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05x32 - The Dark One Cometh, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 14:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on yu-gi-oh...

If I'm unable to save
mankind from the evil
that's about to unfold

What will become of the future?

The safety of my friends depends
upon my victory.

In order to defeat bakura,
I must release the power
I sealed away so long ago.

Sacred millennium ring
I call upon thee.

Unlock the great force
I buried here!

Follow me!


Best of luck, master mahad.

I guess
it's just you and me now.

Come out, come out
wherever you are!

Let the festivities commence.

I have been waiting for you.

Let's duel!!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Sir, bakura's henchmen
are growing restless!

Of course they are.

Their master is trapped
in this cavern.

Yes as is
our own master.

Raise the tablet!

As soon as bakura's diabound
appears on this stone, we'll
know the deed is done.

That shadow creature
will be sealed for eternity!

Now in the name of our king let
us fight to protect the peace!

Long live the pharaoh!

Long live
the pharaoh!

You have dishonored
my king

And threatened
the safety of my people!

Now it is time for you
to pay the price!

Oh please.

You already
had your chance.

Now hand over
the millennium ring

And you'll make it home
with your soul intact!

I shall never hand it
to the likes of you!

In fact it is I
who shall see to it

That your soul is
the one sealed away!

Ha ha ha!

You couldn't even defeat me
with your six friends
at your side!

Yes, but now
I am more powerful
than you can imagine.

Long ago
I buried a mighty force
upon these grounds.

And now I've gained
it back!


Generations of egypt's
royal magicians

Were trained
in this very sanctuary

And it is here that
I locked away my true

Then let's see you
use it!

Ha ha!

Come forth...
Almighty diabound!

But that's not what
your creature looked like
in our last encounter!

As the darkness
within me grows,

My beast
continues to evolve!

My monster's strength
has also grown
since last we met!

Illusion magician,
come hither!

Let the showdown

Ha ha ha!

Well I suppose it's time
to duel, isn't it!?

Or as you say here
in egypt...

Both: diaha!

Now, mighty beast,
attack his magician!

Poison fang strike!

You'll have to do
better than that!

Now illusion magician,
it is time for you
to counter attack!

And next...
I shall gather up
my own magical energy.

And transfer it
to my magician,

Increasing his
attack strength!

How can a mere "spellcaster"
damage my diabound!?

I refuse to allow bakura
to thr*aten my people.

Even if it
means depleting
my own powers...

I must stop him...
In the name of
the pharaoh!

Oh no.

I sense great danger.

It's as if one of my sacred
guardians is in jeopardy.

Mahad's tablet shrine
is activating!

Could this mean he's engaging
his creatures in a shadow game!?



Donating your own energy to your
magician was quite foolish.

Sure your monster may be
a bit stronger...

However you've left yourself
somewhat vulnerable haven't you?


My loyal creatures
will protect me.

And together
we shall win!

Magician attack!


Strike his creature down
at once!

Now shadow ghoul!

Ambush attack!

So the virtuous mahad
fights dirty.

You're just upset
because my monsters
have the upper hand!

And now...
Illusion magician

Go shadow ghoul!

It's your turn!

No, my diabound!

One more time!

Ambush attack!


A valiant effort,

However you can't use
the same trick twice!

My ghoul!

It's gone!

And with it goes
a piece of you!



I am afraid
it's all over
for you bakura.

The shadow game
has ended

And your diabound
is no more.

Are you sure!?

And what's that I see
creeping up behind you!?

How did you do that?

Only my shadow ghoul
can pass through walls!

Oh, I must have forgotten
to mention this:

My diabound has
the unique ability

To inherit the powers
of every monster he
defeats in battle!

That cannot be!

It's true.

I guess you can say
I'm not the only one

With a knack
for stealing things!

Ha ha ha!

Tell me, mana...
Why have you come to
mahad's tablet shrine?

I know
it sounds weird...

But I had this
really bad dream

That master mahad
was in trouble
and needed help.

He was struggling pharaoh
and I could swear that
he was calling my name!

I wasn't sure
what else to do

And I thought maybe
if came to his sanctuary

I could help him
or something!

I believe I had
the same dream.


It's mahad's
illusion magician!

He must have called it
into battle!

Oh no!

But it lives
inside mahad's soul!

If he loses it,
then my master can't
exist in this world!

All good shadow games
must come to an end!

Not my magician!

Too late!


Ha ha ha!

We hafta save him!

Yes but how!?

Hey pharaoh!

You out there, man!?


Say it ain't so!

What's the problem

Dat's the problem!

A bad drawing
of a face?


I marked that door

So we'd know that we
already went down this path.

Good idea joey!

Yeah, who knew
you had it in ya!?

But if we
ever get outta here,
invest in an art class.

Shadi: good one.

Who asked you, "snotty!?"

It's shadi.

Alright break it up,
you two!

We have to
find the right door
and that's not helping!

We'll never find
dat door!!!!!

Not if we keep walkin'
in circles!

He's gotta point.

Joey: face it!

We're gonna be stuck
in dis place with dat ghost
in a bathrobe

For the rest
of our lives!

Tea: oh, way to keep
a positive attitude!

Shadi: for your information
it's a sacred cloak.

Joey : bathrobe...

The point is,
we're trapped!

Tea: and you're making
it worse!

Tristan: wait guys!

Check out yugi!



Maybe he found
the right door.

Well I can't be sure...

But I get the feeling
something on the other
side of this one.

Be careful dude.

Tea: yugi!



Is that you!?




what's he doin' here?

Heh heh heh!


I say we try
da next door!

Hey, is everyone okay?

You mean besides
the really bad sunburn?

It's gone.

Joey: well
it's a good thing,

'Cause I was about
ta fight fire wit fire!

You have now seen
the pharaoh's enemy
in his true form.

His true enemy?

You mean bakura?

Now that my diabound
has picked up
a few new tricks,

You may as well bid your
illusion magician farewell.

And once he's gone,
he'll be sealed in stone!

And you'll be sealed
in the shadow realm!


You can't deny
your destiny mahad.

What have you done to me!?

Is it not obvious?

This sanctuary is
home to several traps!

So I used my magic to
conceal them and let you
take care of the rest.

You'll never contain me!


Because by the looks
of you

It appears that
I already have!

Now to finish this.

It is over, my pharaoh.

Oh no!

Why thank you, mahad.

Be careful.

I hear this place contains
some traps.

Ha ha!

Pardon me!

But do you mind
if I cut in!?

Now for your magician!


Annihilate him with
your helical shockwave!!

Where can he be!?

We'll find him.

We just need a sign.

Like that!

Tell me...i seem to
have forgotten...

What lies
beyond those hills?

It's the spellcasters'
training grounds.

That's so weird!

Why would mahad
have gone there?

There's one way
to find out.

You poor fool.

It won't be long now.

Captain: stay back!

Yami-yugi: over here!

Where's mahad?

He's battling bakura,
my pharaoh.


Well he needs help!

Mana, we must send word
to the others!



Take this to the palace!

Now to deal
with these thugs.

Mana, get down.

Be careful.


Today you have
met your match!

Bakura: looks to me like
you could use some rest.

Why don't you and I
make a little deal?

It's simple.

Bring the millennium ring to me
and I'll spare you!

Stay and fight
and I'll see to it

That your soul is removed
from this world...permanently!

Karim: hurry!

Mahad needs us!

Why would he do this!?

He cannot defeat bakura alone!


I shall never
give in to you!


Have it your way.

It must be difficult
for someone like you

To understand

But I have taken a vow.

To protect my king.

Then you're a fool.

Well perhaps
in your eyes,

But I know my pharaoh
would do the same
thing for me.


Are you alright!?

Do not worry
about me.

Don't move!

No, my prince!

The future pharaoh
need not do this!

You were bit by a snake
and I'm getting
the poison out!

My pharaoh...
It is now time!

I shall finally
repay my debt!

What is going on!?

He has been separated
from his item!

I sense it!


The millennium ring
is mine!


You're treading down
a dangerous path.

Illusion magician!?

It can't be!

I've already
destroyed you!


What sort of
cheap magician's trick
are you playing on me!?

It is no trick!

I used
my remaining power

To merge together with
my illusion magician
and defeat you!



Finish him off with
your helical shockwave!

Dark magic attack!




Master mahad!

Can you hear me!?

Watch out!

My master!

Come back!

Oh no!

His soul is sealed
in that stone!

That means he lost!


But why?

Wait guys!

D'you feel that?


Feel what?
You alright?

The room just got cold.

And it's shaking.


What's this?

It's not fair!

It's mahad.

He's sealed.

My pharaoh.

I have made
the ultimate sacrifice.

Now I am able to become
your eternal servant.

Thank you.

That's so weird.

It just got warm
in here again.


That is because
this labyrinth

Is a reflection of
the pharaoh's heart.

The temperature
changes according
to his emotions.

As for you...
You must listen.

And if you do so
carefully enough
you will locate him.

Of course!

This whole time we thought
we had to knock on his door.

But what we really need to do
is wait for the pharaoh
to knock for us!

Sadi: yes.

But it not easy.

You must listen
with your heart.

Then let's do dis!

I bet if we all concentrate
at the same time

We'll be able to hear him
so let's stop yappin'
and start listenin'!


Thanks guys!

Hands in!

Joey: do we always have
to do the hand thing?

Joey, why don't you
take your own advice
and concentrate.

Sadi: she's right.

Close your eyes and listen.

The pharaoh cries out to you.


Yami-yugi: yugi.

You guys heard that,

It sounded like
the pharaoh.

You're right!

Then we must
be close!



Can you hear me?

Where are you?

Joey: I think
it's working!

What's going on!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh