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01x07 - Red-Eyes Black Curse

Posted: 08/20/22 14:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Zorc: we now stand
face to face

For the last time--

The light of hope

Against the lord
of darkness.

And just as it has since
the dawn of time,

Darkness shall prevail.

You're wrong!

There is no darkness
without light!

Then let us put your
theory to the test!


No harm shall come
to you, my king!



You must never surrender
to the darkness.

The light of hope
will soon arrive

Bearing the information
that you need.

The light of hope?


Shadi: do not give up.


And now, the human world

As you know it
shall crumble!

hang in there, pharaoh!

Help is on the way!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Look at the mighty
pharaoh now.

Barely standing
beside the ruins

Of what was once
his kingdom.

This is not over!

Trust me.

There is a light that
still burns bright--

The light of hope.

And as long
as it exists,

You will never prevail!

Your friends have
surrendered to the shadows.

Your soldiers
have deserted you.

Yet you speak of hope?


They'll be back.

Even in your
darkest hour,

You refuse
to give in.

How nauseatingly
human of you!

Open your eyes,

Your reign is over!



Centuries ago,

You possessed the power
to lock me away.

However, you seem to have
gotten weak in your old age.


I can't stop him
without your help.



Please, yugi!

I know you're
out there!

We're not too late!


Hey, it's us!

Thank you,
my friends.

You should have stayed
in your own world, mortals.

Now, your souls
belong to me!


There's not much time.

Then let's help
the pharaoh!


Watch out!

[Horse whinnies]

Joey: huh?

This is
just great.

First the lord
of darkness...

Now these guys?!

Tea: yugi,

Any last-minute plans?

How about this!?

You know what I
always say, right?

When in doubt,

Put your faith
in the heart of the cards!

And with the deck

The pharaoh and I
built together...

I can blast this creep
back to the shadow realm!

Let's hope so.

Yugi: we have a saying
back home...

It's time to duel!

Now, I summon
dark magician!

You're back!

Of course, my pharaoh.

I made a vow to protect
you at all times.

Now, let's duel.

Sounds good to me!

Well, you're not going
in there alone, pal!

I play...

Red-eyes black dragon!


Count me in!

Me, too!

I summon this!

My super

fire sorcerer,

You're on!




Looks like we've
got company, guys!


Now, dark magician,


Help him out, pal!

Get back!

Joey: inferno
fire blast!

Fire sorcerer...

Your turn!

Don't forget
about me!

super roboyarou!


They're back!

Oh, yeah?!

Well, not for long!

Tristan: it's no use!

These dudes
won't stay down!

So, what are we
supposed to do?!

Woman: perhaps
I can help!


Tea: it's dark
magician girl!

But how?!


Yugi: well, someone must
have summoned her.

You're right.

And I have a feeling
I know who!

Ready, master?


The rest of
you must go.

The pharaoh
needs you,

So leave these
demons to us!

Yugi: right!

Tea: good luck!


Be gone!

Tea: pharaoh!

you all right?!

It's us, pal!

say something.

I knew you'd return.

Thank you.

Joey: we'll have you
back to your old self

In no time.

I'm afraid
I disagree!


Are you thinking
what I am?


Both: dark magic attack!


If you are finished,
then allow me!

We're doomed.

Yugi, were you able
to locate my name?

Ah, yeah.

Well, then...

What is it?


These humans may have
found the location

Of your real name,

However, they were
unable to read it!

But why?

It's simple.

The word in question

Is written in a language
unfamiliar to them.


Is that true?


It's true.

We made it through
your tomb...

And there it was
on the back wall.

There was only
one problem.

Your name was carved

In ancient egyptian

I know what it
looked like...

I just don't know
how to say it.

All right, guys.

Name or no name,

We got some
butt to kick!



Inferno fire blast!

super roboyarou...

Your turn!


Tristan! No!

Now, for your
pathetic dragon!


Are you all right?!



call me crazy,

But this
is a little
more painful

Than dueling
back home.

Gee, what makes you
say that, tristan?

The fact that we're all
doubled over in pain?!

Don't look now...

But our friends
are back again!

All right.

The fate of the future
depends on us.

You know what to do.


Stop! It's much
too dangerous!



[Both yelling]

Is he gone?



Have you fools
not learned

That I am impervious
to all att*cks--

Including yours?!

We just blasted him with
all of our strength.

There is nothing
more to do.

How right you are!

Now, surrender your
spirits to the shadows!


I know you will
defeat him.

my king!




Your friends shall
vanish into the darkness

One soul at a time!


we have to figure out a way

To tell the pharaoh
what his name is...

And we don't exactly
have all day!

Nothing can
save you now!

to the darkness!

Look, zorc!

We're never
gonna give up!

We're gonna
help the pharaoh

Just like he did
the first time!

But how?




I want you to
have this.

What is it?

It's a cartouche.

Whenever you get
your memory back...

You can engrave your
real name on there.

Then you won't
forget it again.


Hey, guys!

I realized how we
can help the pharaoh!

All: how?!


All we have to do
is concentrate!

All: huh?!

I bet if we think

About those symbols
hard enough,

We can make
the pharaoh's name

Appear on
that cartouche!

She's right!

Remember how we
were able to fly

Here just by

Tea: exactly!

Now, we all have to think
about the pharaoh's name!

I'm in!

Me !

Yugi: now, focus
on those symbols.

You have been a nuisance
to me for long enough!



It's working!


we won't let you down.

I gotta remember
those symbols!

Almost there.

Pharaoh's name,


I'm afraid once again
you're too late, humans!

How dare you interfere!


It's over!




It worked!

It's my name!


Tea: pharaoh?

Can you read
the symbols?

Yeah. Do you know
what your name is?


My ancient name
has been revealed!

I am king atem!

You now possess
the power

To defeat
the dark one, my son.

How, father?

By calling forth the light

Of the egyptian gods
to swallow the darkness.

And now...

Mighty gods of egypt...

I revive thee!





You think they'll
win this time?

Of course!

Yeah, the pharaoh
knows what to do.

The egyptian gods are
powerless against me!

You already tried
this and failed.

Yes, but there's something
I didn't do last time.

Merge them together!

And now, I give you...

The creator of light!



be gone!


I shall take
you with me!


guess again, zorc!

[Siren wailing]



That wasn't so bad.

Yeah, other than
the tornado damage,

Random lightning explosions,

And poisonous acid rain...

It was a piece of cake!

Man: look! The storm
is letting up!

Well, that was fast.

Not that I'm

Now all we have to
do is find seto!

Tristan: so, that's it!?

The big-shot lord
of darkness is gone?

Joey: yup.

Thanks to this
even bigger shot!

And we can't forget
to thank the pharaoh--

Uh, I mean...


It's gonna take a while
to get used to that.

How cool!

After all
these years,

We finally
know your name!

I know.

And it's all
thanks to you.

Tea: now what?

I mean...

What's next?

You know, now that
you saved the world.

Wait for the next
bad guy?

Woman: no, atem.


There will not
be another.

You've conquered
the embodiment
of pure darkness

From which all
evil is born.

So. I'm done?

No, but you
are close.

With the help
of your friends,

You have nearly
fulfilled your destiny.

That is why your spirit

Returned to this world
after , years--

So you could rescue
mankind once again

From the inevitable return
of the shadow games.

And now, there's
but one task left

For you to carry out

Before your
spirit may return

To its resting place.

it's hard to believe

Does this mean after
I accomplish my final mission,

Yugi and I will separate?

It's strange.

I finally feel like
my own person.

ever since I solved
the millennium puzzle,

The pharaoh's
been sharing
an identity with me.

But now that
he's regained
his lost memories,

He's ready
to be himself.


Thank you for this.

We couldn't have
defeated zorc without it.


And you--
all of you--

What can I say?

Had it not been
for your help,

I could never have
fulfilled my destiny.

I am forever
in your debt.

You are all heroes.


Now that you
mention it,

I was brave.

So, thanks.

He was talking
about me.


I'm pretty
sure he meant

After all we're
a team, right?


Seto: when are you geeks

Gonna stop giving that
lame friendship speech?

I'd say...

When you stop

a magic trick!


And you can't
deny this one!

I mean how do
you explain
the fact that

two yugi's
standing here?!

Seto: maybe
there is some
truth to this junk.


Hey, guys, did you
hear what I heard?!

Kaiba just admitted
this is all real!

Seto: nice try!

I said
this was all
a mind trick.

Joey: what?!
You guys heard
him, right?!

All: nope.

Man: time to pick up
the pieces and move on.

We'll have this city
rebuilt in no time.

Atem: it's not going
to be easy,

But this kingdom shall
return to its former glory.

And you will see to it
that this occurs, seto.


I will be
leaving this world.

And you will be
taking the throne.

For you are now
the king of egypt.


But i...
But you...

So let it be written
so let it be done.

But after everything
we've been through,

This kingdom needs
a strong leader

To move us ahead.

And who better to
lead this nation

Than you, seto?


the truth is,

I have no memories
beyond this point,

So I can no longer
exist here.

My time is running out.

Farewell, king seto.

Pharaoh, are you
all right?!


I will soon join
the pharaohs

That came before me,

And you shall rebuild
the land of egypt.

Trust the light
in your soul.

The light in my soul?!

And now, I
leave you this

As proof of your
right to the throne.

Please preserve
my father's dream.

And maintain
peace in egypt.

Yes, my king.

It is you
who is now king.


Are you sure
about this?

I am.


Then let's hit
the high road!

Tristan: back
to the future...

Or the present.

Or whatever.

Have a safe journey!

I'll miss you!

And thank you...

For everything!

farewell, my pharaoh.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!