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01x08 - Fruits of Evolution

Posted: 08/20/22 14:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Open your eyes, pharaoh!

Your reign is over!


I'm afraid I disagree!

Now I give you
the creator of light!

What!? Impossible!

Darkness, be gone!!


I shall take you with me!


Guess again, zorc!

You have conquered
the embodiment of pure darkness

From which all evil
is born.

So I'm done?

No, but you are close.

With the help
of your friends,

You've nearly fulfilled
your destiny.

And now there is
but one task

Left for you to carry out

Before your spirit may
return to its resting place.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


We're back.

Then I guess
it's over.

The tablet
returned us all
to the present.

Let's hope so.

Are you worried
about the pharaoh?

I mean atem.

Yeah, you don't
think he's still

In the ancient past,
do you?

Pharaoh, are you there?

Pharaoh: I'm right
where I belong.

With us!

You did it!

We all did it

And now the darkness

By the shadow games
so long ago

Is finally over.

It only took you
, years.

And I'm glad
I was here to help.

Me, too.

I mean, a guy can
get pretty used

To this whole

Now remind me
how getting possessed

By an evil spirit
was helping?

I have no further
comments at this time.

Embarrassed because
you nearly destroyed

The world
as we know it?

Oh, like you've never
gotten possessed
before, joey?!

[Thinking] I'm really
going to miss them.

Yugi: phar--ah,
I mean, atem.

I promise
one of these days

I'll get used
to that name of yours.

It's hard to believe
after all these years

You have
your memory back!

Thanks to you.

Tea: come on, joey.

You chained yugi
to an anchor

And threatened
to take over the world.

Ringing any bells?!

Joey: I have no further
comments at this time.

Pharaoh, tell joey
he was possessed.

Hey, yugi.

I believe
you'll be needing that.

Tea: the millennium eye?

Joey: and where did you
get your hands on that,
rich boy?

Pharaoh: kaiba.

You don't just chuck

A millennium item at
someone and walk away!

I'm sick of your silent
treatment routine!

Joey: hey! It's you!

Bakura: hello.
Where are we?

Wait a second, guys.

I have a hunch
this is the good bakura.

Now...let me see.

The last thing I remember

Was hearing a strange voice
and then...

Take it easy, pal.

What's wrong?

I need some food.

So do i. You don't
see me passing out!


Look, we could
all use a bite.

It has been
, years!


I think
he's got something

That belongs to you,


[Thinking] now that
zorc has vanished,

So has the evil
spirit of the ring.

So bakura
is finally free.

Joey: hey, guys!
A little help here?!

Thanks, tea.
Grab a leg,
will you?

[Thinking] shadi.

Please know that your items
will finally be laid to rest.

And thank you, my friend.


According to the inscription
on this tablet,

You went on to be a great
pharaoh in your own right.

You kept my father's dream alive
by maintaining peace in egypt.

And knowing this,

My spirit can finally
enter its resting place.

Wait, so what
are you saying?

I think you know, yugi.

Ishizu: my pharaoh,

Were you able to recover
your lost memories?

Pharaoh: yes.

Then after , years,

Our family's task
is finally complete.

You're right.

And the millennium
items are gathered
together at last.

My king...

I know.

Now I must seal them
away forever

So I can enter
the spirit world.

You're leaving us?!

This is the final task
of my mission, tea.

I guess I always knew.

I mean, you came back
after all these years

So you could regain
your memories

And save the world.

And now that
you've done that,

You can finally rest.

Pharaoh, if you
and your friends
would like us to,

Marik and I can lead
you to the final
resting place

Of the millennium

You mean
the millennium stone?

And the inscription
above this ancient stone

Reads as follows:

"To the spirit world
thou may proceed,

"But first thou must
complete this deed.

"Return the items
whence they came

And speak aloud
the pharaoh's name."

Are you ready
for your final task?


Then allow me
to be your guide

To the shrine
of the next world.

Joey: couldn't we zip
over to this shrine
in a plane?

I'm afraid this
sanctuary can only
be reached by boat.

We don't want
to rush this.

This is the last
trip we'll ever take

With the pharaoh,

Since when
are you so sappy?


Eh? Ohh.

Boats rule!
I love boats.

Who doesn't
love boats?

That's the spirit!

Ages ago, it was believed
that boats were the only vessels

Able to transport spirits
to the world beyond.

The world beyond?

The ancient egyptians

That this spirit world
existed in the west,

Where the sun sets.

And so the pharaoh's court
ordered this sanctuary

To be built on an island
west of egypt.

ahoy there, mateys!

All right, you landlubbers!
Climb aboard!

Ha ha ha!

No way!

Where did you guys
come from?!

Duke: about time
you got here.

Joey: hey!



We've been bored
out of our minds

Waiting for you guys
to get here!

Yugi: I didn't know
you were coming!

Well ever since
you left for egypt,

There was this voice
inside my head saying,

"How can miss such
a momentous event in
your grandson's life,

You old fool?!"

And with gramps hearing
voices in his head,

I thought I should
come along, too.

Just to keep an eye
on things.

And when we got here,
we ran into mokuba
at the airport.

Yeah, you took off
without telling anyone,

So roland and I
tracked you down.

I see.

I didn't know I needed
to report every move I make

To my little brother.

Well, you better not
do it again.

Or I'll take over
kaiba corp

And make you
work for me!

Joey: tell me
the truth, duke.

Well, it's not like
anyone invited me

So I invited myself!

After everything
we've been through,

It would've been nice
to get a phone call!

Sorry, duke, but I had
a lot going on.

Your grandfather filled me in
on the flight over,

So I understand.

And while we were waiting
for you to show up,

I took the liberty
of explaining things

To everyone else
you forgot to call.

You've finally done it,
yugi boy.

Everything I spent
my life creating

Has been leading
up to this.

From the moment I received
the millennium eye...

Aah! the moment I recreated
the ancient shadow games

In the form of duel monsters.

It was fate's hand guiding me
to set the stage

For the pharaoh's
final journey home.

But I wasn't the only one
led by fate.

Every person the pharaoh
encountered along the way

Was destined to play
a role in his journey.

And I'm willing to bet most
of them didn't even know it.

Pegasus: but each individual,
no matter how utterly clueless,

Was a necessary piece

Needed to complete the puzzle
of the pharaoh's life.

Be they weird fisherman duelists

Or annoying, mousy little girls,

All of these people
have one thing in common:

Each one is connected
by a young man named yugi boy

And that mysterious
alter-ego of his.

And not only did
these individuals help yugi,

But in turn, yugi touched
each of their lives as well.

I know I've said it
a million times,

But thanks for
being there, guys.

Of course.

Kaiba: enough already.

What are you still hanging
around for anyway, rich boy?!

We have our reasons!

What are
our reasons again?

Yeah, why did you come?

Ishizu: although
he'd never admit it,

Kaiba is here for the same
reason we're all here:

To witness the pharaoh's
final rite of passage.

So he does believe.

Marik: yugi,
before we go any further,

There's something else you
should know about all this.

There's another
ancient passage

Inscribed above
the millennium stone.

It mentions a battle ritual.

Did you say "battle"?!

In order for the pharaoh
to enter the spirit world,

He must first face off

Against a worthy opponent
in battle and lose.

What kind of battle
do you mean?!

In ancient times,
this referred to
a duel with swords.

But, luckily for us,

Today we duel
one another with cards.

A duel?

Exactly, yugi.

I must lose in a game
of duel monsters.

I don't mean to be
disrespectful, marik,

But I don't get
what the challenge
is in losing a duel.

think about it, guys.

Winning is easy
for the pharaoh,

But being able
to accept defeat

Is probably the greatest
test of his character
there is!

You may have
a point there, duke.

But where are
we gonna find a duelist

Who's good enough
to beat the pharaoh?

You know this boat ride
really takes me back, yuge.

Doesn't it seem
like just yesterday

We were all
on a boat like this

Headed for duelist kingdom?


Not to toot my own horn,

But I've come
a long way since then.

And if given the chance,

I could kick
the pharaoh's ancient butt!


All: huh?

Joey: all right,
so maybe I came on
a little strong there.

A little strong?!

Now I meant to say...

I'd like a shot
against the pharaoh.

It's too risky!

Tea: you'll lose!

there's no chance!

Thanks for the support,

But someone's gotta
beat the pharaoh,

So why not me?

Kaiba: because you're
a joke, wheeler.

You talking to me?!

Don't you losers realize

I've been waiting for
this moment for years?

I challenge you
to the ultimate duel!

You sure about this?

Now, wait a second here!

I was in line first!

Hey! You're--

I'm gonna
make this brief.

I don't believe
in all this ancient
egyptian nonsense

And I never did.

But I deserve
a shot against you!

You mean the pharaoh.

It does make sense.

After all, you guys have
had a rivalry going on

Ever since he showed up
in this world.

Then let's do this.

I've already
made my choice.

I'm gonna duel
the pharaoh.

You're what?!

I don't think you can.

Don't you see, guys?

This duel will be

A test for me too.

How do I put this?

You can't play a duel
against yourself, yuge.

I don't plan to.

That's it!

I'm not gonna
stand here

And watch you
give a title shot to
your imaginary friend!

Drop him, rich boy.

Trust me, this is something
I know I need to do!

And deep down,
you know it, too.



All right, yugi.

I don't know what kind
of stunt you're

But if you're gonna
be dueling,

Then you may as well
build yourself
a real deck,

Not that
deck you use.

Wow, that's a pretty
impressive collection...

But I won't be
needing it, kaiba.

No way!

I'll be sticking
with my usual deck.

The pharaoh and I
built it together,

So it's only fitting
that I use that one.

Makes sense.

If you want to lose!

What a waste
of time!

Seto! Wait!

Enjoy the cruise.

Yugi: come in.

Tea: hey, yugi.
Have a sec?

Sure, tea.

So, what's up?

As the self-appointed
cruise director,

I thought I'd tell you
we arrive tomorrow.

Cool. Thanks.

I guess you're
getting ready

For your big duel
against the pharaoh,

Yeah. It's sort of
like my final gift to him

Before he leaves us

I get it!

I guess I don't
want to see him go,
that's all.

Neither do i,

But it's time for him
to move on, tea.

Besides if I win,

That means I'm ready
to separate from him, too.


yugi's right,

But it doesn't make
this any easier.

You ok?

Oh, yeah,
everything's great!

I should really let
you get back to doing
your thing now.

All right, so...great,
then I'll see you

Good night, tea.

Pharaoh, I have a feeling

She wanted to say
goodbye to you.


[Thinking] I know this is
what's best for the pharaoh.

He doesn't belong in this world

And now that he has
his memory back

He can finally be free.

But secretly,
I keep hoping yugi's gonna lose

So the pharaoh has to stay.

[Thinking] before I solved
the millennium puzzle

I was a completely
different person:



but ever since that day,

When the pharaoh and I
joined together,

I've been strong and confident.

And if I win that duel

I'll prove that I'm ready
to face the world on my own.

All I have to do is remember
everything the pharaoh taught me

And I can do this!

Duke: there he is.

Dude, we've been
looking all over for you.

Don't tell me you're
still down in the dumps

About not getting
to duel against
the pharaoh.

Just let go, man.

You know,
being on this boat

Has made me do
a lot of thinking

About the last few
years of my life.

Let me tell you,

A lot's changed
since I met the pharaoh.

He taught me that
even when the odds
are against you,

You have to keep fighting

And never give up
no matter what.

But there's someone whose
life he changed even more.

Yeah, yugi's.

And that's why yugi needs
to be the one to duel him.

To see if he's finally
ready to be on his own.

You know, you're a lot
smarter than you look.

What's that
supposed to mean?

[Thinking] so let's say
this pharaoh does exist.

And he's the reason
yugi's been winning
duels all these years.

Then how on earth
is a twerp like yugi

Gonna defeat
the true king of games?!

That was harder than I thought.


Is it safe
to come out now?

Have you chosen
your cards?

Yup, my deck's complete.

Wait, so is that why
I haven't heard from you

In the past few hours?


I traveled to a distant
corner of your mind

To give you some privacy.

It's only fair.

The cards in my opponent's
deck should be a mystery.

And just so you know,

I don't plan
on going easy on you
in tomorrow's duel.


Plus I've gotten to
know your strategies
pretty well.

Hey, when you share
a mind with someone
for as long as we have,

You tend to learn
a thing or two

About how
the other one thinks.

Well, I guess
it's time for you
to pick your deck.

And don't worry,
I promise I won't peek.

[Thinking] this is by far
the toughest duel of my life.

Not just because the pharaoh
is such a great duelist,

But because winning this duel
means losing my closest friend.

[Thinking] I feel as though
every opponent I've ever faced

Was preparing me
for this moment.

The moment that will decide
the fate of my spirit.

If I win, I remain here,

Sealed within
the millennium puzzle.

But if I lose,

I'm free to enter
the spirit world where I belong.

Within that box
lies yugi's deck,

Chosen from a collection
that we created together...

But built completely on his own.

And now it is my turn
to do the same.

Pharaoh: it is now complete!

I have succeeded in building
my strongest deck ever.

And now the time has come
to put it to the test.

Yugi! It's time to duel!


Joey: look who decided
to roll out of bed.

Good luck.

Joey: I say we get
this duel on the road!

Let's go.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!