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01x05 - Eye of the Storm

Posted: 08/20/22 14:34
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

This shadow game
is the crossroads of time

Where the past
and the future meet,

And before it's through,
I'll have destroyed both.

Behold the almighty zorc.

Now to wipe your kingdom
off the map.

Your pharaoh friend must be
knee-deep in darkness by now,

And the only thing that can
save him is locked down here.



Take this.

You found my puzzle.

Zorc: pharaoh,
opposing me is futile.

I am the embodiment
of pure darkness,

And as your world is enveloped
by the shadows,

My power shall grow.

the light of hope

Still shines upon
the people of egypt,

And that light
can illuminate

Even the darkest
of shadows.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time
to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

you're teetering on the edge
of the shadow realm, yugi.

One false move, and you'll
be trapped for eternity.

Ha ha ha!

Yugi: yeah?
Well if I were you,

I wouldn't get
my hopes up, bakura.

And why not?

Thanks to
the special effect
of my cursed twin dolls,

Every card that was sent
to my former graveyard

Was just released
onto the field,

But you,
on the other hand...

Well, let's just say
you've seen better duels.

Too bad you can't
bring out the pharaoh
to save you.

Maybe not,
but I can save him,

Just as soon as I
beat bakura and get
outta this place.

Now that my twins
are finished,

Why don't you go?

Ha! I was hoping
you'd say that.

Not so fast.

I'm afraid you just
triggered the special effect

Of my necro soldier.

As long as he remains
on the field,

Every time
your turn begins,

My necro army
increases by one...

And since this ability
applies to my new soldier,
as well,

I now have
an army of .

As you were.

Tea: how's yugi supposed to beat
an army of little zombie freaks?

Actually, since
each of his soldiers
has zero points,

It shouldn't
be too tough.

Here goes.

my silent swordsman

Jumps to level
with , points,

But that's
just the beginning.

To accompany
my silent swordsman,

I'll summon my
silent magician.

Now, marshmallon,
silent swordsman,
and silent magician,

Attack all of his
necro soldiers.


Once bakura's troop
of necro-twerps
is gone, yugi wins.


ha ha ha!

Yugi: no way.

But why did
my swordsman stop?

It doesn't
make any sense.


Of course it does.

I played my
narrow corridor trap.


Yeah, and what
does dat do?

I'm glad you asked,

This handy trap card
prevents your friend

From attacking
with more than two monsters
in any given turn,

And might I remind you,
my graveyard is gone.

So the soldiers
you just destroyed

Shall return
to the field as spirits.

I hope you don't mind
if my phantom monsters

Stick around
to watch me win.

What I wanna know is,
what's he planning to do
with all those monsters?

I'll take over
from here.

Oh, did I mention
my magician's
special ability?

When you draw, he
jumps up one level

And gains

Should I
be impressed?

Ah, just the card
I was hoping to see.

The time has come
to reveal my true strategy.

True strategy?

Yes. Is there
an echo in here?

Behold my counterbalance
magic card.

What does that do?

As long as this card
remains on the field,

Each of us must transfer
a certain number of cards

From our deck
to our graveyard

At the end of our turn.

How many, you ask?

You must discard
as many cards

As there are monsters
on the field.

Of course, that includes
my phantom monsters.

Oh, no way.

Then we'd be
throwing out

our entire deck.

But why would
you play a card that
puts you at risk, also?

It doesn't
make any sense.

Ha ha ha!

To work, it requires
a graveyard,

And I don't have one.

Guess that means
I can't participate.

I feel so left out.
So you're in this alone.

Get it?

This card only
drains your deck.

So that was
your plan all along.

You wanted to force me
to get rid of my cards.

Aw, man, yugi's
only got a few
turns left.


Ha ha ha!

And it only gets worse,

For now I summon
another monster
to the field--

Necro mannequin.

But that's not all.

Next, I activate
the trap card necro cycle.

As long as my mannequin
remains on the field,

This trap allows me
to automatically summon
another one each turn.

[All gasp]

Look at all
those monsters.

And just think,
every one of them

Represents a card
you're going to lose.

Ha ha ha!

And all the fun begins
in your next move.

So I see no need to drag
the suspense out any longer.

I end my turn.


Stand back.

I shall
handle this.

No. Zorc is mine.

My king,
please don't.

It's the only way.

We've tried
everything in our power,

But nothing works.

There's one hope left,
and it lies in my hand.

Zorc, you've invaded my kingdom
and threatened my people,

And now you must pay
for your crime.

Millennium puzzle,

And now I shall call upon
the egyptian gods--

Obelisk the tormentor,
slifer the sky dragon,

And the winged dragon of ra.



Your fate is now sealed.

Behold the gods of egypt.

Well, it appears
the game has shifted
in my favor.

Your creatures
are no match for zorc.

I should know,
since he and I
are one and the same.

Hold on.
You mean, you are zorc?

Ha ha ha! Surprise.

How's that for a twist?

Now let's go in for
a closer look, shall we?

Surrender now, zorc,

Or face the rage
of the egyptian gods.

Ha ha ha!

When I am through
with them,

Your deities
shall bow before
the lord of darkness.


No way. It's them--
slifer, obelsik and ra,

But they seem
way too realistic
to be holograms.

Can they be the real deal?

Obelisk, the first
attack is yours.

Strike him down
with your fist of fate.

Nice shot,
not a bad start,

But let's see if yugi
can keep this up.

Slifer the sky dragon,

Lay down your judgment
upon this enemy of egypt.

winged dragon of ra,

May your eternal light
banish the darkness.


Now, my friends,

Combine your strength
and end this.

Fist of fury,
thunderforce attack

And blaze
cannon blast.

Finish him off.



Egypt is saved.


Long live
the pharoah!

It's over.
We're saved.

Let's hope so.

Man: look.
The darkness has lifted.

Zorc is gone.

All hail
the egyptian gods.

We're free!

You did it,

We did.



He's back!

Can it be?

Oh, no.
Don't do it!

The sun.

What's he doing?

He's covering egypt
in complete darkness.

Somehow that thing
just caused a solar eclipse.

Egyptian gods,
attack before the light is gone.

Please, hurry!

As the darkness spreads,
my strength grows.

The light.
It's almost gone.


Ra and slifer, attack.

Without the sun's rays,

You are powerless
against me.

Now prepare to be consumed
by the darkness.

Oh, no!

This cannot be!

The egyptian gods.
He beat them, but how?

This can't be.that was our last hope.

We lost.
That's nuts.

No one defeats
those monsters.

There is nothing
left to do.

Now all hope
is lost.

Ha ha ha!

Your egyptian gods are shadows
of their former selves.

Let them crumble
along with your hope.


Uh! Uhh...

Pharaoh, no.

you lose a card

For every monster
on the field,

And so far,
there are .

Oh, yeah?
Not for long.

my silent swordsman

Increases one level
and points.

Hold on.

Your monsters
aren't the only ones
who can do tricks.

Necro mannequin, show yugi
your newest talent.

Now there's a total
of monsters on the field.

How's yugi
supposed to get rid
of all those monsters?

I mean, didn't bakura
play some card

That limits yugi's
att*cks or something?

Right you are.
Narrow corridor,
to be exact,

And it limits yugi
to two att*cks per turn.

Plus, thanks
to my necro twins,

Whatever monsters
he destroys

Will return to the field
as phantoms.

We'll see.

First, my swordsman
will attack
your necro soldier

With silent
sword slash.

And then I'm sending
my silent magician

To destroy your
necro mannequin.

Now go.

Not bad,
but your turn is over,

And you know
what that means.

Cards go
to your graveyard.

Now if my math is correct,

That leaves cards
in your deck,

And once they're
all gone, game over.

However, my twins
will make sure your turn

Doesn't end
on a sour note

By giving you
, extra life points.

Sounds good to me.

And why are you
so chipper?

Well, for one,
my magician
just got stronger.

It's going to take much more
than that to save you now.

I just summoned
my necro wall.

This lets me increase
my monster army

By adding
necro wall tokens

Equal to the number
of zombies on the field,

Which gives me two
extra monsters.

He can't.
He did.

Now say hello to
the two newest additions

To my ever-growing
collection of monsters--

Necro wall
token number one

And necro wall token
number two.

That gives me
a grand total of .

Now make
your final move.

This duel is not
over yet, bakura.

First, my swordsman
gets a boost.

Now get ready for
another double attack.

Silent swordsman,
attack his wall
token number one

And, silent magician,
attack token number two.

Very impressive, yugi.

since you've used up
your two-attack limit,

You're turn is over.

That may be true,

But I can still
activate my aria
from beyond magic card.

It allows me to choose
any magic card

That has already been
removed from the game
and re-activate it,

And I choose
one of yours--

Spirit sword
of sealing--

And I'm using it

To imprison one
of my own monsters--

My silent swordsman.

Is it me, or did he just
harpoon his best card?

That's so weird.

Bakura has a field
full of monsters,

And yugi
targets his own?

That ends my turn.

Glad to hear it.

Now then, discard

Yami-bakura: you may gain
a few life points,

But you lose
most of your deck.

Just one more turn,

And all of your cards
will be gone...

Ha ha ha!

And victory
will be mine.

You know, I probably
could end my turn right now,

Forcing you
to discard the rest
of your deck immediately,

But I think
watching you squirm
would be much more fun.

So instead, I'll summon
my necro jar in attack mode.

Now attack
his silent magician.

But why?

Yeah. Doesn't
yugi's monster

Have more attack points
than bakura's?

You just gave up almost
all of your life points.

Why would you do that?

Good question.

It was all a part
of my master plan.

You see, thanks
to my necro jar,

You must discard
one card for every
points I just lost,

And since my damage
was , ,

You lose cards
from your deck.

So off to the graveyard
they go.

Wait a second.

Dat's gonna leave yugi
with only one card left.

And so the end is here--

Not only the end
of our duel,

But the end of the world
as we know it.

Why, with you trapped
in the shadow realm,

The pharaoh will
never defeat zorc.

Now let's review,
shall we?

Monsters remain
on the field,

And you have only one card
left in your deck,

And as we all know,

When you run
out of cards, you lose.


I knew it
all along.

Without the pharaoh,
you're nothing.

He's the king of games.

You're just
a frightened child.

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, don't listen
to a word this creep says.

You can do this.

Tea is right, pal.

He's just tryin'
ta psyche you out.
That's all.

I'm the only one
being honest with you.

Think about
every important duel
you've ever fought.

Who was doing
all the work?

The pharaoh,
that's who.

Maybe he's right.



Yugi, I can't
do this without you.

Please, help me.

The future of mankind
depends on it.

The pharaoh
needs me...

And this duel
is still on.

I have one card left,
and that's all I need.

the spirit.

Now win.


What do you expect
to do with one card?

I sacrifice my marshmallon
and my silent magician

So I can summon this--

Gandora the dragon
of destruction.

Not that.



Bakura, the game
is not over

'Til the last card
is played,

And my last card
is the one with
the power to stop you.

But how?

I have a field
full of monsters,

And you only have one.

Gandora, activate
your special ability--

Boundless gigarays.

Aah! Aah!


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!