?!

RUKIA,What do you want?


ICHIGO,Do I have to want something just to talk to you?

RUKIA,You fool.

RUKIA,Don't stop me just for something like that.

RUKIA,Besides, who

RUKIA,are you, anyway?


TSUKISHIMA,Looks like things aren't going as you had planned.

TSUKISHIMA,Well, that's okay.

TSUKISHIMA,Let's try a different approach.

ICHIGO,Let's eat.

ICHIGO,What's the matter?

ICHIGO,Hurry up and eat.



ICHIGO,What do you say we go shopping after school today?

ICHIGO,Didn't you say there were things you wanted?

YUZU/KARIN,-Yeah -Yeah



KEIGO,This is our last school year, right?

KEIGO,College entrance exams and stuff are just around the corner

KEIGO,This is our only chance to go and have fun!

ICHIGO,Why do we have to try so hard to create memories?

ICHIGO,Why not just do the stuff we always do?

KEIGO,You don't get it, do you, Ichigo!

KEIGO,There's no telling what might happen to us at any time!

KEIGO,I mean, just yesterday...

ICHIGO,What happened?

KEIGO,Just yesterday...uh...

MIZUIRO,He thought a girl from another school was following him,

,but it turned out to be Arisawa.

KEIGO,R-Right! Right!

KEIGO,Funny, right?

ICHIG ,Whatever

ICHIGO,I promised to take my sisters shopping today.


KEIGO,We don't need to tell him, right?

MIZUIRO,No, we don't.


YUZU,Big Brother!

ICHIGO,Where's Karin?

YUZU,She'll be a bit late, so she said to go on ahead to the store...

ICHIGO,I see. Oh well...

ICHIGO,Shall we go?


KEIGO,Isn't that

MIZUIRO,The punk from the other day?

KEIGO,Why is he looking at us?


TATSUKI,Weren't you with Asano and the others?

ICHIGO,No, I already had plans to go shopping with my sisters.



ICHIGO,What's up?

TATSUKI,I told them I'd join them later, but I can't get in touch with them...

ICHIGO,They're out of phone range, maybe?

TATSUKI,I hope that's all it is...

TATSUKI,But after what happened yesterday...


ICHIGO,What're you talking about?

TATSUKI,They haven't told you?

ICHIGO,Someone is targeting them?!

TATSUKI,No... I don't know, but...

YUZU,You'd better go, Big Brother.


YUZU,They're your friends, right?

YUZU,Go to them...

ICHIGO,Sorry about this, Yuzu...

ICHIGO,Let's go, Tatsuki!


ICHIGO,Damn it!

ICHIGO,I can't reach them!

ICHIGO,Tatsuki, we'll split up!

ICHIGO,You check the vicinity of the bowling alley.

ICHIGO,Got it?


ICHIGO,I'll search the area where they were att*cked yesterday.

TATSUKI,It's the construction site over at third street!

ICHIGO,Got it!

ICHIGO,Keigo! Mizuiro!

ICHIGO,Look out!

ICHIGO,So you're the one!

ICHIGO,Why're you after these guys?!

ICHIGO,Are you that intent on taking revenge against me?!

PURSE SNATCHER,Revenge? It's nothing like that...

PURSE SNATCHER,I was just...asked by someone to do it.

ICHIGO,Asked by someone?!


ICHIGO,If only I didn't have to hold this up!

PURSE SNATCHER,Helpless, are you?

PURSE SNATCHER,I'm going to take down your friends one after the other!

PURSE SNATCHER,And then...lastly, your family...


ICHIGO,Don't mess with me!

ICHIGO,Hey you Who asked you to

ICHIGO,Who're you?


ICHIGO,Hey! Stop!

ICHIGO,Damn it!

RYUKEN,Let him go.


RYUKEN (M),He sensed my Spiritual Pressure and disappeared...

ICHIGO,Why're you here?

RYUKEN,I just happened by.

ICHIGO,Who was that guy?

RYUKEN,Probably some punks looking for a fight.

ICHIGO,That's not what happened!

ICHIGO,Are they the ones who got Ishida, as well?!

RYUKEN,These two are okay.

RYUKEN,They're unconscious, but mostly unharmed.

RYUKEN,I'll call an ambulance just to be safe.

RYUKEN,As for you, don't get involved any further...

ICHIGO,I can' way!

RYUKEN,Then let me ask you this.

RYUKEN,What can you do?

ICHIGO,What the hell's going on, damn it!

ICHIGO,What's happening that I don't know about?!

ICHIGO,Isn't there...

ICHIGO,anything I can do?!

GINJO (FLASHBACK),Here's some advice. Act now while you can.

GINJO (FLASHBACK),That's if you want to protect your family.

VOICE,You have reached Xcution.

VOICE,This number is unregistered.

VOICE,Are you a new member?

VOICE,Please state your name.


VOICE,Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki?

VOICE,We were expecting your call.

VOICE,Welcome to Xcution.

ICHIGO,Ishida's dad How is Ishida doing?

RYUKEN,It is none of your concern. And don't address me as “dad.

ICHIDO,Then Ishida's father?

RYUKEN,Don't address me as “father!

ISHIDA,Ryuken! Who cares about that?!

RYUKEN,Uryu, you make sure to address me as “Father.

ISHIDA,I refuse!


RYUKEN,The Complete Quincy.

RYUKEN,My long-awaited return to the

,main story has put me behind in my regular job.

ISSHIN,Oh, welcome back!

RYUKEN,Why're you always here?

ISSHIN,Because I have nothing else to do.

RYUKEN,Aren't you a doctor, like me?!

RYUKEN,Even in the main story, you've only examined a patient once!

ISSHIN,That's not relevant...

RYUKEN,Shut up!
