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05x35 - In the Name of the Pharaoh!

Posted: 08/20/22 14:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

comfy are we?

Release me at once!

You destroyed
my homeland,

Took away my family
and left me with nothing.

Now it's time
to pay the price.

By serving me!

I know that you have
a dark side.

It just needs
to be brought out.

And I'm just the man
to do it!

[Evil laughter]

This madness ends here!

Gods of egypt hear me!

Slifer the sky dragon!

Slifer, now!

Two can play at this game!

Just look behind you!


Destroy him!

That's seto's creature!


We shall save thee!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

are you alright?!

We're outnumbered!

Let us go!

What a coward!

Don't be fooled!

Bakura's retreat
may be an attempt to
lead us into a trap!

Captain, have your men
follow him.

Then have the royal guard
evacuate all civilians
to the palace courtyard.

Yes sir!

[Screaming and yelling]

Everyone to
the palace courtyard!

You'll be safe there!

There's no sign of
da pharaoh anywhere!

He can't be too far!

Up there!

It's slifer
the sky dragon!

Now I call upon duos!

Track down bakura!

I summon helimai!


It could be near.

It hides by night.

Well put pharaoh.

Oh no!


If we're to defeat him
you must stand tall!

Now wipe the sweat from
your brow and rise above this!

The fate of egypt
depends upon it!

Yes, you're right.

I will be fine.

But there is
no telling where
that creature lurks.

Or where it
will strike next.



We must follow!


bakura has already become
more powerful than I imagined.

He must be stopped before he
gains another millennium item.

who knew his highness
could be led astray so easily.

Your reign ends now, pharaoh!

Go, slifer!

Seek and destroy!

Let's finish this!

Right now!

The time has come.

Farewell pharaoh...

How can we defend ourselves
from an enemy we cannot see?

Our pharaoh controls
the egyptian gods--

The most powerful beings
in this realm.

I've kept you in suspense
long enough.

Now diabound!

Time to make yourself known!

Helical shockwave!

It's your turn!

Attack with
thunderforce strike!

Master aknadin!

It's...up to you...seto.


Aura sword attack!

A direct hit!

Good work, seto.

You really think
you destroyed diabound?

Not even close pharaoh!

Another monster?

But how?

Ha ha ha!

I'm afraid there's
not a strategy I haven't
prepared for, gentlemen.

Must...fight on.

Please pharaoh!

You are far too weak
for this!

I...can't give



Yugi is that you!?

So you can
see me!?

Are you a'right?


What's goin' on!?

You shouldn't
be here.

It's too dangerous.


How could those four brats
have infiltrated this realm!?

We've come too far
to turn back now pharaoh.

You and I are a team,

this is incredible.

I can feel my energy

I forgot how strong my bond
with yugi truly is.


Your reign of terror
ends here and now!

You've disgraced
the egyptian gods

And for that
you must pay!

Come forth,
winged dragon of ra!

Cast thy rage upon
this enemy of egypt!


How can he summon
a beast this powerful!?

Can it be!?

The egyptian sun god!

The mighty winged dragon
of ra!

This doesn't make
any sense!

When I destroyed slifer
the sky dragon,

The pharaoh
was rendered powerless!

So where did he find the
strength to call upon yet
another egyptian god!?

Unless this has something to do
with those meddling kids?!

Did reuniting with his
former host somehow restore
the pharaoh's life force?!


Once again we shall
save mankind together!

And I wouldn't have it
any other way!

!sis, look!

Only the gods of egypt can
cause the sun to illuminate
in the dead of night.

Without the darkness
his diabound has no way
of concealing itself!

Let us attack now!

Can't you fools see!?

Thanks to the pharaoh
I wield the power of
an egyptian god as well!


Thunderforce attack!

Oh no!


I shall protect you...
With my mighty duos!!

Use the power of
your aura sword to
stop bakura's attack!

And shield the winged
dragon from harm!

Can't you see this
doesn't concern you!?


Now's your chance!

Great deity of the sun...
I ask thee to transform thyself!


Burn through the shadows!

With your fiery rage!

Justice is served.

The darkness
is no more.

I hope you're right.

His creature
is destroyed!

And the pharaoh has restored
peace to egypt once again!

Long live the pharaoh!

Am I too late to help?!

had it not been
for yugi's bravery,

Bakura would surely
have reined victorious.

But once again,
it seems that friendship
conquers all.

I take it you
just won, right?

Yes, egypt is now safe.

But none of it
would have been
possible without you.

Aw come on!

You're the one that
did all the work!

But you gave me the strength
I needed to fight.

So thank you!

Like I said
we're a team!

Hey, don't forget
the rest of the team!

All for one!

And one
for all!

Joey: how did I know
this was comin'?

Ya see pharaoh, even two
continents and over five
thousand years

Couldn't keep us apart!

Bobasa's touched!

I love a happy ending!

it wasn't supposed
to end like this.

In fact I won't let it!

Hands of time, reverse thyself,
so that I may alter the past!

It's a twister!

My king!

We must leave now!

This can't be!

Is time flowing backwards!?

I'm slipping!

Hold on tea!





Don't go!

Now to pick up
where I left off!


My pharaoh!

Is it me, or did we run
through this town already!?

It's not you!

I'm having some major
deja vu, dude!

What have you done, bakura!?

Tell me!


Just look!

I bought back some time!


Let's try this again,
shall we!?


He's gone!

It seems the tables
have turned.

What do you want!?

I want what's
rightfully mine!

Your puzzle!

But don't worry.

Where you're going,
you'll have no use for it!

All: pharaoh!


Enjoy the shadow realm.

What've you done,

Hurry karim!

We must lead a search
for the king!

This way, men!


This is for
the pharaoh!

I like your style.

I could use you!

Can we talk
about this!?

Hey scar-face!

Let my pal go!


You fools!

You're no match for us!


Aw man!

I thought he was
working alone?

Then you thought wrong!

You must hurry
my friends!

Run this way!

I know a short cut!

I'm in control of
this shadow game!

And reversing
the hands of time

Was a mere taste
of what I'm capable of!

Now...i have five more
millennium items to seize!

[Evil laughter]

You are all safe now,
my friends!

All except for one.

Tristan's right!

We gotta find
da pharaoh!

But this was a shadow game
and well...he lost.

What're you saying?

She's got a point.

Everyone we know dat
lost a shadow game,
lost their soul.

Not this time!

I'm telling you,
the pharaoh's ok!

Think about it guys!

Remember what
shadi said?

We're in the "world of
the pharaoh's memories."

I don't follow,

Look around you.

Everything's still
here, isn't it?

So the pharaoh
must be here, too!

Oh, I get it.

If his memories are still here
then he's here too.

So now all we hafta do is search
this place until we find him!

Tristan: how are we
supposed to do that?

We got this far,
didn't we?

The rest should be
a piece 'a cake!

[Thinking] will bakura's
evil rampage never cease?

First mahad was att*cked
and now master aknadin?

Please, millennium key...
Guide his spirit.

are you alright?!

Speak to me!

Shada, have you found
any strong souls?

Yes, as a matter of fact
seto and I

Came across
a young peasant girl

Who's harboring
a creature
so powerful

It could
not be measured.

Her power was even too strong
for the millennium key
to detect!?

Please with
all due respect,

You need your rest,

Out of my way!

Wait, master!

My apologies, sir.

We have scoured the kingdom and
still no sign of the pharaoh.

Even if you have to
drain the river nile
I want him found!

Yes, sir!

Know this: his majesty
still walks this earth!

And if we expect egypt
to survive, our king must
return to the throne!

!sis, can you see
what the future holds?

One tiny ripple moves
across a sea of shadows.

As it spreads,
one among us
will vanish.

More ripples will follow

And before long
they will merge to form
a devastating force.

Time is running out!


Does this foretell
the fate of our kingdom!?

Shimon...i fear
this foretells the fate
of the entire world.

The order brought about by
the seven millennium items
is falling apart.

And I thought
it would last forever.

How could one man
have caused all of this!?

What do you mean
aknadin is gone?

When he awoke I told him of
the young peasant girl we found

And he stormed out
in fit of rage.

Oh no!

Guards, where has
our guest gone!?

I thought you knew,
master seto.

Aknadin took her to
the subterranean battleground.

He did what!?

Did he say why?

Perhaps I can clarify
the situation, master seto.


Follow me.


This can't be!

let the battle

Master aknadin
has gone mad!

You there?

This is no time
to be resting!

Don't you know
the rules of combat!

Now strike down your opponent,
lest you be struck down

Did he say "opponent?"

I said attack!

Master aknadin!

Have you lost
your mind!?

Forcing prisoners to engage in
battle for your own amusement!?


I can not allow this!

You must cease at once!

Silence, seto!

Can you not see that I
I'm executing your idea?



That monster
is growing!

Of course.

I took your plan
to the next level!

You suggested we collect
an army of shadow creatures.

Yes, but not like this!

I found a way
to grow them.

By forcing them to fight
for survival.

As their rage increases

So does the strength
of the beast that dwells
within their hearts.

Now to finish you off!


You shall never
take me down!

Now then...i understand
the pharaoh is gone.

Don't you think
it's about time

We made the necessary

The pharaoh
is out there!

The royal guard
is searching for him
as we speak!

Be realistic!

The time has come to call
a new pharaoh to the throne.

who can save us.

Someone like you seto!

But you cannot lead
this empire alone.

You will need an army
of powerful creatures

Whose might rivals that of
the egyptian gods themselves!

And that is exactly
what I am creating for you.

what dark forces
are at work here?

Now for the real battle!

lead our next prisoner
to the b*ttlefield!

Yes sir!

You cannot be serious
about this!


I can assure you
that this young woman

Is not the meek peasant girl
she appears to be.

Soldier :
alright, let's go!

She harbors the most dangerous
shadow creature we've ever seen.

This is an outrage!

I will not stand here
while you endanger
an innocent girl!

Even if she is powerful,
she has done nothing
to deserve this!


Stop being so naive!

In this case the innocent
must be punished

In order to benefit
the greater good of our people!

Trust me!

This girl may be the key
to the survival of egypt!


Please help me.

There is no other way!

Now let the battle begin!

[Evil laughter]

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!