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01x06 - Trial of Light and Shadow

Posted: 08/20/22 14:35
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

Zorc! You've invaded
my kingdom and
threatened my people!

Now you must pay
for your crime!

And now I shall call upon...
The egyptian gods!

Obelisk the tormentor!

Slifer the sky dragon!

And the winged dragon of ra!

Your creatures are no match
for zorc.

I should know since he and I
are one and the same!

Now...let's go in for
a closer look, shall we?!

And so the end
is here.

Not only the end
of our duel,

But the end of the world
as we know it.

Why, with you trapped
in the shadow realm,

The pharaoh
will never defeat zorc.

yugi, I can't do this
without you. me.

The pharaoh needs me!


And this duel's
still on!

I have one card left,
and that's all I need!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Shadi: the labyrinth
of the pharaoh's mind
is disappearing!

He must be regaining
his memories!


If the dark one
is not soon defeated,

All will be lost.


Zorc: the egyptian gods
have fallen!

You see, pharaoh,

Even your so-called
"deities of domination"

Were forced to surrender

When confronted with the power
of the shadow realm--

A world I created
centuries ago.

A world that is now converging
with your own.

For when your people fashioned
the millennium items,

You opened the doorway
to the darkness.

And now the human world
as you know it shall crumble!!!

My pharaoh!

Oh, no!

Tell me
you're all right!

Please, pharaoh!
Get up!

It's no use.

He's way too weak
to fight.

Where is
your pharaoh now?!

I'll tell you.

He is cowering
at the feet

Of the new lord
and ruler of egypt!

There's nothing
we can do
to stop him!

We must surrender!

Yes, then
perhaps he'll
spare us.

Run while
you still can!

Before he
enslaves us all!


Retreat! Retreat!

Hold your ground!

is not an option!

It appears
your soldiers disagree!

Soon there will be nowhere
to hide, mortals!

Mana, escort
the pharaoh back

To the palace
at once!

But if I do that,

Go! And leave zorc
to me!

[Zorc roaring]

Hurry, mana!


I'll tell the pharaoh
of your courage, seto!

I shall tell him

In the name of the pharaoh...

I shall return thee
to the realm of shadows!


Foolish human.

The dark realm
of which you speak
is now here on earth...

Where I shall
reign supreme!

You are a trespasser,

Not only
in this kingdom,
but in this world!

And it's about time
someone removed you!


Lend me your power!

White dragon,
come forth!

This thing's finally
starting to get interesting.

It's the sun.

The white dragon

Must have
the darkness.

And with one attack,
no less!

Kisara...your strength
is greater than I thought!




Eventually, every creature
must serve the darkness!

Not me!

No! The shadows!

They're taking me!


Oh, no!
Not again!

The white dragon
was our last hope!

Egypt belongs
to zorc!

that sideshow freak
defeated blue eyes

And the egyptian gods!

Zorc: your lives shall collapse
one brick at a time!

First egypt
and then the world!


We're under attack!


Nobody likes a bully...

Especially me.


Come on!
He's right behind us!

We've gotta run faster!

But I can't go any
faster than this!


You wanna pick
on someone?!

Then why don't you
pick on me?!

As you wish.

Let the battle


It worked!

All right!

Let's try this

Come on out,
blue eyes!

Your egyptian counterpart
already tried this
and failed.

What makes you think
your fate will be
any different?!

Listen, zorc!

I've been smacking
around virtual
monsters like you

Ever since
I could talk!

As a matter of fact...

My first words were,
"neutron blast attack!"

You should have stayed
in your own world!

Your "cards"
and "holograms"
are useless here!

You may have been able
to handle one blue eyes,

But let's see you
stand up to ...

In the form of blue eyes
ultimate dragon!


Now take it away, boys!

Show this ancient
overgrown windbag

How we do things
back home!

Neutron blast attack!!!!

That was the last mistake
you shall ever make, mortal.

This I promise you!

Now prepare to join
your other half

In a world
of eternal darkness!

You'll hafta
get past my blue eyes
ultimate dragon first!

Now I sacrifice
my marshmallon

And my silent magician
in order to summon this!

Gandora the dragon
of destruction!

But how?

I had the perfect


It was good,
but not perfect!

Because although
your zombies almost
wiped out my deck...

I found a card
that can stop them!

But how?! You were down
to your last card!

It's not fair!

I guess you can call it
the luck of the draw!

Now, gandora,
destroy every one
of his monsters!





My monsters may be gone,
but my life points aren't!

Bakura's right.

This duel's
not over yet.

wait a sec.

That was the last card
in yugi's deck.

So if he doesn't
get rid of bakura's
life points in this turn,

Then yugi loses!

After my gandora strikes...
It goes to the graveyard.

And as I'm sure you know,

When one of
my monsters is destroyed,

Your sword of sealing
is deactivated!

So my silent swordsman
is free!

, Attack points?!

More than enough
to wipe you out!

Now, swordsman,


I neva get tired
'a watchin' you
kick butt, yuge!

I wouldn't be celebrating
if I were you.


I'm afraid your victory
is all in vain.

We'll see
about that!

Now let us go!


All right, but if you
want to save the pharaoh,

I'm afraid
you're too late!


While you were busy
playing cards,

Zorc was busy ushering in
the age of darkness!


So despite your apparent
victory here today...

In reality
I win the game!


Ha ha ha ha!


Tea: look!

it's tristan!

Yugi: you all right?!

Wake up!

C'mon, bro.
This is no time
for a snooze.

We got a world
out there to save!

Where are we, guys?

Did I pass out
or something?

Yeah, right.

Try bakura was wearing
your body like
a cheap suit!

I was possessed?!

Now you're
catchin' on!

If it wasn't for you,

We wouldn't be trapped
in this tomb,

So danks for nothin'!

What exactly
did I do?

Well, first, you
double-crossed us,

Then you
att*cked us,

And then you
almost sent yugi
to the shadow realm.

Oh, is that all?

Sorry for all
the trouble, yuge.

Don't worry
about it.

It's not
your fault.


So I guess you
heard that, right?

It's the tomb!

It must be collapsing
or something,

So let's
get outta here!

Good call.

Do you guys have any idea
where you're going?

not a clue.

Tea: see...
There really was a light

At the end
of the tunnel.

That's great,
but how do we
get down?

Just follow me, guys.

I know what I'm doin'.

I've heard that


Gee, I can't wait
to hear your next idea.

Don't start.


Somethin' I said?!

Tristan! No!

Look, I've caused enough
trouble for your guys,

So it's about time
I paid you back.



Joey! No!

Where'd that come from?

I get it.

Ha ha ha!

In this world,
if we concentrate
hard enough,

Our thoughts
can become real!

Dat's pretty cool.

Well, guess
what I'm thinking.

[Horse neighing]

Let's show 'em
how it's done!

Bet I can take out
more of those bad boys
than you!

You're on, 'cause
I summon gearfried
the iron knight

And flame swordsman!

And I'll summon
these dudes--

Lava battleguard

And swamp battleguard!

Get back,
you two!

There's no time
to fight, guys.

We hafta concentrate
and get outta here!

No sweat!

Hey, I can fly!

This is so cool!

So if we think
hard enough,

Can we turn those
punks into something
more interesting?

Well there's only
one way to find out,

Both: pork chops
and apple sauce,

Pork chops and apple sauce.

Did it work?!

No dice, dude.

Great. We have
the power to fly,

But we can't get
a decent meal.

We're running out
of time, guys.

Let's kick it
into hyper-speed!

- , captain!

Mokuba: roland,
what are our

We're directly above
cairo, egypt, sir.

Seto, can you hear me?

This is mokuba
in kaiba kraft two.

Do you read me?
Repeat: seto, do you read me?!


We've encountered
an unidentified
illumination, sir!

That looks familiar.

Wait a sec!

Blue eyes ultimate dragon!

Is it me, or is there
a giant hole in the sky?

What in the world
is that?!

The ultimate collision
of light and shadow

Has created a bridge
between our realms!

Now I have a new world
to conquer--

The world of the future!

Now bow before
your new lord and master!


As we approach
our final hour,

Please restore
the pharaoh's power.

You're back!

Where is zorc now?

Oh, no.

you need to rest!

Mana, do you see
that dragon?

Where did it
come from?

Well, while you
were unconscious,

Seto's white dragon
was defeated by zorc

And then came back
in a different form.

It seems to be holding
its own for now,

But who knows how long
it's gonna last?

There's only one
person I know

Who can summon
the blue eyes
ultimate dragon--


It appears that
some sort of portal
has opened!

I need
the millennium scale!

Sure, but why?

Trust me.

This may be our last
chance to defeat zorc.

I need all the strength
I can get.

Karim, please lend me
your power!

Good luck.



He's nuts!

I know
you know what to do!



Yami-yugi: we have merged
to become...

The master of dragon soldier!


Dragon saber blast!



It's over, zorc.

No. He...lives!

The time
has finally arrived.

My pharaoh.

I have waited
my entire life for this.

I know what must be done!

With the power of hasan,
I shall protect you!


We now stand face to face
for the last time.

The light of hope against
the lord of darkness.

And just as it has
since the dawn of time...

Darkness shall prevail.

That is the inevitable
cycle of existence.

You see, pharaoh,
the universe itself
was born without light.

All that existed was
a vast wasteland of shadows.

And although
fleeting moments occur

During which light
attempts to illuminate
this darkness...

In the end it is
always extinguished!

And the same
holds true for you!

You are a mere flicker
whose faint glow
has expired!

You're wrong!

There is no darkness
without light!

It is light
that gave life
to this world, zorc!

It is light
that gives us hope.

And it is light
that shall defeat you!

Then let us put
your theory to the test!




Is that you?

No harm shall come
to you, my king!

It's you! Shadi!

You must never surrender
to the darkness.

The light of hope
will soon arrive

Bearing the information
that you need.

The light of hope?

Shadi! Thank you.

Shadi: do not give up.

Exactly as I predicted,
everything shall return
to darkness,

Just as it always does.

hang in there, pharaoh!

Help is on the way!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!