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01x04 - Fortress of Fear

Posted: 08/20/22 14:34
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

So it all
comes down to this.

If you manage
to defeat me

You're free to go
and tell your
pharaoh friend

Your new found secret.

But lose and the only
place you'll go

Is the shadow realm!

If I lose this duel,
the pharaoh will never

Figure out what
his real name is.

This shadow game is
the crossroads of time

Where the past
and the future meet.

And before it's through
I'll have destroyed both!

Behold--the almighty zorc!

Now to wipe your kingdom
off the map!

The same force that
threatened your homeland

Five thousand years ago

Has returned
to finish the job!

Your pharaoh friend
must be

Knee-deep in darkness
by now.

And the only thing
that can save him

Is locked down here.


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

[Indistinct shouting]

Man: we're
under attack!


Stand your ground!

That beast must not advance
beyond the palace walls!

Now take him down at all costs!


If only I had
the strength

To summon a creature
of my own!

Zorc would easily fall

At the hands of
the white dragon! me.

It seems that
zorc's resurrection

Has brought out
the worst of
both worlds!



As the world of
the ancient past

Sinks deeper
into the darkness

So does its
present-day counterpart!

And before long
neither one will exist!

And the best part is
it's all your fault!

Had you not traveled
back in time

To learn about your past

I wouldn't have been
able to join you!

And to make matters worse

You're the only one
who can stop me!

But you never will!

You can't
seem to remember
the magic word!

The key to defeating zorc!

Your own name!!

You're right.

But there is
someone out there

With the courage
and determination

To find it for me!


There's a reason
he and I were
brought together.

So we can rescue mankind
from the evil forces

That scoundrels like you
seek to unleash!

And it's not only
yugi you need
to worry about...

I have all of my friends
by my side!


And when you enter
the shadow realm...

So will they!

And for that matter so will
the rest of the world!


It's useless!

Our defenses are
too weak my king!

All the armies
in the world

Couldn't stop
the dark one!

I know.

There's only
one way to conquer

A creature
as powerful as zorc!

You must summon
the three egyptian gods!

But shimon...
I can't.

Not without my
millennium puzzle.

Besides, look at
my wrist.

My energy is
much too low.

You're right.

Without those items

None of has
the strength
we need!

Then we must
search the desert
until we find them.

But haven't they
been destroyed?

No! Don't you

When zorc
first arrived
in our world

The seven
millennium items

Were scattered
the desert!

If we can
just locate them

We may be able
to save egypt!

Fine. Then I'll go.

No, you have
other matters

To tend to,
my pharaoh.

These brave soldiers

Are depending upon
their king for support!

Trust me, with spiria
as my guide

I know I can
locate those items!

I won't fail you.

And neither will i!
Now let's go!


Come on,
if mahad were here

He'd want me to go.

I promise
I'll be careful!

Well, pharaoh?

Both of you. Go!


We won't let you down!

Let's hope not.

Now take the south route
and we'll distract zorc.

Thank you, seto.

Best of luck.

Strike on my command.

We must divert
its attention.




Come forth...
Guardian of the fortress!


!sis! Your energy
level's too low! let's go.

Bakura: who knew
you'd get this far

Without the pharaoh
holding your hand.

When the fate of
the world's at stake

You'd be surprised
how well I can duel!

Ha ha!
Dat's tellin' him yugi!

You go!

Why don't you tell
your little fan-club

To settle down
back there.

It's my move now!

And I'll start by
activating this
magic card!

Spirit sword of sealing!

This allows me to choose

Any one of your monsters
currently in play

And instantly remove it
from the field!


Not my silent swordsman!

Yes and I'm afraid
you can't rescue him

Using magic, trap
or monster effects!

Nor can your swordsman
use its own abilities!

Aw man!

And that's just
the beginning of
my comeback

For now I summon
my disgraced mage
in attack mode!


Now my mage,
attack his marshmallon

With doom-staff strike!


You activated
my monster's
special effect!

Don't you know by now
it can't be destroyed
in battle!?

Yes and what a shame.

However, it was
your mistake

Because had your
pink mucus monster
gone to the graveyard,

Your c*ptive swordsman
would have been set free!


You see
any monster imprisoned

By the spirit sword
of sealing

Is automatically released

When another monster
belonging to the cardholder

Is destroyed.

Too bad.
But it appears

The special ability
of your marshmallon

Actually backfired
this time!



Perhaps you could have
used the pharaoh's help
after all!

You pathetic mortal!

Something's just not
right about bakura.

And this is something
you just noticed now?

He's nuts!

And he'll always
be nuts!

Don't you think
it's weird that

He called yugi
a "pathetic mortal?"

He said it as if
he wasn't human
or something.

I'm telling you,
there's something
different about him.

That's enough damage
for one turn.

Then here I go! Now...

Hold on!

I hope you weren't
counting on

Your silent
swordsman's strength
to increase again

Otherwise you'd be
quite disappointed.

For my spirit sword
prevents that!

I know the rules.

Now I summon my blocken
in defense mode!

But that thing's
only got
three hundred points!

What is yugi thinkin'?

That ends my turn.

So...just when
I thought

Your deck of
miniature misfits

Couldn't possibly
get any worse...

You play that!

Now...let's turn up
the heat shall we!?

Alright disgraced mage...

Roast that marshmallon
on your stick!

No, I can't watch!

Fine I will,
but do something yuge!

Come on!

And now to eliminate
the remainder of
your life points!

Not a chance!

'Cause blocken's ability
just kicked in!

What's this!?

When one of my monsters
is under attack,

Blocken steps in
and takes the hit!


Now dat a monster was sent
to yugi's graveyard

Bakura's spirit sword
is deactivated!

So yugi's swordsman
is back in play!

As usual you people
don't have a clue!


Whenever my
disgraced mage

Defeats another monster
in a battle...

That monster goes
back to the player's deck,

Not to his grave!

In other words,
your swordsman
is still trapped!

Oh no!
If this keeps up

Then yugi won't be
able to use

His best monsta!

True but thanks to
blocken's special effect

I'm not done yet!

'Cause whenever
it's destroyed in battle

I'm able to summon
a monster known as lengard

To take its place!

Ha ha ha!

That's the worst deck
I've ever seen!

I place
three cards facedown.

That ends my turn!

Now if you were
a millennium item...

Where would you be?

Right there!


You're right!
There they are!


Millennium scale...

Millennium rod...

Millennium ring...

Millennium puzzle...

Millennium eye...

Millennium key...

And thank goodness
my millennium necklace.

There's no time to lose,
let's go!


Bakura: you poor fool.

Not only have you
failed the pharaoh

You've let down
the entire world!

Not yet!
Watch this!

Marshmallon attack
his disgraced mage!

As I was saying,
game over!


Ee! He lost!

No! What have you done?


I activated my lengard's
special ability.

Whenever one of
my monsters is damaged,

The result is automatically
transferred to lengard!

So my life points
are safe!

And now that
one of my monsters

Was sent to
the graveyard,

The special effect of
your sword is over!

And my silent swordsman
is free!

Oh yeah!
Ha ha ha!

So that was yugi's
plan all along!

Now silent swordsman
destroy his mage

With silent sword
slash attack!

[Gasp]bakura's life points
didn't budge!

How observant of you!

Your monsters
aren't the only ones
with special effects!

My disgraced mage
came complete

With a little lifesaving
trick of his own!

Whenever it's destroyed,

I can avoid losing
any life points

By returning my
entire hand to my deck.

Oh great.

Now they'll never
escape from this tomb!

Which means the pharaoh will
never learn his true name.

I need to stay focused
and never give up
no matter what!

And if the pharaoh were here
he'd say the same thing.

Now...i'll start
by activating

The magic card
pot of greed,

Which lets me draw
two more cards
from my deck.

Next I reveal
my facedown card!

The cursed twin dolls!

Ya see!

Dat's why I never
played with dolls!

As you can see

Each one of these
two precious playmates

Is carrying a gift box.

One of which contains a curse!

Now which gift
are you going to choose!?

I guess I've got
a fifty/fifty shot of
getting this right...

So here goes!

Alright...i'll take
the red one!

Then the black box
goes to me.

Let's begin with
the contents of yours.

It appears
you've chosen wisely.

Now every time a card
is sent to the graveyard

You shall receive
two hundred extra points.

Yeah way ta
pick 'em yugi!

Alright...time to see
what's in your box.


I told you.
It's a curse.


And as soon as this
curse is released

My graveyard will be
no more.

What? But how can you
duel with no graveyard!?


Hey! Those monsters
have been destroyed!

Right you are!

And since I no longer
have a graveyard

They've returned to
the field as phantoms!

[Crying] don't let 'em
get me!

Hey do I look like
a human shield to you!?

I'm not gonna lie to ya
tea, yes you do!!

Not to worry.

Though they're
on the field,

These phantom creatures
aren't able to attack
or defend.

In other words,
they're of no threat
to you...yet!

Lastly I'll play
my necro soldier
in defense mode!

He's up to something...
But what!?

Look !sis!
We're not too late!

Zorc hasn't made it past
the palace gates yet!


Foolish mortals!

Those millennium items
are powerless against me.

[Zorc laughs]



!sis: I'll deal with zorc.

You get these items
to the pharaoh!

Huh? Wait!

I won't let you
fight him alone!

Mana! If the pharaoh
doesn't get these items

All hope is lost.

Now go!

Yeah, but...this is not up
for debate!

I appreciate
your courage

But right now you have
an important task
to complete!

And time is running out!

The fate of the world
is at stake

And your place is
with the pharaoh.

Mahad would have said
the same thing!


Millennium necklace
grant me strength.

You cannot hide
from me, human.

I sense your presence!

[Spiria screeching]

For that you shall
pay with your soul!


I am truly sorry, my king.

For now I shall join the others
in the realm of shadows.


!sis! Fare thee well.

Mana: shimon!

It's !sis!

She's been hit!

[Panting, sobbing]

Ahh. Mana...
!sis may have been

Absorbed by the shadows

Just like
karim and shada...

But there is a way
to rescue them!


By defeating zorc.

What are you doing?

I'm buying
some more time.

Before shada,
I was the guardian of
the millennium key.

Be careful.

I'll do what I must.

Now take these
to the king.

[Sniffles] right!


Please grant this old man
strength one last time...

In the name of the pharaoh.

And now...with the power of
the sacred millennium key...

I call upon
the forbidden one!


Behold...the great
defender of egypt...exodia!


[All cheering]

It's the forbidden one!

A beast so powerful

It was able to defeat
an army of thousands

In a single night.


Shimon: had it not been
for you, old friend,

This land would
surely have fallen

At the hands of its enemies.

Due to your incredible strength

I sealed you within
five stone tablets,

Vowing never
to release you again.

Now I lift that seal!


[All cheering]


It's as powerful
as zorc!

Let's hope!




How do you expect
to overpower me!?

You draw your strength

From the life force
of a single human.

My power is derived from
the very darkness itself!

Is that so!?

Well observe what
"the life force of
a single human" can do!

Take this!

Exodia, obliterate!


Can he truly
defeat zorc?

Exodia...burn through
the darkness.

I implore thee...
With every ounce of
my spirit!

There is not a creature
in existence

That can overcome me!

My power is infinite!




I failed you. Uhh.

No. Shimon.

I'm afraid so.


Opposing me is futile!

I am the embodiment of
pure darkness...

And as your world
is enveloped
by the shadows

My power shall grow!

Now kneel before
your new master!!

No! The light of hope

Still shines upon
the people of egypt!

And that light
can illuminate even
the darkest of shadows!

[Panting] pharaoh!


Take this.

You found my puzzle!

!sis and shimon

Surrendered their spirits
to the shadow realm

So I could
bring it to you.

I assure you their actions
will not be in vain.


Zorc! I face you
not alone

But with the spirits
of those

Who gave up so much
to restore peace!

In the name of
the people of egypt

I shall prevail!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh