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01x11 - The True King, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 14:38
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

this is the first
time in my life

That I have hoped for
my opponent's victory,

But in order
for this duel

To truly test our
readiness to separate,

I must fight
with all my strength.

Behold the
egyptian gods.

Silent swordsman,
it's time to attack.

Destroy obelisk
the tormentor

With silent sword slash.

Not so fast, yugi.

Behold my mirror force.

Uh! Uh...uh...

That was
a valiant effort .

If only you had predicted
my facedown card.

I did,

And that's why
this duel is not done.

As soon as your
mirror force trap card
was activated,

I was able to complete
the card combination
that I needed.

Pharaoh, it's about time
I eliminated those
egyptian god cards.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Kaiba: if you honestly
believe you can win,

Then stop talking about it
and do it already.

Do you really think
what yugi said is true?

Does he have some sorta
card combination

That can destroy
the egyptian gods?

It's your move.

Let's see this plan
of yours.

With pleasure.

First, I'll play
my magnet reverse
magic card.

This allows me
to choose any rock

Or machine monster that
was destroyed this turn

And bring it
back to the field
in defense mode.

So I've chosen
my valkyrion,

And since I've
summoned a monster,

Slifer's special effect

So gimme
your best shot.

Unfortunately for you,
thanks to my trap card,

Slifer's blast
is redirected
to your obelisk.

Rgh! He's gone.

One down,
two more to go.

Now, valkyrion,

But why would
he do that?

'Cause every time yugi
gets a new monster,

Slifer the sky dragon
is forced to strike it.

Too bad,

But once again,
my trap card kicks in.

So now slifer's
blast backfires.

Uh! Uhh...

Whoa! No way.

I guess yugi really did
have a plan, after all.

Did you see dat?

He beat
the egyptian gods?

In one move?

And I never
expected any less
from ya, yuge.

♪ He did it,
he did it ♪

♪ He's better
than the pharaoh ♪

No offense,
of course.

Yugi: the funny thing
about it is,

There's no way
I could've destroyed
those monsters

Without your help,

Ya see, all the battles
we've been through together

Taught me something.

Defeating someone
who wields a strong force

Often means using
that very force against them.

So I knew the only way I could
take down your egyptian gods

Was to figure out
a way to attack them
with their own power.

So that's exactly
what I just did,

And the rest is history.

excellent work, yugi.

By trusting
your instincts,

You were able to accomplish
the seemingly impossible.

You destroyed
the most powerful creatures
in duel monsters,

But remember,

That doesn't mean
that you've won the game.

True, not yet, anyway.

So in the meantime,
let's see what you've got.

All right,
but I should warn you.

I have plenty
of tricks left,

And I'll start
with this--

My polymerization
magic card,

And I'll use it
to merge my gazelle

And my berfomet together

To form chimera
the flying mythical beast.


No way.

What a comeback.

That's the strongest
monster on the field.

Now, chimera,

Attack alpha
the magnet warrior.

Pulverizing pounce.

Oh! Uh uh!


Looks like you're down
to two monsters now.

Mokuba: impressive.

Even though he lost
his best cards,

The pharaoh
bounced right back,

And now he's got
the upper hand again.

No, not quite.

Whattaya mean?

Yugi may have
fewer life points,

But he managed
to come up with
an unprecedented strategy

To defeat
the egyptian god cards.

I've never seen anything
like that before.

I can see now that
I was wrong, mokuba.

He is the king of games.

Huh? You mean that?

Say what?

Am I goin' nuts,

Or did kaiba
just admit dat
he was wrong?

Where was i?
Oh, yeah.

I was about to sacrifice
my beta and gamma warriors

In order
to bring out this--

Buster blader.

This duel is quite
a close race.

Just when I think
the pharaoh is back
in the lead again,

Yugi speeds ahead.

But only one
thing counts--

the finish line

And my money
is on yugi.

Ok. It's go time.

Now, buster blader, attack.

Destroy his chimera.

Well done, yugi,

But unfortunately for you,
not well enough.

You just triggered
chimera's special effect.

So now I can bring back
one of the two monsters

I merged together
to form chimera,

And I choose this one--

The mighty berfomet.

Show yourself,
my beast,

And I'm afraid there's plenty
more where that came from.

So let's see
what else you've
got, pharaoh.

Very well.

Your buster blader
may be powerful,

But it's not

Now say hello
to my new friend.

I sacrifice berfomet

To summon
beast of gilfer.

Then I shall place one card
face down and end my turn.

The pharaoh
has lost it.

He just summoned
a monster to da field

That's weaker
than yugi's,

Unless he wants yugi
to destroy his monster

So the pharaoh can
turn around and activate
its special ability.

joey has got a point there,

But that's a risk
I'm gonna hafta take

Because it could be
even more dangerous

To let the pharaoh keep
that monster on the field.

All right.
My move.

I'll place
this face down,

And then I'll send
your gilfer on a one-way
trip to the graveyard.

So here goes.

Buster blader,

Dragon sword attack.

I'm afraid you've
just activated

My beast of gilfer's
special effect.

Whenever it's sent
to the graveyard,

It decreases
the attack strength

Of one of your monsters
by points.

I guess
I'll end my turn.

I thought you
might say that.

Now I place
one card face down,

And then I'll
activate a magic card

Known as awakening
from beyond.

Here's how it works.

My opponent earns the right
to draw two cards,

And in exchange, I earn
the right to transfer

One monster
from my graveyard
to my hand.

Now go ahead and draw
your cards, yugi.

Now it's my turn.

So one of my monsters
returns to the game.

[Thinking] yeah,
but which one?

the egyptian gods,

What's the most
powerful monster
in his graveyard?

Best of luck, yugi.


I'll start by discarding
one card from my hand

In order to summon
a monster known
as the tricky.

[Thinking] but
bringing back the tricky
would be pointless.

First of all,
the pharaoh would
have to remove a card

From his hand
in order to summon it,

And even if he did,

It still wouldn't be
strong enough to defeat
my buster blader.

What's wrong?

Trying to guess
what monster
I brought back?

You won't.

You see, yugi,

It's a monster
you didn't even know I had,

And now I shall summon
this creature to the field

In attack mode.

Swift gaia the fierce knight,
come forth.

How'd dat get
in his graveyard?


Yami-yugi: and although
it's a level- monster,

It can be summoned
without a sacrifice

Because it's the only card
left in my hand.

Hold on.

I never
sent that card
to the graveyard.

Yes. That's true,
but I did

At the very start
of our duel.

Before I summoned
my first monster,

I got rid of a card
in my hand.

Wait a sec.

Are you telling me
you sent gaia
to the graveyard

All the way
back then?

But why would
you throw away
such a powerful card

So early
in the duel?

I was preparing
for this.

I have known
from the very beginning

That we would get
to this point.


But how could you
have predicted that?

It was simple.

From the moment I chose
the cards in my deck,

I knew the course that
this duel would take,

For although I held
the most powerful
monsters in existence,

I knew that I needed more.

Yugi, what I'm saying is,

I knew you would defeat
the egyptian gods.

[All gasp]

That's impossible.

There's no way
he could've known how
all this would go down.

Yugi, destroying
the egyptian gods

Was merely the first step
of this ritual.

Now that they're gone,

The true test of our
readiness to separate
from one another can begin.

So if you're ready
to live on your own,

Then prove it to me
by winning this duel.

And now, gaia,

his buster blader

With spiral lance
thrust attack.

[Thinking] yugi,
there is only one soul

With the power
to save the pharaoh,

And that is you.

Only by defeating him

Can you release his spirit
to its final resting place.

Please be strong.



Are you all right?

Let's hope so.

You just activated
my facedown card--

Soul rope.

It lets me summon
a monster from my deck

To replace the one
I just lost,

As long as I give up
, points.

So now let's see which
card I should choose.

Ah. Aha.

I play this--

Witch of
the black forest,

And I'm putting her
in defense mode.

But, yugi, that's hardly
enough to protect you.

Bakura: why would he give up
, points just to play that?

I dunno.

It seems like
he might be getting
desperate out there.

No joke.

I guess yugi just realized
there's no way he can win.

Not a chance.

I'm sure
this is all part
of yugi's strategy.

He summoned that
witch for a reason.

I know,
to sacrifice it.

Of course,
to play something

I'll take it
from here.
Watch this.

I'm trading in my witch
for my summoned skull.

Come on out,
old pal.

And whenever my witch
of the black forest
goes to the graveyard,

I can transfer a monster
from my deck to my hand,

And I choose my old pal

Well done.

There's a move
I didn't expect.

Tea: whoa.

Two of yugi's strongest monsters
face to face in battle.

The whole thing is
pretty bizarre isn't it?

Tristan: you think
it's weird for us?

Just think about how
the pharaoh and yugi
must feel.

Here we go,
summoned skull.

Attack his
fierce knight now.

Lightning strike.


Ugh! Aah!

Looks like
your life points
are wide open,

But luckily for you,
my move is over.


[Thinking] this duel could be
the most difficult challenge
I've ever faced.

Ever since I was reborn
into this world,

Yugi has been behind me

Supporting me,
giving me strength,

But now, for the first time,
he's facing me as an opponent,

And I have to believe that yugi
feels the same way I do,

Staring into the face
of his closest friend

And greatest rival,
but like yugi,

I need to fight harder
than I've ever fought before

And do everything in my power
to win this battle.

It's my move,

And the card that
I'm about to draw

Is the exact one
that I need,

And now, almighty
big shield gardna,

Come forth.

Let's see
if I was correct.

All right.
Now I've seen it all.

That's nuts.

How could he
have known what card
he was gonna draw?

I suppose
that's what
they mean

By "luck of
the draw."

Not quite.

That move had nothing
to do with luck.

Truth is, he knew
exactly what card
he was about to draw.


But their decks were
shuffled, right?

Can he see
the future?

if he can,

I'd say that

As an unfair

You're wrong.

You see, the pharaoh
didn't predict what
his next card would be.

His willpower
made it so.

It appears the pharaoh's
determination was so strong,

He actually influenced fate
with his own will.

[Both gasp]

That's insane.

Since when can fate
be controlled?

Joey: look, tea.

If I've learned anything
from hangin' out
with yugi,

It's dat nothing
is impossible.

I believe
it's your move.

Sounds good ta me.

I'll start by activating
pot of greed,

And you know
what that means.

I get to draw
two new cards,

And then I summon
my watapon.

Don't blink.
You just might
miss 'im

'Cause I've sacrificed
him to play this--

Curse of dragon.

Yugi's moving up
in the world.

He's got two
powerhouses now.

Yugi: now,
summoned skull,

Yugi's monster
is too weak.

So why
would he attack?

Joey: trust me.
He knows what
he's doing.

Oh, let's hope so.

Say what?

Told ya it
was all good.

Ya see, by attacking
big shield gardna,

Yugi switched it
into attack mode.

Now it's my dragon's turn.

Attack his big shield gardna.


Yugi: now your last line
of defense is gone.

Joey: yugi's havin' da time
of his life up there,

And who could blame 'im?

If he wins, dat means he's ready
to face the world on his own.

And the pharaoh will
finally be free.



What's up tea?

I can't
watch anymore.

If the pharaoh loses,

This is the last time
we'll ever see him.

I don't know
about you guys,

But I'm not ready
to say goodbye yet.

Please make them stop.

Tea, this isn't easy
for any of us,

But that duel
has to go on.

Plus, you know
as well as I do,

We couldn't stop
this thing if we tried.

I guess so,
but remind me why?

Here's the deal.

Everything that's happened
since those two met

Has been leading
up to this.

Just think about it.

Every single duel
that yugi and the pharaoh
ever faced together

Was preparing them
for this one.

Every enemy they
ever stared down,

Every strategy
they ever planned,

And every friend
they ever saved

Helped shape
who they are today,

And now they need this test
to see how far they've come.

But why?

'Cause when
they first met,

These guys
had a lot to learn,

And they needed
each other to get by,

But hopefully by now,

They're both ready to
move on with their lives.

Trust me, tea.

This duel is really
all for the best,

And as tough
as it may seem,

We need to support
those two guys all the way.



[Thinking] I can sense
the presence

Of an old friend
in my deck,

And it's time for us
to reunite.

I may be defenseless now,

But that's
all about to change.

My move,

And now I activate
a magic card

Known as
dark magic curtain.

Next, I shall give up
half my life points

In order to summon
my greatest creature

And most faithful servant.

Come forth,
dark magician.

I was afraid
he'd do that.

Now yugi is forced
to fight against
his favorite monster.

Well, I'm glad
I stuck around.

I'm not done yet.

Next, I activate
my facedown card--

Book of secret arts,

Which raises
the attack strength
of my dark magician

By points.

dark magician,

Destroy his summoned skull
with dark magic attack.



Nice work.

My king, I have journeyed
, years

Across time and space
to serve you in this battle.


Is something wrong?

Uh, no.
Just nerves, I guess.

[Thinking] dark magician,

Your arrival has sparked
a strange vision,

But what are these memories
of old that haunt me?

Yugi, this is the strongest
monster I have left,

And you know him
quite well.

So if you intend
to defeat me today,

You must first defeat
my dark magician.

if I wanna save
my closest friend,

I'm gonna hafta destroy
my most trusted monster.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!