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01x03 - Reunited at Last

Posted: 08/20/22 14:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on

In a matter of moments,
the dark one will return.

as soon as the sands

Of his hourglass
run out,

Zorc will rise

And the world will be
shrouded in darkness.

Our only hope is to
unlock my hidden powers

By uncovering the greatest
kept secret of my past...

My true name.

Joey: whoa.

Check it out.

Yugi: that must be
the pharaoh's name.

Now, let's go.

We have to find tristan
and get out of here.

Joey: tristan,
you in here!?


I don't think
that's him.

How right you are,
my friend.

now what?!

The dark one is about to
make his grand entrance.

We have to stop him!


There's no way
you're leaving here

With the pharaoh's name.

I'll make sure of it!

He's got a duel disk!

Now prepare yourself
for your final duel!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

So, it all comes
down to this.

If you manage
to defeat me,

You're free to go

And tell your
pharaoh friend

Your new-found secret.

But lose, and the only
place you'll go

Is the shadow realm!

But I don't even have
a deck or a duel disk!


You were saying?

It's been a while

Since you and I
have faced off

In a good old-fashioned
duel, hasn't it?

Of course,
this time,

You don't have that
alter ego of yours

To bail you out!

Uh, yugi!?

Maybe you shouldn't
go through with this.

Tea's right, yug!

Not till we know
where tristan is!

Oh, him.


Hey, bakura,

This is for
the pharaoh!


Bakura: your friend
thought he was tough,

But actually
he was quite weak.


So weak, in fact,

That I was able to
take over his mind!

Now everything
makes sense.

Well, where is
he now, pal?!

We want our
friend back!

If you ever want
to see him again,

I'd suggest we get
this game underway.


Well, here goes.

All right...

Show time!

Both: let's duel!

my friends,

Take cover!


!sis, hurry!

Not yet!

Let's go!




It's hopeless!

The age of darkness
has arrived!

If you thought diabound
was frightening,

Then just wait!

Oh, no!

He can't mean...

The lord of
darkness is here!



The almighty zorc!

[All shuddering]


It's true!

The very being

For creating
the shadow realm

Has crossed over
into our world!

How do we stop him?!

According to
the prophesy...

There is only one person
who can defeat zorc:

The chosen pharaoh!


Ah, checkmate.

Finally, my most
powerful game piece

Has joined our

Now, to wipe your
kingdom off the map!

Zorc, reduce this
land to rubble

And envelope egypt
in eternal darkness!

The same force that
threatened your homeland

, Years ago

Has returned to
finish the job!

!sis: what do you
want with us?!

Zorc: ages ago, I created
the realm of shadows,

Where I have resided
for centuries.

Now that I have
been released...

Our worlds will converge

And you will be
swallowed by darkness!

Farewell, mortals!



I shall protect you!

to legend,

Even hasan
cannot defend us

From the evil rage
of the dark one!


You must go!

Evacuate the kingdom
while you still can!

Zorc: hasan...

A protector of pharaoh's

Is no match for
the lord of darkness!

Now, be gone!




I have failed you...

My pharaoh.

In case you're unaware,

The dark one has already
begun its rampage.

But no need to
worry about that.

As long as you
remain down here,

Zorc is unable
to harm you.

Of course,
that doesn't mean

You're safe
from my rampage!


Come on, pal!

Rock this
guy's world!

if we want to
help the pharaoh,

Take down zorc...

Then I have to
take down bakura!

All right, let's go!

if I lose this duel,

The pharaoh will
never figure out

What his real name is.

So, it all comes
down to this!

First, I'll place
one card facedown!

Then I'll play
a monster

In defense mode
and end my turn!

Come, now.

If that's the best move
you could come up with...

Then I've already won.

Now, then...

I know it's
been a while,

So let me remind you
how the game is played!

Meet my
doomcaliber knight...

And say farewell to
your facedown monster!

You triggered
my monster's
special effect!

His name
is marshmallon,

And when he's att*cked,
you lose , points!


And as an added bonus,

He can't be
destroyed in battle!

Is that a monster
or a dessert topping?

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

!sis: spiria,

Allow me to envision
zorc through your eyes.

He is nearing
the kingdom, shada!


Then we must hurry!

It is our duty
to protect

The people of egypt
at all costs!

Now do you
believe me, kaiba?!

We're in danger!

Look, yugi...

For all I know,

This whole thing's
a bad dream.


Rest here and I
shall return for you.

Why don't you try
telling that to him?

Some guy who
looks like me

Lost his girlfriend,
so I should feel bad?


Have it your way.

[Horse whinnies]


Kisara: seto,
is that you?!

I need your help!

Everything I feared
has come to pass!

An evil force is
threatening our land!

We must act quickly

Or all hope
will be lost!



Man: quickly! Everyone
into the palace!

Pharaoh: good!

They've already
prepared for battle!

Man: this is it!

Man your stations!

Pharaoh: shimon! Shada!

[People cheering]

Welcome back!

You're just in time!

!sis: seto!

Thank goodness
you're safe!

I wish I could say
the same for my father.

Is he still under
bakura's control?

I'm afraid he's in
the shadow realm now.


But I promise
he'll return.

Let's hope.

Now, on to
the issue at hand.

Zorc is--


!sis: are you all right?


You're much too weak
for this, my king.

Please allow me to
lead these soldiers...

So that I may
reclaim my honor.

It's the least I can do.

I trust you.

Lead them!


It's zorc!

Here's approaching!

All right, men...

Ready yourselves!

That creature is not to
step one foot in our city!

No mercy!

And in the name
of the pharaoh,

We shall prevail!



First, I'll place
this facedown.

Then I'll summon
silent swordsman

In attack mode!

First, that marshmallow
thing and now this?!

What kind of freak-deck
is yugi playing with?

Well, hopefully not
one bakura picked!

what sort of strategy

Is this pipsqueak planning?

He just played two
weak monsters in a row.

But why?

facedown card...


And I'll place 'em
on your knight!


Now the only monster it can
attack is marshmallon!


Oh, no!

But that runt
can't be destroyed!

And my life points
are safe, too!


Only if he remains
in defense mode...

Which he won't.


You know, yugi...

Without the pharaoh

Controlling your
every move...

You don't
stand a chance!

I activate
negate defense!

Switching your
gelatin mold

From defense
to attack mode!


What was that you
were saying about

Your life points
being safe?!

Next, I shall place
one card facedown.

That should do.


Seto: patience...

Wait until you see
the reds of his eyes!



Don't give up!


He is but one beast
against a great army!


But things are just
getting interesting!

What's going on?!


Isn't it obvious,

The events of the past

Are beginning to
affect the present!


Think about it.

If the world was destroyed
, years ago,

Then the world of today

Would cease to
exist, right?

You can't do this!

I already have!

And as soon as zorc

Covers ancient egypt
in darkness...

I will have completed

What I began centuries ago!

This shadow game is
the crossroads of time

Where the past
and the future meet.

And before it's through,

I'll have destroyed both!

And none of it was
possible without you.

You allowed me

To reunite with
the dark one.

And now he is taking
care of the rest!


Now the shadow
realm itself

Has been unlocked

And the darkness once
confined to its borders

Has been released!


He's just
too strong!


We must retreat
and regroup our forces!


To the palace,


Man: what's going on?!

Weevil: oh, no!

My deck is
blowing away!


We've got
bigger problems!

How sad!

You spent years trying
to save the world

Only to lose now!


This fight is
far from over!

It's my move.

Which means...

My silent swordsman

Grows from a level zero
monster to level one!

so, his feeble
little friend

Has a hidden
ability, eh?

Well, no matter.

Even with a few
extra attack points,

That scrawny swordsman
doesn't stand a chance

Against my
doomcaliber knight.

Now, for my next move.

Hold on!

I'm afraid you've
just triggered my trap!

Call of the earthbound!


And I'll use it
on your swordsman!


Now that worthless
warrior of yours

Will be forced to
engage in a battle

With any monster
on the playing field

That I see fit.

However, that's
not my only trap!

And this one is
also a monster.

So, meet zoma
the spirit!


Let the battle begin!


But bakura's
new monster

Is weaker than
yugi's swordsman!

So, why would he force
yugi to attack it?!


Just watch.

When zoma is att*cked,
it transforms!


And this new and improved
version of my beast

Has the ability
to strike back,

Attacking your
life points

Directly with
twice the strength

Of your swordsman!

Since you're obviously
too stunned,

Allow me to do the math.

Your monster has
, attack points!

So, you lose ,
life points now!

But yugi doesn't
have that many points!


So, once bakura's
ghost att*cks,

Yugi loses the duel!

I hear the shadow realm's
lovely this time of year.

Let's find out
if it's true!


It looks like my
trip's been postponed!

But how?!

What have you done?!

I activated my turn jump
magic card, that's all!

What on earth is that?!

It allowed me to
negate the attack

Of your spirit monster

By skipping right over
the battle phase

Of this turn.

But, wait!

That's not
all it did!

It can't be!

Yugi: I'm afraid
it's true!

My silent swordsman
just jumped to level !


It has , points!

That's right!

Now, silent
swordsman, attack!


[Horse whinnies]


One more.

One more?

One more.

Marshmallon, attack!



Easy, boy.


You want s'more?!

Get it?

S'more? Ha ha.

Ah, never mind.

this is probably
the toughest duel

Yugi's ever fought.

Usually, the pharaoh
steps in and takes over.

But now yugi's doing
it on his own.

With his own deck!

Go get him, yugi!


That little twit

Has no idea what
I have in store next!

Shimon: I'm afraid
the dark one

Is too powerful
for an army

Of mere mortals
to defeat.

The only way to face
a supernatural threat

Is to use
a supernatural army!


Sacred guardians
of the pharaoh,

Summon your strongest
shadow creatures!

!sis: spiria!

Shada: two-headed
jackal warrior!


Seto: duos!


Zorc: your meek warriors
are powerless against me!

Seto: aura sword!

Battle axe!

Dark magician girl,
it's your turn!

Dark burning attack!

Your feeble attempts
at combat insult me!

Now, watch and learn,


Seto: he's invincible!

Everything has
a weakness!

I must say, pharaoh,

I was really hoping
for more of a challenge!

After all,
conquering zorc

Didn't seem to be much
of a problem for you

The first time
around, right?

What are you saying?!


It appears that you've
lost your touch.


Shada: pharaoh,
watch out!

Farewell, pharaoh.

My king.

You're safe now.


Bakura: another of
your mindless minions

Goes to the shadow realm.

He's my friend!

Was your friend.

I don't think he's of
much use to you anymore.

But there is
a bright side.

You'll be joining
him shortly.

All of you will!

For in a matter
of moments,

Darkness will blanket
the entire world!


Know this, my friend...

Your actions will
not be in vain.

I will defeat
this menace!


Your pharaoh friend

Must be knee-deep
in darkness by now.

And the only thing
that can save him

Is locked down here.


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!