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01x10 - The Fiendish Five, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 14:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

The battle to determine
their destinies will now begin.

this is the first
time in my life

That I've hoped
for my opponent's victory.

But in order for this duel
to truly test our readiness
to separate,

I must fight with all
my strength.

Both: let's duel!

Now I sacrifice
of my tokens,

So I can play obelisk
the tormentor!

I'll take things
from here!

First I'll place
these cards
face down.

And then I summon
my silent swordsman
to the field!

Not so fast!

I'm taking this duel
to the next level!

So I summon slifer
the sky dragon!


Behold the third
egyptian god!

Winged dragon of ra!

Yugi, the true test
will now begin!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


He just summoned
the most powerful cards
in the game!


The egyptian gods!

But I'm not done yet.

Next I play pot of greed!

This allows me to take
two cards from my deck
and add them to my hand.


how's yugi gonna get
outta this mess?

There's no way!

Yeah, that dork is
definitely in over
his head.

I can tell you this much.

Dueling the pharaoh is
truly the ultimate test
of yugi's skills.


Yes, since regaining
his ancient memories,

The pharaoh is stronger
than ever.

What's yugi gonna do?

I don't know, tea,
'cause even though

His trap card weakened
obelisk the tormentor's
attack strength,

Dat big brute still has
, points!

Mokuba: and don't forget
about slifer.

One lightning blast,

And yugi's monster takes
, points of damage!

And worst of all,

If the pharaoh activates
the special ability of
the winged dragon of ra,

He can raise
its attack points
to almost , !

This isn't exactly
brain surgery here, folks.

It's pretty obvious
that only one of
the two yugi twins

Inherited the dueling
skills, so why even watch?

Kaiba: looks like his
little secret is out.

Yugi can't duel his way
out of a paper bag,

So he got his look-alike
to duel for him.

Get back here,
rich boy!

Dis duel ain't ova
'til it's ova!

Joey's right!

Yeah, how 'bout showing
a little respect?

Do you losers honestly
believe that yugi
can still win?

You bet!

Then answer me this!

What possible
combination of cards
would you use

To defeat all
egyptian gods?

What's your point?

I rest my case.

You're as clueless
as yugi is.

Look, pal, I may not
have the answer,
but there is one!

Come on, marik,
you're the expert here.

What's their weakness?

Marik: well, individually
they have drawbacks,

But when all
are together,

They're practically

Ishizu: only fate can decide
the outcome of this ritual.

If yugi is unable
to defeat his alter ego,

Then the two are not yet
meant to separate
from one another.

If this occurs,
the pharaoh will
be trapped here

For another
, years.

That's not fair.

I'm so confused.

I want the pharaoh
to stay,

But not if it means
trapping him
against his will.

Come on, mokuba.

Fine! Go!

Hey, pharaoh.

If you end up having
to stick around for
a few more years,

There is
a bright side.

The two of us can
finally have
that rematch.

And by the looks
of this duel, you're
not going anywhere.

that remains to be seen.



Yugi: kaiba, wait!

What's the rush?

I thought you'd
love the chance
to watch me lose, right?


I only want to see
you get crushed

If I'm doing
the crushing.

You owe it to
the pharaoh to stay.

Please, take this.

My king!

It is you
who is now king.

Yugi: you have a bond
that goes back
thousands of years!

And you should be here
to say good-bye to him
when he loses!

What? You can't
be serious!

more serious than I've
ever been in my life.

Those egyptian gods may
be strong, but they're
not undefeatable,

And I'm gonna take them
down one by one.

You're nuts!


Now if you don't mind,
I have myself
a duel to win.

I'm proud of you, yugi.
Well done.

Come on.

You mean to tell me
you actually have a strategy

In mind for
defeating all
egyptian god cards?


Fine. Then this
I got to see.

And when you fail

I'll step in and
show you what real
dueling's all about!

All right.

Ready, yugi?

Ready, pharaoh.


it won't be easy,

But I need to defeat
all egyptian
god cards.

[All roaring]

It's the only way for me
to pass this test

And free the pharaoh
by proving that I'm
ready to be on my own.

Ever since our spirits
joined together,

I've always let
the pharaoh take the
lead during our duels.

But every obstacle
we faced together
pushed me to try harder.

And I always knew
that someday

I'd be good enough
to walk by his side.

I just hope
that day's today.

Yugi, I can see
the uncertainty in your eyes,

And if you expect
to win this duel,

You must first overcome
your self-doubt.

I believe that's why fate
brought us together,

So that you could learn
to trust in yourself

And be the duelist
that you truly are inside,

And so that I could learn
from you!

Ya know what?

What the pharaoh's saying
makes a lot of sense.

I wouldn't be who I am
without you.

And I thought about everything
that you taught me when I was
building my deck.

That's exactly what I
did when I built mine.

You taught me
about bravery

And about having

Even when all hope
seems lost,

And I thought about that
with every card
that I picked.

And you taught me
about friendship

And having compassion
for others.

In duelist kingdom,

You showed me
that there are some things
more important than winning,

Like the safety
of a friend.

Each of us has given
the other a gift.

Like bravery.

Yes, and kindness,
sympathy, and heart.

Wow! So even though our
minds have separated,

Each of us has
maintained the other
one's strengths.

And those strengths
are represented
in our decks,

So we're pretty
evenly matched!

That's right.

that was just the kind
of pep talk I needed.

I hafta admit,
part of me was worried

That the sides of
this duel were uneven.

But now I realize

That even though
the pharaoh has all
egyptian god cards,

I have everything I need
to stop them!

And that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Pharaoh, I believe
it's my move.

That's right. Now go.

Don't mind if I do!


Do your gramps proud,

First of all, since
it's my turn again,

My swordsman moves up
in the world,

Advancing from level
to level !

That bad boy's got
, points now.

That's enough
to defeat obelisk!

Next I'll send
my magnet warriors--

Alpha, beta, and gamma--
straight to
my graveyard!

That lets me summon
my valkyrion the magna
warrior in attack mode!

Slifer the sky dragon's
special ability,

Which means that
your magna warrior
is weakened!


Not quite, 'cause I have
a back-up plan!

So now I activate
the magic card
mirage spell!

Mirage spell is
activated when one of
my monsters is targeted.

It negates
slifer's blast

And increases
my life points by , !

Yes!way to play,

You got to admit
that was pretty

Using slifer's ability
to restore his life points
may have been a decent move,

But it's gonna take a lot
more than that to defeat
the egyptian gods.

Next I place two cards
face down on the field.

Your move, pharaoh.

That's strange.

Why didn't yugi
just attack

I guess he didn't wanna
take the risk.

A careless attack on
an egyptian god could
easily backfire.

But there's still one thing
that I don't get.

Why did yugi leave all
his monsters on the field
in attack mode?

It's not like yugi
to leave himself
wide open to an attack.

If you have a strategy,
then let's see you use it!

what could he be planning?

For some reason,
he must want me to attack.

Otherwise he wouldn't have
left his monsters
in attack mode.

They may be powerful,
but they're no match
for my egyptian gods.

I guess there's only
one way to find out.

My move! I draw!

And you know
what that means!

Since I'm now holding

Slifer's attack points
increase to , !

Now, slifer, attack!
Destroy his swordsman!

With thunderforce strike!

You just triggered
my trap!

But, yugi,
trap cards don't work
against slifer!

it's just too strong!

Of course. I've been
saying that all along.


This is not looking

Yugi! This would be
a good time
for that strategy!

Winged dragon of ra!

Attack his magna warrior!

There goes monster
number two.

Thanks to slifer
and ra, yugi's out
of monsters now!

And the pharaoh can
still attack with
his last egyptian god!

One shot from obelisk
and yugi's a goner!

Come on.

it's done?

Oh, like you're

Yami-yugi: yugi, I know
you tried your best.

For that,
I am forever thankful.

But now, the time has come
for me to end this duel.

Obelisk, wipe out
his life points with
your fist of fate!

Oh, no!

Yami-yugi: valkyrion?

But how?

This doesn't make
any sense!

Yugi, I already sent
those monsters to
the graveyard!

How were you able
to bring them back?

Easy. Remember the last
trap card I played?

His life points
just came back!

I knew yugi had something
up his sleeve!

My mirage ruler
trap card automatically

Whenever all
of the monsters on
my side of the field

Are destroyed by
my opponent in one turn.

It brings my monsters
back to the field

And restores
my life points
to the number I had

Before your turn began.

Plus it only cost me
a thousand points!

Well done.
I'm impressed.

now obelisk can't destroy
yugi's life points.

Looks like he saved
himself...for now.

I have no choice
but to end my turn now.


Dude, that was
too close for comfort.

How 'bout you?
Ya hangin' in
there, gramps?

So far so good,

But my ticker can't take
much more of this.

Aw, come on.

I've seen you duel,
and you're stronger
than any of us!

Come to think of it,
I do keep myself

In pretty good shape,
don't i?

Who do you think mr.
King of games inherited
his strength from?

Yugi, I've never been
more proud of you
than I am today.

thank goodness!

when did I start
rooting for yugi?

Hey bro,
it looks like yugi's

Holding his own
against those
egyptian gods.

Please, the only thing
that geek did was stall
for a little more time.

In order for him to win,

He needs to figure out
the weakness of each
egyptian god card.

So what are
their weaknesses?

That's something
that even I'm not sure of,

But I know they exist.

The first major weakness is
that sacrifices are required

In order to summon them,
but since they're already
on the field,

That weakness was

Now it's up to yugi
to do the impossible--

Find the fatal flaws
of the most powerful
monsters in the game!

Kaiba: there's no way
yugi can win this duel.

He's not even the true
king of games!

All this time,
someone else has been
dueling for him

While he took
the credit!

I feel as if yugi is
going to turn things
around in his next move.

Huh? Have you seen
the future?

I haven't had a vision
of the future in years.

Let's just call this
a strong hunch.

So you think yugi has
a chance against
the egyptian gods?

I'm not sure, but something
just occurred to me

That perhaps I hadn't
thought about before.

Maybe fate chose yugi
as the vessel for
the pharaoh's spirit

Not because he needed
the pharaoh's help,

But because yugi himself
is the modern-day
version of the pharaoh,

Equal in every way.

The two were
brought together

Because they represent
opposite sides
of the same soul.

Yes, but they're

They're so different
from one another
because yugi's shy,

And the pharaoh's
assertive and confident?

Well, the truth is
they each had a quality
that the other needed,

So they learned
from each other.

Hold on!

Are you saying
they're complete

Ishizu: we'll soon find out.

If their journey together
is truly over,

Then fate will allow yugi
to defeat all egyptian
god cards and win the duel.

all right.

If I expect to win this,
I need to start thinking
like the pharaoh.

For starters, I need
to figure out what
his facedown card is.

For some reason,
he hasn't
activated it yet.

Come to think of it,

I haven't launched
one attack since he
played that card.

I bet he's planning
to use it to make one
of my att*cks backfire!

So it must be
mirror force!

If I'm right, then there
might be a way

I can take down
those egyptian gods.

But it's not gonna
be easy!

I need to play the right
card combination,

So everything is riding
on this next draw.

Well, heart
of the cards, you know
the deal--guide me!

All right!

Now, my move!
And I have a plan!

Good. Then go!

Yugi's not gonna
attack, right? Nah!

For starters,
my silent swordsman
jumps one more notch

From level
to level !

And then I'll activate

the magna warrior's
special effect!

You see, whenever alpha,
beta, and gamma
the magnet warriors

Are in my graveyard
at the same time,

I can bring them all
back to the field

By sacrificing
my valkyrion!

He's completely lost it.

Why on earth would yugi
dismantle one of his most
powerful monsters

Just to summon
weaker monsters
to take its place?

Whenever you summon
a new monster,

Slifer's special ability


Whatta you thinkin',

Joey: now every one
'a your monsters gets
blown off da field!

Lightning blast!


So far so good!

I activate
my magnet force trap!

What's this?

I can activate
magnet force

Whenever one of my rock
or machine monsters
is targeted

By the special ability
of another monster!

Once activated,
this trap card

Transfers slifer's blast
to your monsters!

He's turning the egyptian gods
against themselves!

Is this move really
gonna work!?

He weakened them
by , points!

Now yugi's swordsman can
take on any one 'a those
egyptian god cards!

Silent swordsman,
it's time to attack!

Destroy obelisk
the tormentor with
silent sword slash!

Not so fast, yugi!

I activate my trap card!

My mirror force!

No way!

It's over, yugi.

Aw, man.
All his monsters
are gone.

Dude, this can't
be happening.


He came closer than
I thought possible.

Kaiba: yeah, well,
"close" doesn't count,

So in my book, yugi's
still the same loser
he always was.

What a joke!

Once again, you've
all wasted my time.

That was
a valiant effort, yugi.

If only you had predicted
my facedown card.

I did, and that's why
this duel's not done!

As soon as your mirror force
trap card was activated,

I was able to complete
the card combination
that I needed.

Pharaoh! It's about time
I eliminated those
egyptian god cards!

But how?!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!