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04x16 - Mama Told Me

Posted: 08/20/22 18:19
by bunniefuu
I will never care about anyone

as much as I care about you.

And I wanna be with you.

If... I mean, if you
can forgive me, 'cause...

We've reached , subscribers!

I'm so psyched y'all
wanna do another campaign.

MARIANA: We've been
approached by this brand,

for people who have periods.

Wait, why "people" and not just "women"?

Trans men and non-binary
people can also get periods.

[SCOFFS] Whatever.

That vacant lot you chose
for the women's center

is occupied by an unhoused encampment.

If you don't like the
way we're doing things,

feel free to present
me with a better idea.

I tried to offer the city

a chance to buy apartment buildings,

but they're penny
wise and pound foolish.

We think you should give
the baby up for adoption.

OFFICER: Isabella Tavez,

we have a warrant for your arrest.

GAEL: Wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

MR. TAVEZ: Isabella has a history
of erratic, dangerous behavior

and anger management issues.

She's not fit to be a mother.

You said that you wanted
to marry me weeks ago,

and you haven't said
anything about it since.

You just wanted to be with
me because I'm having...

Isabella, stop. Stop!

[GRUNTS] Shit!

ISABELLA: Oh, my God! Oh, my God.

Gael, I... I didn't mean to hit you.

Don't. Don't. Don't touch
me. Just get away from me!


- What's going on?
- I'm really freaking out, man.


♪ No one here to guide you ♪

♪ Now you're on your own ♪

♪ Only me beside you ♪

♪ Still you're not alone ♪

♪ No one is alone ♪

♪ Truly no one is alone ♪

♪ Sometimes people leave you ♪

♪ Halfway through the wood ♪

♪ Others may deceive you ♪

♪ You decide what's good ♪

♪ You decide alone ♪

♪ Just remember someone
is on your side ♪

♪ Some else is not ♪

♪ While you're seeing your side ♪

♪ Maybe you forgot ♪

♪ They are not alone ♪

♪ No one is alone ♪

♪ Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪


LUCIA: Burning the
midnight oil again, I see.

Uh, just trying to nail
this pitch to LAHSA.

How's it coming?

We're pulling out all the
stops, so fingers crossed.

I'm looking forward to it.

And, uh, how are things
between you and Angelica?

I only ask because you've
been working late a lot,

and that's one of the main reasons

why she and I didn't make it.

I would hate to see you
make the same mistake.

ANGELICA: I just don't
think I can do it anymore.

Loving you is starting to hurt.


Things are great.



Oh, my God.

That... was... incredible.

I aim to please.

Wha... Uh-uh. Stay.

No, no, stay here with me.

- Why?
- Please.

Cuddle for a second.

- Don't you want me to...
- No.

No, no, no. I... I'm so good.

I'm so good.

Totally satisfied.

Okay? I promise.

Um, Kelly's salon is today,
by the way, don't forget.

We have to go and support
since everyone else is at work.

What's the subject?

Uh, personal, uh, inventory, I think.

Yeah, something like that.

Um, you'll love it.

We're supposed to bring a blanket.

- Blankets?
- Mm-hm.

Hm. Interesting.

GAEL: I just need some time to think.

About what?

Whether you still wanna be with me?

Isabella, I haven't had a moment alone

since you showed up and
told me you were pregnant!

It's all just been a lot!

It's just one night, okay?
I'll be back in the morning.


I understand.

I'll be here.

I love you.

Okay, so our app subscribers
have more than doubled

since hiring Zelda to promote BB.

And our actual sales are up %.

- That's huge!
- That's incredible!

And we'll have the money
to pay Evan's dividend.

And hire Zelda for another campaign.

I guess the question is...

Are we worried about the scoff?

The scoff.

- Scoff.
- You can stop.

I think we just ask her
what she meant by it.


So what are you gonna say?

- Me?
- You know her the best.

But you can't exactly ask
her, "Hey, are you a TERF?"

What's a TERF?

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

What's their deal?

They're a group of women

who oppose equality
for transgender people,

and don't think that
trans women are real women.

And go after parents who are trying

to get medical care
for their trans kids.

Yeah, they're trying to arrest
parents, for child abuse.

It's insane.


Hey, y'all!

Kari, our reporter from
Teen Metro, has arrived.


Oh, shit. Our int...
Our interview was...

- CLAIRE: It's today.
- Now!



DAVIA: Hi, Mom.


- Um, is this a good time or...
- Uh, yeah, go ahead.

DAVIA'S MOM: Ugh, well, I hate
to be the bearer of bad news,

but your high school music
teacher, Mrs. Moreland,

honey, she passed away.

Aw. Did you know she was sick?


I... I didn't, um...

I hadn't checked in for a while.


Well, the service is tomorrow

and I know that you can't miss work,

but I... I thought you'd wanna know.

I'll never forget how brave she was

to cast you as Sandy inGrease

despite everyone thinking you
weren't leading lady material.


Are you okay?

Um, Mom, I'll... I'll call you back.

- DAVIA'S MOM: Oh...
- What's wrong?

I just found out my favorite
teacher from high school passed away.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

[SOFTLY] I'm here.


DAVIA'S MOM: They did a
really good job on her.

She looks just like she's sleeping.

Mom, what're you doing here?

I came to pay my respects.

What are you doing here?

Were you just gonna sneak
into town without telling me?


KARI: So why did you decide
to partner with Zelda?


Oh, uh... Why wouldn't we?


She's fun and stylish.

And she shares our passion for beauty

and earth-conscious sustainability.

KARI: I wanted to ask you

about your new
partnership with Per Tutti,

a brand that prides
itself in inclusivity.

What do you think about their
brand of menstrual products

being for people with
periods, not just women?


- Oh, we think it's great.
- Yeah.


Uh... Don't be modest.

This collaboration is huge!

I mean, Per Tutti is the perfect fit

for a company like Bulk Beauty.

They both share the
same inclusive values

that I'm super happy to be representing.

Whew. [LAUGHS]

- [SOFTLY] Okay, not a TERF.
- Phew!

I'm sorry I didn't call you,

but I'm in town for only one day,

and I knew I wouldn't
have time to see you,

and I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

And coming into town and not telling me

is supposed to make me feel good?

I mean, God forbid you fly
in to see your own mother!

I guess I'll have to
die for that to happen.

- Oh, God, that bitch is here.
- Mom!

Come on, do you remember
how she tortured you

when Miss Moreland cast
you as Sandy instead of her?


Davia, hi.

Hi, Tatiana.

Uh. Oh.

You remember my mother.

Yes. Hi, Bonnie.

Hi, it's so nice to see you.

This is just so sad.

I saw Mrs. M a few weeks ago,

but it's still a shock, you know?

Uh, you... you kept in touch?

Oh, yeah, she was my favorite teacher.

Yeah, uh, mine too.

But how are you doing?

Last I heard, you were in New York?

I was, but I'm in LA now.

You're kidding!

I always thought that you'd
be on Broadway someday.

Well, we all did,

but then she gave up after just a year

and we're all very disappointed.

So, Tatiana, what have you been up to?

Married with two kids

and loving being a stay-at-home mom.

Oh, wow! Two kids!

You look fantastic!

And Davia has lost some weight.

Doesn't she look so good?

TATIANA: Yes, you look great.

Thank you.

- A... Are you Davia?
- Yes.

I'm Katherine, Nancy's wife.

Uh, N... Nancy wanted me
to give you this letter

and, um, I brought it with me

in case you came today.

DAVIA: Oh, um, thank you.

And I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss.

I really loved Mrs. M.

Thank you.

We all did.

I had no idea Mrs.
Moreland was a lesbian.

- She always wore dresses.
- TATIANA: Yeah, me neither.

Okay, nope.


Welcome, everyone.

Today, we're going to
take a personal inventory

on your own sexual pleasure.

- Let's talk labias.
- Yes!

Amongst each other?

- Hey!
- Hey!

The interview went great!


Yeah, I gotta be honest,

we were a little worried
when Per Tutti came up.

What do you mean?

Well, you know, just
when you seemed to scoff

about people having periods. [CHUCKLES]

We were scared you might be a TERF!


Oh, God, no!

I'm not a TERF!

Oh, my God!

The term TERF is so offensive!

I prefer gender critical.

Which... is the same thing.

Gender identity isn't a thing.

You are born the sex that you were born,

and we can't change that.

And I mean, come on,
"people with periods"?

Can't women have anything
of their own anymore?

B... But what about everything
you just said in the interview

about promoting inclusivity?

Yeah, that's a business strategy.

And you don't have to worry about me

airing out my opinions publicly.

The last thing I need is a
bunch of woke mouth-breathers

flooding my mentions.

I can't wait to sign the new contract!


Your fantasies are your own
private well of inspiration.

Writing them down can
give you the confidence

to articulate them to a partner.

Does anyone wanna share what they wrote?

We make it in my loft, naked.

They rip my shirt,

exposing my heaving chest.

They tickle me

until I'm crying from laughter.

Have tantric sex, naked.

I feel her legs squeeze my head

as she shouts my name in ecstasy.

And then we bake cookies
after. Also naked.

- Nice.
- Lovely.

Really nice.

Alice, would you like
to share your fantasy?

Oh, sure.


My fantasy...


fast forwarding to
the end of this salon.


Who's coming with me to the future?

And that's okay.

We can move to the next exercise.


- Oh!
- Uh, whose vag*na?

Okay, so Zelda is definitely a TERF.

She just unmasked herself
like a Scooby-Doo villain!

Full-on transphobe!

Ugh, what do we do?

I mean, she's more than
doubled our business.

That's capitalism talking, not me.

I mean, she said she
would never go public.

No one would ever have to know.


♪ I finally figured it out... ♪


I'm so happy that you
were able to be here today.

I probably shouldn't say this,

but you were my favorite
student of all time.

And not just because you had
the most incredible voice,

but because you were the most beautiful

inside and out as well.

I'm sorry we lost touch
after you left New York,

and I hope it's not because
you thought I was disappointed

that you gave up on
your dream of Broadway.

I've always been so proud of you.

All I ever wanted was for you
to love and believe in yourself.

To choose a different
path is not a failure

as long as you're running
towards your dreams

and not away from them.

I will be rooting for you from beyond,

no matter what path you choose.

If you don't mind,

I do have one last favor to ask of you.

If you will do me the honor."

♪ This is all right ♪
♪ Wasn't done yet ♪


♪ I finally figured it out... ♪

ISABELLA: So did Gael
ask you to babysit me?


Just asked me to check
in, see how you're doing.

Did he tell you he
asked me to marry him?

No, he didn't.

Well, I think he took that
back since I was arrested.

I think he wants to
take everything back.

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

Gael's not someone to wantonly
fall in and out of love.

What if my baby doesn't love me?

DENNIS: It's not about the
love that you get from a child.

It's about the love that you give.

Babies just know how
to eat, sleep, poop,

and look cute.

They're completely dependent
upon you for everything.

You know, you gotta be
ready to put them first

and not expect anything in return.

Were you ready?

When you had your son?

I thought I was.

I thought I was putting Jacob first

by working tirelessly
day and night to provide,

but... all he really needed from me

was to... be present.

Just to be there.

But I didn't realize
that until he got sick.

I think the mistake that
people make with a kid

is thinking that it's gonna fill up

all these empty spaces inside of them.

It's gonna fix what's broken.

But being a parent can
bring out the best in you,

and it can bring out the worst in you.


♪ Sometimes people leave you ♪

♪ Halfway through the wood ♪

♪ Others may deceive you ♪

♪ You decide what's good ♪

♪ You decide alone ♪

♪ But no one is alone ♪

♪ Hard to see the light now ♪

♪ Just don't let it go ♪

♪ Things will turn out right now ♪

♪ We can make it so ♪

♪ Someone is on your side ♪

♪ No one is alone ♪

[WHISPERING] You still got it.

Ten more pounds and you'd
be leading lady material.


WOMAN: What are the first words
or feelings that come to your mind?







Alice, what are you feeling?







Hey! Are you leaving?

I have a plane to catch.

BONNIE: And you weren't
gonna say goodbye?

I mean, I know you're
upset about your teacher,

but you... you don't have to be rude!

Oh, my God, this is not about
me being sad about Mrs. Moreland.

This is about me being angry with you!

You know, unlike you,

Mrs. Moreland helped me believe

that I was beautiful and talented,

and that you didn't need to be skinny

to play Sandy in Grease.

And you know why I gave
up on Broadway, Mom?

It's because Broadway
is so brutal on women.

And every time I went
into an audition room,

all I could hear was
your voice telling me

that I wasn't good
enough because I was fat!

You know, maybe if you hadn't
torn me down my whole life,

I would've been tough
enough to stick it out.

But it didn't take much for them

to break what was already broken in me.

Well, I am sorry that I
wasn't the perfect mother.

I never expected you to be perfect!

I just wanted you to love
me just the way that I was.

- Davia.
- No.

I can't take care of you this time.

I have to choose me for once.



This is a surprise.

- Do you have a minute?
- Sure.

I can take a break.

Have a seat.

What's up?

Lucia has been asking
about our relationship

- and I was...
- Mmm.

... hoping we could keep
our breakup on the down low

just until I get the women's
center approved by the council.

You weave a tangled web, Williams.

I won't say anything.

Thank you.

But do you think it's
healthy working for someone

who may be looking for
an excuse to fire you?

MALIKA: Probably not.

But I can't quit

until I make the center a reality.

I mean, I didn't leave activism to fail.

I guess I just don't like
seeing you undervalue yourself.

You should trust

that you are an asset to Lucia.

And let her know it!


Okay, although I don't miss
talking about Lucia, I...

I do miss you.

I've missed you too.

I should get back to it.

Of course.



What're you doing here?

You asked me to come.

I did?

You know, I had an awful
relationship with my mother,

and a very unhappy childhood.

And I thought

having a baby would heal those wounds.

But you were a colicky
baby and a needy child.

You always wanted to
sit right next to me.

Everywhere I went, there you were.

Your father would say,

I should be happy you
wanted to be close to me.

But, frankly, it was annoying.

It was all I could do
not to push you away.

Why are you saying this to me?

MRS. TAVEZ: Because you're so desperate

for the love I could never give you

that you latch on to anyone
who will show you any attention.

Do you really love Gael?

Or do you just need him to love you?

And being a mother isn't going
to fix what's wrong with you.

The way you strike out in rage,

you have no impulse control.

And one day,

you might really hurt someone.

Perhaps your child.

And you'll pass all that
hurt and rage onto her.

Does this world need
another sad little girl?

In any case,

you need to prepare yourself.

Gael will leave you, Isabella.

Because you just sit too close.

[ECHOING] Sit too close.





Have you heard from Gael?


DENNIS: Come in.

But he... he said he was gonna
be home this morning, I...

He will. It's gonna be fine.

No, it's not!

He's gonna come home and
say that he doesn't...

he doesn't wanna be with me anymore.

- I... I know it's gonna happen!
- Okay. Breathe.



You gotta breathe.

Come on, breathe, breathe, breathe.

It's okay. It's gonna be okay.

- It'll be all right.


over , unhoused people

in the city of Los Angeles.

And with the lack of rent control

and affordable housing,

more than people a
day are losing their homes

and entering homelessness.

And with the camping ban,

the city is investing
more in temporary shelters

than in supportive, permanent housing.

WOMAN: I found a full-time job,

but my hours violated the
temporary shelter's curfew.

You gotta be in by
seven o'clock at night.

Well, people line up by : ,

and I couldn't make it
back in time to get a bed.

It's not fair!

MALIKA: Overcrowded
shelters and tiny home sheds

cost too much and help too few.

They don't end homelessness,

they sustain it.

And they advance the idea

that unhoused people are subhuman.

Think about the idea of
a government that suggests

you must deserve to be
housed, not sheltered,

that does not allow you
to bring your pets in,

that does not allow
you to stay with family.

WOMAN: This is Crishell.

She's months old.

We were in one of those
emergency shelters,

but you can't stay past
days, so they kicked us out.

And I have a kidney disease,

so I have to take the bus three
days out of the week for dialysis.

It usually takes all day.

If it wasn't for the
people in this encampment,

to help me watch Crishell,

I don't know what I'd do.

What you see, immediately,

when a person is
placed in an environment

that is service-rich,

it's like the caterpillar
to the monarch.

When people are brought inside,

they will blossom.

Yeah, so we call this the pantry.

It's all honor system.

Everybody contributes equally.

Got right here...

For some of us, this is
the only family we have.

We watch out for each
other. There's no v*olence.

You can leave for work,

or go get a shower, or something to eat,

and there's always someone
to watch your stuff.

We share food, socks, blankets,

whatever anyone needs.

They move us into
shelters, we lose all this.

We lose our friends.
We lose our community.

We lose our family.

And who will have our backs?

Man, I'm sorry. Can you...

PETE: The challenge starts with us.

The solutions are within us.

And it's time for us
to house Los Angeles.

Very moving presentation.

Our committee and the mayor are focused

on permanent housing solutions.

But emergency shelters
are also necessary

to meet the growing homeless population.

Well, the population is growing

because the city isn't
focused on taking measures

to keep people at risk in their homes.

And part of the problem has been

this city council standing
by and allowing corporations

to purchase % of the
apartments in this city!

And all they wanna do is evict
people so they can raise rents.

Meanwhile, it's taken the city years

to build affordable housing.

You're spending between ,
and , to build one unit,

as opposed to the , per unit

that purchasing this
apartment building would cost.

Still, three million
dollars is a big ask.

And the people of the encampment

would also need supportive services.

Well, they will need
less services housed.

I know because... I was homeless.

I was living in my car for over a year,

and it wasn't until I
had permanent housing

that I could pull my life together.

I mean, without a...
a roof over my head,

a... a place where I felt safe,

honestly, I would not be here
in front of you all today.

You have the funds to make this purchase

and to place the people

of the rd and Temple encampment

into housing... now,

to keep their tight-knit community,

their... their chosen family together.

You have the resources.

You just need to act.

So... I couldn't help but notice

that you didn't take
the salon very seriously.


Yeah, well, you didn't
see what was in my mirror.

Sumi, I don't need a
sexual pleasure workshop,

because my pleasure
comes from pleasuring you.

Yes, and I want to get pleasure

from pleasuring you.

We had the same dynamic
when we were together before.

You never had a problem with it.

I know, but I was selfish then.

And the person who is unwilling
to receive in a relationship

is actually the one
that holds all the power.

I want to give you an orgasm.

[SCOFFS] You have!


Gosh, uh, I don't know.

That... That one time we
were stuck in the elevator.


Or... Or when we celebrated
me having no cavities.

That was a good one.

Are you being honest?

Yeah. Yes.

- Alice?
- Yes.

Okay, fine, I... I maybe...
maybe faked it a little.

So what?

Uh, but it's not you!

I... I just... I've...

I've never had an orgasm
with another person.


I mean, sorry, I didn't
mean to sound judgy.

I just...

I would really love it

if I was the one you trusted enough

to be your first.

And your last.

And your only.

If you'll just give me a chance.

Okay, you know what?

This all feels like too much pleasure...


Too much pressure!

Can... can we just
stop talking about this?

Right now?

Anything else but this.


I'm afraid we have bad news.

Uh, LAHSA turned us down.


I'm so sorry.

I can't say I'm surprised.

Though, we appreciate you trying.

And I won't stop trying.

I mean, I promise you here and now,

I am not gonna let them use the excuse

of building my women's
center here to move you out.

You have my word.

Thank you. It means so much
that you have our backs.

And we're sticking together.

No matter what.

There is one positive
thing that came out of this.

My councilwoman was able to find

a permanent housing apartment
for Grace and her baby.


Wow, thanks, Malika. That's amazing!

Of course.

Don't think this means I'm
not babysitting anymore.

I don't.


GRACE: That's awesome.


Hey! Hey, Nicki, are you okay?

Anything I can do for you?

Look, you don't have to come around here

like you're better than us now.

I... I don't think that.

I'm... I'm just trying to help.

I'm trying real hard to be
happy for you, being inside.

But it's like,

"Why you?"

I guess you just got lucky.



What's up? Did somebody's
dog die? [CHUCKLES]

Zelda, we're not gonna
continue with the new contract.

[SCOFFS] Seriously?


What you believe about
transgender people is offensive.

And not just to trans
people but to us too.

Do you have any idea

how much pain and suffering

those biases cause people

that are just trying
to be their true selves?

Okay, stop.

Please, spare me the lecture.

You know, you're just sh**ting
yourselves in the foot.

BB is nothing without me.

Dare I say it?

You're gonna be sorry.

♪ She wants to set me free ♪

♪ She wants to fuel the fire ♪

I have some good news.

I've found money in
my discretionary fund

to build the women's center

without going through the city council.

Wow! [CHUCKLES] That's amazing!

But what about the encampment?

They'll have to move.

Any way you look at it.

I told everyone in the encampment

that I wouldn't move them
for the women's center.

I gave them my word.

Isn't it better that
the encampment is moved

for something that's
gonna help the community?

Isn't that why you took this job?

Think about it.


By the way, um,

Angelica and I broke up.


I'm sorry to hear that.

Going forward, I would
really appreciate it

if you didn't ask
about my personal life.

Of course.


Uh, guys?

Why are our subscribers dropping?

And fast.

Oh, shit. Uh, um...

Gu... guys, you're gonna wanna see this.

ZELDA: Announcement time!

So, yeah, Bulk Beauty and I

have parted ways on bad terms.

Turns out, they're not such a
women-friendly brand after all.

She isn't...

- Yeah, she is.
- Okay, shh, shh.

But I had to bow out once I found out

that Bulk Beauty was
stealing ideas for their app

from two of my friends, Raisa and Ava.

- No! She didn't...
- Yes, she did.

But it's not true!

It doesn't matter, it's on TikTok.

And so, I can't, in good conscience,

represent them any longer.

- GINA: No, no, no, no.

Oh, no.

ZELDA: And, yay! Moving on!

Did we just get canceled?

ZELDA: Don't forget
to like and subscribe.


TREA: Alice, I did not raise
you to look at your vag*na!




Hey. Uh, Elliot's upstairs
taking his last break.

Ah, good!

So, uh, how'd it go at
your teacher's funeral?

It was nice.

Sad, but I'm really glad that I went.

- Thank you for the time off.
- Oh, yeah, of course!

We missed you.

I missed you guys too.

- Stop! That's for your kid!
- Oh, sorry!

ELLIOT: All done with my break.

Very good!

I'll let you guys get back to work.

All right, let's see if we can
knock out some of these fractions.

Do you like my dad?

Well, of course, I like your dad.

I mean, like-like him.

'Cause if you do, it's okay with me.

Okay, let's get back to work.


So I...

I've thought about everything.

And I really wanna work
this out with you, Isabella.

And I understand you're upset

because I pulled away
after you were arrested,

and I'm really sorry.

I love you.

To be honest, I'm not
sure if I love you.

I don't know if I know
how to love anyone.

Which is why I think we should
place the baby for adoption.
