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05x38 - The Final Duel, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 14:31
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...


This is for
the pharaoh!


I like your style.

I could use you.

We found bakura's
hiding spot!


We have traced his trail
to "kul elna."

Alright men!

To kul elna!

Welcome to my humble abode

Let's duel!

Spirits open his eyes
to the truth!

Your father
destroyed their village
and captured their souls

In an attempt to gain
the power to dominate mankind!

What's this?!

When you
thr*aten the pharaoh
you thr*aten me!



Lightning blast!

Game over.

Your dark magician
is no more.

This can't be.

Mahad is safe,
my pharaoh.

Who summoned you?

Thought you might need
some help.


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

don't worry, master!

I summoned
dark magician girl
to save you!

Not too bad, huh!


You always were
my top student.

And even in my absence
I can see you've been
keeping up with your training.

There's too many
of them, sir!

Just ride!

Seto! Watch out!

Jackyl warrior, protect him!


I'll hold back
these spirits...

You go to the underground
shrine and help our king!

Very well.

Be careful

Ready yourselves!

Now attack!


Thank you.

Any time.

You should have stayed
at home little girl.


It's time.

Let's do this!

Magical orb attack!

Nice try!

But it's going to take
more than just pointed
hats and magic wands

To defeat my diabound!

Now...spirits of kul elna...

Give my creature
some company won't you!?

It looks like our problems
have just multiplied!

Yeah, by three!

As you can see my diabound
has picked up a few new tricks

Thanks to the support
of my spirit friends.



But not quite good enough!

Helical shockwave!



Your reign is over,

Not if I can help it!

Oh please.

You can't hide!

I'll attack them all!

Look out!

ha ha ha!

End this!

What was that?!


Fear not!

We're here
to protect you!

What've we here?

Three more millennium
items, ay?

Are you alright?


Seto: luckily
he wasn't alone.

It's mahad!

I've returned.

Just as I predicted.

And know this...

Although my spirit is sealed
in stone I shall continue
to protect out king.

Good work, mahad.

Your devotion is an
inspiration to us all!


We shall have plenty
of time to praise mahad
for his efforts later!

Right now we have
a villain to defeat!

Ha ha ha!

He's right.

The pharaoh's weak
and time is short!

Not for long.

Mystical elf!

the life energy
of our king!

Hose guardians have
interfered for the last time!

Let's duel!

No, wait.

It's too dangerous
without your
millennium puzzle.

Just leave bakura
to us.

Excellent idea!

That way I can acquire
three more millennium items

Giving me a grand total
of five!

I really must thank you for
making this so easy for me.


We the guardians
of the pharaoh

Will see to it that
your plan ends here!

Come forth!

Curse of dragon!

The more the merrier
as I always say!

Now diabound show these fools
the power of the shadows!

Guardians unite!

Synchronized blast!

Well done!


It lives!

But how!?

We bombarded it from
four different directions!

Ha ha!
That's true.

However, my diabound
has some added support
from the spirit world.

The dark spirits of kul elna
to be precise.

And they
despise your kingdom
as much as I do!

So as long as we remain
in their village

They'll be protecting me!

[Thinking] the dark spirits
of this village are angry.

They blame me for what happened
here all those years ago.

When their spirits were captured
to forge the millennium items.

But I did what was necessary
and I stand by that decision!

Ah! Ah!

Stay back!

I'm warning you!

Master aknadin!

Are you alright!?

You shouldn't be walking
these streets alone!

Tell me,
where are the others?

They've all gone to
an underground cavern
to help the pharaoh.

Your key!

It senses something!

You're right.

It's down there.

It must be quite
a powerful force.

You wait here.

I shall go investigate
the source.


whatever my key is detecting

Lies at the foot
of these stairs.

I can feel the dark energy

Now, millennium key...

Cast your light
upon the shadows!

Can it be!?

The tablet of
bakura's diabound!?

Everything makes
sense to me now!

What do you mean
by that!?

Diabound must have
been created

By the evil spirits
of this village!

It was born
out of their rage

And sealed in stone
down here.

So if we destroy this tablet
bakura's beast will be no more!

jackal warrior atta--

How could you?

You gave me no choice,

I refuse to let you
stand in the way
of my son's destiny.

Your att*cks will never
penetrate my spirit shield!

I am afraid
he's right!

Well if you're not going
to strike then allow me!


Show no mercy!

Poison fang chain attack!

I don't think your elf
will be regenerating
anyone's strength now!

Are you alright?


Don't worry
I'll be fine.

Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] before long
all seven millennium
items will be mine

Allowing zorc the dark one
to rise!

And this time
he won't be defeated.

Thanks to my newest servant,
that is.

Ha ha ha!

Running from bad guys
makes bobasa hungry.

Tell me about it.

Ok I'm craving
a juicy mango.

Dat's enough!

Don't talk about food!

Well you said
"tell me about it!"

Look guys,
those creep-a-zoids are back.

I'm glad we're up here
and they're down there.

Don't you think
it's weird?

I mean, why haven't they come
after us since the pharaoh left?

Look...we're safe.

So who cares!?

We should be focusing
our energy

On figuring out
how we can help the pharaoh win.

Tristan's got a point!

If we want him to defeat bakura
just like he did in the past

Then we have to do
our part, too!

That's right!

Now let's think
shall we?

The first time the pharaoh
saved egypt from destruction

He mysteriously
lost his memory.

Well what if-
for some reason--

He did that on purpose!

Are you suggesting the pharaoh
erased his own mind!?

I can't believe we never thought
of that before!

It was right in front
of our faces and we missed it!

The pharaoh must've been
protecting some sorta secret
that only he knew about!


Could you slow down?

I'm totally lost.

The pharaoh didn't
just forget his past.

His wiped
his memory clean

So no one could
bring back the evil
that he locked away!

Whatta ya think
he was trying to hide?

His real name!

That's right.

His name had to stay
a secret!

And how did you guys
figure dis out!?

Think about it.

The pharaoh's name was removed
from the stone tablet, remember?

He must've used it
as some sorta secret password

To lock
that evil creature away!

And now bakura is trying
to resurrect that monster
to take over the world!

So once bakura gets hold
of the millennium items
and sets that thing free

I bet the pharaoh can only stop
it if he knows his real name!

No way!

So we gotta find it
and tell the pharaoh!

And unfortunately
we're running out
of time guys!

Well then what are
we waiting for!?

Let's find that name!

Yeah and how are
we gonna do dat?

The pharaoh doesn't
remember a thing

And it's not like
we can look it up

In some ancient
egyptian phonebook!

Well I have an idea
where we can start.

If we go back
to the palace,

There's bound to be
some records there

That'll lead us
in the right direction.

The palace, huh?

Sounds like
a good start.

Then let's go!

Like you said
time's running out!


You might wanna wait
for the rest of us!

Duos, attack!

You haven't learned
have you?

Now...diabound give them
a refresher course!

That spirit shield is deflecting
even our most powerful blasts!


Then it's time
we called upon the power
of the millennium scale!

Monster fusion?!


Seto and I must merge
our creatures together
to take down bakura.

Millennium scale!

Fuse our two spirits
into one!


The almighty duos dragon!

By combining this new dragon
with the power of mahad,

We have just tripled
our strength!

Don't you realize
that mutant of yours is
no match for my diabound!?

Let's see.


Finish them off!

Helical shockwave!

Our two attack powers
are equal.


You've forgotten
that I have the spirits
of kul elna on my side!

Making my diabound unbeatable!

I can't hold it back!

Time to fry your dragon
to a crisp!

Diabound, end this!


Aura sword!

Your sword can't
withstand those flames!

And like
I always say, seto...

If you can't stand the heat,
get out of the duel!

Help me karim!

Flame-burst attack!

What's this!?

My spirit shield
is melting!

The heat...
It's too intense!

We're almost there,

Once we penetrate his shield
we can defeat diabound!

Sorry. But you
won't get through.

You see I still have plenty
of tricks up my golden sleeve.

Oh no!


Watch out!

He has another creature!

Very observant!

And now I have another
millennium item as well!

And without the scale
you no longer possess
the power of monster fusion!

Duos dragon!

We're back
where we started!

Now diabound, attack!

Ha ha ha!


Are you alright!?

Help the pharaoh.

I'll be fine.

I think it's time
to try my new toy.

Millennium scale!

Combine my two
shadow creatures together!

Ha ha ha!

Finally after
decades of waiting

The spirits of kul elna
will get their revenge!

Spare my friends.

Take me.



This is something
I must do.

My king!

You mustn't!

It seems the mighty pharaoh has
come to his senses and given up!

Now prepare to be trapped for
eternity in the spirit world!


What are you doing!?

When my father
ordered the creation
of the millennium items,

Evil spirits needed to be
captured to complete the spell.

And now they want revenge!

These dark spirits blame my
father for trapping them here

And they want me
to pay the price.

So I shall allow my soul
to join them

And this grudge will be laid
to rest once and for all! heard the pharaoh
it's time for vengeance!

Now...absorb his spirit!


Mana: no!

It's over!


Yes, my friends.

Infiltrate his very core!

Aknamkanon: I never meant
for this to happen, my son.

!sis: look! Something
strange is going on!

What's this?!

spirits of kul elna!

It is not my son you want...
It is me!

It that truly him!?


Oh no!

He's protecting
his son!

My diabound!

It's been weakened!

!sis: look!

He just absorbed
the evil spirits!

You saved me.

But what happens
now, father?

King aknamkanon will now
lead these wandering spirits

To the realm of shadows
where they belong.

But then he'll be trapped
in there as well!

That's not fair.


I command you to
return to me at once!

How can you allow this man
to lock you away again!


Restore peace to our land,
my son.

Yes father.


Attack now!

Strike down his diabound
while it's weak!

This'll never work!!

We shall see about
that...won't we?

Dark magic attack!

Your evil reign
ends now.


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!