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01x02 - Divide and Conquer

Posted: 08/20/22 14:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Are you beginning to

Understand the brilliance
of this shadow game

I've created?

You and I are the "game

I defeated you once
and I'll do it again!

But you won't be
so lucky this time.

You don't even
know your own name.

A single word with the
power to both resurrect

Zorc and lock him away.

However I discovered a way
to bring back the dark one

Without that word!

My third and
final hourglass!!

When the last grain of
sand falls...the ruler

Of the darkest
shadows shall rise!

Aknadin: look into my eye
and see your destiny.

You shall be king!

If you accept the dark
power of the shadows you'll

Be making the same mistake
that your father made.

I've had enough
of your meddling!



Ha ha ha ha!

I think it's about time I
added another little twist

To this game of ours.

Ha ha ha ha!

Aah! Aaah!

Tea: according to bobasa,
the pharaoh's real name is

Hidden somewhere in there.

Yeah but good
luck finding it.

We found it.

Yami-bakura: excellent.

Too bad these fools will
never see what's inside!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Joey: whatta ya think's
in there?

Well hopefully
the pharaoh's name.


That room might be
filled with traps!



Joey: looks more like it's
filled with nothin'.

Yugi: yeah but grandpa said
things in this tomb aren't

Always what they
appear to be.

Then what are they!?

He just means that
sometimes you hafta look

Beyond the obvious.

Yugi: right!
Now let's look!

I'm lookin'.
I'm lookin'.

Tea: well look harder!

I found a clue.

You showoff!

Where is it?

standing on it.

Tea: huh? He's right.
Check it out.

Yeah but once again it's
written in chicken scratch!

Tristan: it says,
"he who solves the
millennium puzzle must

"Return the wish
he was granted.

Only then is he
able to pass."

Since when can you
read hieroglyphics!?

There's a lot about me
you don't know, wheeler!

So if you expect to save
the pharaoh you better give

Back whatever it is
that puzzle gave to you!

But tristan...what
you're saying doesn't
make any sense.

The wish that was granted
to me by my puzzle can

Never be given back.

It's impossible.

the age of darkness is upon us

And our kingdom needs

A new, seto!


Where am i?

With me,
where you belong.

Now rise, my son.

A new pharaoh deserves
the power of a new

Egyptian god.

And as we speak,
a messenger comes
bearing this gift.

Only after you've
accepted her offering

Can you serve as
the new king of egypt.



That girl holds the
key to the throne!

And you must
take it from her!

Kisara: seto!





It's you!

I knew I'd find you.

It isn't safe for
you to be here.

You saved my life
the night your village
was destroyed.

Now it's my turn
to save you.

You needn't do this.

It's that guy again.

ha ha ha!

Don't be fooled
by her innocence!

She wields a
mighty creature that

Belongs to you!

Now take it!

Seto please...
You mustn't listen
to a word he says.


Zorc's resurrection
has begun!

You must act swiftly!

Now use your millennium
rod to seize the white

Dragon, my son!

I am not your son!

For my father left me when
he pledged his loyalty to

The shadows!

Let us go, kisara.


How dare you disrespect
me after all I've done

For you!!!

We're trapped!

Not for long!

Now set us free!

You'll never escape!

You're no match
for me, seto!

Is that so!?

You leave me no choice!

Seto: no!


If you won't take her
power then I will!

Surrender your power
to my son at once!


Behold your destiny, seto!

Be careful kisara!

My blue-eyes

That sound!

I'm coming seto!


Not so fast!

Your fate is sealed!

Sealed in stone that is!

Ha ha ha!

You mustn't do this.

You no longer have
the strength to fight.

I know what I'm doing.

Do you?

No matter what it takes,
I won't allow him to

Hurt you seto.

Hurt him?

Haven't you been listening?

I plan to transform him
into the most powerful king

That ever lived!

Seto: but at what cost!?

So I can become like you?

A puppet of zorc?

Kisara has helped me
realize something...

I would sooner be a peasant
in a world still shining

With hope...than
a pharaoh in a world

Contaminated by darkness.

You mean that?

So you're choosing this
riff raff over your own

Flesh and blood?

I brought you into this
world and I have the power

To remove you!

The part of you that
was once my father is

Long gone.

And now I see what's
been left in his place.

A weak old man with a
heart full of darkness.




wake up...

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Ha ha ha!

I knew if I took aim at
you, that fool would try to

Protect you.

Believe me it was
for your own good.

Now you and I
can use her power

To rule the new
world as father
and son!

One king!

That's right son.

Come and stand
by my side.

So our spirits
may unite!

I'll never join you!

Ha ha ha!


It's yugi.


Are you alright?

Seto: we've been waiting
for you, pharaoh.

After all, zorc's
arrival is upon us.

And he deserves to be
greeted by a king worthy

Of his greatness.

Seto, what are you
talking about?!

What happened to her?

her creature was
sealed in stone!

I know who did this!

Tell me where
aknadin is!

Right here!

Ha ha ha!

Aknadin: surprise!

I've infiltrated
seto's mind.


My son was having
difficulty accepting his

Destiny, you see.

So I decided to help
him make up his mind.

By taking it over!!

Aknadin: the time has
finally arrived seto!

The power of the
white dragon is yours!

Now destroy the pharaoh
and take his place!

Let's duel!

seto, don't do this!

Your mind has been
clouded by darkness!

Seto: wrong!

For the first time,
everything is clear!

Come forth, white dragon!


I have no choice
but to fight!

I summon mahad,
the dark magician!

Seto: prepare to feel
the power of two generations

In one attack!

Mahad: he's right

Their magic is
twice as strong now.

Seto: now my dragon...attack
with white lightning!

Dark magic attack!


Mahad: good luck, my king.



Your reign ends
now, pharaoh.

You've disgraced the
throne of egypt just like

Your father!

But not for long!

Because I'm about to
take what was meant to be

Mine ages ago!

Seto, listen to me.

Your mind is being
controlled and if

You don't break free
egypt is doomed!

You made a vow
to protect our land,

And I am protecting
our land!

From you!

Now blue eyes, attack!



Seto: what!?
How dare you disobey me!


Aknadin: do you hear me?
I said attack!

Thank you kisara.

What is the meaning
of this!?

Oh! The white dragon!


But how!?

Aknadin: setooo!

You're free now.

And I promise aknadin
will never harm you again.

My power rests
with you now.



Your spirit now lives
within the white dragon.

Nice outfit.


But what are you
doing in this world?

Don't you think I've
been asking myself

The same question?

Cause I certainly
didn't choose to
come here.

Believe me I can
think of better
vacation spots

Than this dump.

Now why don't you
explain to me why

Running around in
these ridiculous

And speaking like
they're in some bad

Shakespearean play?

And him.

Am I supposed
to believe that's
some ancient

Version of me?

His name is seto and five
thousand years ago he

Fought bravely by my
side to save egypt.

I also learned that his
father and my father

Were brothers.

Are you saying
we're cousins?

All I know is that we've
gone back in time.

And the same evil force
that once tried to destroy

Mankind has come back!

Now I'd suggest
you go home!

It isn't safe for you or
anyone else to be here!

You may buy into
the delusion that
you're some

Hotshot pharaoh
but I don't!

And pharaoh
or no pharaoh,

No one tells
seto kaiba
what to do.

Is that clear!?

As you wish.

well, you've made
quite the comeback!

But there's nothing you or
the kaiba twins can do to

Stop me now!

Looks like it's too
little too late.

In a matter of moments
the dark one will return.

bakura's right.

As soon as the sands of
his hourglass run out,

Zorc will rise and the
world will be shrouded

In darkness.

Our only hope is to
unlock my hidden powers

By uncovering the
greatest kept secret
of my past!

My true name.

Thinking up a last-minute
plan to win this game?

You're wasting your time!

I'm afraid I disagree.

You said it yourself
bakura: this is a game.

And every challenge in
a game has a solution.

Now need I
remind you...?

You're playing with
the king of games!

Yami-yugi: so
let's review the clues:

Five thousand years ago I
locked zorc's spirit away,

Along with my own,
using my name as the key.

Then, as a safety measure
I erased my own mind!

Yes, and unless your
memory miraculously returns

In the next few moments
you lose the shadow game!

There is of course, another
way for you unlock this

Mystery you're looking for.

But I've already taken
measures to make sure it

Never happens.

It involves
those meddlesome

Friends of yours.

What about my friends?

Let's just say they've
stumbled upon your old tomb

Within which is inscribed
your original name.

Why are you
telling me this?

If I give you a glimmer of
hope you'll be that much

More devastated when it
comes crumbling down!

You see the moment they
discover your true name,

Their excursion will be cut
short by my newest pawn.

And who is this
pawn of yours!?

Oh, I believe you
know him quite well.

As a matter of fact he was
a faithful friend of yours

Until he lost his mind!

Just tell us
already will ya!

What was it you wished
for the day you
first solved

The millennium puzzle?!

For true friends.

And my wish was granted.

Joey: aw man, you win
again, yuge!

Tristan: leave this
punk to me, yugi!


Long time no see!

You were my wish.

You mean that?

It was us?

You never told us that.

How precious.



What's the deal!?


Are you nuts!?

What's gotten
into you?

Something very powerful.



No way!

Tristan: ha ha ha!

It's simple.

Go through that door and
you'll find what you're

Looking for.

Joey: but ta get
in there

Yugi's gotta
give up his

So when he leaves
this balance beam

We leave his
life for good.

Do what you
gotta do yuge!

I can't do that!

If I leave you'll fall
into the pit of shadows.

Tristan: you are
so pathetic.

You finally have the chance
to find the pharaoh's name

And you're worried
about these two fools?!

Back off!

As you wish!






This thing's going down!

Run for it!

Let's go!

Joey: I guess it's true
what they say.

You gotta hang on to
your friends, right pal?



Grab on!


Joey: talk about
livin' on the edge!

Let's go.

Sounds good ta me!

Joey: whoa.
Check it out.

That must be the
pharaoh's name.

Yeah but what's
it say?

It says...bird, rock,
lamb chop, bird, bird

And a bigger bird.

So what's that mean?

Tea: just memorize
the symbols!

Now let's go.

We hafta find tristan
and get outta here.

Joey: tristan!
You in here!?


I thought you three
were down for the count.

But apparently you
don't know when to quit.

Dat's it!

Consider this
friendship over tristan!

I don't think that's him.

How right you
are my friend.


I shoulda known!


Now the real fun can start.

Bakura: unfortunately
we're unable to see

What goes on in that
tomb of yours.

But if I had to guess I'd
say your friends were sent

Plummeting into the
shadows at the hands of my

Other half.

They may even have
located your name first.

But sadly that information
will never make its way to

You, pharaoh.

Oh yes.

And did I mention
that time is up?


Ha ha ha!

Joey: now what!?

The dark one is about to
make his grand entrance.

We have to stop him!

Bakura: impossible!

We both know there's
only one way to do that.

And there's no way you're
leaving here

With the pharaoh's name.

I'll make sure of it!

He's got a duel disk!

Yes. Now prepare yourself
for your final duel!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh